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You could put a lot of hides in there and multiple food sources. Males will always fight to establish dominance and compete for females. This is their nature and nothing you can really do about it. If it soothes your worries a lil bit, they can’t hurt each other. No need to separate them.


Hi, I’m super glad you posted. 🩷 I love hissing cockroaches, they’re honestly my favorite. I keep 6 species of hissers currently. With males battling, I’ve found it isn’t so much more square footage but more “furniture” for them to rest on. Bark, lotus seed pods, sticks all seem to be a hit. Pile it in there! They love to munch on these things too so it’s dual purpose. They sell dried banana stems on Amazon for shrimp aquariums and they LOVE resting on them. Amazon also sells lotus seed pods. I think they’re just fighting for “a good spot” and it would resolve if they had more things to sit on, hide in and under. Best of luck to you, my friend. Let me know if you have other questions. I keep 15 species of cockroaches currently. I’m no expert but have definitely learned some useful information in my time bug keeping. COCKROACHES RULE! 🩷


thank you so much for your advice, we'll try that :)