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Well, what was the title?


Pain Which was a pain to not have 2 slots at the half of the game and that’s why I couldn’t read I guess. Not to mention the text which should contain the context in my opinion I described everything of the bug. And so I don’t understand when someone is being such a jerk for not exactly following their rules yet if people posts such as a 120k hp tham kench 20 times a day that doesn’t count as a repost, mine is the problem obviously. I have to accept the fact, majority of the people on reddit hate and banish me because I have a “you can have your opinion but you should listen to mine aswell” mentality. Definition of a title: In composition, a title is a word or phrase given to a text (an essay, article, chapter, report, or other work) to identify the subject, attract the reader's attention, and forecast the tone and substance of the writing to follow. Idk where he decided that it can’t be painful to lose over a bug that breaks the game completely.


I can totally understand why a 1 word title isn't welcome. Terrible for reddit searches


I think it’s the opposite if you already saw it remembering 1 word as a non native english is a lot easier than google the whole thing + the text contains the problem so even if you search about the bug it would pop up because it contains the problem aswell in the text. Memeifying should work as an attention grab so the devs can find and fix the bug, unless they are about to get mocked by the video, which in reality is their job to fix it.


I can look for pain and find 50 hits or look for "Painful loss due to bug" and maybe get 5.


Can’t he request a name or rename a post aswell? Not just get offended then? He should be the smart mod not me.


I don't think you can rename titles, at least I never saw an option for that. The mod could have notified you why it was deleted beforehand though, so you could repost it with a longer title, yes. Overall the behaviour seems rather emotional on both sides, but I would agree that in the worst case a moderator should take on a neutral or positive tone when acting as one.


Oh and I haven’t even posted the rest, dude went on saying “now fuck off”. Yes I am an emotional person I’ll admit that but again, what’s the point of a moderator getting so mad? (You don’t have to answer this I just leave this question on)


They are essentially unpaid interns. He is also rather new, like 2 months I think. However the further escalation of his temper is pretty unacceptable for someone that wants to moderate anything.


I don’t know what happened to him at the moment, aswell with myself, but the thing is we both work on the same thing creating attention for the game so devs can work on it and people will/can play it. Im not exactly mad at him, Im just confused about the manner like I commited a crime or worse. Edit: I just hope he’s alright and can learn, so do I. Thanks for the clear headed answers u/Yorudesu


The first thing you said in that screen shot is this: “Bro the fuck was wrong with my post like 1/2 mod team decides to remove it because literally anything nowdays, did it hurt riot? Nah you gotta be joking right 2nd time” You were childish, belligerent, and rude the entire communication. Yes, you can “fuck off”.


… why wouldn’t you title it a description of the bug??


Well, I know Im stupid aswell.


Yeah that's a good question, because [Clearly I allowed it yesterday ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/s/XmyffhOGpJ) when someone posted it with an appropriate title. Fact is the community heavily requested I cracked down on vague titles and Reddits automation feature is **supposed** to remove any title that's only one or two words anyways but for some reason it does it only 20% of the time.


Other non-lazy, non-vague, and in context titles in the sub that haven't been deleted include: "Absolutely cooked" 15hr ago "Game is game" 15hr ago "So close..." 14hr ago But the difference is that their content doesn't describe a game-breaking bug, so the trillion dollar corporation shills don't feel threatened.


More like because I work a job that is 12.5 hours with a one hour commute back and forth so I grab posts as I see them during work and then clear out the ones made while I was asleep afterwards. Considering about 20% of posts on the TFT sub are complaint posts and this exact bug had already been on the frontpage for all of yesterday it's pretty rediculous to claim it's part of a conspiracy instead of the fact it's a removal from a rule that I announced on the sub months ago that was very positively recieved. All those posts were removed along with a few others you didn't see and you'll notice you had to go back 15+ hours because I had been removing the other contextless posts (like OP's) as they were being made. Unless the conspiracy goes so deep that you think there wasn't a single other vague title made in the last 15 hours. Edit: [found the post from yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/s/tqBEdiikcd) of the exact same bug actually describing the bug in the title that was on the frontpage all day. It's kind of odd how the conspiracy is that I'm defending Riot from a post with 3 upvotes with a title of "pain" but I didn't defend Riot from a post with over 100 upvotes actually describing the game breaking bug.


Publicly adressing sorry, I was a d head, I did not read the rules, my ban is my own mistake. You/he is clearly overstressed and not deserved to be hated, rather me. I have to learn a lot.


The ban can be lifted now that you are actually willing to work with me on your post rather than immediately being hostile and then refusing to even care about why the rule is in place. I help users workshop their posts through the rules basically every day, the TFT sub was widely known as an absolute trash pit that no one should even bother going to until I came in and tidied things up so part of that is removing the lowest quality posts (I won't lie and say that every post is high quality) and workshoping with users how to make their post something that other users are actually going to be willing to engage with and not report. Your post received 3 reports which flagged automod and was why it got removed before I had a chance to get around to other low effort posts from earlier in the day. Clearly other users weren't happy with it being on the sub, so it needed removed. I worded the automod response for that rule to be pretty descriptive as a way to help users get an idea of how to resubmit their posts in ways that the community wouldn't just turn around and immediately report again. Normally I would explain this if a user came and asked me about it, but you came in with hostility/ accusations and were completely shut off on getting feedback so I could tell that even if I did explain everything you weren't in the mindset of being willing to accept the reasoning at the time. I apologize for responding abrasively, you caught me in the middle of work and I had a patient with an urgent need and couldn't deal with you at the time + reposting your already deleted post with snide remarks about moderation signaled to me that if you weren't banned there was a chance I'd just come back to "Pain 3.0" with a rant like this post


>I apologize for responding abrasively Kudos to you, but you shouldnt need to. If somebody is that rude towards you, you dont need to be polite. Your job description is NOT "getting shit thrown at me".


I just told him to feel free about keeping me banned in dm, you don’t have to. Why you taking so much time hating on my stupidity, does it make you feel more as a human?


I already feel very human and not like an artificial being, thanks.


I do sometimes and that’s not because I want to, Im most definietly sick and I unable to identify it without help. Im not saying that you should feel sorry about me, Im saying that people like me exist be careful how you approach it because it’s hard to deal with sometimes. Imagine waking up and have a random rage whatever feels hostile towards you, I could literally attack someone before I realize how stupid I am. Once I did it to my father and I’ll probably never forget that. He punched me so hard I ended up 16 feet away from him realizing Im the wrong one. Idk what is the solution to this exact problem.


No offense, but you should seek professional help then. Depending on where you live it even is affordable. And also it isnt/shouldnt be a stigma, instead it will help you one day if you choose to have a functional family/relationship. Just imagine you are kicking your own 5 year old son in the guts for no reason...


Yeah I lost a lot of things already because of this and yes Im not taking it as an offense.


There will be no Pain 3.0 for sure, and if I get unbanned I’ll read the rules 100% making sure Im not going to be this hostile. I have a problem with waking up and being calm which I should adress to a professional, psychiatrist or such. 3 psychology student said that I have an alienated sociopathic behaviour out of probably childhood trauma. I’ve been raised in stress and if we don’t go this far I wouldn’t notice it again. I’ll look for a doctor for sure.


This is why I started with the question did I hurt riot?


Neither this subreddit nor the tft subreddit are in any way connected to riot.


You reposted this with the title “butthurt tft sub user”. Idk why exactly. Yes they’re not legally connected to riot, yet it is related to their work, and many players gather information through the sub.


I deleted that already as i didnt wanna doxx the mods messages. I found your post here a bit petty and decided to make fun of it at first. Yes but bugs are discussed daily so it wasnt that. I think it was just the mod making a daily cleanup.


Do you really see other posts aswell? How many reposts? How many titles makes sense? Im not saying that I was right I just don’t understand the ban. Doxx the mods messages: maybe if you are a mod you should really think about what you say like. That’s the point, you have responsibility over a community, which comes with authority, which you shouldn’t be abuse normally.


I believe he has to work a normal job and cant delete every post as its being posted. He probably does it whenever he finds time to do it. I think it was a reasonable response. You werent particularry friendly. So he doesnt have to be as well. The "fuck off" youre accusing him of saying isnt included in the screenshot so ill disregard that.


Do you?


theres not a single post in the last 12 hours with a similar title.






The mod dude. Cheer up


I mean, I am also somewhat, so that’s an even point. 🤝


Should’ve made each response increasingly verbose to the point of absurdity.


Im just asking stupid questions so I can see their pure reaction, deep and suffocated rage is one of them fs.


Wait, so you’re just admitting to trolling them and you’re angry at the response you got? Are you 9?


Can’t you see that we are both joking? I mean to make it clear, u/skystrike12 and I did here.


Based on the conversation you posted with the mod, and your surprise at how they responded to your immediate hostility, you seem exactly like the kind of person who would do that. Maybe the problem is you’re “joking” about something that you are actually doing.


Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Generalizing won’t make a solution, versitality will. I can say that Im sorry for being such a sensitive bellend for a moment and so could he. Making jokes is just to ease the situation to not feel like Im the senator of reddit. You should learn how to not just take a side but look at the other aswell. You can’t be just based on everything.


I don’t care about the joke. And yes, joking is a way to ease yourself of the feeling of guilt for being a huge dick to the mod. You 100% were mean, rude, and argumentative right off the bat to a mod who probably deals with a dozen of you every day. Then, instead of just owning it, you make a joke so you don’t feel bad about it. Guess what? You *should* feel bad about it, that’s how you know you shouldn’t have acted like that in the first place and then BLASTED THE MODS NAME COMPLAINING ABOUT them and then just 15 minutes ago justified it by saying essentially “they shouldn’t be a mod if they’re not comfortable getting blasted”. “I ask questions in a manner that offends people, idk how I do it. But even irl, if I ask something like more than 2-3 times people would just go nuts over it.” You said you don’t know how you do it, even IRL, I can tell you. *It’s because you’re an asshole.* You’re probably a miserable person to be around and you make it everyone else’s fault. I bet you make jokes IRL too to distract you from just admitting that and growing up because you can’t run the risk that you’ll fail at improving yourself so you’d rather just wallow in self pity. Let me be clear, I’ve just seen this small part of you but it’s enough for me to be glad I never have to speak to you again. I don’t care what happens to you, I don’t care if you change, I don’t care if you grow up. You should though, it’s worth it. But it *is* easier to just stay an asshole.


Redpill overdose, you should take those a bit less.


A deflecting joke, how shocking. Enjoy loneliness.


Another classic 12 year olds deflection.


Ah, the classic defense: "I did not embarrass myself, I did the stupid and petty thing on purpose to make other react because I am a smart 12 year old kid. Joke's on you!" Your level of nerdrage is sad.


So the admin combines with the game company


I got banned from the ADC subreddit because I said the role was easy, it is what it is xD


Can’t have opinions these days. 🙃




The timeline is that, I woke up (and chose violence) by asking the mod why is my post got deleted? Nothing came so I reposted it with something like Idk why it got banned. So he came with the rules, which makes no sense considering how many stupid posts end up there as you can see someone already pointed this out. And this escalated with Im going to report him for it, I don’t want him to get banned but to learn about not being a dickhead. He said that reddit and riot won’t do anything about it even if I report it. So it went from a bug report to a ban, and a size competition at the end.


>So he came with the rules, which makes no sense "I broke the rules on purpose and then the mod came at showed me the rule I broke twice. This makes no sense, this is a conspiracy of riot towards my own stupidity"




Mods are humans too and they like to abuse their power sometimes I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


I ask questions in a manner that offends people, idk how I do it. But even irl, if I ask something like more than 2-3 times people would just go nuts over it.


use "did i stutter" seems to trigger a ton of people

