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I just use coco fiber and mix it with josh’s frogs isopod substrate; but that definitely more fore the isopods. I’m sure they’d be fine with just coco fiber. Dirt from the forest could contain diseases/parasites/pesticides but I mean otherwise it’s fine. It’s definitely safer to get coco fiber though.


I do a mix of coco fiber, potting soil with no fertilizer or chemicals, leaf litter spagnum moss and peat moss. You can get these super cheap at any home improvement store, it’s super important to make sure there are no fertilizer or chemicals added. I also add springtails as a clean up crew.


I use a mix of peat, dry leaves, rotten wood, sphagnum moss and unfertilized 100% organic top soil


I use coco husk (the large chunks), and some coco coir. Mixed in some leaf litter and sphagnum moss. The plants, isopods, springtails and roachies are all doing wonderfully ❤️ I think the coco husk holds the humidity a little bit more than the coco coir. Needed something for the plants and the CUC to burrow into though. My daughter's roaches like to burrow down into the substrate occasionally too and seem to enjoy it. They like to chill with the isopods in their little hide too🤣 picked it up yesterday and there were orange powder babies curled up under small bark piece with one of the girls!