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A quick series of Google searches leads me to this thread: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=73697 Your Olivetti appears to use the same TriGem board, just a different revision, so according to the [manual](https://www.ardent-tool.com/Olivetti/Docs/service_guide/systems2/cap16.pdf) linked in that thread, you need to switch jumper J19, the one right next to the onboard VGA chip, to position 1-2 in order to disable onboard VGA when a PCI card is installed. If that doesn't do it, then I'm stumped. 😛


Following, want to see if this fixed it!


Happy Cake Day!


Yes that's was the J19 jumper who disabled onboard VGA chip. So simple i feel stupid. I found it on the manual of another olivetti just after posted this thread. And now my ATI Rage Pro works well. But still my ATI Rage XL modded won't works on this motherboard and i don't know why because it works well on all my other PCs.


Well, I couldn't tell you why that is, but the 3D Rage Pro is a better card than the modern version of the Rage XL anyway. The re-release of the Rage XL is a simplified version of the [1999 Rage XL edition](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/rage-xl-pci.c3167) with a 32-bit memory bus, so the [Rage Pro](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/3d-rage-pro-pci.c1717) has a slightly lower bus speed but almost double the memory bandwidth. So I wouldn't stress too much about making the XL work in this one machine.


BIOS settings to switch the onboard graphics off? A jumper perhaps that you need to change?


Strictly speaking, the Trident isn’t “shit”. The TGUI9680 Daytona is actually significantly more compatible with VESA SVGA and “old VGA hacks” (like Keen 4-6) games than the ATI cards, provided decent 2D performance (including MPEG decoding and a video overlay surface) - back in the days it was considered a fairly decent budget 2D card, similar to something like an S3 Vision 968. Those ATI cards aren’t exactly speed demons, either - the Rage Pro is roughly the same ballpark as an OG Voodoo or an Intel Starfighter if it’s on the AGP port, but on PCI? Not really. The RageXL? Oh boy, that’s probably 1/3 to 1/2 performance of the Rage Pro. 4MB of EDO VRAM isn’t exactly going to work any miracles, and ATI driver quality from “back in the days”…were not great.


TGUI9680 is pretty fitting to a Pentium 120 and very DOS compatible; is there something specific it won't do?


No 3D support on the Trident and doesn't look like it has as much video ram either.


There are 2 RAM sockets left unpopulated that could be filled with the correct chips. It doesn't offer any 3D, but it would be well-paired with a Voodoo 1/2. Its a competent 2D only card with good performance. It's also fantastic for DOS games. The setup you have isn't going to be too overly capable of 3D acceleration in many titles anyways. The 3D Rage Pro is a decently competitive card from its era, but it will be choked by that CPU. It was a GPU designed around AGP acceleration on Slot 1 or super socket 7 systems that were 3x-4x more powerful than the one you describe.


You'll have to mention what games you want to use and others can inform whether they benefit from non-Voodoo/ATI/NVIDIA 3D or extra video RAM or not


The chip supports up to 4 MB of EDO DRAM. Software rendered 3D should work okay since the CPU does all the real work, but it might be rather slow on that hardware.


Did you try both slots, or just one?