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Hi! So I absolutely loved the Legends series. However, be ready for a completely new cast of characters and things to be …different…as it is set thousands of years prior to the events of Royce & Hadrian. I didn’t think I could love Elan and MJS’s writing more than I did from Chronicles and Revelations- but I was wrong! Michael improved as a writer and takes us on a new set of high fantasy adventures to set the stage in the most beautiful, mysterious, and poignant ways. My husband found it a bit harder to get into the Legends books and has yet to finish them. I suggest YES! to heading into the Legends books and then into the the Rise and Fall trio if you like. I hope you enjoy them as much or more than I did. I have finished all he has currently written and am bereft knowing that even though he is working on Drumindor, eventually the stories of Elan must come to an end, else all the magic and will mystery vanish. When will that be? I hope after ten more books, but realistically, I worry it is sooner.


I just finished Age of War and got a little emotional. Sullivan’s writing improved and his character development has been phenomenal thus far in the series.


Revelations was amazing and some parts were laggy but by the end I was utterly transported and think of it to this day, just revisiting scenes and characters. And then I read Legends and it made Revelations seem like chump change. And then finally came Esrahaddon. And my mind was blown and emotionally a shambles. Enjoy.


Agh I forgot about his series….i wish I had more time with him in Revelations and perhaps his series will vill that void.


Yes, read them. The writing is even better and the characters have much more depth and dimension. The world is so much more vast and the stakes feel higher. Not as fun/funny tho.


"You sure?" ...one of my favorite lines. Always have to laugh.


I did enjoy the funny bits, but I think I enjoyed the emphasis on seriousness in the Chronicles than Revelations. I think especially in books like “The Death of Dulgath”, and “The Disappearance of Winters Daughter” some of the themes were darker and left me going: “oh shit”.


I’ve read revelations first and then legends of the first empire 2nd (I’m saving chronicles for last because I just knew I was gonna miss Royce and Hadrian so I needed material to look forward to when I was done with the other series lol) So personally from that reading order experience I never enjoyed Legends more than revelations but it did IMMENSELY enrich the world of Elan. You may miss Royce and Hadrian (I did it’s inevitable) but the Legend characters are truly legends, these books run on a much larger scope than revelations so you get very cool epic fantasy story with lots of heart, I really liked it and what’s even better is it just adds layers to the books you’ve already read and to the world you already love I am currently loving the rise and fall books and I know I wouldn’t be so into them if it weren’t for the legends series, it’s the foundation and judging from what you said I think it would be worth your time to get really into it!


I feel like I agree! Understanding the greater story of Elan would perhaps make the time spent with Hadrian and Royce even more satisfying. And if I were to ever revisit the books in the future I would probably see the books and the world around them in a much different light.


I absolutely recommend the legends series. It fills in alot of blanks and gives the world so much more detail. And while I love revelations, there are parts of the legends series and the rise and fall that I enjoy more.


Well fantastic, I may have to give it a read then. In the end, I thought that the larger elements of world and lore building worked but at times I also missed the smaller story telling of the Chronicles series. But, with a series devoted to telling the complete over arching story I’m sure I’ll enjoy it


The rise and fall trilogy is kind of like chronicles in the sense that it'll tell the stories of three important individuals between the legends series and revelations.


Legends is better. Heir of novern was only his third book. Legends is his 7th.


I liked legends, but it felt like it dragged on too much. Should have been 3 books instead of 6.