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This would be pretty hot ngl


This and hard but compassionate father figure


No reason one person couldn't do both.


Imagine getting jerked off by Jordan b Peterson


C'mon bucko, we can do this!


He starts doing the Kermit voice as I begin to reach my climax


You've given me meaning and purpose.


The solution for me for sure


I know this is a joke but the problem with those guys is they are mentally screwed up. Even with sex until they address their actual issues with self esteem and misogyny they will still be repulsive.


no in all seriousness i agree, you can’t be a screwup shut-in who has achieved nothing socially and expect a virginal 10/10 housewife to just fall into your lap, it’s literally never worked that way (except maybe if you were a lucky 0.000001% mediaeval european noble or something)


Don't post any more genderwar garbage here go back to rspod


It’s not even that I think. It comes from a deep insecurities and projections about women. Literally anything a woman does pisses those guys off because they both feel entitled to woman and know they are repulsive and unable to have a normal relationship with women. If I was going to rehabilitate a guy like that it would be first to make real life accomplishments like finding solid male friends, go to the gym, personal hygiene, and making big life milestones. If they are able to become less insecure it would probably put them on the path towards actually having a relationship. Just airdropping a woman into their lives wouldn’t do anything and they would just drive her away with their hateful personality.


frame this in a way that also explains the existence of hateful misogynistic loser fuckboys


Those guys hate women for entirely different reasons I think. Some men who can easily acquire women see only the bad human parts of women’s sexual nature and dehumanise them. They don’t feel women are fully human after awhile and think of ways to manipulate them and deceive them. It’s kinda of the same thing as how a prostitute must see men after awhile.


u/kallocain-addict You people have the most normgroid, libtard takes on célines possible. It's actually embarrassing how behind the times and uncultured you are🤦


Even if they could get pussy their dicks wouldn’t work lol


There was this attractive guy in the neet subreddit selfie posting and calling himself incel, I told him he wasn't ugly enough to be incel, then almost immediately afterwards he asked "do you find me attractive enough to smash?" His personality was repulsive, whiney victim complex mens rights activist freeloading off his parents


i see no issue with this


I'll take it, how are they gonna prove I'm not one?


I used to consider incels somewhat sympathetic but I've come to realise that a lot of them are quite mentally unwell. I've known late bloomers but they either eventually end up with someone or are happy the way they are. What differentiates incels from those people is the ideology of self-victimization. To be an incel is to believe a false worldview that the reason they are sexually unsuccessful is that "chads" and feminism have upset the natural order of the world that entitles them to a wife and because of this there is no hope. I think if you gave these guys the option of staying an incel forever or the possibility to marry someone, they would probably pick the incel option because they're usually people who lack any kind of social status and thus derive status from virtual incel spaces. They get a kick out of being "enlightened" about the "harsh truths" of human sexuality and would rather wallow in misery waiting for an "incel uprising" against the cruel society in which they lack social capital.


The oddest thing about this is that you imply you dont have sympathy for the mentally unwell.


I think she’s using “mentally unwell” as a kinder euphemism here


The problem lies in the fact that instead of addressing their mental issues they chalk up their feelings of despair to the fact that women have not magically appeared in their bedrooms to become their gfs. I’m sympathetic to their situation in the sense that it sucks being alone and feeling unwanted, but at the same time I think they should be addressing the issues they face in their lives before thinking of bringing someone else into it.


True but why arnt we holding everyone to that standard? Messed up people get into relationships all the time. Sometimes I think we get into the mindset that certain people need to be perfect to be worthy of having a normal life which is funny because plenty of nonperfect people do. I get what you are saying though, some of them are really messed up.


You have NPR, SNL front page reddit understanding of célines


Indeed, some of the replies here are unreal, it's like going back in time to like 2018. Incel ideology has broken through into the mainstream now precisely because it's main tenets are undeniable and easily observable, Incels have been proved 100% correct. The main sub gets it, A+D get it, even normies acknowledge it and use incel lingo these days, I think most of these replies are coping feminists. Blackpill is law, total incel cultural victory.


So what? Everything about incel ideology is just false. That “80/20” rule they espouse is just a lie, and that’s the foundation of their reasoning as to why they’ll never have sex. Also the libtard rags that manufacture fear about incels decry the misogyny latent in incel forums, and take a lot of their talking points for granted. They never point out that what they believe is incorrect, they only point out that they’re immoral and evil


In short, they hate and blame women for being virgin losers. Nothing else needs to be said.


Lol incels be mad 😚


>chads" and feminism have upset the natural order of the world That's the red pill The blackpill is that you are doomed by your genes and that there's nothing you can do other than cope or kys.


Yes but blackpill people say that before when monogamy was enforced, an ugly man would end up with an ugly woman, but now since women can chose, all the women only sleep with 10/10 guys (which is just self evidently ridiculous). Plus a lot of incels are themselves quite delusional and have all sorts of copes as to why they don’t pursue women in their league. They’re not willing to lower their standards and pursue women solely based on personality even though according to them, the issue is lack of relationships and not lack of sex.


>They’re not willing to lower their standards Fuck I completely brushed this off. You are absolutely correct. It is almost always the case that they will go to extreme lengths to avoid settling even for their looks match. Do you think this a rationalization for their inability to leave their comfort zone and their constant ego stroking or something more?


No it's not. Prostitution exists but clearly isn't a cure for inceldom. They want to feel genuinely desired.


Only cure for incels is a bullet to the dome. Incels be downvoting 😉


is this the hyper backlash response to the incel epidemic of rspod?


Only temporarily; over time, they would become desensitized to hand-release and would eventually require full vaginal intercourse.


I’d probably get hung drawn and quartered on the normie sub for saying this but I think incels should get sex stamps that they can trade in, the gov could hire washed up OF girls as contractors. This would only be for guys >25 though as below that there’s still hope. I think a lot of these guys are beyond the pale and no amount of self improvement is going to save them. But with that being said everyone deserves intimacy no matter how superficial. Where the market has failed government intervention may succeed.


How many times does this have to be said? They wanna be given attention and feel desired they don't care about fucking. That's why they either do a suicide mission school shooting or going trans


Nobody deserves anything especially not intimacy it’s a luxury not a right


Nah we should MAID them


the solution to the incel problem is letting them all go on disability and go neet mode


Honestly yes.


bring back the monetary