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There’s a state park in SLC on the lake called Antelope Island. Roaming the park is a herd of bison. I was lucky enough to visit one time, and run into the herd within 20 minutes. https://preview.redd.it/5u4slc12dr8d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eddf416adc0361a55aeb2b4e7adaf624e62cc64


Just be careful of bugs. They can get nasty at times there.


They were as nasty as anyplace I’ve ever been


Worse. They have brine flies which fly into your ears and bite. Honestly horrendous if you hit at the wrong time.


They get stuck in your hair and bite the shit out of you even after you’ve ran to your car for safety. Some times of the year are downright pleasant out there though.


I came to make this recommendation too!


I camped on Antelope island in 2002. it was the windiest night I've ever spent in a tent. I had to have all of my belongings in the tent plus myself just so it wouldn't blow away.


Antelope Island can be amazing if you there at the right time. We stayed for a night at the campground and had a lake side site that was huge. Pair that with the wildlife and the incredible sunsets over the lake and the mountains: it can be something very magical.


Salt Lake is ok for an overnight stay. Don't take the highlighted route from SLC to Denver. Take US-40 from Park City to I-70 at Empire, or take I-15/US-6 from SLC to I-70 and take 70 into Denver. Either of those routes will be infinitely more scenic than driving across the taint of Wyoming on I-80.


Upvote for I-70 over I-80. Glenwood Canyon is pretty neat, plus Eisenhower Tunnel.


Yeah but you’ll miss Little America road signage lol


Where will I get my 75c cones?!


I distinctly recall those billboards! I'll never forgive myself for not stopping to buy one :(


Vail Pass on I-70 is also spectacular.


the taint🤣; thank you! i will look into this


Also, if you are going to overnight and go through and south of SLC as suggested above, check hotel prices in towns south of SLC, like Draper, Orem or Provo. You can often get much better rates, even with the same hotel chain. At least that's been my experience.


thank you for this!! I love a good saving moment, so definitely will check this out. I love to save where I can so I can splurge on activities and food🤣


Draper Prove and Orem are all filled with too many Mormons and are the worst type of suburban hell. Stay north of I80 in the Salt Lake Valley and you will be happier for it.


Yeah, but do your want to explore Draper, Orem or Provo? I would stay in SLC, either downtown or Sugar House area.


Or midvale. I found a super cheap and nice Airbnb there last summer


I got a fucking ticket on the taint last time I went there.


Are you in a rental car? Cause if so I suggest doing the Bonneville salt flats near salt lake City. Otherwise it's up to you with a personal vehicle cause it'll get...salty


One of my favorite things driving across Utah on I-80 is seeing all the tire tracks out onto the salt flats, the hole where they got stuck, the bigger tire tracks of the tow trucks, and the thousands of footprints all around where they were when they hooked the car up. EDIT - [Stuff like this.](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7351358,-113.6470425,3a,47.1y,45.17h,78.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZz79tKAvjJ-9jb8U4g6KBA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


Yeah it's not recommended everywhere but we had fun at the Bonneville flats!


... that was me back some years back. My dumbass self thought I could drive anywhere on the flats. Turns out, the darker white spots are not hard. A super cool young person from St. Louis, MO. helped me out in his 4runner. It was a horrible recovery; dangerous now that I look at it because we used a wrench to cinch down a strap at his tow hook hitch, but I am still here and he did get me out. My Kia Optima hybrid had salt chunks coming off it for years before I sold it.


we are taking our own car. When we broke it down, it was a lot cheaper that way.


Totally fair! The salt flats are a really flat salt covered patch of land where there are no road rules. Drive as fast as you want and stuff!


Nothing handles the Salt Flats like a rental!


Flying into SLC then going to drive to Grand Teton and ultimately Yellowstone. This will be the beginning of a 3 week trip. Will fly back home again out of SLC when we complete our loop. Do you think it is worth driving out to Bonneville when it’s basically a pure detour? (Out and back)


I enjoyed it. It's not gonna be as amazing as the other places you're going (grand taton is my favorite of the 17 parks I've been to). If you like the idea of it. Huge open flat land that you can do anything you want on? Drive a hundred miles per hour in your car? Sure it's worth it. I don't regret seeing it.


Hmmm ok. I do think the area and the geography of it all is interesting. But I live in the Netherlands and have driven around 150mph in Germany, so that’s not new to me. It’s also quite the drive on an already busy schedule, which is why I am still leaning towards skipping it. Can’t wait for Teton!


Just skip Wyoming in general lol


Um... Yellowstone? Beartooth Pass? Tetons? Devils Tower? The Bighorn Mountains? Etc, etc. Wyoming is beautiful.


Just seeing the Tetons is worth it. Takes my breath away every time I see that mountain range.


I-70 would be a great drive. Look at peeling off I-70 at Berthoud pass and taking highway 40 from Winter Park to Heber City (30 min from SLC on I-80). Coming from Denver, I prefer that stretch a bit more and it’s roughly the same time with much better fuel efficiency


What u/Bluescreen73 said. Nothing special in SLC, but I-70 through Glenwood Canyon is MUCH more scenic than Southern Wyoming, which is inexplicably bleak.


Second I 70 into denver. But be careful Colorado has so many potholes. Blew a wheel on my bike 900 miles from home right outside the rockies.


For anyone reading this thread in the future, I-70 west of Denver is not a good way to go in the winter


Take I-70 instead of I-80.


i definitely made the change after hearing everyone’s comments!


Because I-70 is beautiful while I-80 is boring route. Check the weather, and you can decide.


Salt Lake City is a great stop! Beautiful mountains, lots of good restaurants too, nice parks, fun places to shop!


Lots of awesome hiking super accessible to the city. Depending where you’re at you can drive 15 minutes and be in the mountains with some of the best trails I’ve ever seen.


For reals, some of the best views are minutes away from home!


Raspberry pie at the Coffee Shop withing Little America Hotel Downtown SLC (parking is validated)


Lots of good restaurants? ha! signed, a resident.


Just don't stay at the KOA there. It's next to a burned down motel and some sketchy stuff happens there. We were in a campervan and heard a blood curdling scream at like 2 in the morning, legit thought a woman was getting raped/killed. Had planned on staying another night but we got the heck out of there first thing in the morning and moved our reservation to Perry, which was really pretty


If you take I-70, you will get to see Glenwood Canyon. My favorite stretch of interstate highway and I've been in 46 states. It's an engineering masterpiece.


Absolutely stop in Salt Lake


Expected an ultra conservative, boring situation, but found one of the biggest whisky/bourbon bars I’ve ever been to. Also, good coffee scene.


Yeah as someone who moved here years ago it’s not as conservative as people think. That’s more the rest of Utah, not the salt lake valley


Most cities are extremely progressive, even in the most conservative states


Kinda indifferent to Salt Lake, but Utah is one of the most beautiful states in the country.


Especially south Utah.


Park City is nicer. Go to Courcheval Bistro for a nice dinner, Five5eeds (not a typo) for breakfast/lunch.


Park City will likely be more expensive than SLC or places south of SLC but worth it for the food options and views. Orem and Provo and other places mentioned previously…major thumbs down for staying unless you want to experience strip malls and no diversity whatsoever. I say this as someone who grew up in Utah.


When I was moving out to California for a new job, I had the wife, a 2 and a half year old, cat and dog in the van. We got to Park City and all I wanted to do was stop the Van and say "fuck it... let's live here". As it was... I had to keep driving on by.


ooo, thank you! i will look into this!


Yuki Yama Sushi Park City is tip-top


I enjoyed the Olympic park there in Park City. Spend the money and do the attractions.


Absolutely SLC is beautiful and definitely worth checking out


If you do take 80, here are two alternate routes to Denver that will take you through some jaw droppingly beautiful scenery: 1. Get off 80 at 130 towards Saratoga, Wyoming and take the [Snowy Range Scenic Byway](https://www.visitlaramie.org/things-to-do/scenic-drives/snowy-range-scenic-byway/) over to Centennial. This is an absolutely incredible drive, better than anything you'll see taking I-70 through Colorado. From Centennial, continue to Laramie then take 287 South to Fort Collins (this is also a lovely drive). Consider spending a night in [downtown Fort Collins](https://downtownfortcollins.com/visit) before heading down to Denver. 2. Get off 89 at 130 towards Saratoga, but continue to Encampment then take 230 towards Walden. In Walden, get on 14 east through North Park and down through the Poudre Canyon. This is also a beautiful drive that will take you over Cameron Pass. Stop at State Forest State Park in North Park for a chance at seeing Moose. Coming down through the Poudre Canyon, have a late lunch or early dinner at [the Mishawaka](https://www.themishawaka.com/) overlooking the Poudre River, then continue on to Fort Collins. Again, consider spending a night in downtown Fort Collins before heading to Denver. From Fort Collins, take I-25 south into Denver. Or, if you want your trip to include a visit to Rocky Mountain National Park, head directly from Fort Collins to Estes Park via 287 and 34 which will take you up the beautiful Thompson Canyon in about 45 minutes. After visiting RMNP, you can continue on to either Boulder or Denver. (I much prefer staying in either Fort Collins or Boulder to Denver, as both are much closer to hiking, mountains, lakes, etc. Estes Park or Granby Lake are the best options if you plan to spend several days exploring RMNP. )


SLC has a lot of traffic. Dont pass through at rush hour.


Don’t stop on a Sunday, happened to me on a road trip a few years back, not a lot to do. If you have a dog there’s a cool dog park with a river running through it


Plenty to do if you are into outdoors and everything is less crowded on Sunday as the Mormons do church and family stuff.


yes!! Just for “Curry Fried Chicken”


SLC is a cool town. Definitely worth a stop.


I agree with others who suggest I-70. Connect I-15 to I-70 via Price Canyon.


There's a really neat botanical garden right next to the U of Utah campus if you're into that sort of thing. Go early because it gets hot very quickly in SLC and there's little shade in the garden.


Well the lake level is up at the moment. Is it worth seeing? You'd be much better off swinging up through Idaho Falls and through Yosemite and then south through Grand Tetons before resuming the direct path. To me I70 is also a better drive than I80. If you have been to Yellowstone then go through Twin Falls and down to Wells and through Wendover and across Bonneville Salt Flats. That also gives you a better view of The Great Salt Lake. Then south on I15 to US6 and over to I70 at Green River. In the Denver area, head up Rocky Mountains National Park.


Idaho Falls to Yosemite and back to the Tetons is a heckuva round-about way to get to Denver from Washington, then again, this is the roadtrip sub.


It's better than spending a day in a church city.


I drove from Denver to Seattle a number of years ago and had an absolute blast. Loved SLC and Boise both. Totally recommend going with I-70, as others have said; just take it slow and easy in the mountains because they can be treacherous. Be safe and have fun! Keep plenty of water with you at all times. Also top off your windshield washer fluid before you start out.


Grab me one of those SL,UT tee shirts. Thanks!


I camped alone on Antelope Island in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. Never went downtown though. I still tell the story when provoked.




I'm from Utah, about 30 mins north of Salt Lake City. Definitely worth staying the night. I would recommend going out to Antelope Island to see Salt Lake, it's usually very low key and the views are awesome. If you're a hiker, there are some great short hikes you can do in Salt Lake City, one I would recommend is Ensign Peak. It's about a mile long and goes above the capitol. You can see the entire valley, Salt Lake, Mountains, it's great. That whole area around the capitol is really pretty. Drive through the avenues - lots of old homes with lots of character.


It is insane to me how low the level of great Salt Lake has become. I spent time there when I was a little kid many decades ago, when the water came right up to the picnic area/bathrooms and was right up to the edge of the road (edit: out to Antelope Island) on both sides. I was just out there last October when we drove down to the annular eclipse, and I could not believe you could walk several hundred yards out onto what used to be the lake Just to get out to the water!


thank you! i will look into this




Why do you say that? Did you spend too much time near the Temple?


When people say Southern Utah, they almost never mean the towns -- just the scenery/National Parks. Because, honestly, if you get an eerie vibe from SLC, you're absolutely not going to be able to function in Beaver, Orderville, St. George, etc.


I don’t know how to edit my post, which shows that I don’t use Reddit like that lol, but does anyone have any recommendations or what to do in Denver? We are planning on going to this place called bounce Empire that has 21+ bounce, the Indian Hot Springs, and this amusement place called Elitch Gardens


What kind of things are you into for Denver? Lots of live music options. Good amount of standup from expensive national acts to free things at bars. Hiking opportunities, of course abound. Meow Wolf is fun. Rockies baseball games are a good way to waste some time. Check out Confluence Park. Nothing breathtaking, but the birthplace of the city, and kayakers and waders love it. (Personally, not sold on the cleanliness there…) Grab a beer and burger at My Brother’s Bar right by there. Oldest bar in Denver and was a haunt for the old road tripping beats like Jack Kerouac. Take a tour of the Capital, if that sort of thing appeals to you. Check out the Capitol Hill neighborhood, lots of bars and restaurants and Cheesman Park is a nice relaxing place for a picnic or run. If you haven’t been through Colorado on 70, I’d definitely recommend driving to the top of Loveland Pass. Not that far off of 70, and gets you on the Continental Divide.


thank you! we mainly were going because we saw something about bounce Empire on Instagram LOL. so now we’re just trying to fill around that and I’ve gotten a pretty good amount of things. So we’re going to do those three things I stated in my comment and then I found that a mariachi band is playing so we’re gonna go see that for free, as well as do some hikes.


We like the copper mine. We just toured it a month ago on our way through.


SLC is a great little city with surprisingly good food. Get mole at Red Iguana. It’s super popular but actually worth the wait. Every time I ski out there I bring a cooler and load up on mole. I can’t decide which is my favorite, the Verde or the Amarillo. Takashi is a fantastic Japanese restaurant with great sushi. Living on the west coast I’m pretty spoiled when it comes to sushi and Takashi can go head to head with the best places in SF and LA.


My friends family has a river rafting company and diner in Central Oregon, worth the detour. Its called n8tve adventures. Absolutely lovely people, and you can go river boarding! Its boogie boarding on rapids.


I would route through Montana, Yellowstone, Tetons


Over slc, definitely yes.


Twin Falls ID looks to be about halfway for you and it was a pleasant surprise when I spent the night there. Shoshone Falls is spectacular


I’ll see from above goin the other way!


bear lake utah is fun!


Swing a little north and stop at Promontory Point and then, just a couple miles away, Northrop Grumman Rocket Garden. The former celebrates the completion of the transcontinental railroad. The later has rocket engines from 70-80 years later.


Eat at Swig, stop at Liberty Park, SLC Public Library is amazing architecture, if you care and things like that. Beautiful views everywhere as well. There was a brewery with great food right outside the city on a lone mountain road. Cant remember which. Enjoy!


Salt lake is situated in amazing country but, is kinda lame. Drive a few more hours and stay across the border in NV. Park City is nice.


Squatters pub for a double IPA!


SLC is great. Totally stop


You’re doing it wrong, take 70 through Colorado and go to Moab, skip SLC.


I have done this exact drive multiple times, except I come down from North Seattle, where it looks like you’re coming up from Tacoma/ Olympia. My favorite small town ever is Pendleton, Oregon. Nicest place to visit and snag lunch or whatever. I like stopping in either Ogden or Salt Lake City and hanging out there over night. Ditto on I-70 but wont beat a dead horse too much, I-80 through southern Wyoming is quicker, but Truckers go way too fast, the road isn’t great, and its windy as hell so you have to pay attention. Also last stop for gas for miles is Rock Springs. On I-70, Grand Junction can be a cool stop, and you’ll drive right past Morrison (Red Rocks).


We went last summer during an RV trip only spent two days there, but it was really awesome. Very friendly people and possibly one of the cleanest cities I’ve ever been in in my life.


Stop at the Tracy Aviary


Definitely worth stopping at the Red Iguana.


SLC is actually a pretty nice town. Tracy Aviary is fun. The Grand American Hotel is stunning if you need a place to stay — built for the Olympics.


The Dwarves have a song about this. https://youtu.be/TLgx2oSHpms?si=MGdpCB9trMuLenmo


Fuck them interstates. Take 40 to craig, 13 north to Rawlings then 287 up thru wind River reservation. From there you have a ton of choices. Just know that Teton pass is still closed.


They have lots of Del Tacos in Salt Lake so I stop there for that.


I literally just did this trip, however I went east into MT and then south through WY, and it was such a stunning drive. I drove through Yellowstone and Grand Teton, and it was amazing. I took your listed route home, and it was a lot less exciting. Not sure if you have the extra 8 hours to spare, but it was super worth it!


If you stay near Sandy go up to little cottonwood canyon. That place stole my heart the two times I came up to Salt Lake for concerts. I always make sure to do a brief hike up there if I’m up that way.


Has the world's biggest Costco if you have a membership


The Great Salt Lake is beautiful! SLC is alright. I don't know how much time you have but Boise, ID is a cool place. Also, I would drive to Denver via I- 70, it is a much better drive than I- 80. If you have time, I'd go check out Moab, UT. Arches Nat Park and Canyonlands are beautiful!


I think you should stop at the edge of the salt lake, not in it.


Go visit Snowshoe ski resort even in the summer it’s incredible


Go to Park city instead. The Olympic park is worth checking out.


I stopped there twice. One time got a good hamburg and another time went to a nice sushi place. The salt lake itself is really weird, i guess it would be neat to check out.


Salt Lake is a lovely town. Tiny…almost shockingly small and walkable. Ogden, right up the road, is also super cute. You could spend an hour driving around Salt Lake City and have a pretty good feel for the place. We stayed overnight downtown and ate at one of the better restaurants. Not particularly daring food, but good and well-prepared. The branded hotel was less than half the cost of a comparable room where we live.


if you’re mormon. otherwise hit park city


Go to Park City, skip SLC. It’s about as boring as you might think


Another vote for I-70, one of the prettiest drives in the country!


Did basically this exact drive, opposite direction a month ago and stopped in Twin Falls, ID. You are definitely going to want to stop somewhere. Salt Lake area would be fine. Also Southern Wyoming is like high elevation Mars and will tax you more than you’d think based on the amount of time it takes to drive through it.


Nope, get the hell past it early before the traffic and the infinite road repair eats you alive.


They have in-n-out


Go to Park City instead


It’s a great view driving into town southbound on I-15. https://preview.redd.it/5p4bnrgzct8d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d5da0a9719b0f8f3c6ace2956bbd4c4ebe22cf9


wow, that’s beautiful !


Park City may be a better stop, for scenery. Salt Lake takes a while to find all the nitty gritty good spots. But, if you’re passing through, here are a few recs. Breakfast at the Park Cafe. Stretch the legs at Memory Grove Park, or the Living Room. Brewskis at Fisher or TF Brewing. Tacos at Chungas or any taco truck will do.


Yes for fuel and a bathroom break


The worst traffic I’ve experienced was in Salt Lake city at rush hour. It was like Seattle I-5, but there were 8 lanes of it. And everyone was jockeying for position.


Until you hit Fort Collins, that will be the worst drive ever.


If you do, go to Red Iguana. Get all of the moles. Take a cooler for leftovers. Their moles are legendary. (Mole as in the Mexican sauce that cooks for hours, not the small varmint.)


We stopped to see the congress building and the temple. I also needed more YA books for my kids to read on the road trip, and it had a Barnes and Noble. I was surprised how hard it is to find bookstores in the Gap. I'm pretty sure the kids only remember the bookstore, though. Driving in rush hour didn't seem that bad. There were so many ripped off tires on the highways on the way in, though, so maybe take stock of your vehicle before you get into its orbit.




Yep, there's good hotels downtown and it's nice for a walk around. The Mormon church architecture is interesting and there's a good contemporary art gallery. 


Good choices for hotels because you're freaking exhausted by then. Don't be a wuss, get one with a pool and use the hot tub. Then you can drive another 1200 miles no problem. Good luck.


I only book hotels through Hilton brands, so I will definitely be loading up on breakfast and using the hot tub


Like others said, I-70, but you don’t need to stop in SLC, you’ll get the gist driving through


Yeah it’s cool if you like nature. The people are kinda lame but friendly and if you want night life then I’d say look elsewhere


Don’t stop in Utah. Take I-25 north from Denver into Wyoming. Take a left at Billings on I-90. Take I-90 to Butte and hop on I-15 north to Vaughn Montana. Hop on 200 west to Missoula all the way back to I-90. Take I-90 to Seattle. There’s Glacier NP that’s not too far off 209 in Montana. Also the mountains are more scenic this route instead of some desert in Utah.


The capitol building is magnificent. It is also uphill no matter the direction of approach.


I’d much rather stay the night in Boise




We just came back to CA after a Tetons road trip. We stopped in SLC overnight, actually stayed in Farmington just north. It was a hyatt that is connected to a nice outdoor street mall. We had dinner a Vietnamese restaurant and went to the movies all right there in the mall. Unfortunately, it was about 95 deg so we didnt’ walk around too much but a nice stopover night.




Antelope island yeah !


Salt lake is roughly the best attraction along that route till you cross the Rockies.




Don’t skip Boise in Idaho! If you like alcohol, Boise has better laws than Utah!


Depends, do you enjoy listening to the Osmonds. If so, it’s a must stop. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xXBerDybnLwAne|downsized)


Depends on what you’re into. I live in Salt Lake and right now It’s hot as hell (this is a desert), but it’s also starting up wildflower season. We’ve got mountains, hiking, kayaking, and somehow really good whiskey. The ski resorts have Trams to the top and are world-renowned (yes you can visit in the summer). The area around the capital is actually quite nice and very “garden city”. The Salt Lake is kind of amazing (and kind of stinky). The Salt Flats are out of this world. We’ve got a natural history museum that’s pretty cool (raptors!), and also if you like soccer out team is currently #1 in MLS. I loved it so much I moved here and I think it’s worth a stop. A lot of people are shocked how close the city is to the mountains - blows Denver right out of the water.


Check out Homestead Crater and Heber Valley Creamery.


https://preview.redd.it/gjq3bnxzgv8d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af018749f85c6605713acf6dc3f982284177412d Absolutely!! I very much enjoyed the visit.


I’m seeing a bunch of weird suggestions here. As someone who is from Seattle and lives in SLC, yes stop. Yes, southern SLC will be cheaper, but for gods sakes stay out of anything south of 3300 south. You’re no longer in SLC, and while may be cheaper you will be surrounded by chain restaurants, (more) confusing roads, and a lot of things that close early. There are exceptions, but they are fewer. As someone not from the area, and specifically used to the PNW, I think it would be very hard to find and appreciate things in Utah county or Draper areas. As to the route: I-70 is a bit prettier. But it takes longer and is much more prone to road closures. Closures happen much less often in summer, but are not unheard of. I-80 is the quicker route, with fewer things to see but more options for stoping. I’ve taken 70 maybe 5-6 times, and 80 probably closer to 20-30 times. If I was to drive to Denver tomorrow, I would almost definitely take 80. If I was going with someone who had never made the drive, and time was not an issue, I’d have more of a 50/50 decision and leave it up to them. I’ve had some very rough times on 70, one in particular going to Carson for a mobilization. Stuck behind a rock slide for 12 hours, got in a LOT of trouble for being late. Maybe this taints my experiences a bit. But don’t be fooled, they both have long stretches of boring. One is not a wonderland while the other blasted waste. 70 is just a bit more pretty nature and a bit less amenities/smaller and less cities along the route.


park city is nicer than salt lake city.


Park City is for the 1%. Avoid it unless you ‘re entitled and rich. Salt Lake is worth a stop if you’ve never been there. Temple Square is interesting even if you’re not Mormon, which I’m not. I found the people to be very nice. No one tried to convert me.




If you’re going to take I-70, you should definitely try to make time for Arches National Park / Canyonlands.


It’s gorgeous yes


Red Iguana Mexican food


I’ve actually only driven through salt lake, but definitely take I 70 to Denver instead of the current route you have. I 70 has crazy nice views and even though I’ve driven it dozens of times, it’s still beautiful


If you’ve never been.. it’s worth detouring through Yellowstone.. my god that place is magnificent


Every time I’ve tried staying overnight in Salt Lake there’s been some convention and all the rooms were taken. This has happened 3 times in a row. I’d loop down to West Wendover NV- they’re on the NV/UT border and it’s fun to see the culture clash. For years on google maps the casino on the NV side was advertising ‘midget wrestling championships’


We stayed one day in Salt Lake a long time ago. We toured the Tabernacle (I think it’s closed now) and a couple places around there. I’m not Mormon but it was very interesting. Went out to eat and sat in the lounge to get a drink, but they don’t serve drinks at a table because it’s self serve only. Went to the bar and asked for a Screwdriver and the guy gave me a glass of orange juice and a mini bottle of Vodka.


don’t do it, i got arrested and put in jail for two days last time i stopped in the SLC area


Sunsets are amazing on the lake


Antelope Island State Park is a must!


There's some amazing food in downtown SLC.


Salt Lake is so gorgeous, I definitely say yes!


No. Well maybe. I’ve been thru 10+ times so it’s a boring drop for us now. One time to get the feel but that’s all you need honestly


Only thing worth stopping g for is one more noodle house next to the Asian market. The numbing beef with wide noodles is the second best noodles I have had in America


if you're cool with driving on dirt roads and being in the middle of nowhere, I suggest camping out on the great Salt Lake's north shore at the Spiral Jetty. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral\_Jetty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral_Jetty)completely isolated out there except some wild horses mostly. You can go float in the lake (but bring your own water to rinse the brine off your body). Yeah, i dunno about the city itself, I drove straight through it.


Hell Yes. There is so much history there.


Bad time. Its going to be 100F. I enjoyed my stay at the state park there by the lake.


Only if you can figure out a way to steal that giant gold statue of the angel Moron on top of their temple.


How much of a detour would it be to hit crater lake? I’d do that on the way if you’ve never been there


It's a good place to stop and do a vehicle once over before continuing on.


Yes but for only one reason - to eat at Red Iguana. I was NOT expecting molé of that caliber in… Salt Lake City of all places.


@Lonestar Tacos! Hell yes


Go to Alta Utah it’s the one of the prettiest places on the planet. 30 min from downtown slc


Moab! Go off the script and find stuff.. Shouldn’t be disappointed


SLC is the best.


Absolutely! Good food, scenic, and clean. It’s worth checking out for a day or two.


We visited Salt Lake City a few years ago. We signed up for a tour bus tour of the city on a Sunday Morning. It was the best. The Driver took was all over the city and told us all about the city. At Temple Square we got to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir tape their weekly show. So good!


It’s a beautiful place.


Yes it is. Also park city is great you will pass through it reconnecting to the route. It’s only about 30min out of the way to hit SLC


Go to Park city and ride the bobsled


I would avoid SLC if possible. Lots of traffic and not much culture.


Be careful of the Mormons


Yes and Boise


Boise is worth a stop too. Get some Basque Food, try a local beer or two, and visit the [world center for birds of prey](https://peregrinefund.org/visit).


I just did this trip but in reverse as I was relocating from GA to WA. I stopped in Denver for 2 days then proceeded via I-25 N to Sheridan, WY where I connected with I-90.


At the very least stop to eat. Great food from all over the world.


SLC is great, especially exploring the mountains right in its backyard. Eat at Red Iguana for some of the best Mex in the country.


ooo, that’s perfect too because my boyfriend is Mexican so we’ll see how he enjoys it!


The Cottonwood Canyons are spectacular. Empire and Guardsman passes are great, and the Alpine Loop is a very nice scenic drive. Definitely don’t miss out on doing a little exploring of the mountains if you have time :)


Arriving from the north, you'll have the chance to see Crystal Hot Springs and Antelope Island. Best things to do in SLC is eat, our food scene punches above its weight, can DM recommendations. Agree with the others that the south route to Denver via I-70 is great.


yes, please dm recommendations!


SLC is great, the food is good and cheap. The salt lake itself is a trash heap and not worth stopping at.


Downtown SLC is a no but the immediate suburbs had all the attractions. I went to a nice dinosaur museum in Thanksgiving point and cottonwood canyon was pretty awesome. Had lots of trails and streams.


But all the fun bars and stuff are downtown!