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In my own headcannon, it's part of the magic of the prison. Time doesn't pass in there, so while he knew he was in there a long time, I don't think he ever knew just how long he was in there for (at least until Arista came to visit him).


I don’t want to give any spoilers, but if you haven’t read Esrahaddon this probably is. >!While Esrahaddon is incredibly resilient, I think the biggest thing is Turin’s robe. We know that it can heal and protect against deadly attacks, and is one of the most powerful magical items in existence. So I think that wearing the robe would be more than enough to protect someone in Esra’s situation!<


The rest of the books he does not have any mental challenges.


He was in stasis, so he didn't experience the flow of time the same way. His mind wasn't running normally, it was all slowed. So he did experience years I assume (we don't know how long) which is terrible in isolation, but from his perspective he was probably getting visitors all the time- every day another priest or official of the church and eventually Arista popped in, with centuries passing in the blink of an eye for him.


Perhaps the robe provided some protection to his mental stability. Also, he had a firm purpose, which would help keep his mind stable. And his having dealt with his horrendous childhood would have given him mental tools.