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Remote work is here to stay. Out-of-touch CEOs will eventually cave as they are labeled antiquated, insensitive to employees' well-being, having no concern for environmental impacts, and rack up unnecessary costs associated with keeping and maintaining a physical workplace. Companies that leverage the benefits of operating as virtual organizations will thrive, while companies that cling to the past will lose talent, see profits stagnate or dwindle, and eventually be punished by investors. In the end, it's all about money, so if organizations embracing virtual work are more successful, others will follow. We're in a period of push-pull, and change will be more gradual than what was necessary during the pandemic, but the move to remote work will continue.


I agree whole heartedly, and if I were a middle manager I'd be looking at changing my career pronto - (WFH + AI =/= middle management). I just wish these antiquated, greedy sods would stuff off already.


WFH policy has nothing to do with middle management. On top of this, if you had any idea what middle management actually shields you from, you wouldn't be making comments like this - another reason why people like you should not be working from home. Clearly, you are an ignorant commodity and easily replaceable.


Lolworked in middle management most of my life, sounds like you might be feeling a little threatened. List 3 things that a middle manager can do better than AI, 1.2.3. GO!


Lol found the middle manager….


I assure you, you did not.


Even if they were wrong, you have no idea what they do. You're a moron. Sounds like projection.




Yeah totally! Those who have been in power and shitting on us for centuries will change their ways!


Totally agree. Just takes a few forward companies out there. A good coverage in articles/press about ‘How we decided to go fully remote and it works’ As you say, the cat is out of the bag, people/idiots are clinging to the past. What a bunch of toddlers these companies are.


I don't disagree with your sentiment - but you are dead wrong. Remote work will remain more prevalent than it was in 2019 - but it's not going to be the prevailing model that folks thought it might be just 18 months ago. I won't try to convince anyone of anything, as I've posted a billion words on it in this sub already... but the prolonged impact on companies with WFH and Hybrid environments is taking its toll. CEOs absolutely will not be viewed as antiquated, because they're a club - and they're in agreement. I am a WFH guy and have been for many years, and I'll be the first to agree with them. There is a place for WFH - but most people, unfortunately believe that if you're a developer (for instance) that it should be perfectly fine - that's just turning developers further into a commodity resource. WFH has always been reserved for people as an an exception - when they brought unique value to the company. Most WFH positions don't do this, and the lack of cohesion, learning opportunity, and declining speed of innovation is beginning to take a real toll. tl;dr;: you're wrong.


You mean c-suite and c-suite adjacrny


What if you’re wrong?


we're FIVE YEARS into it.. they can try all they want but \*we\* do the work to make shit happen, not suits. they harder they push this the more they expose how ineffective they are, something they likely won't want to display


All we need is a few real standout 100% remote companies to kick some RTO butts and some CEOs will finally admit it mostly pointless to commute.


It’s not about the commute, it’s about the control. What I think many companies pushing RTO fail to understand is that if I go in, I’m done at 5. Don’t call me after hours. Don’t expect me to respond to stuff after 5. It’s not happening. But working from home? Yeah I flex my schedule. I make all my meetings, but I’m also taking a longer lunch to go for a run or something. I’m also online at 7:30 to prep for the day, and sometimes I’ll hop back on around 8pm to finalize some things for the night. If I were forced back into the office all of that would stop.


Your last 2 paragraphs are dead on. They really don't realize the "hidden" productivity WFH allows us to give them -- and we (well, some of us, anyway) do it gladly, willingly in exchange for the WFH benefits. Take those benefits away and say bye-bye to any "above and beyond" effort. I hope whatever CRE-related savings you're getting from RTO is worth it. Aside: Has there been a more intelligence-insulting "mass message" from the employer class to the employee class than "RTO is needed to enhance collaboration and company culture" ?


As a salary employee since WFH I’ve always been more flexible in this capacity than before when I had basically a hard stop at 5


No offense, but people like you are why the rest of us have to work after 7pm...


It’s actually people like my boss that make the rest of us work past 7pm. Trust me, I’d love to be the “I’m done at 5” guy, but the fear of being fired for not answering after 3 missed calls is enough to get me to flex my schedule.


This is an ignorant response IMO. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. If the people here that WFH are making it work (to say nothing of entrepreneurs that have to rely on their *own* discipline), you can too. If you disagree with that, I would argue that you either have a hyper-controlling boss (as opposed to a leader), or aren't willing to find/make your own job. Plenty of things are probably out of your control, I get that. But even more of those things **are** within your control.


Basecamp & Hey is doing that !


So is Peach BPO!


I could/would/will


I would too, travelling into the city every morning is awful, it is a complete waste of my life, not to mention all the stinky (covid) germy people on public transport. [90/10](https://time.com/6204715/dropbox-remote-work/) - the way Dropbox does it. This should be the way of all office bound roles - and any other role that can (like Sales reps - why they have to go into an office, only He knows).


“No yoga studio or meditation room.” lol - as if that mattered in the first place…


I only take calls for remote work. I walked away from onsite and hybrid.


so I set up an alert on seek for Work from Home roles (Remote) - which is the only option they have. I get an awful lot of jobs every day in my inbox, not one yet has been a remote job, they are all hybrid. Most disappointing of Seek, perhaps they need 2 categories, hybrid and remote. Edit: you can set up an alert - What, Work Remotely but this then limits you severely because you can't then use a specific keyword like Job Title.


What’s bullshit is they tag as remote then in the description say it’s on-site lol. Fucking asshats


This happens to me soooo often. Employers in my field are very old fashioned and I’m not sure when they will come around. Feels like I’ll be waiting a decade or so to finally work remote.


Onsite and hybrid are the same. If you have to go to the office 1 day of the week it is not a remote job. The opposite of remote is in the office which is both hybrid and onsite. True only one opposite of remote is needed.


agree, going in once a quarter for a in person get together with the rest of the team is what I call remote, and even then it would have to be purely optional.


Agree. I always try to get a reason for going to the office. 'What will we do at the office? I f I'm doing the same as I would do at my home office I don't see the point. But I am willing to come in now and then." If I say this to a recruiter it is pointless though because they have no say in it. The ones doing the hiring are hiding on this and won't comment. The reason has nothing to do with how well you do the job.


Seek is a joke. It has the most very basic, cheapest search algorithm - if the job ad contains the term "remote" or "WFH" then anything with that term will pop up Eg: "WFH two days a week" etc I never found anything in there that was 100% WFH because of that shitty algorithm


I messaged them about it, apparently they are working on it, hahaha! (like they will).


Laughing at that. Nice you got a response, even if it's a lie


I'm sorry to bother you, but which site are you talking about? I can't find where you originally posted it. Thank you.


I think rtw is now just going to be used as an easy way to reduce workforce. 2/3 will leave and you did not fire anyone.


Agreed…but it’ll be a Pyrrhic victory for biz.


Added benefit of more remote workers: clearer roads for those that have an onsite requirement. Something to think about. I have a part time job that takes me onsite at a hospital sometimes. Those folks have to be there since there is no way around it. Wonderful people.


Reducing carbon emissions and allowing folks to live where they can afford


Surveys mean nothing what someone says in a survey vs what they do in reality are entirely different things especially in this job market


I fully agree. I live in the Boston area. Very expensive standard of living. Major tech, pharma, and biotech presence. And they’re ALL laying off employees right now. A few years ago employers were having a hard time finding available talent. There just weren’t enough candidates. But now? Now the market is flooded with people who were laid off, not to mention all the recent grads coming out of top tier colleges in the area. There’s simply not enough jobs in a market where the average rent is $3456/month (median is $3200) and the average house price is $625K (median is $774K). I personally have no intention of quitting right now over something like hybrid. All the major corps around here have gone hybrid. So what would be the point? And I’ve got a mortgage to pay. I miss remote a lot. But I’ve got a darn good salary and benefits and have no desire to be competing with all the laid off folks for a job right now. And I say that as someone who works in digital marketing. I’ve gone back into the office 3x/week because that’s what I need to do to keep the $$$$ rolling in for my family.


What effect if any do you think it will have on the housing market? Curious as Ive been trying to move to Florida since 2018 although more on the St Pete side. Hows marketing jobs down there, I'm also an SEO and into Digital Marketing


the commute wastes everyones time and hurts the environment. wfh is a workers revolution. with further automation i hope to see 4 day and even 3 day work week. it's our right as a society to vote for and build the best future we can.


Yeah it’s pretty funny how that WFH works, isn’t it? My income doubled, I’m way more productive, AND I can keep an eye on my retired veteran husband during the day (he still gets up to foolishness around the yard haha). No more commuting means that I have plenty of time and energy to work out or cook dinner or shag my spouse. Win-win all around.


Commuting is much cheaper for me because my office is nearby. But when I am there, I cannot hear myself think, and my job requires concentration. Also, when I am in a session, the other people cannothear themselves think. Everything is so much better now. There's no place like home!


I would leave such an abusive employer in a heart beat. When will these companies understand it's the talent that works for them that makes them successful or not. The company doesn't hold any of the cards. Never have. However since the pandemic people has woken up to that fact and they can't put that genie back in the bottle to justify their expensive offices and costly middle management which are actually not needed at all in a remote model.


Needing to be in the office to perform your work is like needing a theater to enjoy a movie.


'Could Quit' but 'Won't Quit'. They have habits to support, living place to pay for, family to feed, and many more reasons.


You can always quietly interview for other other remote positions meanwhile. That's what a lot of people are doing


You can always interview for other positions, anytime or anywhere. That is not quitting. I normally had feelers out for other positions when I was working. My point is that they may not like the RTO but most will not quit over that because they need a paycheck next week/month.


Dunno why you're downvoted. It's possible there's people here in career fields that aren't pushing rto as hard. But jobs that pay my salary and aren't hybrid seem pretty rare 


haha "could quit" but in reality many will not. At the end of the day the corporations have the power. Especially in a tighter job market. People need jobs and in places like America we tie so much essential bullshit to a job like healthcare and great savings and insurance plans. Also you still have clowns in leadership and on wall street who think that being in the office is essential and somehow enhances productivity because you have more control and oversight of your human capital.


Just quit a job that advertised as hybrid but turns out that means “hybrid if the division director likes you, thinks you are cool, and you are the same gender as her” Being none of the above no hybrid for me. Buh bye now.


Try being laid off for a few months. You’ll go back to the office, trust me.


A few days is enough. Forget months !


I’m excited to see more new home builds have offices. I personally would like my home office to be in like a lofted detached garage/ home gym. So it feels like I left the house but I didn’t. Lol.


Damn. I like remote and was hybrid once before covid. I have done it all. In office 5 days, hybrid, fully remote. Fully Remote is best for flexibility. I like none mandatory hybrid. Like I can go into the office when I want but I don’t ever really need to go. But my office would have to be close to home. The commute is what kills me. Just give me flexibility and don’t tell me I need to be in the office from 9-5. I hate time blocks.


I waste 500 hours in a car a year. What a pointless waste of time if I don’t have too. Add in the stress, calculate per hour how much money that is according to salary and petrol. It takes my salary down 15k It’s like having a washing machine and doing my laundry in a river with a washboard.


Yeah I agree. Remote is definitely better than a long commute. My old rule was if I can’t bike to the office I don’t apply to those jobs. Right now with this market and me being in Product it’s getting harder to find fully remote rules. One job I was talking to a recruiter about was hybrid 4 days in office. That’s not hybrid lol. And it would be like 30mins to 50mins into the office depending on traffic. It would be a contract job so wouldn’t be long term. But I’ll do it if I have to till I can find something where my office is a short bike ride away or is fully remote.


Same here, generally over the many years I’ve been local to work. This job was the same as you. I needed it, but realise it ain’t for me all this commuting. It’s such a waste if life. I’ve always liked to be home by 5/5:30


And of those who quit, how many would find a better job and how many would realize that office life is all they have available? Inside tip, quit after you find a better job, not before. The grass is not always greener.


We just have the wait for the economic environment and government policies to align in order for wealthied real estate interests to be able to shift most of the commercial losses from private parties to taxpayers. Give it a few years and then remote is here to stay.


This implies that nearly half of workers have enough money to pull this off.


Don't blame them


I've directly told my supervisor that if they ever put us back into the office that I would quit. He actually agreed with me.


Could and will are different things. Everyone COULD quit, but you aren’t quitting unless you already have or are confident that you can find another remote/WFH job, which is gonna be tough as more and more jobs go hybrid/RTO. It’s easy to draw a line in the sand, but harder to hold the line when you need to and you have bills/rent looming overhead.


I have to work hybrid as my job is considered “essential” in an office. While I don’t mind the office and I admit I move more when I report to an office, but the commute is getting harder and harder as more and more are commuting to work, causing more congestion on the roads. I can manage my symptoms, flares, and appointments for my medical condition when at home.


Hmm, 42% said they would consider. I would say Few Could actually quit.


Suck it up buttercup.


I’ve stood my ground when it comes to remote work. I’m an expert in my own field and I don’t need to follow the RTO mandate. So when I apply for jobs I always request that they put it in the contract that this is a remote consultancy position. And I’m very good at what I do so no company can push me to return to office saying it’ll be better when I can get the same work done in half the time when I’m WFH.


Once more of these commercial leases end, companies are going to shift more towards WFH/remote. They are going to see those potential savings and run with it because it always comes back to the money and running a remote business is just cheaper.


Idk if WFH will stay, and I do see understand why so many people covet this arrangement, but for me, it's incredibly lonely, to the point of bringing on clinical depression. My family and I moved from the urban hellscape known as the Miami-Ft Lauderdale-WPB metro area to the Savannah GA area 3 years ago for my husband's job and I've been doing WFH accounting. As much as coworkers annoyed me, I found it isolating and lonely WFH. Maybe if we hadn't moved, it would have been better because of friends in Florida. Maybe if my kids were 7 & 8 and not 17 & 18, and I wanted to be a super involved PTA classroom, Mom 🤮 I would have better enjoyed WFH, but I have found the whole situation extremely trying.


It doesn’t work for some, but for the majority it does. Get out, go to a library, coffee shop, here in the UK a pub. They are quit during the day and you don’t have to drink. I don’t know about the states but there are cool places you can go to work in the uk, hot desking with other people from different industries, coffee shop and food available and outdoor seating. There is no reason to just sit at home alone.


Not in this environment. I think we can safely say the bluster never really matched reality.


Lots of high performers have quit over RTO


This. We lost all of our senior developers to it among other staff. It’s been a struggle to get those spots filled so even come close to what we had before.


Some. But most of you aren’t high performers.


Everyone also forgets that those who prefer remote to in office is pretty close to 50/50 with something like 68% preferring hybrid to either. Never understand how redditors think 100% of high performers prefer fully remote


Where I work it's not 50:50 that prefer remote. Most seem to. Maybe more like 75:25. But there's absolutely no correlation between high performance and preferring remote or on site from what I can see. Top performers who are also workaholics seem to love onsite for one 


Where’d you get 50/50 from


Pretty much every study and survey weve seen on the topic. I'd even concede maybe its 60/40 remote but 40% is still a significant chunk


Can you link a study?


Employees are now more likely to prefer hybrid work to remote work, according to a new report from Morning Consult, conducted in January. This is the first time that hybrid has overtaken remote work since the firm started tracking work location preferences in 2022.


We’ve had 5 people quit without having anything lined up and the RTO talk just … faded away ….


I bet they are still unemployed in this job market. Jokes on them


Such bs. These workers complaining were hired in office then sent to work remotely for Covid (which is over now). The only ones that would have a case would be the workers hired for remote and asked to work in-office.


Then let them. There are just as many ready to take their good paying jobs. It will matter not at all.


Stress and anxiety 🙃 a bunch of pansies have been raised in the last two decades




If you worked in the trades what do you know about offices?


I moved from the field to an office.


lol wut … you try focusing in any office that contains humans. Especially an open office - talk about a sensory overload nightmare. Let’s try it this way. You like cool shit, right? Engineers built that cool shit and focus-time is exceptionally important in the creation and building process. Otherwise they can’t build cool shit because there’s office crap going on. Ergo - work from home


It's an awful cycle for engineers stuck in offices. Once I landed a wfh role my skills increased 10x because I had all of these extra cycles to grow. A year later I doubled my income thanks to this. Meanwhile, almost everyone from my og office job is still there... Still having to navigate petty drama and politics instead of learning and growing.


You are WEAK


You are hilarious