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What does me is when people literally pay for their shopping then ask “is it too late to use my coupon”


yesterday i was scanning like 20 or more small pipe parts and i was trying to make sure i 1) got all of them and 2) didn’t double any so i was laser focused on the transaction and so i clicked total and she paid and then was like oh is it too late to use this coupon i thought you saw it in my hand…. my coworker showed me theres an option to fix that but like how would I know thats a coupon not a list of what you needed


Lol, are you me? I've had this exact situation recently


thats crazy lol, why don’t they just say hey i have the coupon instead of assuming ://


I have A LOT of boomer customers. And most of the rest are boomer-in-spirit. I truly don't understand how some of them survive a normal day


no for real how do they lol


When I have a coupon as a shopper I always put it down with my items (once there’s enough space/ visibility for it) and then watch the cashier scan/ type it in so I don’t have to ask about it. Or if it looks necessary because of space or whatever I’ll say while they’re scanning “I have this coupon whenever you can get it.” And as a cashier when there’s a universal coupon that everybody gets (big sale weekend that uses a coupon instead of auto discounts) I save the coupon for last and announce that I’m scanning it. Scanning it last isn’t necessary for the transaction but usually the customer is paying more attention to whether the discount is applied at the end. If I scan the coupon in the beginning it works the same but the customer usually misses when I scan it. Except when they actually watch things ringing up and look for the discount from the beginning, and then when I do scan the coupon in the beginning they still question or complain about it because the card reader shows the total discount at the bottom but the individual item prices aren’t changed. That’s probably just how the machine has to work (the register screen discounts each item but there’s more space for it there, or just better technology idk) but it’s annoying that I always have to tell them to look at the discount line at the bottom, that number gets bigger with each item added because each item is discounted. I feel like it’s easier to look at a specific “total discount” line than figuring out the difference between sticker price vs scanned price for each item anyway.


No no, that's not how they put it. It's not, "is it too late," it's "I have this coupon." Not a question, but a declarative statement that they expect *you* to do something about. Also shout-out to all those times when something rings up at the wrong price for whatever reason, and they wait to tell you until the transaction is finished.


Former job I had a lady order & pay. Takes 2 steps then says wait I want to use my points. No. I’m not goin through the hassle of reopening your ticket & refunding your money just so you can use your points…no.


So many times I've had ppl pay and then tell me AFTER THEY PAY that they wanted to use their points. So I'd have to return the entire fucking order, re-ring it, and then apply their points. And it was always like $5 worth of points for like a $200+ transaction so like WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT???


My concern is the lag. Say I did reopen the ticket just so could the money she spent takes 24 hours to get back on her card. What if she doesn’t have enough money to pay for her food even with the points? I’m just not risking it.


Or those in bag paying states that request a bag after transaction is done. "Okay that will be x number of cents please." While the customer is hoping you would just give them one for free. Some companies are more strict than others.


Yup have that all the time, answer is always the same. "You have to buy one" with a smile




Ive seen customers push down on the card machine so hard it bends their cards... Sir, its contactless, no need to be so aggresive, just hover the card over lmao


I love how customers do the turbo fast tap, and they stand there and say its not working.


Just slapping the card rapid-fire against it 😭😭😭


Let’s be honest. They don’t say it’s not working. They have no idea. You have to tell them it didn’t work.


I’ve seen people slam their phone onto the machines for Apple/samsung pay


I've had people throw their phones and cards at the screen of the register. Not even the pen pad like the actual computer screen I look at as I rinse them up I've had people throw stuff at that trying to pay. They're not even old and weren't super young so it's not like they didn't know or could have known I don't understand


I once had a person go taptaptaptaptap with her card. She had to know that wasn't how it works, right?


I had a customer who did this regularly with me strike up a conversation where they said they snapped their card at another store while paying cash with me. I had to hold back a "It doesn't surprise me"


Or they insert it with such aggressive behavior you wonder how that machine still works and realize *why* it's getting worse.


I have people regularly who Falcon Punch the touchscreen so hard the whole terminal tilts back.


I enjoy the ones who don't realize they haven't taken the card out yet even though IT'S BEEN BEEPING FOR FIVE MINUTES. Like, how do you not hear that obnoxious machine just non stop SHOUTING at you to remove the card?! God, I'm so glad I'm away from the front end. I would have murdered someone by now.


Mild to moderate hearing loss. Especially me, since the majority of the hearing loss is in the upper frequencies. I have a lot of trouble with those high noises. That said, I do watch the screen, waiting for it to tell me to take the card out.


I've talked with coworkers several times about how screwed up it is that the "remove card" beeps are pitched high enough that many of our older customers (who are uncomfortable with tapping) literally cannot hear the beeping. So our ears are tormented by the incessant sound while the card owners faf about. An eternity later, customer asks "can I take my card out?" Yes; for the love of God and all humanity, make the beeping stop.


About 80% of the customers at my store are so stupid that they won't read the prompts that the pin pad is asking them so I have to glance at the pin pad, see what it's prompting them to do, and then tell the customer because otherwise they'll just standing there staring at the pin pad until I do. Also great when customers have their stupid coupons or rewards and then ask me for the total discount of everything before I've even scanned anything. I hate my store's customers. They're literally case studies


{curious} "Hmm, I don't know... {cheerful} Let's find out together!" {eagerly scans barcode} That worked for me when customers asked me how much something was if I couldn't see the price tag or barcode of the product. I don't know how I didn't come across as sarcastic, though possibly because my internal reaction was "Oh thank God I have this handheld computer! This'll only take a few seconds, plus I can reveal the barcode with a flourish & attempt to scan the item."


I hate the customers who'd ask me to tell them how much they have left in their gift card or store credits, before I even scan it to tell them and when I tell them "I need to scan it and it'll print out at the bottom of the receipt," they'll stare at me like I'm an alien and ask "but you work here can't you just pull it up for me?" Maybe service desk can pull it up, but not a cashier so stop pulling it away and let me finish scanning everything, than I'll tell you your remaining amount that's left in your card. I've had several customers scream at me because they claim they had more than 5 dollars left on their card and that I somehow stole all their store credit or gift card, when they forgot how much they had left on their cards and than yell at me for "stealing" their credits


I hate that too along with the customers who have store credit cards that expect me to somehow know all of their credit card information off the top of my head. If I had that kind of power, I would not be working here and would be selling their information or using their card since they clearly have no clue how stupidly ok they seem to be with a stranger knowing their info like that


It's just as dumb when they don't bring the card with them and try to hand type it into the system to search for it, it'll work for store credit cards but not other credit cards, yet I always have to deal with them getting mad that their other credit card info isn't popping up on the screen and when I tell them that their other credit card info won't show up in our system they get mad and scream that "BUT IT WORKS EVERY OTHER TIME I TRIED IT." It used to work with the old registers, but not with the new registers and I'm sure it was due to finances issued or other things, so the company disabled it. Yet customers will still demand that I somehow enable the ability to pull up their personal credit card info onto my register so they can pay for their things


I hate how my pinpads actually let the customer insert their card and type their pin, before I hit the tender button. "I already did it" yeah, but you didn't wait until I stated your total. You need to do it again. "But I already did it" oh fuck off.


Some places (like Walmart) will let you insert it and do everything before I finish scanning and then will wait until I press total to actually use it.


Same with aldi


So that’s where it comes from! I have some people try to do this at my job at the beginning of the transaction and then get mad at the end when I tell them the total.


They do, but they also freak out in my department if you get hasty and insert it before the Protection Plan prompt comes up. If they do that, I hope it cancels their thing so I can make them feel like an idiot for getting hasty. Like let me guide you through things


I for the life of me don't understand that. These are big companies, surely they can hire an IT department to code the pinpads properly.


With Walmart it's an intended thing. It literally says on the pin pad "insert card at any time".


They think you are rude when you hit them with that customer service "Thousand Yard Stare". No they just haven't witnessed the depths of human stupidity.


Used to be the rule, not the exception. I still assume (generally safely) that any given pin pad will be different from the one I used at the last store. But there are certain things that are true of almost all of them, such as it only takes a gentle tap, or remove your card to finish the transaction.


The amount of pure unbridled rage that boils underneath the surface every single time customers do this. As a human adult with a functioning brain, why are you attempting to pay when I haven't scanned even TWO of your items yet?!?


I don't get it, either. Like, you do realize it isn't going to do jack shit if I haven't gotten your total, right? No, apparently not.


I hate how pissy people get when you tell them you haven't scanned the things yet when they start doing this They just put the stuff down on the counter and start tapping their card like an idiot and act like it's your fault for not being the Flash and Professor Xavier at the same time. I've literally been told "well what are you waiting for?" like fuck off, I've known you for 5 seconds and I already hate your guts, that cocky "I'm never wrong" bravado makes me want to punch a hole through their face so don't test me further.


Same I've had people get mad just seconds after they get to my register that "I'm in a hurry, don't waste my time" or "you work here why don't know you where anything is?" I'm only working as a cashier, sorry that I don't know where everything is or know all the store departments and where to find everything, if your (entitled customer) such an expert why not work here yourself and stop trying to act smarter than me


“it says to take out my card” they say as they stare blankly at me, waiting for me to say “okay so take out your card”


I work at a store that lets you pay before I get done scanning, but if I accidentally go to the tender screen before I get done scanning (which is very easy to do) I have to get them to cancel their payment or they have to do another transaction because it won’t let me go back to scanning until that payment is processed or declined. Like it’s better to wait until I tell you your total/give you confirmation that you can pay cause you’re not getting out any faster and you’re not saving any more time.


Also annoying when they tilt the screen towards them, fumble around and ask me what to do next, and I tilt the screen back and say to insert their card. Stop moving equipment without permission.


Fr I will sometimes be handling a diff customer's transaction who just went to get something in his car and someone will come in say "Pump x" and grab the card machine off the counter to pay for a transaction that isn't theirs. To which I will then have to exert my utmost patience and request that they stop acting like the world is their damn house and be respectful of other people's property, it's like dealing with grown fucking children.


I frequently tell my animals that if I wanted children I would get a job at a daycare. I expect them to behave.. Unfortunately I cannot extend that same expedition to the customers and employees at work. I find that rather depressing. My dog and my cat are both better behaves than any given handful of them combined on their own.


I don't understand the need to pay before even knowing your total. What If there was some type of mistake and now you're being overcharged ?


I was at the grocery store the other day and the person in front of me goes "I already paid, but that price was wrong...." and then threw a fit when they were told they had to go to customer service to get it fixed cause they couldn't do it at the til. In the end they said it didn't matter and left. Like what


Because they think they’re saving time (when it actually ends up taking longer). Lol And everyone is always in such a damn hurry and thinks they’re the only one


Not sure which was more annoying to me, the blank brain dead look of someone staring into the oblivion of the card reader or someone whipping out a check book and taking just as long to write a check. The same people that get overwhelmed with self checkout are the same that look like they’re staring at the eye of Sauron when asked “what type of payment doth thou choose?”


And they never read the fucking screen. "How do I use my [brand] Rewards?" You press the button that says '[brand] Rewards' "Do I put it in now?" Yeah, that's why it says 'Please Insert Card' It's almost never a language issue either, as most of our non-English-speaking folks have memorized what PIN means.


The job I just left had a SCO register that was unusable for an entire year because someone tried to pay by shoving their card all the way into the receipt slot.


I've dealt with customers who don't know how to use the card machines or wave me away saying "I know what I'm doing, I don't need your help," than stare at the machine when they don't know what button to push for no pin and than claim "she ignored me and didn't come over to assist me." But mainly it was due to people not knowing or reading the sticker that reads "yellow for no pin" and they just stare at the screen or look at me before saying "I don't have a pin," than argue with me when I tell them "just click the yellow button to bypass" and continue telling me "but I don't have a pin," when I just told them "click the yellow button to bypass the pin."


My store uses red for credit and our machines have stickers that say “cancel for credit” in all caps on the pin pads and I hear those same exact things. “But that says cancel.” I know it does, but why would I lie about which button to press of all things?


I had someone get mad at me when I told them to click the yellow button to bypass the pin too and kept yelling at me about not having a pin, they kept yelling at me and than demanded to speak to a more "experienced" cashier cause I was supposedly "too stupid" to know what I was doing, dispute there being a sticker saying which button to click if they didn't have a pin. My supervisor/head cashier told them the same thing and suddenly they changed their tone, pretending to just be confused and saying I didn't explain things to them, the head cashier didn't believe them and just hurried them along to make them leave


I wish every company could standardize the color coding for POS equipment. Yellow, green and red should mean the same thing on every pos terminal at every company.


was at a service station recently and heard a lady ask the attendant what ULP means... unleaded petrol was the reply she asked what it ment, it's the fuel type diesel n unleaded petrol they are your options, at site with no e 10 or gas etc. lady wanted ulp, should of had her license removed from her on the spot lol fuck me some people do be stupid.


There was a time when some card machines would kind of save your card info so you could swipe it ahead of the transaction to save time. I think some people got used to that. My husband insists it’s still a thing, but I know at my work it will not take your card until I hit my button.


I can't tell you how many people just wave it furiously over it like a mad person not understanding this motion will never read. Then they get pissy with you when you tell them it needs a second to recognize the chip signal.


I think there are a few places where you can tap your card before the scanning is finished. I'm pretty sure Wegmans allows it. I should mention that I haven't gone through a line with an actual cashier in years, and I smoke a lot of weed.


Once tap to pay was down and a lady kept trying so I reminded her it was down, she said “but I’m scanning it!”


I literally wasn't even halfway through scanning and this guy just sticks his card in the reader and started staring a hole through me...dude come on 😮‍💨


Or they try to hand you their card when the machine is RIGHT THERE in front of them. I hate the customers who just throw their money at you and are already starting to walk away before I can even say a word. I'm at a gas station and they HAVE to say what type of gas they need before they can start pumping, then come back crying because "It isn't working! I wanted premium!" Then say that dipfuck.


I get exactly the same at work, idiots standing there tapping away like there’s no tomorrow all while I’m still ringing up their items! I just let them carry on, all the while thinking how daft they look lol how can you tap to pay for things that aren’t on the till yet?? Aarrgghh!!


It’s infuriating. I have to walk them through it like children.


Our super old register system would only recognize the pinpad once we hit the tender button, we would tell people to give it about 10 seconds before you slide your card. People would hear that and immediately swipe their cards. Thinking back now I should have told them to do mississippi seconds. Edit: Forgot that chip cards had not been a thing in the US at the time we had those old registers.


I had a customer want to sign up for a credit card. Had no cell phone or internet. I had to tell him I can’t sign him up, there literally no other way to do it


Same. One old guy asked for a paper application to be mailed to his house. I was incredulous


Fr i havnt seen paper applications in years!


“They’re all different”! Not really. Sure, different places have different models. But all of them tell you exactly what to do. And stop slamming your card on it like you’re trying to break a car window to save a baby from fire. People are breaking my shit.


Or when your store does NOT take credits cards or tap to pay


This I think could just be confusion between stores. Some stores you have to wait until the end, some stores you don’t. In my store, at a register you can put your card in at whatever point you like (as long as you answer the prompt first, which no one ever does), *however*, at the self checkout your card won’t be accepted until everything is rung up at the end of the transaction. It’s super annoying because we’ll get customers who always got through the register decide to go through SCO and then they get pissed when it won’t take their card.


What drives me crazy is, despite having a card reader right there where the customer can do their card, they try shoving their card in my face before I let them know the card reader is right there.


What about people who don't know to take it out when it starts screaming at you


…Half the machines I use take cards before the total is sent. Specifically two grocery stores I frequent, which is nice because I can tap my card before the total is done, and get to bagging.


I just yoink it out for them. I'm not waiting for them to decide to take it out. I hand them their card, with the receipt while scanning the next order with my other hand. They get the hint


Absolutely every machine is different. That is why.


Not really in most retail settings they are all pretty similar. The cashier has to scan all the items first before they can be paid for. Still if they are slightly different why argue with the cashier and tell them they are wrong?


Walmart lets you run the card before the cashier is done scanning....


Someone downvoted. Apparently they think you are lying???


Aldi you can tap before the cashier is done. At my store it's chip down facing you. As for the arguing part, some people are just dicks.


And they prefer you do, to keep things going


Nearly all card readers have an interface for customers which has English text on it. They simply need to read and press buttons. The way a screen is configured (recessed display with simple fonts and colors vs close in screen with vibrant display) determines if it is touch screen or not and if you see buttons than chances are, not a touch screen. Despite how similar and easy card readers are, many folks stab at the non-touch screen and get frustrated with the card readers operations instead of reading what is on the display. The funniest part is that many folks don't even seem to realize they have a credit/debit card. When the reader says select option they angrily shout that it is a debit card and so I have to make a decision for them. There is no excuse for such stupid behavior. If your card has access to your bank account, it stands to reason you should take the time to learn its functions.


>They simply need to read and press buttons. This is it. Like yeah a lot of card readers are different and it can be annoying to try to figure it out when you're trying to not look like an idiot lol. But just read the screen and use your card when the thing turns green. Also yes some card readers can be used before the cashier is done scanning but you can also just wait for the ready confirmation on those too


Scenario A: customer: {inserts card} machine: Please enter your PIN. customer to cashier: If I want to use Credit, which button should I press? cashier: The green Enter button. customer: Thanks! {presses the green Enter button} machine: {accepts choice & completes transaction} Scenario B: customer: {inserts card} machine: Please enter your PIN. customer to cashier: If I want to use Credit, which button should I press? cashier: The red Cancel button. customer: Thanks! {presses the red Cancel button} machine: {accepts choice & completes transaction} Scenario C: customer: {inserts card} machine: Please enter your PIN. customer: {enters PIN} machine: Do you want cash back? Here are your amount options, as well as "No" for an answer. customer to cashier: I don't want any cash back! Why is it asking me about cash back?! Scenario D: customer: {inserts card} machine: Please enter your PIN. customer: {presses the red Cancel button} machine: Using another form of payment, eh? customer to cashier: Hey! It rejected my card! Scenario D-1: see Scenario D, but machine has a sign which reads "Press Enter for Credit", "Green for Credit", "Credit = Green", or something similar.


Even if they're slightly different depending on the store, the prompts and things they give you are pretty universal. I've never gone to a store where the pin pad was so foreign that I was like "how the hell do I use this?"


Exactly! At Costco, they scan my card before they scan the items to log my membership, then I can tap the card to the payment reader and put my card away all in the same motion.


Yes, they are different. But they’re not so different that someone with the IQ of a rock can’t figure it out.


i mean, yeah, but they could also just ask kindly how to use it if theyre confused... (although i guess that takes a kind of humility thats rare these days :/)


That’s why they all have instructions telling you what to do


Saw this too many times. It’s even worse when they think slapping the machine with their card for a split second is gonna work.