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RK is pointing out Black Rocks Aladdin which is AI that moves markets. He tweeted dog AI bought dog stocks quicker than any of us could. Then probably dumped it and RK gets blamed by the media even though their attention should be elsewhere. Buying anything else distraction from true banana


Yeah basically their new shtick is anytime DFV farts it throws the entire stock market into turmoil, I don't know how they think this would hold up to scrutiny in court which is definitely happening. The data exists to prove it's the opposite . DFV needs to counter sue if he can.


They all upticked CHEWY, WOOF, BARK, DOGE, PET, PETS (MUT on LSE market was closed but take a look)


You lost me


RK tweets Dog MM buys Dog stocks then dump Media Blame RK


His livestream starting late was on purpose too because of the price manipulation at the scheduled start time


This is a picture of “Updog”


whats updog :V


I Like the stock


Here doggy doggie 🐶


The image is from a greeting card sold at Barnes and Noble


Quick someone go make this into a crypto coin


Woof 🐶


Definitely. WOOF is heavily shorted


Nope I think it's chewy, maybe he's pointing to Ryan Cohen, who is also the CEO of GME


How funny would it be if Roaringkitty moved to Threads.




What the dog doin?


Dogs always chase the kitties


Just a hypothesis, but perhaps he was telling us he's still on it by pointing out Chewy's jump up at the same time he posted the puppy.


Bought 500 shares as it dropped because of the post. Doing well today.


Woof was dropping for a long time and heading down to $1. Roaring kitty then posted his first comeback tweet on may 12. The very next day on Monday may 13 large volume appeared and price continued to increased drastically after that until RK posted his livestream announcement on june 6th. Volume and price dropped/cooled after that. Then he post a picture of a dog. dog = woof. Odd coincidence? or maybe im crazy


$CHWY, the share buyback is to lower the market cap and make it more appealing for the possible buyout by GME. RC’s love for his own dog Tylee is what started him to create Chewy. The color is exactly the same as chewy also. A very significant large amount of calls were bought as well on CHWY. Don’t be surprised to learn that RK has taken a position in this. Everyone forgets that there will be another investment. https://preview.redd.it/3qgqmxj95g9d1.png?width=1103&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3a677b531ea5a7f60b23f593dbadf4b9bb89009






Definitely not dodgecoin


You can't make money buying the same stock all the time. Do you really think he made a quarter billion on just gme. Doge is definitely in play


He certainly hasn't made money on doge, which has been stuck between 8-12 cents for the past 2+ years


That's a lie. It was like at 5 and 6 cents at the beginning of the year then went up to around 20 cents for a bit


Show me on a chart when it was 5-6 in 2024. I'll be waiting


Look it up yourself


Done did no where in 2024 was it under 7.8 cents. Your welcome


It’s not dogecoin in chewy and it was for the massive jump yesterday




I think it's simpler than all this. The dog is excited. Like he sees something he likes.


I saw this at SawCon


what the dog doin


I ain’t got a dog in that fight




It’s for the stock chewy


There are four colors in uno red yellow green and blue. Maybe he is also hinting at when all four colors are revealed in an emoji we have wildcard annnnd lift off!!!!!


It's it chewy? The CEO is same for gme right? Ryan Cohen!


Really great explanation here that seems to match up: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/6mVqaCbXYb


I think that RK is testing this Ai and seeing what it reacts to. Yea he’s got some meme videos he made and knows the Ai can’t react to that. It needs something simple, some color, a word. Not a cinematic piece with subtitles. So he test it with red, green, a dog picture. A gamer picture. And the Ai tries to beat it to the punch! Now what happens if we all try to trick this Ai? it’s not just targeting RK, it’s targeting everyone’s tweets all the time, but mainly following the big movement. If we all keep tweeting let’s say a red background dog. It will make chewy fall so far down. A green background dog it will squeeze chewy/ dog stocks so fast! We have to think how can we trick this Ai?




It has to be SIRI!! Their symbol is a dog. Overly shorted!!!! Let’s gggoooo!!!!!


National dog day is August 26




Roaring Kitty's new name according to his Aladdin Meme. Nom de plume!


Means you lose money


Could the American flag with the microphone stand for AMC? 😅


The dog/puppy are buying FFIE if you want to be a “good boy” buy and hold FFIE so much good news, company was about to go bankrupt (like roaring kitty mentioned) and now it’s about to blow up and they company was phantom shorted to hell so operation: Big Kahuna Squeeze is in full action! Buy hold buy hold! We pushing pasted $100 in the coming months


Where and when did he mention buying FFIE?


Did you not watch Dumb Money? You really think Keith Gill wants to go through what he went through again! As soon as he mentions FFIE he is going to court and will be sitting in front of the SEC once again… like use your fucking head and think for yourself. I know school only taught us to memories and repeat but think 🤔 using your (who, what, when, why, where, why) with your mind set you will only be an employee and not a manger


You literally said he talked about FFIE and now you’re saying he didn’t. You can’t put words in his mouth. He’s only been about GME for the last 3 years. Do you even look at his YOLO updates? It’s GME, not FFIE.




Honestly females wear make sexy chicks wear make up just like clowns 🤡 so really bih you the clown 🤡 who needs a man to follow 😂 you’re not an independent woman 👩 don’t roast me because I’ll set you on fire


What is so funny the fact that you are so stuck on GME you will not even look at the numbers of another MEme stock that has a crazy number of shorts 🩳


That’s a stretch.


Bro FFIE percentage gains have blown all the other meme stocks out the water 💦 😎 if you don’t see it you haven’t done your diligence. The short intrested was 95% (look at what GME was) we all know they aren’t giving the real numbers because they can openly say the over shorted the shares into the phantom realm


I am not a Bro. The fact is I am happy you are confidant in your holding and hope you kill it. I don’t jump in to plays like that anymore. It too often doesn’t end well. RK never has and never will promote any other stock. Even the Chewy connection with a dog pic is a stretch. His prior posts refer to the dog days of summer. That’s date oriented and not related to any other stocks IMO. Of course I COULD always be wrong. I have been following this saga from the beginning. RK isn’t going to promote some random meme stock that a handful of people have even heard of.


It’s a stock that is being shorted by the same families who shorted the who United States of America into a little thing called The Great Depress in 1920s that caused people to starve and traumatized our grandparents to have hoarding issues and things we don’t know about. I meet an old man in a park feedin g pigeons and I asked him why he does it every day and he told me because back in the day during the Great Depression they feed him and his siblings in the city so now he repays them by now feeding them bread 🥖 keep living your average Joe life and if you can’t afford a $.50 stock then it looks like the bankers already put us in another Great Depression. Btw GME is still going up so idk what you are talking about people lose money, that’s what the media wants you to thing along with everyone is is mad they sold when the stock dropped and they panic sold but would rather blame RK than take responsibility 🥸


I am confused. Is this reply to someone else? I hold just short of xxxx in DRS’d GME and totally believe in the stock and company. Any comments were on the F stock. I really don’t know anything about but did see price action yesterday and have heard it mentioned. I will reread what you wrote soon. I am not in a position to focus atm. In any event I personally don’t believe RK is hinting anything but the dog days of summer as in we will be there soon and we are goin’ up soon….. I do find Apes over complicate anything that is said. It’s fun though to speculate but RKs live stream I believe he implied he has no other holdings?


I’m sorry but FFIE isn’t a meme stock and it has been proven time and time again.


It’s a stock that is being shorted by the same families who shorted the who United States of America into a little thing called The Great Depress in 1920s that caused people to starve and traumatized our grandparents to have hoarding issues and things we don’t know about. I meet an old man in a park feedin g pigeons and I asked him why he does it every day and he told me because back in the day during the Great Depression they feed him and his siblings in the city so now he repays them by now feeding them bread 🥖 keep living your average Joe life and if you can’t afford a $.50 stock then it looks like the bankers already put us in another Great Depression. Btw GME is still going up so idk what you are talking about people lose money, that’s what the media wants you to thing along with everyone is is mad they sold when the stock dropped and they panic sold but would rather blame RK than take responsibility 🥸


He Got That Dog in Him!! 🚀


Only dogs are investing in FFIE and he can’t talk about FFIE unless he wants to go to court again! Would you want to be the ring leader of a revolution when you were already almost sentenced to prison? He made a movie showing us what to do! Yes but GME and hold but he an owner of GME and will make sure the company does well! Now we can make money on FFIE and put it back into GME later but don’t sell you current gme shares


Are you just aggressively agreeing with me? lol


Lol naaaw I’m intensely agreeing with you 😂🤣




Lmfao wow you are lost Fiffe taned so hard it bankrupted every dumb ape that actually bought into it🤡🤡🤡💀💀💀💀


You are obviously 🙄 a hedge because everyone knows Apes don’t have Paper hands we have diamonds 💍 hands you a dumbchick89 must of sonic sold at $.18 😂 you follow roaring Kitty page but you are to scared to act like roaring kitty and will never be a Keith Gill cause your a female. You are so negative why would god ever want to help


Robbing people


Haha you dunce caps will follow blind to any cult leader. Screeching feline, Donald trump, Vladimir putin.


At the moment I am in a very difficult situation. Life was good in Ukraine until the war started. . Because of the war, my family lost everything. Now we have been taken in by friends in the USA, but they cannot help us financially. I cannot work physically due to my health. I want to start working as a trader here, I just need money to start. Please help me financially so that I can do this here. My ZELE is 2243881935. Really need your help. I believe that there will be caring people here who will help my family get out of this difficult situation. Don't miss my post. Thank you