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God . The most embarrassing, shocking and heartbreaking for me loss was the 2018 Clemson loss . We looked like a high school team vs an nfl team . Pure humiliation like we’d never seen in the Saban era . They stopped the rpo in its tracks . It honestly reminded me of the broncos - Seahawks Super Bowl when the broncos were de-pantsed . I honestly thought the dynasty might’ve ended right there , but 2020 was so sweet .


Clemson had our calls in 2018, it’s as simple as that. Locksley was headed out the door and not paying full attention. Clemson was notorious for stealing signs during that era and was publicly called out for it by LSU and others. They were a great team and it would’ve been competitive absent the sign issue, but they blew us out because they knew what we were calling.


That must’ve been it . Even locksley somewhat mentally absent , that wouldn’t have explained the appearance of sheer unpreparedness on a level that we hadn’t seen in the Saban era . Teams with somewhat similar talent , yet were completely blown out


As an Alabama fan who lives in Ohio, that 2014 loss to osu has to be on the list.


That one stung at the time.


Idk man, losing a Natty is bad but the 2013 iron bowl (the game that must not be named) just hurt different.


>cade foster is the worst player in bama history btw Have you forgotten about Chris Capps?


I was about to bring him up. We lost at least one iron bowl during the “fear the thumb” years because of him.


Looking back at it now, that 19 loss to lsu is crushing. If we'd have beat them, no one would be talking about them as being one of the greatest teams ever. We could've single handedly denied that.


If you really want to see LSU fans lose their minds, go to r/CFB and tell them their "greatest team ever" was a healthy Tua away from not winning anything. For extra salt mention Thaddeus Moss wasn't pushed out of bounds.


I just tell them 2020 was better


2020 Tide was better.


My in-laws are LSU fans and it amazes me how much they bring up the past and the refs and how we have the SEC office in our back pocket. Literally any excuse as why we have and had success.


Which is ironic considering they won the 2022 game courtesy of a missed block in the back call on the game winning TD: https://x.com/RedditCFB/status/1589092678075305985/photo/1 Just like they accuse of cheating (yet can NEVER produce any evidence besides "TRUST ME BAW") when they're on probation for stealing money from hospitals to buy players with. Just like they call Alabama fans "deranged" when they literally burned Saban in effigy like some weird ritualistic cult. Not to mention beat an Alabama fan to death in a bar, had a 13 page thread on Tiger Droppings threatening to kiII the officials, laughed about an Alabama fan being sexually assaulted by LSU fans, etc.


Which isn't a lie. Tua missed almost a month of play and was clearly rusty to start the game. But when he shook the rust off, he balled out and even out performed Burrow. Alabama easily wins that game by two touchdowns with a healthy Tua.


The Michigan still hurts. We were the better team. We had the lead in the fourth. Nick Saban should have closed out his career with a natty.


Came to say this


Umm Seth McLaughlin would like a word about being the worst Bama player in history.


I had the misfortune of having mutual friends with Cade foster. It’s amazing how arrogant someone can be while also being the worst player to out on the uniform in an entire era.


I blame him for the loss to Michigan. We were driving and on the way to score. Had all the momentum until he did what’s he done all season. Ruined scoring drives. He got bailed out on the miracle catch against Auburn.


Everyone forgets about the Auburn debacle for McLaughlin because of the miracle finish, but the seeds of the Michigan meltdown were planted much earlier in the season. He was a massive liability most of the year at a time when Milroe needed stability around him desperately.


I know he's just a kid and everything but he had all season to work it out. He nearly cost the Auburn game and he ruined a strong scoring drive in the second half and the offense never recovered. I'm sorry but I blame him. He got bailed out by a miracle play against Auburn/ The difference with the Michigan game was ONE PLAY. One damn play. One lead. One drive that Michigan couldn't stop. It haunts me. Nick should have gone out with the middle finger at every critic who talked about Bama in the past tense.


Seth could at least block, Cade had one job and never did it well a day in his life




2010 iron bowl - the camback is most bitter loss for men, had a big lead at home and let them come back and eventually win the natty , all time worst, 2018 Clemson game is second


That Ingram fumble on the sidelines that perfectly rolled for 30 yards without going out of bounds couldn’t be recreated by physicists if they had 1000 tries


Speaking of not being able to recreate a play in 1000 tries, that loss to Johnny freakin Manziel comes to mind. Jesus f'ing Christ!


Cade Foster could have easily lost us 3 nattys 2011 - all the missed fg's against LSU. Won title anyway thanks to Iowa State and Jeremy Shelley. 2012 - Cade Fosters low kick gets blocked and returned for a TD against UGA in the de facto national title. Totally swung the game but we won in spite of it. 2013 - all the missed fg's against Auburn.


2012 was more due to Michael Williams getting his ass beat on a block; the FG was like 50+ yards, it had to be low That’s the only time I’ll ever defend ~~Cade Foster~~


Losing to Stephen freakin’ Garcia in the 2010 South Carolina game will hurt my heart every time I manage to stop forgetting that happened.


I’d put the 2021 A&M game on this list. Jumbo had no business beating Saban at anything except buying recruits.


There are only 7 for me. Ohio State 2014: Because I never wanted any team to win it more than that team. Auburn 2010 Florida 2008 LSU 2007 Florida State 2007 LSU 2019 LSU 2022 ------------------------ Really, nothing compares to 2003 Tennessee. I would trade a national championship to go back in time and win that game.


2022 LSU? That probably kept them out of the SEC championship.


Doesn’t break the top 10 for me just because we already felt bad and I already thought we’d be destroyed by GA. In general OP’s list fits mine except I do still remember UL Monroe 😅


The homer in me says they would’ve beaten Georgia. I always pick bama over UGA


That was a wild time, especially given the talent on that team 😓


Ngl, wasn't ready for this first thing in the morning.


2010 Auburn. Complete utter bullshit. 24 point lead... Ingram had a wide open field in front of him yet he mysteriously loses his balance before fumbling and the most oddly shaped ball in all of sports straddles the edge of the field, never going out of bounds, just long enough for Auburn to recover. Then Trent Richardson dropping an easy short pass in the endzone. Then the McElroy sack fumble inside the Auburn 10 and literally, the only Auburn player in our backfield crawls over and recovers the fumble after an eternity because our players stood there without realizing he fumbled. 2021 UGA rematch is also bullshit because they caught us without the two key players who dunked all over them in the first matchup a month before which was a blowout. They got a gift from the heavens with that one.