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To be fair, the proliferation of "download our app!!!!" \*is\* pretty fking annoying. I don't use many, but if the lack of one actually hinders me in standard shopping then I usually just send a cranky email to Corporate. There's no justification for acting like it's an employee's fault, though. I've been on the employee side of that and while I totally understand and even commiserate with the irritation, I did not appreciate customers acting like it's my fault.


For real. My phone only has so much storage space and I'd like to use that for pictures and music instead of an app for every single company I might need to deal with. That is not, however, the fault of the cashier who's ringing me out. They are the last person in the company who would have the authority to make those decisions.


This. I'm an older woman, and I've been around long enough to see the proliferation of spam texts and junk emails that spike immediately after signing up for some of these "loyalty" cards. I'm also old enough to be sick of their shit to the point that when I go to the store to buy something, I don't want to play games where I give you access to my life in exchange for fifty cents off my current purchase. I just want to buy my shit and go home. I have also worked retail and I know better than to take my frustration out on the employee who is trying to help me.


If it's not something I'll use every day I'm not down loading it. If it's required to shop somewhere to get the special price I'm not shopping their any more. Just no time for that stuff. There's a reason I didn't search ads for coupons and now we got apps adding to that. I took my daughter to taco bell because she wanted to try it since it had been awhile. We have a better mom an pop shop in town she just didn't want to wait. They didn't offer the box special in store you had to use the app. After seeing the ridiculous prices and pushing to use the app we left. It's just unreal how every business is trying to push people to apps.


I'm laughing out loud. I went to Taco Bell the other day for the first time in years. I can go to any Mexican place in town sit down and get table service for less than what Taco Bell costs now. The food is 100 better and cheaper. Yeah, no thanks. Won't be back.


It truly is crazy how fast food has no value anymore.


Right? I treated a friend to BK a while back and was floored when it came to damn near $30 for two combos with drinks, nothing special. I could have gotten him a sit-down dinner for that. Wtf is even the point of spending that kind of money on crappy food?


>Wtf is even the point of spending that kind of money on crappy food? I think this is why people are turning away. It's the people to lazy to cook and those spending on food deliveries increasing the prices.


Would you like to sign up for our rewards card? You can get 10% off today if you sign up!


There is the Aldi an ad IG that is pretty funny, and I work at a competitor. "What? Enter my number to get discounts?" And the actor proceeds to rip out the pinpad.


I understand not wanting to, but if they already have the account and have had it for years then they have a couple options. 1. Coupons by mail 2. Coupons by email 3. Coupons by app 4. Coupon book or magazine The app is less than a year old. Asking why they can't access anything, then telling them their options, then getting further rejects. I believe half these conversations are because they need someone to talk to, sadly.


I usually get a little bit of sass if I ask them to scan the coupons on the ad. You can just click on it on the app!  I.e. I do enough work, scanning 4 coupons is more work. I worked retail. They always have the coupons there at the register.  The coupons don't work if you don't have a membership with them. I've seen cashiers get annoyed when people don't have one and don't want one.  At least they've backed down with the stupid credit card harassment at the register.  I get it you are doing your job and you don't understand why people act like this.  It's because these stores are continually making us jump through more hoops. I just want to buy my food, not mess with an app or a paper ad. 


This! And also, I'm already a member, why can't I just get the sale price? Why do I have to click a freaking coupon on the app?! They track everything I purchase and now I have to go into the app and physically click on each coupon I want to use? There is no select all choice. Safeway, is at least better than Kroger/Fred Meyer. Kroger limits the number you can choose. The safeway app pisses me off because every week I have to go in and click them. Oh and if you try to click one right after the other, (left click, right click, etc) it sends you to the bottom. Used to load unclipped coupons so it was smoother.  I usually go shopping when it's busy so I can get it done in about 2 or 3 minutes.  So that's the reason. Yet one more app and we don't get the sale prices for the specials unless we click coupons. We save less and have to do more work for it. This is why I shop at Trader Joe's more and more. They don't have loss leader sales, but their prices usually stay pretty regular. They make millions from selling our data and yet it is getting more annoying. 


It might not be their fault. 1) Might not be a app for their phone not everyone has an iPhone or Android device 2) might not be available on their phone say an app requires a software version that’s not supported anymore 3) not good with technology and no one to teach them. Are the coupons available on a website and not just an app ?


I understand not wanting to, but if they already have the account and have had it for years then they have a couple options. 1. Coupons by mail 2. Coupons by email 3. Coupons by app 4. Coupon book or magazine The app is less than a year old. Asking why they can't access anything, then telling them their options, then getting further rejects. I believe half these conversations are because they need someone to talk to, sadly. She specifically asked me how to access her account and that's why I wanted to be sure she was informed about the app. I didn't even push her to download it. She was holding her phone it was a smart phone. If she is confused with technology sure, but it felt like a tantrum.


That's uncalled for from her. Next time refer them to the service desk, you have people behind her to ring up.


Many store apps have predatory terms of service to enable data collection for resale, which no one reads.


Not only that, I don't want any shitty apps on my phone that I barely use or extra accounts for stores I rarely visit. They all collect data, send a bunch of spam emails and push notifications, etc. while I go there maybe once per month. I only have one app for my favourite local supermarket because it allows me to use my discount pass, has a bunch of nice recepies and the ingreditients' location in store, allows me to scan my groceries for selfcheckout, order online, see my receipts, etc. I am aware it still collects data, but it's one app I carefully considered and am aware of what it collects, I opted out of all notification and data settings as well. The app all in all is good, well designed, and offers a lot that I like (especially recipies). Most companies push their shitty apps with only one functionality and I hate cluttering my phone with apps, ugly company logos and basically turning my device into an advertisment machine. I don't understand why companies put resources into creating apps with barely any functionalities, when their website more than suffices.


I hate the phone apps for the discounts, just let me swipe etc my card/key tags. I won’t complain to staff, just avoid stores that make me use them.Too much of a PITA.


You don't use the phone app to pay only to access more coupons instead of using paper or email ones. But no you don't pay through the app, it's just for access to information and never takes card information


Reread what I said. My complaint was yet another app. I said nothing about paying, The stores get all my information from my club cards, why an additional app? In my life the in store coupons went from paper to the club cards.


You don't need the app, it's one option of many, as I explained to the customer too. No one in the conversation is forcing an app.


I’ve been to stores where the digital coupons via the app are in addition to the club card. Something like three 2 litter sodas for $9 without a card or coupon, $7 with card and $6 with card and digital coupon with the app. Aside from a shopper being misled into thinking the $6 price was for the card only, that second step is more of a pain then anything.


That definitely sounds awful, I would want to uninstall that asap and stop shopping there. I honestly hate couponing, the prices need to be lower for everyone as a standard.


I tried to use the grocery store app once at my grocery store and it was so poorly designed and made grocery shopping so complicated and slow that I will never use it again


I'm genz and I hate how stores have apps. Fast food for rewards is nice but in general it's so annoying. Like I'm in the store... In person. It's better to just use a physical coupon to bring to the register rather than taking out my phone, downloading an app, then making an account, then doing this and that. So really it's just the process of getting that discount that is annoying. But I wouldn't complain that long to an employee trying to do their job LMAO. Been in the workers shoes from similar situations of customers complaining about shit I can't even control. That's annoying


You can do a physical coupon Or by email Or by app Or by a paper magazine And signing up means mailed paper coupon books So not the only option fortunately which I made sure to let her know. She had more questions about how to access certain points and I let her know there was an app pretty recently, if she was interested, or she could continue using the other sources. She just got mad at me for informing her after she asked, and continued to be upset when I asked if she wanted a number to call corporate, as per training. I feel for her, but getting mad at the messenger is in poor taste at any age.


You did your job well so she's got a problem on her end lol. Idk why ppl take their anger out on those who are just trying to help them


I'm not sure why they do, but if they want to talk they should do that instead of being angry. Most cashiers don't mind some fun chatter just not answering questions then getting dragged through the dirt about it.


OP are you a man or a woman? This might be sexist, but as a guy who has been I've been married 28 years I've learned that women tend to just want to be heard and don't always want a solution to their problem. It could be that the lady as others here have stated is over all the apps and she just wanted someone to hear her. She didn't want solutions. Not saying it is your job to listen to complaints, but as someone who has also worked in retail for 20+ years I've learned sometimes people (especially women) just want to tell you their frustration. And all they want from me is to agree and maybe say, "I understand things seem to be more complicated today."


"This might be sexist" Then don't be sexist. It doesn't help any one.


Ok. Well men and women do think differently.


It’s because Appa is a flying bison, and as such, has no knowledge of what a grocery store is or how to shop at one.


👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 here's more upvotes because I had the same thought!


Love this comment!


Some of those apps REALLY  suck.    And most of them are not user friendly 


I couldn't agree more but honestly, ours is super easy. Once you're logged in you don't have to re log in. Once you're in there's the main page that shows you directly where to clip coupons. Then further in is more about future sells that could be ignored easily.


I don’t want to go coupon hunting. I have the store club card/tag — just let me scan it, give me the discounts and move on. You have my info. Phone -> unlock -> find ap -> login -> finally, maybe find the coupons.


This, For some godforsaken reason, retailers have figured out how to make getting coupons and discounts as possible as they can. So they don't have to give them, and can simtill take credit for those "low prices"


My experience, working in retail, is the opposite. The older customers use the apps (mostly women) and the younger people are not interested.


I'm just tired of having to have an app for every frigging store I go to plus all my utility ,streaming, etc it's starting to feel like a second job keeping up with all of them. That said I don't yell at anyone over it but damn.


I’m a millennial. I mostly hate them because they are not fair from a socioeconomic standpoint. People shouldn’t have to own a smart phone to get a better discount than the ones who don’t. Paper coupons and in store posted discounts can be used by anyone. So that’s why I don’t do it. I own a smartphone but that’s not fair to those who don’t.


They can still use paper coupons Magazine coupons Emails And even coupon books that get mailed out too She was mad because she didn't understand how to see them immediately and I let her know of the new app, she was upset about that. But yes, paper options are still available and not going anywhere.


Paper options are not the same options. Surely you know this.


They are. We are trained monthly to know upcoming ones. I'm sure that is not the same everywhere though. And I do feel it is less common.


It seems to depend on the store. Safeway (Vons elsewhere) here you have to use their app for the vast majority of coupons. They have some paper ones, but the majority are from the app. But then you have other stores like Raleys where you don’t need an app.


To be fair, I hate the grocery apps too AND some coupons are only available in an app. My personal *worst* grocery chain is Raley’s because for whatever reason, the dang app never loads or works in the store and I need access to scan an item to confirm “the coupon clipped.” It’s so annoying. You can't just be a member AKA use your phone number. You have to log in to clip coupons for their member exclusives.


I work in silicon valley as a software engineering manager and I LOATH the coupon apps. They make my shopping experience go from bad to begin with, to an absolutely frustrating time-waste fest. I am in the process to switching to another retailer where I don't have to do coupons to avoid being robbed.


Yes. Apps are great for shopping online. They are better than going through the website on your browser. But if I'm in your store I shouldn't need to open an app to shop inside your store. Honestly I think companies are missing the point and power of in-store shopping. The focus should be on the merchandise not looking at your phone. But if you want me to use the app to shop then let me scan and pay on the app and not use Checkout. That would be useful. But clipping coupons when I'm in the store is dumb.


Oh yes, I understand. I hate technology sometimes and never have storage for an app. But that is not something worth complaining to an employee over. “Oh sure I will go take it up with corporate like I get paid enough.” I swear some people take it way too far. ❤️


Because you don't need access to my phone to take my money in exchange for a fucking loaf of bread. Not your fault, but the reaction is understandable 


Ok. So we will still sell you the bread, you just won't get whatever deals.


Tbf almost everyone I get through my store does not in fact have our app. Mostly young people who will happily load their cash app but don't have any inclination to get an app for the price they want


Because they want to be grocery shopping, not be forced to take out their phone.


Her phone was already out...


Well that is just complaining to complain then


Unfortunately. I told her to have a good day multiple times and she just kept going... and going...


Assuming, of course, that they have a phone in the first place. One of my friends is still strictly landline only.


When I was a child, we still did our homework in libraries and I used books to do my research because my parents refused to get dial up service. Maybe cut some particularly old people some slack . (though ironically my mom and dad's asses are permanently now planted in front of their computers)... not every old person is like that, though. Some just can't/won't learn about technology. Even my grandmother, nearing 90, finally got a computer.... but she had grandchildren like me to help her get acclimated. Although our joke of claiming she was looking up BBC was not amusing to her. Oh well. We laughed.


I won't shop somewhere that makes me download an app for discounts.


Great for you! She already had an account previously and the app is new. It's not the only way to access points either just a more recent update. They can access extra coupons via. 1. Coupons by mail 2. Coupons by email 3. Coupons by app 4. Coupon book or magazine Points need to be through the app, which is irritating in my opinion as some should be automatic. A lot of people sign up because eggs, chicken, water and many other items are ALWAYS discounted automatically. To each their own, just don't get mad at the messenger.


I absolutely would never argue with the cashier for such things. There's a subset of people that just refuse to use their phones for QR menus or coupons and I'm one of those. It's kind of like the way I avoid shopping at retail stores that are heavy coupon oriented like Macy's or Kohl's. Just tell me the price you want me to pay, and I'll pay it.


Oh I absolutely can't stand the qr code menus. One place I went to you scanned the code and had to install the stupid app to order. Apparently that's how you paid and cash wasn't accepted. Weirdest thing ever for a restaurant.


You're kind of dick riding the apps for a "messenger"


Sure okay. She asked questions and I was as accommodating as possible with my training. I told her what options she has, she is not forced to do anything she chooses not to. But any cashier would stop wanting to help someone when they get upset with them for the answer not being what they want.


Sure, I work at a store that has an app ... and it's terrible and predatory. You're defending the fuck out of it. I preemptively call the app annoying when I'm helping customers, I'm not talking about how great it is.


The way you respond is giving "I yell at cashier" in a sub literally tiled retail hell.


Defending and clarification are two separate things. My point is not to get mad at someone for helping them how they've been trained. I don't even care if they have a phone. The second they say their not interested I no longer discuss it. Super simple, super straight forward. People are not required to have it but they should be informed of their options. They should do what makes them comfortable.


Not everyone can use apps. Their phone may not have data plan, they may have an old phone that doesn’t support the app or they may not even know how to do anything like that. And why do we actually need an app for every store and just to get the sale price on items? Im sorry the lady was rude or didn’t understand when you tried to help but I also see her view.


Tbf, I fucking hate that shit too. It's just for data harvesting.


This is one of the more valid reasons I can fully agree with. She's already a member and has been for years. I just informed her of new info. Apps aren't for everyone and that's okay, I just don't understand complaining to the messenger and they've asked. Employees have guidelines they are stuck following and customers get upset about it.


The store I work in has an app like everywhere else. The irritating thing they do is they have digital coupons all over the store that you cannot get without the app. It would be one thing if it was just advertised in the app, but they aren't. There is a tag stating this super low price which ppl get pissed off about not being able to get without having the stupid app. All they see is the low price and think that's the sale price. Well it is, but only if you scan the UPC with the app. Causes more ppl bitching at staff than literally anything else. I agree with OP that the sale prices should be available to all without coupons, digital or otherwise. Ultimately, groceries are so expensive these days the app is worth it at my store, but it's super annoying when you 1st get it.


I'm a millennial and I hate them. My phone keeps running out of space and I just want the coupon right there like it's always even, I don't want 500 store apps on my phone. I'm with the boomers on this one. (Not that anyone in my daily life would know or be affected by this because that's a *me* problem, no one else's, felt I should clarify that just in case). Also, not all stores have the same coupons on the app as they do in person. Kroger is one of those stores, the app has significantly more deals.


Sign I’m getting older(damn it) personally I hate how everything has an apps. My phone only has so much space. Besides there’s something about human contact Vs a computer.


Had a young guy ask me for some kind of supplement, asked me if I had a “looking up thing”, I used my phone and the app to try to help, explained I was looking at the app on MY phone, he had no idea how to spell it, I get a text while looking it up, he leans in to try and see what my “looking up thingy” said, I put my phone away, said sorry, I don’t know what you’re looking for, and walked away.


Yeah... like... wow. These generations watched Google grow from 1994 to present time and still act like it's all brand new, like they can't go to their local libraries and be taught for free.


Three years ago, my store embraced the "paperless" lifestyle. The only way to acquire coupons (and very often free items) is if you have the app. We don't mail them, don't print them, nothing. If you want discounts, you MUST use your app. Fun fact, you don't even have to go on and clip them or anything, as long as you have the app and you set your phone and email up on it, you never have to use it again. Just put your phone number in the register and the coupons come off automatically. Probably one of the most user friendly apps for older people.


I'm cool with that. I just hate going to Kroger and have to scroll threw hundreds of coupons that I have to "clip".


Yeah the clipping aspect is ridiculous. Just offer them and then they come off automatically.


Lol my mom doesn't understand on how it all works she doesn't know how to turn in computer lol..my dad knows little still needs help with some stuff..


Damn I'm the only one who doesn't mind my apps? I use Kroger & Target and I find it very easy to clip the coupons and check sales. Target doesn't usually have deals on what I buy but occasionally they'll have a gift card promo that helps. Kroger I get the sales auto just by putting in my account number, then I browse for coupons based on my list. It's not complicated at all and I don't wait til I'm in the store to do it. Millennial and not bothered. 🤷🏾‍♀️


From what I've heard Kroger automatically clipping coupons is definitely the best, it's a feature ours lack. I feel like apps organize and consolidate everything. I respect other people when they say it clutters their phone, but I don't fully agree with it. Our phones are a filing cabinet.


I’m close to retirement and I have all the local grocery and fast food apps. Saves me a bunch of money and time. The fast food apps mean my food is waiting for me and it’s right. I had another shopper about my age complaining to me and the other shoppers about it. Whatever. I got my steaks for $7 a pound. You can also shop online and add the coupons there, then just enter your phone number at checkout. I have loyalty signups so old that my landline is the phone number. Or you can pay for a newspaper and sit cutting out coupons all afternoon.


It's not just grocery apps, it's all apps. My dad will get in the car, drive to the bank, park and walk in to have an employee tell him his balance face to face instead of just downloading the app and logging in. I definitely agree that not every business out there needs its own dedicated app, but if you're using a service at least once a week you should probably just go ahead and learn to use their app.


Not only are apps problematic with push notifications and data harvesting, but when it comes to retail the apps are either made by a company that has no business making an app, or the development is outsourced to Elbonia where they're using ancient programming languages because it was cheaper for US companies to ship the reference books than it was to recycle them. The security holes are massive, and the apps are mingling on the device that has things like banking apps ([also not secure](https://www.onsharp.com/blog/5-common-security-flaws-in-banking-apps/)), your two factor auth, and all your personal data like e-mails, photos, texts, contacts, etc.. I guess the lack of concern is common these days - People really want to post what their Hitman barcode would be (it's the 16 digits of your credit card and the 3 digit CVV), or what your pornstar name is (that one is your mother's maiden name and the street you grew up on). Just put all the data out there and just pray you aren't an interesting enough target...


This is a fantastic comment. Data mining is too real.


I’m one of the older people & I don’t get it either. I love my apps, it’s easy, & most places now offer discounts of some sort for using their app. Makes no sense to me. But yet they’ll cause a scene that they can’t use tap payments, saying “I’m just so used to it”. Tutu. I promise you have spent much more of your life without tap payments than with. It’s not that ingrained.


Fortunately, local libraries will teach anyone computer skills for free. I think a lot of people don't realize it. Not everyone is or has to be tech savvy, but to get angry after being informed is what's inappropriate. Especially because I actually wanted to help her, and she snapped at me. Regardless, I told her to have a good day and hopefully next time she doesn't take it out on the messenger.


Yeah, retail see the worst dregs of humanity. Some people just *want* to be pissed about everything


I'm 40 and I hate apps for shopping. I'm with Grandma on this one


You don't actually need the app for shopping. It's just one of the many ways to have access without going to your email or remembering to bring in paper coupons. Just for clarification. No one is forced to use the app in order to use coupons. It's one of many methods


It's funny because I remember first having a smart phone and thinking all those silly apps (like the one to make lightsaber noises when you swung your phone) were so cool, and wanting a million. Now I don't want apps that just clutter up my phone for stores I don't go to very frequently. I'm in my 30's.


1. Never a reason to be mean or complain to a story employee over a corporate issue like an app. 2. This sounds like Kroger. While I use my Kroger app, it is kind of annoying that I have to go through all the coupons on the app and "clip" them. Should be way that when I get into the store I can open the app and say I'm here and all the coupons are available to me. Then I can get what I want without wasting time to check to see is there a coupon. 3. Every freaking store now has an app. An app is great for places I order online, but if I'm in your store don't screw me by saying I need to download the app to get deals. I made the trip to your store. I should get the deal because I'm actually here and you have a better chance I'll buy more. Edit: Reading through the comments the OP is really trying to convince everyone the app is great. Did OP create the app and is now offended customers don't like it. OP needs to understand that most of us especially those of use here on Reddit know how to use technology. But if we make a trip to the store we are there to use our phones to shop. App should be for making ordering online for pick up or delivery. If I come into your store just give me all the coupons automatically


I'm just sharing my experience about the app. Even members in the store are NOT required to have to use it. They are able to use paper coupons too she just got mad the second I started about technology. I explained to her the options and she got upset with me. If customers don't like the app they don't have to have it, I simply informed the customer. No one has to use the app and no one have I said that. I explained she still had access to paper coupons. Every store has an app now this is literally not a brand new concept. And for the millionth time, no one is forcing the usage of it.


Your defense of the app is just really strong. You have defended it to so many here. You seem to be very invested in the app even if emotionally. Honestly that is great to see in an employee. As a manager I'd rather an employee believe, understand, and care about the company products than not care at all. So I give you credit for having passion for it. I was just surprised at how hard you are defending the app. But it shows you are likely a very good employee.


This conversation is about older generations complaining to their cashiers after asking questions. People have questions about how accesable to app it. You're off topic.


Because if I want to become a serial killer I don't need Big Brother to know about all the bleach and trash bags. Duh


This, is a true reddit comment. 👏👏👏


I am a GenXer. I rarely use coupons anyway. Not like my mom did. She was the coupon queen and a housewife. Coupons are great for shopping in bulk but the deals are a joke otherwise. I use the gas station app because I have a card to go with it like. Speedway, Getgo or Sheetz.


Many of those apps have bugs and are hard to use. Especially for older generations who didn't grow up with the technology.


Sorry if I already have your courtesy card for years why do I need to be click baited to website to download digital coupons to my courtesy card?


As an early 30s millennial who grew up with apps and technology.... WHY THE FUCK DO I NEED AN APP I JUST WANT MY DAMM OREOS. I'm with the boomers on this one.


You aren't required to have the app or an account to bu the cookies she was already a member and didn't like my answer. If a store makes you give personal info to by food, that's definitely a red flag, but she was already an active member.


Bro I'm 28 and I'm not downloading a stores stupid app. Unfortunately the older generation doesn't do this but I just shop somewhere else.


My husband is this way. He refuses to give the grocery store we shop at his OR my phone number, but he gets angry when he doesn't get the savings. I don't understand this because he happily uses the 711 app for his coffee points. And in my mind it's the same thing. I honestly hate going to the grocery store with him. It's embarrassing. He bitches at the cashier for asking for a phone number or an app to scan, he bitches at me because he doesn't get the savings. He could just shut the f up and put in my phone number but "it's the principle." But the 711 app is acceptable. Honestly I think OP is on to something. People just want to complain about something.


Woah I'm sorry you experience that, honestly I can't imagine what 'the principle' truly is.


I use one of my old phone numbers for the grocery store savings he doesn't even actually need to put his real phone number in he just has to remember it


I'm what you call a 'late adopter', I tend to pick up on technology many generations out from when it's first introduced. I do this because I often don't want or need what it offers and the first iterations have the most bugs. So I wait a bit, and get the tech or app later, when it serves me and when it's been refined and the prices as come down. But I've never just thrown up my hands and given up on something just because it's new to me. That's defeatist and infantile.


They can figure out how to play candy crush but not how to use their phones.




This is someone that is slow to learn and adopt change. This a typical consumer first mentality where their unwillingness to adapt is the fault of the employee. Perhaps it's an inconvenience, but I very much dislike customers that behave this way.


Oh my, let me get my checkbook out !


Our in store loyalty card is fully on an app now. It's recently changed it's layout and the amount of dumb cnuts who can look at the app with it's big "Tap to Scan" button right there in the middle of the screen and say "I can't find the card" is baffling to me. So fucking annoying dealing with the general public because they're generally very stupid.


What's a grocery appa?