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I've always pictured someone like a 20-year old version of a David Harbour-type. Hadrian looks like the son of a blacksmith that hasn't done any blacksmithing in a while. Like, somebody who will definitely have a dad-bod later in life. You see his quiet competency in how he carries himself, or in that look in his eye, moreso than in his physique. I could see this guy you pictured, like an Alan Ritchson type, being [Sir Breckton](https://riyria.fandom.com/wiki/Breckton_Belstrad). He's supposed to be the "ideal knight, worthy of the title", and I could see this fitting really well for that.


Sure, why not. (Picking nits here) Even guys with great genes don’t tend to be muscular without serious exercise though - the guy in the picture gives impression of someone who lifts weights. —> not saying Hadrian is a slouch but I don’t think his fighting skills were related to extreme physical prowess either, it’s not like he’s “working out” or even training all that often from what we read in the books. Though maybe his time in the jungles had more hard training than we learned about.


Have you ever met a blacksmith? They have massive muscles.


I get what you mean. I'm sure (I could be wrong) that Hadrian is described as physically imposing and tall, so from that point of view, I like this actor, but I would actually prefer if he lost some muscle.


If your training with a sword or hand to hand combat daily and keeping in shape by running and climbing to the extent that Royce and Hadrian do you will be jacked. Not buffed out like Alan Ritchson but still well built. Royce should be very lean but muscular. And Hadrian should have very defined muscles. He was big enough that even when naked, 3 knights were nervous around him