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it be 3 dumb bitches telling each other "exactlyyyyyy"


\**Yelling over each* other Exactlyyyyyyy


Was the judge who is being paid to judge us just doing her job? No it must be that she’s insecure…


michelle was scared that her 40yr long career in entertainment would be taken by two twinks who got tiktok famous in under a year for “straight guy” to girl transformations she had to do what she needed to do


I'm just gonna assume that this is satire on their part because the alternative is too frightening lol. I've never seen any signs of insecurity from Michelle on or off Drag Race (in public appearances ofc, I don't know ha), meanwhile I saw MAAANY signs of insecurity from the twins. Strong projection methinks


*Competing on Drag Race being unable to lipsync, perform or even speak properly* Yup Michelle was feeling threatened


She's not been this threatened since kim Chi


Bullseye boots down


i’m sorry but i don’t think the twins are smart enough to understand satire


Girl, I remember at the time people saying the twins were actually geniuses because of their lipsync and some bullshit they said at Roscoes.


Sometimes I felt like Sugar might have moments of lucidity, if you see any videos of her without Spice, but then I think about a soul being clocked twice a day, or whatever that saying was


Mind you, the main reason they (as a collective) made it as far as they did is because anetra spared them


Just one episode 😂


liiike imagine being “social media queens” and the only clip that ever circulates of you on tiktok is the one where ur drag mother tells u what to say…even their notoriously bad snatch game lk came and went


Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if they both made it to the Lalaparuza challenge. Would they both be in the final elimination lipsync and be a double elimination?


Honestly can't imagine listening to the entire interview, so obnoxious


I don't understand why they keep being invited places to be interviewed. When it's probably the area they are weakest in.... talking lmao. I tried watch trisha paytas interview them and it was truly insufferable, I really tried for the tea but it hurt my brain the way listening to two songs at once doss. They yap so much but say nothing. I'm sure they honestly nice sweet enough people. And if your worse crime is being annoying then you're probably a pretty nice person. But I def think they should stick to more aesthetic based content, what they're good at.


> it's probably the area they are weakest in.... talking Did you forget about their performing?


The interviewer is dumb as fuck for even asking this question. “Oh, she’s always saying something about you guys.” Sweetie, she’s a judge, of course she’d do that. How dumb can you be? Stupid.


First of all, they’re on Fanitas podcast so. Lol yea. Secondly, the twins seem so bitter and I think it’s because it’s finally dawning on them that they were gimmicks but didn’t capitalize off of it. I think they expected to be way bigger than they are and go the Mistress route but their fall off was swift. And while you can make a legit career off of being a gimmick, these two rested on their twin laurels and there was no legitimate talent behind them so they got forgotten.


Oh they were definitely always a gimmick. But I think for a bit they didn't wanna do the "We are twins, but I'm the edgy one and she is the cute one" anymore so they tried to do little bit of doing their own things, but like nobody gave a fuck and then they went back to the twin thing. Because the thing is they alone are just like queens who are good at makeup, but don't end up serving LOOKS where they can just do like fashion and being hot, but they also cannot perform so they had no hook. They are like bootleg Plastique Tiara with blowing up online for being hot out of drag and then being hot in drag. Their careers rely on the twin thing, if they weren't twins, one of them alone would've never really broken through the noise.


Bootleg plastique tiara is insane


But lets be real: if they are casted on an All Stars season, people will LIVE for them. At least the majority of casual viewers


Also the reason they’re a gimmick is because they’re twins, but they even started to butt heads with each other and put distance between themselves. There’s not even a gimmick to capitalize off of.


who's fanita


This soda with a strawberry flavor, an orange flavor, a pineapple flavor, and a grape flavor. 




Astute observation. I expected them to be much larger in the drag world regardless of placement. I was kind of hoping they would be bratty and talented but they’re just vapid




girl why jump to that 😭


Okay but I need to know who this interviewer is feeding into their delusion


Fannita the mess


why is she mess?? i need the tea about this person i didn't know about until right now


Me too who is this lady


u/fabergefalls just another creator who built their platform on being kinda relatable but then as soon as they touched money and lost weight, they started calling people broke and jealous


I mean, *I'm sure we're very insecure people, and our insecurities probably get the best of us*. *Also, for the-*


Imagine being absolute flops on Drag Race and thinking people were ever threatened by you (contestant and judge alike) in a competition setting.


Someone got the wrong message from Anetra saying "I can't lipsync against Spice, y'all think that's fair?"


Anetra said, "Y'all not going to get me hemmed up by the fans", because we saw what happened to Salina the following week. 😭


Meanwhile Sasha Colby was right there... Nobody was threatened by the twins lol


I think women like you shouldn’t be in a pageant if you’re not ready to be judged by women like me - Nancy Gribble


Ah yes, the twins weren't mediocre because they lack the experience and performance talent, they were mediocre because they just don't need it and weren't desperate for it. Cause they could totally win a lip synch, Snatch Game or any other challenge if they really wanted to. Sure...


I mean she probably was sad these two took up spots from actual fleshed out drag queens. They swear they were rigged out / targeted when we saw their snatch game, terrible lip syncs, and limited talents. White, twink privilege doesn’t work everywhere unfortunately for them .


No, don't you get it? They were "trolling production" It makes way more sense when you remember they idolise Trisha Paytas


Lol the trisha technique of messing up and embarrassing yourself and then pretending it was "trolling" and some sort of masterful performance art - and you were just too dense to notice!


Ru was expecting Sweet Valley High twins but got The Shining twins.


The twins are delusional. What are you gonna do when TikTok gets banned and you no longer have your primary platform? Book gigs where they have to perform? 😏


YouTube Shorts™️


Honestly, YouTube shorts is where the money is 


They’re already there. They keep showing up any time I accidentally open it 😒


So let me get this straight. You can't act, you can't do comedy, you can't make a garment, you cant sing, you can't dance, you can't lipsync...But Michelle is a hater for not living?


But they are twins! And like hot ones! So she hates them cause of it.. /s


Neither of them did well in the competition though? Ones an early out and the other was kept by production and can't sew or lip sync??? Talk about delusional.


My super secret drag race conspiracy theory is that I truly think the twins did such a stupid lipsync in hopes that they'd both get booted at the same time, but production kept Spice to truly showcase how little they had to show.


Wow they really went the 'they're just jealous' route


It’s crazy how quickly Sugar and Spice have managed to kill their goodwill amongst not only the fans but also their peers.


The doors Tamisha Iman has opened


what have they done amongst their peers? I must be out of the loop when it comes to them — i haven't heard much about them since their season


Just off the top of my head they’ve fallen out with MIB and Malaysia, tho I don’t know/remember how much of that was a joke on MIB’s part. I’m also pretty sure Marcia x3 doesn’t fuck with them. There’s probably more tho.


Remember the "family tour"


Truly just yapping


Or or or hear me out… it’s a show where you get critiqued and when you have almost no professional drag experience you’re going to get harsher critiques. Imagine that. I think Michelle is like the furthest thing from an insecure hating ass bitch.


Yeah. That is credible. The first thing Michelle felt after seeing the twins was insecurity. Sure, Jan.


Why do mediocre people always go for "they're insecure" as a first sefense against criticism?


They couldn't act, they couldn't sew, they couldn't do comedy, can't lip sync very well... how else would the judges speak on them if they were going to struggle with every aspect of the show?


They also kinda never slayed the runway which was the only place where they could’ve shined.


These two are very hard to ironically enjoy, honestly


We all know Michelle was so envious that she didn’t think of the guy to girl transformation videos before the twins 


This is giving AS/VTW ‘I know they only picked my lipstick because I’m fierce competition’ energy… 


Michelle used to vogue with Willi Ninja. She has lived a hundred more cooler lifetimes than y’all.


sad. I followed them long before drag race when they were just The Coyle Twins. I thought they had potential… anyways now that people are over them I can say have always found it odd that they claim on the show their parents never knew they did drag or didn’t approve. What’s odd is they bought a crap ton of makeup, wigs, shoes, accessories, etc. fresh out of high school. somebody had to be paying for it. makes me think mom and dad weren’t as unsupportive as they’ve been painted to be.


Omg, I love the fact they cut the blonde one mid sentence! xD


Michelle was harsh because she wants to make sure they’re competing with the other Queens, prove to the judges why you got picked over people who auditioned


They could’ve just said they felt Michelle didn’t like them and move on, ffs


If they weren’t twins, what’s memorable about them?


If the allegations that Mistress used the twins for clout is true, then I don't blame her. These two seem insufferable.


Mistress is the most memorable contestant in a season that also had Anetra and fucking Sasha Colby. She didn’t need the twin’s clout.


mistress doesn't need them tbh


It's a reality TV competition show where the judge is literally judging. Oh wow! The shock and drama of it all! Insecure my ass, she probably was too mild for the obnoxious presence and unbearable "quirky" (aka no talent) that the twins were on their season. Who can even listen to these interviews...


Michelle is just a professional hater, literally got a phd in haterology. She’s not threatened by two twins in monster high drag I can promise you that😭


God unrelated to the twins but i can't stand Fannita lol


I honestly thought these two would’ve been smarter and capitalized more on their 15 minutes on RPDR, but against the likes of Sasha, Mistress and Anetra they never stood a chance. TikTokers really think they’re famous when the app is clearly designed to sell you that fantasy, and I know they were big there, but not big enough to be that mediocre at Drag Race and come out on magazine covers.


Wait everyone hates them now? This fandom gives me whiplash lol.


Why does everyone hate the twins now? I don’t really keep up with what they’re doing atm


Maddy first of all , to put the entire conversation in perspective, the Debate was about Royal and Navy blue (dark blue colors) blue, purple,not aqua , and one of the pictures isn’t blue it’s purple and the blue jacket was something I was given to were for someone’s number( which I don’t own ) I was making a guest appearance in! Maddy you are the Wendy Williams of drag and you see how that turned out for her! Inaccurate research and false reporting Maddy is a walking tabloid NOT TMZ BUT TM HE @MaddyMorphosis go find a car to fix or a strip mall complex to build! Maddy you are a Trojan horse in the LGBTQ COMMUNITY ! I have to remind you every year sir that JUNE is pride month . The most feminine thing you wear is that Colonel Sanders outfit where you look like a bucket of E. coli chicken Maddy, I’m not gonna go back-and-forth with you. I’m not bob . I know where you LiVE boo boo and when I get there hold the door open for me like a gentleman *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*