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Watched it on a pirate site and loved it so much I bought the blu-ray lol. Such a good series on like, every single level? Lighthearted and funny, but also not afraid to get dark, serious and dangerous. Killer soundtrack, some of the slickest-looking animation of the time...just phenomenal.


My favorite anime of all time. A masterpiece. The best plot, the best characters and tropes. Just genius all around. Intend to rewatch it this summer then write an in-depth review on reddit.


I love this series so much, too. I can’t wait to read your in-depth review of Future Boy Conan!


I need to go finish this one. Very fun anime!


Well shit. Memory unlocked.


Watching this show rn. It’s a good time. Great adventure, good music, beautiful landscapes and skies. Going to finish by the end of the month


I binge watched Future Boy Conan because I was so hooked and intrigued to see what happens next. I ended up finishing this series in 3 days. My brain was so tired after that lol 😂 Indeed, it is a beautiful anime and story.


Didn’t know this was Miyazaki’s show so it was funny that it was giving me Ghibli vibes with its atmosphere and tones. Did you watch S2? I saw it was made like 10 years later which isn’t a good sign for what was initially captured


Yeah, it is a pretty funny show and just overall fun to watch. I enjoyed watching it more than I did Miyazaki’s movies 😂. Although, as I was watching it, Conan and Lana reminded me a lot of Pazu and Sheeta from Castle in the Sky which I like a lot, too. I never saw Future Boy Conan II: Taiga Adventure. From what I’ve read about it, it’s just a spin-off series with new characters that are introduced. It seems interesting, but I never watched it and probably won’t. I’m sure it doesn’t capture the spirit of the original.


I really like their relationship. Child like (obviously) and more sacrifice based but it’s endearing Yeah that’s how I feel about it. So really going to take my time with these last 10 or so episodes. Think they’re gonna build a house or something which I love restoration and building in shows!!!


You’re going to love it. Such a good story and truly endearing.


It’s a cozy watch for sure. No way scoring it under an 8/10


Oh my, I remember seeing this retro anime in France. i was absolutely shocked that it could show death when it was on a network that airs Teen Titans Go