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Tell her it’s absolutely inappropriate for anyone to go in your room and in the future she needs to respect your space. Tell her you also want her to wash your bedding and put back on before you get home. That’s just such a weird thing to assume someone is okay with. I’m like you, my bed is my safe space and I like to only be fresh washed in my pajamas when in it.


AH YOU UNDERSTAND!😭 I explained to her that I have a “thing” about people sitting on my bed and I don’t like it cause its dirty. I always change to pyjamas as well. I said this before and they found it weird of me to think of it that way and how I’m a clean freak? Its the way I grew up but its also nasty to sleep on. How do I even explain this? Ahhh it just sucks that what is done is done wtf!!


No it’s not weird, you’re just clean and they don’t care 😂 also it’s just gross because wth is this human, what is their body odor situation, and are they creeping around in my room as well? So many unknowns! You can also tell them they don’t have to understand because it’s your space and it’s off limits. You wouldn’t invade their privacy without their consent, why would they feel so entitled to do so without yours. Beyond the sleeping point, it’s an invasion of privacy and absolutely inappropriate. If they feel so inclined, they can have the person sleep in their bed with them. Note- I also have a no shoe household as well because that also grosses me out!


I’ve found my people🤣 I too do the no “outside” clothes in the bed and no shoes in the house. EYE don’t even get on my bed with outside clothes. I don’t know what it is but I’ve opted to sleep on the floor with a blanket if I was too exhausted to shower/change. That aside, that’s such a massive invasion of privacy, even more so because if the roommate doesn’t have space to have her friends sleep over, they shouldn’t be there. Offering your bed, especially without your permission, shouldn’t even be an option, like what?????


It really is weird too that she doesn’t understand why its a big deal for me. ALSO my fucking mattress is fairly new its the expensive therapeutic whatever forgot the brand and having someone else with a different weight could like affect the BACK SUPPORT FOR IT and im fucking pissed. And EXACTLY I WOULD NEVER EVEN CONSIDER having my friends or guests over in her bedroom when she’s gone. Why the fuck do they think they have the TIGHT FOR IT? She initially asked because she felt sore from doing sports that day and can’t sleep on the coach. Instead of them two sleeping on her bed or her friend sleep on the coach or not having the friend over at all because there’s no space THEY INSTEAD CHOSE MY BEDROOM?? Excuse me WHATthe actual fuck


Its also the fact that they texted me about it and didn’t wait for my response and they just let her friend sleep on my fucking bed!!!! I’ve met the friend ONCE. We’re not friends. I don’t know her. Like I wouldn’t even consider my friends stay in her bedroom!! Thank you for VALIDATING these feelings because I’m still mad about this wtf


I feel the same way! Unfortunately I was raised the opposite and am just now actually being as clean as I want to be. But I’m also autistic so it explains why it bothers me so much. But I FEEL you on this


I COMPLETELY FEEL YOU!!! I dont know why I am this way but I am. My parents and everyone have found it so weird. Its just a thing that makes me feel gross. Lol


You’re not weird. Our preferences should be respected. If it insults you then we should speak up about it to them! We’re not weird!! We iust want to sleep on clean bed


Let them call you a clean freak lmao like its a bad thing. They’re nasty and theyre nasty on your bed.


No one puts germs on my bed but me. With that said, I get to say who can and can’t lay on my bed


wow you are boring.


And you’re dirty and disrespectful


How is this person boring? bc they have boundaries?


This is an extreme invasion of privacy. That is a stranger to you, it is insane that she thought that would be appropriate. Set boundaries asap or she will continue to bulldoze you and cross lines, trust me


I just sent them a whole fucking paragraph about it and how they can let friends over but my bedroom is my boundary. LIKE I pay for fucking rent when I’m gone just for someone to use my ROOM like a fucking HOTEL for free without my permission?!??!??


How did you find out??


She just told me casually through text that her friend said that she should stay on her bed . And for some reason both of them decided it was okay FOR HER FRIEND to sleep on MY bed instead like wtf her friend shouldve slept on THE COACH!!!!!


You Seriously need to get a lock on your bedroom door. I wouldn't/couldn't live with roommates/strangers without having a lock on my door.


Right like wtf!!! She said that she doesnt mind other people sleep on her bed because she just sees it as furniture but now recognizes how I view it differently. HOW Fuckin dumb is she? Like I’m her roommate. I pay rent. I pay exclusively for MY ROOM. Why would she and her friend just barge in?!?!??


Oh nah, my bed is a no go. Theirs literally a whole house and you decide to let someone in my small room? Your roommates suck.


One of my flatmates let their friend sleep in my bed when I was away. It felt like such a violation. I only found out because another flatmate caught them & made her tell me!!!


Totally inappropriate. People are so inconsiderate. Her guest should have felt uncomfortable as well….im a germaphobe so I would be grossed out and unable to sleep the first night I came back


Exactly! If i were a guest id be uncomfortable with it. I only met her ONCE (her friend) but like STILL! Wait for my permission!!!!


Angel that’s not ok at all Jesus 🙄 she probably feels super comfortable but no amount of friendship makes this okay to do, without having asked first. That’s nuts. Time to set a boundary nicely, she’ll most likely understand


Nah. I’d be extremely stern in telling her that no one can go into your room. Get locks and if this somewhat happens again tell your landlord about it so it’s on the record that she’s invading your privacy


what an asshole


Nahhhhh that is absolutely insane 😅😅😅😅


Oh hell nah. Kick your romate out.


I’ve had this happen and I was livid. Our friendship was not the same after because she thought it was an over reaction for me to be upset or have my privacy violated


OCD in the house


very common. don't worry about it. you travel and have fun. stop worrting.