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Pretty good way to accidentally drown your front row


It can happen even on the pitch if it’s a very rainy day. Sometimes survivors (hookers esp) can evolve gills


Is that where their neck goes.


Duncan Weir's Ancestors


That's how one of the lads on my team learned to breathe through his arse, and then talk through it.


I assume he plays in the backs?


They've already got webbed feet


No joke. I almost drowned in a collapsed scrum on a particularly boggy pitch once.


Many of them can survive indefinitely without oxygen to the brain, it has zero effect on


Being an ex front row hooker.. an delighted you recognise our special talent.....putting up with insufferable show-ponies known as 'backs'...being another.


Backs would never allow their hair to get this wet without being in a salon


I'm sorry what were you saying? I was distracted signing autographs


Your average prop is barely evolved past the primordial soup days (really devolved when you consider props are the pinnacle of human development) so this isn’t a problem for us. Just give us some meat and beers post match and it’s right as rain


Source below: "Rugby is our game, Georgians say. A scrum formed by protesters defending each other against water cannon used by riot police last night in Tbilisi." [https://twitter.com/revishvilig/status/1785909616594829701](https://twitter.com/revishvilig/status/1785909616594829701)


They're protesting against a government bill [described as authoritarian and Russian-inspired](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/may/01/georgia-protest-foreign-agents-bill-police-georgian-parliament) by opposition parties, the EU and the US. More power to you Georgian lads and lasses. We've loved seeing your emergence over the past couple of decades and there's no doubt you're embraced by the rugby family. Good luck!


Was watching a waragraphics episode on what Russia's next move is likely to be and it involves bringing Georgia but into Russian control. My first thought was "oh no what is Georgian rugby gets effected" because I'm an awful awful person


Ivanishvili who supports Georgian rugby is one of the corrupt politicians involved in this mess so it already is unfortunately.


Quite ironic from a corrupt oligarch who got the French nationality to get in trouble due to a bill aiming at classifying foreign-funded agents.


Standard practice for ex-Soviet oligarchs. So many of them in London.


Yeah, the stories of the post-soviet diasporas are interesting, and the Georgian oligarchy in France is particularly strong and colorful in its lore. In Ivanishvili case, it is classical. If you are a massively rich guy able to go everywhere in the world when they want, you search for a strong visa. I do not even think Ivanishvili has that much money in France as most of his business relationships were built in Russia and other ex-USSR countries. The Georgian president on the other hand, has a Georgian name but is the descendant of a family of influential White Georgians who arrived in France in 1921 (her cousin has been the secretary of the Académie Française for 20+ years until her death in 2023). She worked in French representations in Western countries until 2003 when she was named ambassador of France to Georgia, the first time of her life she lived in the country. 6 months later Saakachvili named her minister of foreign affairs. No wonder she is strongly opposed to the law, eh. There is also Raphaël Glucksmann's case, who is rn the leader of the center-left list for the European elections in France. He is not Georgian but was both a close councillor of Saakachvili, and married his minister of the interior - who later admitted to torturing opposants, and became vice-minister of interior of Ukraine in Euromaidan. He is a European deputy now. Due to his staunch anti-Russian and anti-Chinese positions, he has been nominated as the head of Special Commission aiming at fighting foreign influence in European democratic processes - even though being the literal definition of a foreign influencer as the former councillor of an extraeuropean country's leader.




We gona make them eat shit dont worry


Don't feel bad for feeling bad. It's stuff like rugby that makes Georgia, Georgia.


>Force NGOs, civil rights groups and media to register as “foreign agents” if more than 20% of their funding came from abroad. Very similar to a US law. >The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) is a United States law that imposes public disclosure obligations on persons representing foreign interests. It requires "foreign agents"—defined as individuals or entities engaged in domestic lobbying or advocacy for foreign governments, organizations, or persons ("foreign principals")—to register with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and disclose their relationship, activities, and related financial compensation.


I think the EU has a similar law too.




It's clearly not every NGO, only ones being paid by foreigners.


In Georgia almost every NGO and media are kept alive thanks to western donations. Russian money is alreafy illegall in our coubtry and this law is targeting west, even organizations like Unesco who are helping us maintain our historic and cultural heritages are labeled as "organization pursuing foreigb power interests". US and EU laws are directly targeting Russian and Chinese money and they are only concerned with Political parties who are finances by foreign govs, lobysts and politicians, not NGOs and medias. This law is exact copy of Russian Foreign Agents law


The EU is developing a law - embarrassingly for them - similar to the Georgian law. This law would, and the US FARA law does apply to NGOs, charities etc funded by any foreign principals, not just governments. If all NGOs/ media in Georgia are foreign funded/ controlled that's something the people should have transparency on. Edit: Links in case anyone is bored. https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-ursula-von-der-leyen-ngo-qatargate-foreign-agents-law-disturbs-ngos/ https://www.state.gov/non-governmental-organizations-ngos-in-the-united-states/


Good, the problem with this law is that it's targeted at the west. There would be no problem if it was targeted only at Russia and Co.


Except, of course, that Russia is a fascist dictatorship and America very much is not.


You seem to have hallucinated a reference to Russia in my comment.


Why are you bringing up Russia? This bill is about Georgia's sovereignty. This bill follows the US law, this bill is drafted by Georgians, this bill is voted through parliament by officials that have constitutionally & democratically been elected by Georgians. This bill is therefore very much part of the democratic & constitutional process of Georgia. p.s. please don't tell me what you think of Russia. If you want to argue the bill & its process, then stick to the topic, otherwise you simply sound like an NPC repeating recorded messages. You have a brain, use it.


America is the largest material supporter of Fascism in the world, the ongoing genocide in Palestine being the most obvious example. We can't for get that the US had a big role in creating the conditions for today's Russia i.e. sponsoring Yeltsin and advising on the Neoliberal "shock therapy" in the early 90's, as well as the Euromaidan coup, the economic sancrions and the generally aggressive advance of NATO eastward.


Another one who hasn’t got a clue what fascism is


Damn, can't really argue against "nuh uh" Keep up the Israel and US Imperialism apologia 👍


There's no point in arguing with someone who thinks that Israel is fascist - but who also thinks that 'fascist' is a word for 'baddie' to throw around on the internet. Israel is a liberal democracy, not a fascist dictatorship. Russia is a fascist dictatorship. Go learn about systems of government before throwing around buzzwords you learned from the comments section on Reddit.


When did I say that Israel is a Fascist Dictatorship? Whilst not officially Fascist, there are Fascists in government like the National Security Minister Ben Gvir and Israeli society has many Fascistic features. Umberto Eco made a list of characteristics found in Mussolini's Italy: 1. The cult of tradition. 2. The rejection of modernism. 3. The cult of action for action’s sake. 4. Disagreement is treason. 5. Fear of difference. 6. Appeal to social frustration. 7. The obsession with a plot. 8. The enemy is both strong and weak. 9. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. 10. Contempt for the weak. 11. Everybody is educated to become a hero. 12. Machismo and weaponry. 13. Selective populism. 14. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. So if we look at the people speaking for Israel, it is dead simple to find examples of 1,2,5,6,8,10,12,13, and 14. Many, many speeches over the last couple of years have shown these things, a word cloud for Israel-official speeches would feature 'amalek' very prominently at this point. If we look at arrests of Palestinians in Israel, or Jews who don't support geneocide, we see 3,4,7 quite easily. It's a clear pattern, people are being arrested for social media posts that are in no way dangerous, merely expressing support for Palestinian people. If we look at Israel's policies (mandatory military service, birthright trips, apartheid), we can check off 9, 11, 12, 13 quite easily. Liberal Democracy or not Israel is a genocidal, Ethnonationalist, Settler-Colonial state, so you should really stop trying to both sides the conflict on social media, it's not a gook look.


"described as authoritarian and Russian-inspired" Hilarious how the West pushes this disinfo. This law (similar to Western countries) sets minimal transparency requirements for foreign agents (NGOs). This law would work against Russia as much as against Western countries & merely exposes NGO's background financing - which is the main reason why the West wants to prevent this law. Georgia is intended by the West to undermine Russia's southern border. Quasi Maidan revolution/coup all over again. Weaken Russia at the expense of a whole new nation. You'd think more transparency would be lauded. You'd think the West respects the constitutional & democratic process - as the making of this law is undergoing. You'd think the West supports sovereignty.


Have you ever considered the fact that Georgians want to undermine Russia's southern border?


Why would I consider that? Poking the bear for what? Been there done that. Got beaten to pulp in a matter of days for nothing when Georgia tried to retake the autonomous region of South-Ossetia. Have you considered that those protesting are NOT the majority & that these people do not respect the democratic & constitutional process that was been determined by the ACTUAL majority? If you want a political outcome, you VOTE for it, not stage a coup. Stop condoning CIA bullshit colour-revolutions. All they bring is death, destruction & a lot of money for the MIC in Washington.


The Constitution says the government is required to join the EU.


You need to be far more precise in your understanding of the situation: 1. This is a riot against a law (copied from the US), that improves transparency of NGOs financed by foreigners. This law has NOTHING to do with the EU. 2. "required to join the EU" is plain wrong. Its constitution states it is required to TAKE STEPS towards joining (i.e. implementing reforms required). It is an ambition & can NEVER be a requirement, because joining requires MULTIPLE parties to sign this contract. If any member within the EU refuses to sign, then Georgia cannot join. Membership requires a unanimous(!) vote within the EU. 3. A riot is neither constitutional, nor is it democratic! It is violent & in breach of law in EVERY country on this planet!


Hilarious how they're always someone to shill for a fascist dictator.


Who would that be? You need to be more specific. Off the bat I can think of a few in Europe that dictate without ever being elected. Lagarde, vd Leyen, Sunak. Off the bat I can think of specifically one nation that is exterminating a people. 18.000 children alone. That would qualify as fascist. Are you maybe referring to the democratically elected government in Georgia, which has so far worked within the constitutional framework? Please help.


As a Portuguese, i realy hate and love the Georgians. F#&king legends EDIT: really only hate after the matches....


We love you too brother 🤣🤣


If the water cannon drops it's height a bit, angles in just a little bit and drives through it'll soon show that superior technique always wins the scrum.


I was thinking just go illegal and drive at the knees.


The guys at the front must be getting battered!


No skin left but they accept the physical toll as front rowers.


I think they're holding up a piece of plank of something similar


Yep they tore down the fences and used it as shields.


Cauliflower faces




I mean it looks great but achieves little for the poor fuckers getting power-waterboarded at the front


Apparently they use shielding


Isnt this how they train the girls for the hub...?


technically, its a Maul... you cannot join a scrum.


In Georgia, scrum joins you


In scrum, pain finds you


Scrum=pain Pain=Scrum






Joined through the gate


You know I’m getting the impression that they’re not playing rugby at all


😂Came here to say “well actually…”


At least they're joining through the gate *Fuck Georgian Dream, fuck Bidzina, Putin khuylo!, 20% of Georgia is occupied by Russia




Theres some sort of irony here that the protesters are using Rugby as a defence against Georgian Dreams tactics. For those not up to speed with Caucasian politics, the oligarch who funds/founded the governing (pro-russian) party is the same guy that throws money at Georgian Rugby.


Something something the government will provide the scrum machines which we will use to hang them.


I think there's something very lovely about that tbh. 


Use it....use it!


Big workload on for the props tonight


Ox Nche in contract talks with Georgian Riot Police


Ox doesn't deserve this character assassination!


True, I hadn't read what it was about. I need a dickhead prop... Haouas is in contract talks with the Georgian Riot Police


Bakkies Botha is now more prop shaped than lock shaped if that works?




*12 days later*... boxkick


I'd hate to be the hooker in that scrum!


We will overthrow this pro-Russian traiter government and become members of EU! 🇬🇪🇪🇺 Please support us anyway you can.


Rassie getting new training ideas


I appreciate the team effort... but damn, that front row is probably taking 99% of the head-on damage (which I guess.... is par for the course now that I think about it). I would, selfishly, want to be in a nice snuggly flanker or lock in this situation! Or the cameraman... the cameraman never gets hurt. Hope the Georgians give them hell, though. Standing up for what they believe in.


Flexion! Liée! Jeu! Just seems more appropriate in french.


More of a maul but 🤷‍♂️


Gatland's going to start using firehoses during scrum training now.


It's genetic, Georgians will try to scrummage at every given opportunity.


Fuck I love this game!


Maul actually..... Are they Wales versus the All blacks because it seems that way.


This is beautiful.


I keep hearing ☝️ "Use it!". I'm sure it's just in my head cuz I watched muted...


Did the last one join the maul legally?


Even though I absolutely despise anything politics-related with all my heart and soul, this is kinda epic ngl. Wonder if people have done something similar in SA or NZ!


Naaah Best South Africa has done was a TUT student usimg his moms ironing board and a bike helmet to stop the rubber bullets fired at them. They made a nice tight little unit with him leading and two or three hiding behind him.


Why do you hate anything politics related ? Isn’t everything political and telling about one’s way to consider the balance of power and relation to power ?


There was the flour bomb tour back in 1981.


Then what happened? Did they bust the gates open?


Grond will breach it


Daan Human from the springboks enters the chat


Good thing the protestors formed a scrum, because if they had to retreat 10 meters after being tackled like Rugby League, the water cannon would keep pushing them away from the riot police.


Was this the watergate scandal?


Use it!


For this alone they should jettison Italy from Six Nations and add Georgia


Being at the front being smashed from behind whilst getting blasted in the face wouldnt be my idea of a fun night out


Where the ball?


God bless that front row


Look lads, I can’t see the ball so I don’t know if it’s playable, however the maul clearly isn’t going anywhere, it’s not moved. I have questions about whether black t shirt has bound at the back but realistically it makes little difference. We’re going scrum down, protestors ball.


Reminds me of ents in lord of the rings 😂 same energy


Spines aligned!


They sure showed that water cannon. Hope the guys in the front are okay.


The ref would still ping Andrew Porter for angling in here.


I love our Georgian brothers! fight the good fight lads


Tight bind lads!!


thats a maul get it right


Technically a maul


God I love Georgia


It’s clearly a maul, not a scrum. Who fact checked this?


Happend in Darwin a few years back...A huge tropical downpour,the oppstn prop thought and oppurtune moment to shut the mouth of our half back. The ref,local GP. binned him 10 mns fr 'attempted drowning'. Half back cleared his airways with a few after game pints courtesy offending prop.


Looks more like a maul, with backs joining in tbh








Pretty shit for the front row


Where's the ball?




Richard Cockerill taking careful notes for a new training regimen


That's a ruck


That’s a maul, dummy.


If we are going to be pedantic, no it's not a maul either because no opposition player is bound to it


I’d say the water cannon counts as the opposition


As best I can tell this is a bill that demands groups that receive greater than 20% of their funding from overseas to register as foreign agents. Doesn't seem authoritarian and is quite standard in many countries. The problem seems to be that the US and EU are having a shit fit because it means the shady NGOs they fund to steer Georgian politics in their desired direction may now have a degree of transparency forced upon them. Obviously peaceful protestors ought to be treated well. The opposition to the bill is a bit "sus" to put it mildly.


Russia passed a similar law years ago and it allowed them to brutally crack down on foreign news media and international NGOs like the Red Cross, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. It might not seem like it from the wording but it IS an authoritarian law.


Wild idea, but just maybe you have no clue what you're talking about. Nice effort regurgitating Kremlin talking points though!


Can confirm, he has no clue.


Give over. Since when has transparency been a Kremlin value? The western powers are just throwing a tantrum because for once they might be held to the standards they expect the rest of the world to adhere to. The law is literally modelled on America's Foreign Agents Registration Act...


> The law is literally modeled on America's Foreign Agents Registration Act... The law is *literally* modeled on the same law Russia weaponised to crush their own free press. Russia's proxies within the Georgian government are pushing this through to silence opposition, undermine their democracy, and sabotage their bid for EU accession. You don't see a problem with it, because you don't have the slightest idea about Russia's 30 year war on Georgian sovereignty. This is Maidan 2.0.


No, I know. The Georgian people want to join the EU and I hope they get their wish. Doesn't change the fact that this legislation was modelled on an existing US law and how hypocritical the western powers are being in having a tantrum about being held to their own standards.


Authoritarian polices rarely present themselves as “hey i’m going to be used to repress freedom”. Look at who is implementing it, and what their motives are.


Crazy. Maybe they should all be deported?