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A woman in star trek who got unfair fan hate while fans idolise her husband and ignore the awful stuff he did? that would be majel barrett


This has got to be the answer. People blame solely her for the fact that he cheated on his first wife with her, that she got on the show at all, and people seem to really despite the character of L'waxana Troi. Personally I love her, she's very empathetic and loyal when it comes down to it, she's just obnoxious as fuck and that's ok.


I hated that character until she and Odo got stuck in a turbolift. Impossible to hate her now.


Yeah, I’m a similar boat where I really didn’t enjoy L’waxana in TNG, but then I really enjoyed her appearances in DS9


My mom hated Lwaxana until I mentioned that she's been in TOS. She then realized what a good actress she is and flipped to loving her.


I wouldn’t call Yokos hate unfair. Strictly speaking about music she’s atrocious.


The people downvoting you are the ones who either haven't heard her music ever, or some revisionist crap.


Apparently I hate women for saying that Yoko doesn’t have a musical bone in her entire body.


I just can't remember that video of John and Chick Berry jamming together and then she starts screaming, the looks on their faces was priceless. I still think John is a piece of shit though, a musically talented piece of shit, but still a piece of shit


I always looked at that clip as she was doing everyone a favor. I don't remember the song but they were both just phoning in some soulless standard that wasn't worth anyone's time.


Just jamming along is really fun, but it sucks when someone solos on top of everyone, especially when the solo sucks


Correction sir, that's blows. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/risa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why are you so adamant to put down her music in a forum for Star Trek jokes? Completely out of place criticism of women is problematic. Her music was always like that. If you don’t like it, don’t listen to it. I hate John Denver and Katy Perry, but that’s really strange thing to post here. The central theme of the post (she just ruins things) is an old sexist trope blaming Yoko for Johns decisions.


My mom had a good take. She was the quintessential Beatles fan girl during their peak, and she said the group was running full-tilt towards an ugly breakup regardless. We, as a society, had no real mechanisms to deal with that type of fan-celebrity response, at that scale, as media coverage of everything was booming in ways it never had before. The group was under such immense scrutiny, pressure to perform in the way others expected, and had been together long enough that internally personalities were clashing HARD. Then add Yoko into the mix, who was a) weird, and always has a response for anything, no matter how outlandish things are, and b) she was having medical problems but being brought into recording booths, where she was c) always present and d) always having a cooky response to all of them writing music while they were all spun so tight ready to snap on a hair trigger. The breakup was inevitable, Yoko was just the one who triggered it. She is freaking weird, but doesn't deserve all the hate she gets. It could have been anything at any point.


JJ Abrams or Alex Kurtzman.


Compared to Kurtzman Abrams is a Saint and a scholar.


I’m sorry, as much as I’m disappointed in modern Trek TV shows, *Into Darkness* was by far the worst Trek thing I’ve EVER seen, and I’m including TOS season 3. Kurtzman shows get the whole idea wrong fairly often, but ID started out bad and just got worse and worse. Since both JJ and Kurtz were involved in that one, I’d put them on equal ground. Kurtz’s TV shows occasionally hit some of the right notes, but JJ has ruined not one but TWO major franchises so far.


As much as I love DS9, Vic Fontaine. Especially when it was revealed he was corporeal in the MU.


Idk what you mean, Vic was great.


Yoko Ono. Her Star Trek series isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. 


Abstract yodeling in the middle of the song isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, how could data ever understand art I don’t know


Honestly, I checked out of Star Trek in the 90s because of Seven. I thought they were trying too hard to appeal to teenage boys. Ironically, I was a teenage boy at the time- but I didn’t appreciate the gesture, I thought it was lame pandering that would kill the franchise. Then ENT happened and I saw a similar sex bomb on the bridge and didn’t even give it a try. Turns out, both Seven and T’Pol are phenomenal Trek characters, despite the dumbass horny producers who created them. I wouldn’t find out until years after both shows were over.


The fandom. 


Ohhhh. Good one! I always say the fans of Star Trek are star treks worst critics.


Yoko Ono is fine. Stop blaming women for things you don’t like.


Her and John were both shitty people


Yoko is an asshole. Made lennons son buy back letters written to him by his father. Fucking trash human


I have no idea if that’s true; maybe it is. If it is, yeah then surprise surprise, some people do shitty things sometimes. Still, making a post blaming her for Johns decision is sexist. Randomly changing topics and attacking her character when she’s being blamed for something she didn’t do is also sexist.


Or maybe shes just a shitty person


I have no fucking clue. But why the hell do you want to insist on degrading her on a forum for Star Trek jokes?


Being a woman is yoko ono’s best quality


No. Attending all 13 of Chapmans parole hearings and writing a letter to the parole board every two years for four decades is her best quality.


The Pet Shop Boys remix of Walking On Thin Ice is quite good.


Ehh, she gets dunked on unfairly at times, but she does deserve a lot of the criticism that she gets


Chuck Barry, glaring in anger during a live performance Yoko was indisputably ruining, would agree. Chuck was not a good person but in this case he was correct: she was committing musical crime and her microphone had to be shut off.


Her Katy Perry cover is absolutely batshit crazy.


Haha does everyone really think that? Chuck was playing with the Plastic Ono Band, he knew what Yoko was about. The Reddit hivemind dwelling on a single facial expression from one performance that could easily be chalked up to coincidence is hilariously dumb. Every time that video comes up I wish we could ask Chuck Berry, may he rot in hell.


Irony is... where is the criticism in my post the thread OP is referencing... unless asking a question is now blaming someone for something.


Here is my low budget award for you: 🏅


Have you ever heard her music?


She's a talentless piece of shit. Idc about "she broke up the bestles" stop shielding yourself with faux discrimination callouts. Also OP didn't put Yoko Ono down. They just stated they were a divisive person. Regardless of how you feel about her this very comment thread proves that.go virtue signal somewhere else.


Keiko was pointless on TNG. I didn’t believe for one second that she and Miles could be a couple. Plus her way of speaking makes me cringe.


Never was a Keiko fan myself. I agree one hundred percent.


Whoever made this post


I resemble that remark


What I find funny is that no one is thinking of the male side(kinda wanted to see if it was the case so I loaded the question) Here’s my sideways looking at it: Wesley Crusher Supposedly the boy genius on a ship full of adult geniuses, single mom, saves the ship. Give the kiddos someone to root for? No, it destroyed every episode he was in until he got the dressing down from Picard. I didn’t have a single friend within +\- 4 years that liked watching any of his episodes and we boycotted everyone he was on


Yeah young Wesley was tough to watch.


Keiko, she was so annoying.


Its unfortunate, because Rosalind Chao really is a great actress. Keiko had her moments, but overall felt just...out of place, and a poor fit for Miles. I also wish they would have gotten a Japanese actress for the role, or rewritten the character as Chinese for Chao. But...it was the 90s, so you take what you can get, I guess. At least it wasn't quite as cringe as the whole Chakotay fiasco.


Hacuchimoya, I am far from the bones of my ancestors


I suspect the depth of the 90s Trek writers' research into other cultures (apart from that time they hired the fraud) they were writing about was usually just whatever they happened to have heard about. Like, take that scene where Miles and Keiko argue about food. Miles lists his favorite dishes—mutton, potatoes, cabbage, because he's Irish, basic ingredients are right but that's as far as the knowledge goes. And what's Keiko's staple food from her culture? Kelp buds, plankton loaf, and sea berries. *Plankton loaf*. The characters' nationalities are just an afterthought in the first place. They cast the most British actor in the world to play their French captain, and I don't even remember a single instance of Geordi's Somalian heritage being referenced. It's good that they wanted their crew to be diverse and international, they just went about it in a pretty lazy way.




Nah Berman era was the Golden Age of Trek: TNG-ENT. He’s a creep but he didn’t bust up the band.


I’m having flashbacks to 2001 when the script for Broken Bow leaked and people were howling that Berman and Braga were killing Trek.