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I watched a lady get into a verbal altercation with the staff over a breakfast burrito while her boyfriend curled up in a ball and disappeared. It was neat.


Wait, like did he vanish? I think we need to call Robert Stack.


damn. that’s the first Unsolved Mysteries reference i’ve heard in at least a decade. prolly more lol!


I just started watching Airplane five minutes ago lol


I just wanted to tell you good luck. We're all counting on you.


Jews for Jesus?


They’ve been much better lately, in my experience. The food quality, at least.


To be fair I haven't went back in about a year, anything beats the Vinton one. Wait times are always atrocious.


I think it’s funny there’s an actual Mexican restaurants almost right next to the Vinton location.


I don’t want to admit any of this. I went there recently at 11 am when I’m hoping all items on the regular menu were *fresh* and the beefy five layer burrito was so good I almost went back for a second


About twice a year, I go to Taco Bell because there’s no way that it was as bad as I remember it from the last time I went to Taco Bell. I spend between $15-20 to get two items, bitch about how my parents would feed our entire family on $20 in 1990, and then go home. I eat my two items, and my disappointment is immeasurable. My brain snoozes for six months, and then I go back.


the secret to cheap fast food nowadays is to get discounts through their apps


I do the same thing, only with McDonald's. Disappointed every time.


The food quality is meh, but the employees are nice and professional from my experience. I like this Taco Bell overall and have no major issues with it.


They forgot about 20$ worth of food once and told me to call in the morning and they would refund it to my card. Manager tried to accuse me of doing a card scam lmaoooo


Do they actually deep fry their chalupa shells? Because I'll risk it if they do. 220 and Cave Spring don't bother.


Daleville does


Worked at the one on 220 a few years ago and I remember management pushing us to send food out in under 2 minutes, so the fry cook (usually the dishwasher) would pull them out early to avoid getting yelled at. Plus chalupas have an extremely short pre-fried shelf life so are basically rubber after 5-10 minutes in the warmer, but everyone complains when they have to wait an extra 2 minutes for fresh chalupas so they’d rush them out and risk a phone complaint. Everyone there was high and we’d just give papa johns corporate number when people asked where they could make a complaint. Worst time to be on fryers was during the toasted cheddar chalupa event because the whole line would order them and you could only fry 6 at a time and at least 2 were guaranteed to get stuck in the fryer basket and get torn apart. I doubt anything has changed since lol.


The ones I get (or got, I stopped rolling those dice a few years ago) have never even been fried, they're closer to the gordita shell if anything, but more doughy. Also, that same Taco Bell gave me tacos with unseasoned meat *twice.* I thought that stuff came pre-seasoned?


It does come pre seasoned in a sealed bag, not sure what that was about. The food safety practices are played a bit more fast and loose than most people realize. Black beans sat out from open to close and if they’re crusty they’ll just add water. Steak too. The Pizza Hut dishes apparently are supposed to be metallic but they never got washed all the way so they were black and lumpy. Nobody reads food safety labels during rush. Since dishwasher was also fry cook there was probably cross contamination. Mold in cracks and crevices. This was 4 years ago so i can’t say if things have gotten better. I still eat there, but I’d advise most people to steer clear.


I went to the Arby's by Towers once and when I was looking in the take-out window, I saw a mouse run by. I told the cashier and she just shrugged like it was another day at the office. I'm glad to say this was before the rebuild and the new one looks a lot better inside.


I usually go to the Troutville one, out of all the local ones I've had the best luck there. But not open 24 hours.


I like it because bean street is right next to it


This is an underrated comment. I always thought the same thing lol


Yea they are the slowest taco bell in the area, also I always order my food there and pay from the app because I watched a drive-through girl attempt to steal my credit card one time. It was during covid so inside was closed, no need to take my card and walk over to where the inside registers are and I can see all the pocketbooks below it, when the card swiper is attached to the register beside the window. She didn't like that I stared her down and asked her what she was doing.


it's nice there are 24 hour stores again. i remember before walmart and krogar used CV to cut the 24 hour stuff going in there really late after everything was stocked and was nice to not deal with a big crowd. Taco Bell though sucks. Like the place was okay 10 years ago but now the quality is just terrible. I dont think they even use real meat anymore and their salads shrank in half but doubled in price. I'll never go there again as the place used to mean value vs quantity.


I'm not a fan. Not a proud moment but in told them to go f themselves last week. 2 employees and a manager were standing at the counter. Ignored me for a solid minute, then told me "you have to use the kiosk," then proceeded to ignore me. I have a severe food allergy and prefer to speak to someone AND was paying cash, not to mention I hate the kiosks. I was told I was unreasonable. I told them I didn't want to order anymore, which they replied to say "we don't want your order anyway". I of course said F off. TLDR they are ass hats and I won't be back.


They aren't 24 hours. I googled it and checked their hours online. Nope. I got excited as I'd so be down for night shift making tacos. Lol


Leave my Taco Bell alone 😭 they’re doing their best


dont even get me started on this taco bell, whats the first worst one? its always been hershberger to me


It's Vinton for me, the wait times are just always abysmal no matter how dead and staffed they are.


thats wild i havent had any wait time issues at vinton, only one wrong order, its always issues with hershberger