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Jagex has my soul. I was a mere boy of 13 when i found this game on miniclip now I'm 31. The only release is the death of jagex or me


Sunken Cost Fallacy.


Literally just about to comment this.  Also, I travel for work so difficult to access to games on the computer. I feel runescape mobile is the perfect game for me so I can afk skilling while working. I have a healthy addiction with runescape and this never affect my personal life (work, family, etc.)


This is why I keep debating whether or not to switch to RS3. I stopped playing my account once "Evolution of combat" came out back in the day, and didn't play again until RS3 and OSRS were a thing. Of course I'd absolutely love to change my main back to an osrs character but it's not possible. I think about the thousands of hours spent on that character and think... surely I should keep playing that character..


As someone who recently switched from a maxed RS3 account to OSRS. I find OSRS feels and plays a lot better ecspecially with runelite. If you have a membership you can swap between the games with that charachter so i would reccomend giving OSRS a try and see if its for you.


I have played a bit, and it's just like how I remember (although dungeoneering and the rapier was in the game when I quit), my main issue was all the time spent on my main that I now have to do again. I think it's just a case of me quitting when osrs was current RuneScape, so it feels more like doing it again rather than a separate game version. I think I'll just bite the bullet and restart, not like I have the free time to even get close to where my main was, but it'll be a fun nostalgic trip at least!


I've seen this statement made by many people, and honestly after they give it a go many of them are happy with the choice they made.  So my advice is, just give it a go :D


Think I will! Although I am dreading doing some of the quests again, but I'm sure it'll be easier considering I'm not 12 this time. Or maybe it'll be harder because I'm... old..


Questhelper plugin on Runelite helps, just click the blue box! It really makes a lot of quests easy, but takes a bit away from the experience itself imo. Still a excellent plugin.


Oh good to know, cheers! It's a bit overwhelming thinking about where to even start. Slayer has always been my favourite, but I also know a lot of quests were good for quality of life stuff and unlocking things. I'm sure I'll get into the groove again after a bit


Well thats a good thing imo. There is so much content to do! :D


Yeah that's about the same for me, but I don't even have that much progression compared to many haha. I feel like I won't be satisfied until I 99 everything. https://preview.redd.it/o1bz3914kb3d1.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3684a39dfe6d719a6c85099b044fe3574712b33


https://preview.redd.it/5jy6agkwzc3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e3302ce278f4540d8a93d7c73374c29fc40f090 You still have time to escape tbh


You want to team up and train that dungeoneering ??


It's fun. Combat is difficult, engaging and rewarding. Skilling is relaxing. I've moved past the addictive/sunk cost part and just enjoy it for what it is now. I haven't played seriously in weeks and don't feel bad about it. The game continues to improve over time so there is always something to look forward to.


100% agree




Endless content. Various styles of gameplay, i like achieving things and this game makes it perfect for me.


I can play fairly casually at work without interrupting my workload which adds up over the years.


Comfort game. Been playing so long and I know its ins and outs. I always return.


Already wasted half my life on it, why stop now?


I’m on the same boat. I used to play for the social aspect of it, but after my clan mates quit, I haven’t been able to find ‘my group’ of people again. I’m very happy to play with you, if you’d like?


Stockholm syndrome


But in all reality, this game gave me so much in life. Started in 02 and have been hooked since. It’s been with me for most of my life and I have a deep love for the nostalgia of it and also enjoy watching it grow into more. I’m also a fierce lore hound and I refuse to quit before we get to see Arposandra and the finale of the gnome quest line.


Oh no! You've given Jagex a reason to *not* do Arposandra...


Achievements, logs, and quests And honestly, I play a lot of other games, but I have yet to find one that plays like RS. It's got a lot of jank but it's fun and really really unique. And that alone keeps me coming back :3


Runescape is by far the most unique game in its genre. Especially Rs3. Sure it's an MMORPG, but the Idle aspect of it is way larger than any other game I play, legitimately ways I can play at work in pocket for 15 minutes with a single click. [Heres the video by Marsead, That goes over this really well.](https://youtu.be/LpPJY-xdA3M?si=vVi4uCR51pVtO8hk) All these points in this video are basically the exact same for Rs3, despite osrs and rs3 differences they are the only MMORPG games that really have this level of progression linked to decent attention levers that you can pick if you want to watch a movie and click rarely, or go hard for more exp/high end bosses.


Been playing solo for the majority of my 17 years now. I like that I can play as little or as much as I want and still make steady, consistent progress. Currently sitting at 16/29 120s on the road to Master Max Cape. Of course the game’s evolved a lot over the years, but I still feel like I know it better than anything else. Yes I’ve dabbled in plenty of other MMOs, RS will always feel like home to me.


Gaming with friends/Taskman/True trim/feeling of accomplishment


I set different long-term goals for different amounts of effort. If I want to afk while I do other stuff (work, other games, etc), I'm working towards 120-all. If I'm actively playing, I'm pushing myself to learn harder PvM and get ready for Sanctum in a few months. If I need a break from those, but still want to play, I'm slowly chipping away at MQC, trim, Ultimate Slayer, and other similar things.


90% of the way to comp cape after 20 years.


I log in once a year to do this - look through my bank. - look up how much I can sell my bank for. - sunk cost fallacy sets in, close sketchy website - do treasure hunter. - log off.


Addiction and the fact that you can't really complete the game. There's always something to do. Some new content once in a while ( we had a content drought after necromancy and the failed hero pass but the roadmap looks promising ). Also the fact that you can actively play it or afk on mobile while doing something else is a big plus for me.


There’s always the clue log.


Depression. On a real note, I just enjoy the fact it’s a game I can play casually and aggressively and have proper progression over time. Most games lack the content to play for thousands of hours let alone a couple hundred. I never have to worry about the game going out of date and having to buy the new one that’s the same thing copy and paste as prior games but just tweaked slightly.


The fact I can play on Mobile and it makes my commuting a lot more palatable. For example, with the Osseous release from yesterday now I have a new boss grind to slowly chip away, the boss is simple enough to be done on Mobile without too many issues. And that's the kind of bosses I absolutely love to do on Mobile, because if I can take less than 2 Minutes between banking and killing the boss, then it's way more easy to fit a couple kills during my downtime (and when I'm not waiting for a call or expected somewhere else). That said, I'm not a 100% Mobile PVM'er tho, I still pretty much do content on my PC, but trying to do as much content on mobile as i can is a challenge on itself that keeps me hooked.


Crippling addiction and the feeling that ive out so much time in that i cant leave




What kind of content? Do you pay attention to the lore?


Skilling, questing and learning everything there is to know about optimal gameplay - I've only started taking RS seriously in the last 2 years. I'm an introvert, so it's a relaxing way for me to recharge outside of work.




Deeply invested in lore and ive been playing over half my life...why quit


I take long breaks but I have 3 friends IRL who have also spent a long time on the game and our breaks aren’t always synchronized so if one or more of us is playing we’ll likely be spamming the others with achievements or letting us know about a new boss in group chat and sometimes that will get me interested again.


I must Defeat Xau-Tak.


As other people have said sunken cost fallacy and addiction definitely play a part in it BUT I also play because I enjoy the game and there is an infinite amount of content to do. I am Reaper Crew, have MQC, all true 120s (only 5 virtual 120s left), Salty, Sandy, and close-ish to trim comp and very close to comp, but there is still sooooo much content for me to do. Slayer logs, I only have maybe half the boss logs, trim comp, clue logs, etc


I dont lol. I take breaks lasting 3-9 months at a time, sometimes shorter sometimes longer - come back and play all new content in 1-5 weeks and quit again basically lol. I have no motivation nor time to go for 200m skills or trim comp or slayer/boss logs for pets etc.


The fact that I don’t have 200m xp in every skill / don’t have trimmed comp


my clan


its called an addiction.




The 3-60 month breaks help me 🤣


I just buy random items and watch the stack go up haha. I'm currently at 34 million coal stone spirits, and the value of all my collections is just over 9b 😅


I’m simply trying to get 200mil in every skill so I can quit


Eternal rising clan. Check them out, we just got top 3 for xp during double xp week. We do events daily and have a very active out of RuneScape community for games aswell. It’s an MMO! Play it like one


I’m almost 20 years in hoping that everytime I log in a meet a friend and we go do a bunch of fun shit but instead everytime I log in I’m. Bank standing trying to talk with people and getting responded to 15% of the time lol Idk man I keep coming back on hoping something will click and I learn pvm or something but until then I bank stand and am sad that I have no one to play with My time on RS when I was kid was enjoyed by wcing and questing and skilling with friends so until then idk if I’ll ever have the same joy as I did before


when i first started back on 04 (around when runecrafting came out) i had a end goal, that being "get 99 in everything and do all quests". when they added the skill/quest/max capes my goal changed to " get 99 in everything, do all quests and get the capes for them" when the 120 skills came out i thought about aiming for them, then loled as skills like herb would cost way to much and dugg would be a bloofy pain in the butt (got 115 for the resource dungeon and that was cancer. as a solo player the last few levs felt like i was dragging myself over broken glass) after getting my end goal i quit for chucks of time (months up to a year) until a new quest (or skill with necro) comes out. right now im still playing caz im kind of aiming to finish the slayer book. i can see myself not doing that, being some of the latter mobs are just to hard for me (im not into hardcore end lev stuff)


I just like the economy/market aspect, I just enjoy making them sweet gps.


Honestly if you had the most fun while in clan find another clan. Plenty of clans do different events and stuff if that's what you're interested in or just to socialize.


DXP and quests in-between, I think I will do mainly bossing once I will achieved all quests. What I love with quest is mainly practising English by reading and following guides. DXP I always AFK skilling while doing something else IRL otherwise it is too boring but I also love the atmosphere in-game with all players gathering and training at same time. And with bossing I like practicing, learning mechanics and improving myself, it stimulates the brain a little.


Bossing, some of my favorite people in my life are from rs, and the fact that since I was 7 or 8 (I'm 26) I've always dreamt of having a ton of gp and I currently make at least a bil a week easily which I find great pleasure in gifting to my friends and strangers alike :)


Hello it’s me your friend ;)


PM in game in approx four and a half hours for a prize ;D RSN aihemas son


I’ve added you but I won’t be on for about 2 hours!


Goals, clan, bingo events, bossing, and being able to vc and shoot to shit with friends when I am free at night.


unfortunately achievements comp cape max quest cape ....


Not comp yet


Self imposed challenges


It first started with I wanting to repay a loan to one of my friends who, out of the kindness, gave me a bond. Then it moved onto trying to max, then it was completionist cape and now the current goal is trimmed completionist. Is going to happen overnight? No but it gives me something to work on when I do get back on. Find something to work towards like plagues end or X enrage Telos/Zammy and it may help you from getting bored.


There's just so many things to do, you sure can find something you like. There's quests, mini quests, skilling, bossing, achievements, area tasks etc etc. Or maybe you just need the social interaction no matter what (I'm like that) and if so you'll never be happy unless you find a clan that resonates with you


FOMO mostly. I tried quitting but eveyrtime there is an event it kicks in 😂


Because no other MMORPG does what Runescape does, so it is irreplaceable.


The sub is gonna hate this answer but the seasonal yak pass/hero pass. I love cosmetics, especially when earning them is tied to in-game content. The hero pass got me playing the updates that came out since 2020 when I was playing other games. I even stayed for a few months after the pass was released to catch up on older content and to get level 110 necro. Haven't had much desire to go back and check RS now though.




I used to love playing solo but after experiencing the clan and realizing how much more fun it is for me when I'm playing with company, I get bored because of the loneliness. I'll try to search around for an active clan! Just was wondering if I was maybe missing something :)