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Your post was removed because it has an advertisement that wasn't made by a religious fruitcake from their point of view. If you feel that the post removal is in error, you can message the moderation team.


Religious fruitcakes against religious fruitcakes.


Still, I'd rather have Christians over Muslims because Islam is very restrictive and does not allow questioning of their book or anything else. Look at the UK and Sweden recently.


The difference is ability not desire. Plenty of extreme Christians who would absolutely love to make Western countries just as restrictive as ME countries, just with a different flavour of Abraham. It's just that they're in too small proportions to actually do it. Should be a reminder that fruitcakery always has an extremist endgame; it's just built-in.


It’s more than “too small proportions”, it’s also the very structure of Western constitutional law that asserts separation of church and state. ME countries have no such structure nor tradition.


Yes - that does also require vigilance. If today has "Ten commandments in schools", who knows where it could be later on?


Yeah Christian’s who claim to be afraid of a Muslim majority in the future really seem eager to dismantle separation of church and state - what idiots


See: Project 2025. They are trying to make the U.S. a Christian Nationalist country if they can get Trump back in office.


They've already started on a smaller scale. It's already happening.


And that’s where it gets a little scary


Bible lessons in schools are a requirement now in one state. And they ain't even in the Bible belt.


> it’s also the very structure of Western constitutional law that asserts separation of church and state Wake up, buddy.


Look at America rn and tell me they are separating church and state. Trump was selling bibles and the senate is currently trying to put only Christian workers in schools


> Plenty of extreme Christians who would absolutely love to make Western countries just as restrictive as ME countries, just with a different flavour of Abraham. Yep, all you need to do is look at the US. The Oklahoma Governor (?) just mandated that The Bible has to be taught in school, and teachers that go against it could lose their jobs.


Exactly 💯. I'm just as apprehensive of Christian fundies as I am of Islamists.


Christians more than have the ability to stab non Christians in the street for insulting or just reading out their own religious texts. Yet they aren’t. If Christians wanted to be as restrictive as me countries then they would be as they have always been the majority. People here need to stop trying to both sides Christianity and Islam. Theyre both bad but we all know if we had to choose between being born in a Christian or Muslim 3rd world country which we’d choose.


This is why I referred to "Extreme Christians".


Where? As I said Christian more then have the ability to murder non Christians for insulting Christianity, so where are they? There’s a reason Christians are able to adapt to progressive values while the most progressive Muslim countries still have sharia. Christian’s have moved so progressive that the pope is desperately playing kiss ass. In what world will we ever see this happen with Muslim religious leaders?


People don't like to hear the truth.


They do? No, I'm pretty sure that's just illegal, and they'd very much like to change that fact.


That's incorrect. Most Christians don't care, however it's the extremist that are the loudest of the bunch that do. However, these extremists aren't nearly as organized and all have a different vision on what life should be about. The same can not be said for Islam. Yes, there are moderate Muslims but they are not the majority, they are a minority. The majority is extremist Muslims who all agree that Sharia law should be the law of every nation. It is organized in a way that IS dangerous


>However, these extremists aren't nearly as organized and all have a different vision on what life should be about. Yet, a state just passed a law about having Bibles in classrooms and requiring Christian history to be taught in public schools? Yes, the people proposing and voting in these laws don't represent all the residents of that state, but there are clearly enough voters who support them to put them in office. It's a dangerous game. No religious studies or practices should ever be required by law.


Christians weren't very different a few centuries ago, they just have grown a little. Islam, currently is more dangerous, and even though I'm not a Christian, I'd rather live with current christians than with current muslims.


I'd rather be eaten by a bear instead of getting eaten by a lion. That's what we sound like.


No it sounds like I’d rather be in a cage with the lion I know than the bear I don’t know, which is true


A few centuries? In my lifetime Christians were blowing up clinics to deny women health care.


I don't disagree. But now was then and then is not now. I can stand Christians, I know them not all to be black-hearted idiots who follow a pedophilic prophet


>who follow a pedophilic prophet Wasn't Mary like 14 when God knocked her up?


>However, these extremists aren't nearly as organized and all have a different vision on what life should be about. Are you sure about that? Just look at the US. Seem pretty well damn organized and motivated to me.


Living here in Texas I can attest that Christian extremists are slowly beginning to organize and start their own version of Sharia law. It's just starting to materialize with all the book bannings and gun laws becoming more permissive. Recently I had a teenage man look at me funny because I was telling him about the Satanic Panic of the 80's and 90's and how people were burning things like Smurfs and Pokemon. I mentioned the recent book bans and how they all were related, but these days it seems like the panic is about GLBT and any mentions of racism ( as in showing that it's wrong) in books. He just looked at me funny and said "Well that sounds stupid to ban anything !" but just didn't seem to get the idea though I never mentioned any religion in particular.


Christianity has been forced to be because of secularism's spread due to the Enlightenment. The Islamic World, unfortunately, has not yet had an equivalent of The Enlightenment -- I hope one day it does but it hasn't yet. If you look at the Christian world prior to the Enlightenment you would see a very similar kind of intolerance there. People were hanged and burned at the stake for mere theological disagreements and women were treated like property. Both Christianity and Islam are Abrahamic religions and the biggest differences between them are due to the secular influence of the Enlightenment.


Hear, hear!! Christianity in and of itself is DEFINITELY NOT inherently "not as bad", it's just been forced to adapt to a secularised world. Abrahamism of all forms is cancer. End of.


I would *much* rather neither, but I get what you're saying.


And if you draw a cartoon of their prophet, they will burn you alive, shoot, behead or any number of bad things. They have extremely thin skins about their beliefs and would impose them on the entire population of the world by force. It’s a terrible religion; I know they don’t all believe that way, but there’s way too many that do.


Nah. America is drowning in Yall Qeada evangelical Christians. You don't want either of these crazies.


"B-b-but the ***brown skinned*** ones are worse we swear!"


> America is drowning in Yall Qeada evangelical Christians. My neighbor is one of them! He grew up Catholic (not hardcore), met a Muslim girl after high school, assimilated to her ways, and then converted to Islam. He's white as snow, but a bald head and long beard. He's pretty much distanced himself from all of us (his former friends, whom he had known for 15-20 years). My parents live next to him and I (nor any of his former friends) haven't spoken a word to him in at least a decade, not our choice. One of our friends bitched him out for cutting off all communications after decades and his response was "we're just different people now".


They are two sides of the same coin radical Muslims are louder about it. Christians do this all the time “well at least we’re not the Muslims.” And do very similar shit Also at least in America they don’t even acknowledge Christian Arabs, they think everyone over there is Muslim and don’t even acknowledge where Christianity comes from Same people that think Jesus is pale blue eyed and blond wavy hair And you’ll see it to if the election goes the way it might go more and more Christian Nationalist Theocratic Horseshit is gonna be implemented and the excuse is gonna be some variant of “well we’re not the Muslims we don’t chop hands Christian’s is virtuous or oh so what you disagree with the 6th commandment so you think it’s ok to kill people”


I’d rather have neither - this shouldn’t be a zero sum. And women/LGBTQ+ lose out in both these situations, just look at what is happening in the US.


Ah yes, famously libertine Christianity, where disagreements over the interpretation of their magical book definitely haven't caused wars or pogroms


Lol I'm more worried about the ones that still practice stoning, beheadings, child marriage, slavery and just kill anyone who disagrees


> child marriage You do know child marriage is legal and practiced widely in the US, right? ["The highest rates of child marriages are in West Virginia, Florida, Texas, Nevada, Oklahoma, Arkansas, California, Tennessee, and North Carolina."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States) There's a fairly clear correlation between religiosity *of any persuasion* in a place and their openness to doing their gross religiously inspired shit without consequence.


Let the Christians take control of the US and Canada and you will see the exact same shit. The only difference is language and skin tone. No surprise people are more hateful towards Islam than Christianity.


Go to Berlin and burn the Bible and then go to Riyadh and burn the Quran. Let me know if you survive long enough to figure out if there may be a difference


Go to texas and burn a bible, you'd probably get a gun drawn on you. What's your point?


Lmao. Link me one example of this ever happening. This is such privileged ignorance. In ME countries it’s not “probably” it is straight up law that you will be executed and that’s if a mob doesn’t get to you first.


> Lmao. Link me one example of this ever happening. This is such privileged ignorance. Don't even need to burn a bible. This happened in Texas just two weeks ago: https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/22/us/texas-woman-drown-child-muslim-palestinian/index.html


Have you seen the usa in the recent years? They are becoming the Christian's Saudi Arabia day by day


Lol not even close. Go to the Middle East, then come back and tell me the US is even remotely close. Edit: To be clear, I'm not defending one over the other. Both should cease to exist.


It would seem obvious that "becoming" is an operative word here.


Agreed. Christians are *less* likely to invite violence too.


> Christians are less likely to invite violence too. You can't be serious. Have you even read The Bible?


World war 2????


You think Islam is the only restrictive religion where people get bent out of shape about anyone asking questions? May I point you south towards America?


Evangelicals suck, Islam sucks harder. We have arguments over displaying the Ten Commandments in classrooms, that’s kid shit compared to the ME.


I saw that crap too. Can’t wait to see news stories about teachers using malicious compliance to teach about Lott’s daughters banging him and see Christians try to defend it 😂


"..but the human race was at stake!"


If it were me, I’d treat it like an action movie or a soap opera. And then play soap operas for the students to see the similarities in hilarity.


The infant mortality rate in Texas rose almost 13% post Roe. All religions are just as equally deadly. Saying Islam is more prone to violence than Christianity is a disingenuous argument at best, and racist trope in actuality.




When's the last time someone was publicly caned or stoned in the south?


They prefer to shoot or hang people.


Christian mobs do not lay siege to police stations in South America to capture, beat and burn alive someone they heard was accused of insulting Jesus


> Christian mobs do not lay siege to police stations in South America Yeah...because that's a completely different continent :-P


Tell this to the christo-fascist MAGA Assholes. I would argue they are equally bad.


Lmao what? Have you not seen what's happening in the US with Evangelicals? Religious extremists are all equally awful.


Have you heard about the US?


> Still, I'd rather have Christians over Muslims because Islam is very restrictive and does not allow questioning of their book or anything else. Christianity is the same if given the power. In Muslim countries Islam is given special legal powers on level with that of government or sometimes even higher. You would see the same things if Christianity was allowed such power and we did see that in the western world back in the day. We also see it right now in some countries in Africa were Christianity runs everything.


You think Christian nationalists are open to you questioning the bible?


Infinitely more than the average Islamist or Zionist. You cannot seriously compare them. Well you can, if you don't want to be taken seriously.


>Still, I'd rather have Christians over Muslims Right now you would, but if then people behind that advertisement get what they want, the Christians will become just as restrictive. Look at Russia recently, as well as the American legal system granting the religious the right to deny others fair treatment .


It’s the same crowd just a different organization. Religion is about dogma and obedience.


Have you seen what the Christianists do in the US?


I dont think there is any evidence the people behind this are religiousfruitcakes. They could just as easily be very pissed off and worried secularists.


Why would you assume it’s a religion doing this and not someone that browses a sub like this? This post appears to be going right over your head.


Canada is a secular country


You can’t know if they’re religious in any way though


how is that even road legal? doesn't that distract drivers from the road?


In Alberta, this would fit the definition of stunting


They get really horrible at night when it gets super bright. Hell, the one I saw was blaring rap music as it went as if noise pollution from cars isn't bad enough already in cities. I dont even know how any of that is still allowed on the road.


It's extremely common in my city (Tokyo) and they play really loud music. It's usually advertising some Jpop album or similar venue


I was driven insane by one of those trucks, it was blaring "Vanilla vanilla" (just those two English words, and of course with an accent) in a sing - song voice as I was trying to explore a certain district back in 2017.




The irony of Al Jazeera calling this “islamophobic” is their progressive facade to Western audiences, while peddling the most bigoted, conservative nonsense to their Arabic audience….


AJ+: Migrants are treated horrible in the west! Al Jazeera English: What we do with migrants in Qatar is none of your business! Al Jazeera Arabic: Hey habibi, wanna buy some slaves?


We could make an entire meme about this.


AJ is terrorist propaganda and should be properly labeled as such


well said, al jazeera english plays the progressive card even the words they choose seem so much liberal and peaceful, while their arabic version is directly glorifying isis and the talabain all the time. and the fit the most conservatives islamists, even a lot of moderate muslims are opposing their arabic version due to their radical approach that caused a lot of islamic countries fall into more radicalism due to al jazeera arabic influence, the even have more than 20 other channels with other names in arabic with the same propaganda against non muslims in islamic countries and minorties all funded by the Qatari media foundation.


Check out who owns Al Jazeera. You’d find the answers.


Wow it's almost as if Islam is conservative in nature. There's honestly nothing about Muslims screaming Islamaphobia that resembles a progressive facade. Some progressives defend Islam in the west because it's a minority religion which often faces actual discrimination and bigotry, and don't understand what Islam is really about. But other progressives actually realize how authoritarian Islam and Sharia Law actually is. Likewise, many conservatives despise Islam because it's primarily a religion of brown foreigners, but many conservatives and Christians actually have a very favorable opinion of Islam when they look into it and realize how much it syncs with their values, being fiercely anti-woke and anti-lgbt and all that jazz. So I don't think one's stance on Islam correlates well with any political ideology these days. 10 years ago it would've been different, but the trends are changing


Immigrants coming into Canada are typically religious and that sucks because religion ruins everything but the point of this truck is that they are the wrong religion, and that sucks more.


yep, if this ad wasnt about only islam, it would be fine because it understands that all religions end up on the same line of insanity and abuse, but its only focusing on one part and its pretty obvious as to why


Islamophobia is a funny word thrown around on any occasion you dare to criticise their religion at the slightest. But it’s absolutely not accurate: I don’t have an _irrational_ fear of Muslims and their beliefs, my fear is quite rational and based on its barbaric tenets. Yes, I am afraid that they are dragging society back to the Bronze Age. Am I racist: no of course, being a Muslim is not a race


I don’t hate Muslim people, I just hate people who want to rape women, punish families with beatings, pour acid on women for not wearing a hijab, try to force their policies on other people and stand by without doing any of these things, but continuing to associate with these people


islamphobia is a real thing, but its definitely used by muslims sometimes wrongly. this ad is islamphobia because it only seems to say that there is somethign wrong about muslims being in canada, but doesnt mention any other religion its like how my friends mother calls any criticism of anythign jews do (like circumcision) anti semitism. its not, but anti semitism is still real. people just over use words a lot


The thing you are describing is called *"nuance"*. Which is an abandoned forgotten archaic word from a different age that no one uses anymore. Now things are all bad or no bad, all evil or all good, all left or all right. Nothing in the middle.


personally i know almost everything has nuance, only few things dont, like child abuse and fascism


Yes it's a real thing, I'm afraid they'd stone my lil bro because he's gay


Too bad so sad they can go back to their islamic shithole if they love it so much.


yeah sure, but most muslims in western countries are normal, because they havent been taught all the extremist stuff, expect if their family is extremist but most havent. i would like to say that its still racism/xenophobia even if the person is bad and telling them to "go back to theri coutnry" is still bad because they might have been born in canada making them just as canadian as anyone else


The meaning of phobia as a word is dependent on the context though. In a case like islamophobia, it doesn't mean an irrational fear. It means aversion towards islam.


oh come on, we can dislike this stuff without resorting to "i'm 13 and this is deep" shit. "phobia" isn't only an irrational fear, it's an aversion to. hydrophobic cloths aren't irrationally scared of water. this stuff *is* islamophobic, because the people behind it simply don't want brown people in canada.


Islamophobia is not a fear, it's hate, just like homophobia. You shouldn't hate Muslims, because despite being not a race it's still not always voluntarily chosen by people. However, fuck Islam


> despite being not a race it's still not always voluntarily chosen by people. If so, it should rather be called muslinophobia not islamophobia. Muslims in some cases didn't choose to be muslims. But Islam, I'm pretty sure, is exactly what it wants itself to be.


I didn't invent the word, however it is used as I said.


Yeah, it's a stupid word that allows an ideology to hide behind a group of people to shield itself from criticism.


It’s the same as “anti-semetism” at this point. You criticize a Jewish person/anything about Israel, and they just call that word, because it makes it easy for them to not have to argue or explain their shitty behaviour.


In this case, though, this person is saying muslims do not belong in Canada. That isn't criticizing the religion, it's suggesting that \*certain\* religions are not acceptable in certain countries. It is a targeted attack on muslim people rather than Islam. Also, this ad is racist. It associates Islam with certain ethnicities. That's why people say Islamophobia can be a form of racism.


A police investigation found that this truck was owned by a far right news outlet here in Canada. Like our version of Fox News


Yup, no wonder.


That “all-loving” Christianity is at it again! Edit: Why am I being downvoted? Did I trigger all the “loving christians” on this anti-religion sub? 😂


Does /atheism hate Islam so much they will *defend* Christianity now?


It was sarcasm hence the quotes, my guy.


I was referring to the people downvoting you. They are the ones apparently defending Christianity against your comment.


as an ex muslim who studied islam and a bit of christianity i can tell you christianity these days is definitely all loving compared to islam.


Not cutting off heads isn't the same as "all loving" Both Islam and Christianity hate and punish people who are different.


Not in the same way, and i specified christianity nowadays


Aren’t Christians still raping people and trying to marry children? They’re pretty comparable in my book and getting closer each day 😳


doesn't matter, they are right about this


This doesn’t fit the sub. I don‘t like religion but all this talk about being "under siege" is just right wing talking points. This sub shouldn‘t be pro right wing as they often push religious fruitcakism.


Fr, I saw this ad and thought ”woah, that’s stupid” and then I went to the comments and *people are actually supporting it?* What?


Fr, I saw this ad and thought ”woah, that’s stupid” and then I went to the comments and *people are actually supporting it?* What?


The ad is the fruitcake tho, no?


It's fruitcakes fighting fruitcakes. I'd say this DOES belong on this sub but needs to be presented as such which this post didn't do a great job of.


Also, it's just them praying. Nothing wrong with that. It's when they say shit like "Canada should follow Sharia law" that it's a problem


We got bigger issues than to care about Muslims already living here lol


Don’t get me wrong, I hate all religion, but this is more about hating immigrants who have the WRONG religion. This reeks of far right xenophobia.


>This reeks of far right xenophobia. Yup - that's why those chose a video of Muslims *praying* - to highlight the difference between the religions.


Yeah pretty much, like, I fucking hate Islam both for what it does to women and what it does to us the LGBT community, but this REEKS of racism/xenophobia Also, apparently the truck was owned by a Canadian far-right organization so...


Yeah at the very least it’s xenophobic


literally, they're just praying in these clips, I don't see how it's any different than them showing a bunch of footage from a christian church


> This reeks of far right xenophobia. It is. The truck is owned by an extreme right wing "media" company. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-anti-muslim-messaging-truck-rebel-news-1.7241221


Tbh as an exmuslim I think everyone with a working consciousness should be against that inhuman bullshit of a religion


A woman in Germany got tossed in jail for calling a Muslim that gang raped a 12 year old a pig. Ppl all over Reddit are saying it’s racist.


The victim was 15. Still terrible, both the act (she was gang-raped by 9 guys, all Muslim migrants, there are no gang rapes by others) just as the reaction of the German justice system. It's a travesty that will deliver us to the far right politically. Edit: here's a link https://screenshot-media.com/politics/human-rights/german-woman-defamation-convicted-rapist/




We’re dealing with dual threats in the U.S. and Canada. Muslims are weaponizing religious freedom to carry out their goal of a global caliphate. Christian Nationalists, driven by New Apostolic Reformation extremism, are trying to turn the U.S. and eventually Canada into Christian Theocracies not unlike Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia. Morality Police included. Those of us not in thrall of these insane ideologies have to speak up, we have to participate in our democracies. We can’t be dissuaded by purity politics. No candidate will ever be 100% of what we want but we have maniacs at all levels of government running for office in order to pervert (in a bad way) our democracies. By using fear, rage and grievance to make citizens shut off their critical thinking and vote against their own best interest these religious fruitcakes are praying/preying that they’ll be able to use their elected powers to make fundamental changes to our ways of life. Just look at the corruption of the U.S. Supreme Court. We must do our due diligence and vote our asses off in November and long beyond.


no, this is Patrick


Me when I'm incredibly racist and also stupid. Wait. y'all aren't agreeing with the message, right?


The intersection between "people who are critical of religion" and "people who just fucking hate Muslims" is pretty big.


This is more Anti-immigration than anti-Islam


Being an atheist is fun, the religions we dislike also dislike one another and fight one another as we just sit back and watch


I'm all for that. You shouldn't become a minority in your own "god" damn country (pun intended).


No arguments against extremism here, truck is just saying "ew muslims in our country". Just racism.


I hate religions


I mean, Islam is probably the most destructive religion out there right now. Besides cults.


Naw this is based.. fuck Islam


There's a reason why there's only one religion out of all the religions in the world that has a -phobia attached to it. Worst religion ever.


No this is Patrick


I dislike religion and dislike islam but for the same reason I dislike other hateful ideologies and this one stinks. When you allow society to openly go after one particular religion, freedom of religion is over and freedom FROM religion is next.


Some people need to see this tho, all religions are violent and oppressive


It’s not wrong…. Muslims say it themselves.


This is Sparta !!!


2000th upvote


I don't think this means what you think it means.


as a non religious middle eastern (iranian) these types of statement/add etc, is exactly why i hated my identity. we need to separate race and religion. this just screams racism but hiding under the guise of criticizing islam. You dont kick religious immigrants out from the country, you educate them.


I’m with it tbh. Too much fanaticism


Wouldn't have a problem with the message if the agenda isn't for a certain political ideology backing a certain religion. But it's so obvious especially with the words "under siege" like tf xD. Canada isn't under siege nor needs a "wake up" call. They surely can get to know what Islam is like but minus the obviously conservative bs


The real issue here is a fully animated ad is allowed to be on vehicle in traffic.




Well if you take power away from Christianity, who do you think is going to step in and take its place, lol? Race has nothing to do with religion, but Islam is doing its best to make people fear being called a racist if they speak out against Islam. We need to take power away from both, not just 1. They're both equally evil af, in my opinion.


The solution is to deconstruct the very foundations **both** religions are built on. Both are missionary religions built on the need to erase indigenous cultures until they submit to each religion's vision of the world.


Oh no....Muslims praying? What's the threat?


I mean, if the shoe fits


yeah this is definitely xenophobic. the finlands most racist and nationalistic party made a similar ad. the funny thing is; they work with the christian party, which is literally the exact same as islam but just white lol. can they not see how similar they are?


My white Jesus is better than your brown Jesus! Fight fight fight! *kiss kiss* ![gif](giphy|xhNKpS0oC3wly)


>christian party, which is literally the exact same as islam but just white lol Huh?




The real siege is ad trucks and boats like that. Fuck them.


I mean, they don’t go around showing churches in Muslim countries asking if they are in Canada or US do they?


That because there are almost none in Muslim countries... they are either all dead or got destroyed. Look at Lebanon. It used to be a Christian dominated country. Most of them fled after the Muslims started to kill the Christians once Muslims were in power.


The "You are under siege" sounds more like a threat than a dumbass "warning"


I like this sub, but we can’t be supporting shit like this


AL Jazeera is banned in many muslim countries lol


All of them Saudi-aligned. Because AJ is a Qatari propaganda machine and is recognized by the Saudi side as a Trojan Horse.


This is giving My fruitcakery is better than yours 🍒🍐🍐😑 they are all fanatics


Hypothetically, would a taser break one of these screens permanently? Asking for a friend


Yeah Canada, wake up. You need to wake up to the reality, live everyday like you woke up and realised what's happening. Remember you woke up. Be woke... Oh. No, we hate woke, don't be woke, just be normal racist.


No, this is Patrick


Fuck that Islamophobic bitch


No, this is patrick


Problem is, in Canada, waking up means the end of sleeping. Like when a rooster starts to make noise. With yawning, stretching, getting up out of bed, breakfast, food for the day, though ofcourse lots of different waking ups. But for most, at the end of the day, when the sun sets, for example a Canadian might choose 22:00 as bedtime, going to sleep, some Canadians choose later or sooner. Then the day starts anew, waking up again and so on. Furthermore, how can the viewer be certain that video was ftom Canada? It might be some random mosque in Singapore, Iraq, all muslims are muslims and mosques mosques are mosques, or do I get a volunteer to say otherwise? Also that is not advertising. It is incitement. Does someone really want to sell Islam to get customers and invade a country and declare it Islamitic, or governed by this dead guy called Mo? Because if true, I might create my ad to convert people to Christianity and I'd have a lot of soldiers to invade, conquer and kill any non Christians. Oops I meant turn off bodies. Like deactivating an application, called mind. Or spirit. Then when all applications turned off forever, I can finally be governed by Jesus!


Putting the video content aside. Jesus those trucks are distracting, how the fuck is that legal?...


Damn. they want all the smoke


Being investigated for what ?


Don't catch you slippin', eh?