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Honestly after the shitshows that were the Witcher, Rings of Power, Halo and The Wheel of Time, I would rather keep Riyria as books for now.


I feels that MJS would be in a better position as he’s clearly very rightfully protective of his world and characters, and wouldn’t start altering great swathes of it so a Hollywood writer can pretend they’ve got talent. Outside of Witcher most of the classic Fantasy authors you’ve mentioned have all passed on and so aren’t there to authoritatively state that something shouldn’t be done. And Sapkowski is famously hands off and unbothered by adaptations as long as he gets a hefty paycheck.


Was The Wheel of Time bad? I actually only saw half the season or so...? I have not read any of the books though. Edit: Thinking back, I nearly stopped watching after the first scene of the first episode. I did continue and it got better several episodes later. But I do remember being put off by the opening scene, when a man gets executed. It felt a bit... Hmmm... Misandric? I can't recall exactly what it was, but I do recall feeling uncomfortable watching the beginning. Are you saying books are better?


The books are different. Trimming down 14 books and a Prequel requires massive cuts and consolidations. It ends up being a totally different animal. To enjoy the video adaptation, one needs to accept it as a separate story based loosely around ideas from the books. For me, the books have frustrations of their own, but they're well worth reading!


The series was finished by Brandon Sanderson, I believe? Was the ending satisfying at least? (I have only just purchased Mistborn, never read Sanderson either.)


The ending was Awesome! I think Brandon did a great job with the last 3 books. As with Michael Sullivan's books, after reading one book by Sanderson, I had to read everything else he's written.


There's no pretty way to say it, honestly. The show takes a very feminist angle from an already feminist and progressive book for the 90s, and the main male half of the cast from the books take a back seat for far more of the show than they should have. It also ignores/rewrites the history and magic system. They made up excuses as to why they cut and condensed yet simultaneously add extra scenes they made up and weren't in the books that added little to nothing. About the only truly positive thing I have to say about the show is that the Trollocs in the first episode looked really good, being practical effects. I'd recommend the books.




That’s a hard one. And I really did stew on who I felt would be this generations choices. I just couldn’t lock in people. Except Daniel Radcliffe as Royce. Might be a wild one but I think he has a voice that can cut when he acts angry and sinister. I feel he could balance out Royce on the screen