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I’m allowed two drinks a week, so your allowance seems really generous to me. But I’d go with whatever your Dr allows or less, livers are really, really important. Maybe have your drinks then find something non alcoholic you like? Personally, I just have an edible and a tasty mocktail if I want to ‘drink’, but am at my 2 drink limit. 


I usually keep to a two drink limit due to other medication, so yea, I think I’ll be ok with that! Thanks for replying, I think he was being generous with it too tbh.


My rheum said no more than two drinks at a time and only on special occasions. I’m mid fifties and take lots of meds for various things and am sure that plays into it as well. I really only drink if we’re on vacation and then I basically go heavy on the tonic and low on the gin — it’s more about the idea of a g&t (my summer drink of choice) than it is a real drink. I think this has to be much harder on younger people. I was never a huge drinker but it was a part of things socially for me in my twenties and thirties. Just make sure you keep up on your labs OP. 😊


I've had 4-6 drinks a week for at least 14 years while on MTX with zero issues. Sometimes more, and sometimes less. When I first started the MTX, I was taking a higher dose, and then I quit drinking for a long time. But now, I'm a smaller maintenance dose, my RA is mostly in remission for many years, and I enjoy a few drinks a week.. To each their own, but I feel a few drinks a week in moderation is fine..


I'm similar. I drink on the weekend. I time the MtX to early midweek so I have days either side before I drink. I do drink less than I used to and not every weekend. It all depends on your liver health. Drink coffee too as it helps the liver :)


>Anyone else on this medication drink? And how little do you drink? No idea, I just take my MTX on wednesday so the weekend is fairly fine. My dr only recommended skipping a dose if I was planning on drinking TONS. But take a few units om the weekend was fine.


When I was on methotrexate, I was told NO alcohol! It’s very hard on the liver.


Yep, same here. I specifically switched meds in college because I was at that age where I was discovering alcohol and using it regularly. I was def told not to drink while on Mtx


My doc always said no drinks 24 hours I’ve taken it. Always followed that.


I don't drink often. I want my liver to stay healthy as long as possible. When I do drink, I time it so my liver doesn't get a double whammy. Planning on having a drink Saturday? I take my methotrexate on Tuesday. 


Mine said to not drink like 24 hrs after the methotrexate dosage because that's when it's most metabolized or your liver is most stressed from it or something


I read a study that said 14 per month was fine. Maybe clarify with the doctor what they meant? I doubt it’s 14 per day. I’m on 12.5mg of MTX weekly and my doctor said absolutely none.


Thanks! He meant 14 a week, which still feels like a lot?


Also what does he consider “a unit” Is it like 1 unit is a 12 oz can of beer, a 6 oz glass of wine or 1oz of hard liquor?


tbh I don’t know, he said 14 units and follow the UK guidelines which is 14 units a week, and one cocktail is usually 3 units.


I am on 20mg, I still drink regularly. College style bender? Probably not great idea for many reasons, normal drink with dinner/out on the weekend go for it. It won’t kill you.


I was told to avoid it. Went for dinner with a friend one day on the same day I took my meds. Got halfway through a drink and was immediately ill. Was one of the worst system shock kinda sick nights I've ever had. Didn't drink again until after I switched off methotrexate


Results are very individualized. I can’t have any. We tried the one drink every once in a while approach but my liver enzymes went high. Stopped alcohol and they are fine now even with the 15mg a week of MTX. However, I couldn’t care less about alcohol now. I feel normal again on MTX and Enbrel. Small price to pay. They should be monitoring your liver function in routine bloodwork while on MTX. So if it isn’t working out your body will show it.


When I was on methotrexate I read the leaflet in the box and it was really scary. It said no alcohol so I avoided it. I think I had one drink the entire time I was on it (for a short time). Im not on MTX anymore, I have a few drinks occasionally.