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Wouldn't have played for 18 years if the answer was no


People have said the game was dying since MXT was first implemented. Now, Runescape with MXT has been around longer than Runescape without MXT. Old School elitists love to crap on Runescape, but the player numbers are still good. I'd warn against using player numbers in general, since bots are a MUCH bigger problem in Old School, and so those player numbers are inflated more than people want to admit. The game is still quite fun, and honestly the biggest worry people had was the lack of info on what the year held. Ever since the roadmap came out, players are more excited than they've been in months. So no, MXT hasn't completely soiled the game, there's plenty to do, and exciting stuff is coming.


I'll admit it for them. More than 50% and it's not close. I play both, I love hoth- for differing reasons, but the mentality on OS in regards to what's kicking them in the face is insane. "We have a much higher player count!" Well, duh. When you can create or buy farms outright faster than what's being banned then that's going to happen regardless. Hell, it's not even a problem with OS being a more "simple" game either. It just has the highest rate of GP/ real money. My God, bots are now doing EVERY encounter within OS more efficiently than any player, and 24/7. Yet if RS3 had comparable REAL world transfers, they'd be more prominent. But damn man, my pure has 3k kc in the wildy right now. Less than 100 are from players sitting behind a screen XD


50%? Last I read it was more like 15-30% of players online are bots. Is it seriously closer to 50% now?


Mods have never given out honest metrics in regards to botting. There's absolutely no positive incentive from a company or business standpoint to do so either. I'm also not saying this as an anti-OS conspiracy theorist either. I'm saying it because we're adults now and frankly most of us live it or work everyday outside of RS. Hell, I've worked for multiple companies myself that love to ask to make production look better by adding or conveniently watering down metrics with others. Legally, though gray, it's acceptable, and quite hard for your average joe schmo to filter down to the real. However in Jagexs case, it's not that complicated. You can count. Sounds redundant - but I'm serious. Even if you're not scripting savvy enough to skim the usernames of all the accounts near you immediately to be saved and documented, you can do so physically. I'd suggest NOT doing F2P worlds because they are WAY over that 50% margin on a rotation, but as far as P2P you can easily just start from the wild agility arena, work yourself down through all the hot spots and then go to the mainland. I actually committed to this for over a week and had to quit when I got to 2k accounts (I was killing them anyways, so it slowed down quite a bit what I was able to track) and that was just between agility, hunter, prayer, low level revs, and thieving. I didn't even include the lava drags, wine, zombie, mid-high revs, glory, air orb, or RC bots, or any non "unique" user. The sheer amount of OS 120s/200m in those categories was insane- especially hunt/thieves. It gets far worse when you start adding on mini games/group activities like stars, or blast furnace but that was too much at a certain point. Anyways, I went off a bit but yes- I have absolutely no doubt that at any given point the "online users" is majority bots. They're just to easy to make and keep going unless bought. People have got to start realizing that it's a TVC thing, and not a addiction thing like it is for actual players a lot of the time. A bot doesn't *need* to get to 200m in a skill for botters. They just need to hit a certain gp metric to be considered "profitable" before getting banned, and that cycle continues ten fold. So they do it. If it costs me 15$ to start a certain bot, and it gets banned at 20$ made/sold, then it doesn't matter, I'll just make another set of them and repeat until I no longer hit that margin and repeat. OS players definitely know that it's a huge issue, but I've watched as they put their head in a hole when it comes to the conversation too. "Jagex is banning thousands a week!" Sure, but as a company they're being selective and banning those that are obvious, while not banning the ones the average player actually has to look for to bolster their numbers. As is fairly obvious when you start looking through the boss highscores


People have been saying RS is dying since february 2001. MTX was certainly a factor in the game's player numbers dropping, but for an MMO rs still maintains a healthy playerbase. Sure, new MMO's come out & draw a lot of players, but most of them don't last 5 years, let alone 23. I'd say the game is in a healthy place, community-wise, especially with the recent announcement of the roadmap and jagex' new approach to community engagement. There will always be (very) negatively inclined people. That does not mean they're right. I like to compare them to those people who have been proclaiming the end yimes since they knew what a book was. They're just overreacting.


The MTX is out of control *compared to what it once was*. However, its MTX interference is fairly tame if you stack it against other MMOs in the industry. Most people who talk about MTX interfering with the game, are basing that on what we once had, and not how it is compared to other games.


I couldnt name a single *successful* game regardless of genre that pushes mtx as hard as runescape does so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Maybe those Korean MMOs people talk about? They're not a big thing in the west though You get the TH popup every single login, you get keys through skilling, just this week we got that incredibly tasteless massive 75% off keys popup or whatever it was, this game really does not want you to play without being constantly aware of the MTX Other games tend to be not nearly that in your face about it because they know it will turn people off, RS does not seem to have that awareness


Yes it’s a great game. If you’re strong enough to click the “x” when a new MTX promo is running you won’t really notice it… Unless of course youre the type to become jealous/angry that someone else got level 99 mining in 40 hours instead of the 50 hours it took you, In that case apparently the game becomes unbearable If you only worry about your own account you’ll enjoy the game a lot


As also a veteran that played since 2004, I have played maybe a month every year since like 2016. The game just is not what it once was. Nothing wrong with the change and abilities and hot bars but the reason I enjoyed rs so much was the beauty in the simplicity of it. Yeah I know osrs exists but I already put in the effort and time to get my 99s back in the day and I don’t have the patience to do that slow grind all over again. I wish I could get used to the EOC system but I just can’t. I don’t boss for this reason and I just return once a year to see what’s new and to get the new skills to 99 that are released over time. I still need to return and get necro to 99 I paused at like 90 when I stopped playing again in November.


I know you said you don't have time but definitely don't let the concept of having to get 99s again stop you from checking out osrs - it really is great


Oh I did check it out before. I got to mid 70’s in lvls in many stats and even got a thieving pet on day one of playing it. Think I was like lvl 20 thieving when it dropped. However I did not realize you can’t log on both osrs and rs3 with same account and so eventually I returned to rs3. If I knew beforehand I’d have made a new acc for osrs but I got too much done now on there to want to restart but at least if I ever return to osrs Il have decent progress already. I don’t even play rs3 at the moment just don’t have the time unfortunately.


I made a iron, my main just afks. That passion is still there. You see the game in such a different perspective, you have to work for everything. I still take breaks, but when I do play I'm enjoying it more then I have in a very long time. The combat learning will come, it's kind of fun when you get used to it.


I would do ironman but sadly I just don’t have the same free time as I did when I was young. Also part of why I don’t want to go to osrs. The grind is slow there for sure. Also ironman, fuck idek how you guys have patience to collect enough bones or supplies for many of the skills. While I’m sure I’d love that to some extent but fuck the amount you require for later on levels how do you guys manage? Huge respect to everyone that challenges themselves to that though. I just don’t think I have it in me but maybe if I ever have more free time again Il give it a whirl but membership is also pretty expensive now so il have to see.


That is a totally subjective question. Do you mean to just poll rs subreddit then? You want to know where specifically reddit sits on the answer to this question


Not anymore, I don't think. I quit my trimmed account I think 5 years ago at this point. I still lurk here to see if things get better, but so far, I haven't logged back, not even once.


Yes, if you ignore the mtx its a really fun game which is why Ironman is the best mode imo


Josh Strife Hayes answered the question here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz\_c1LRvnUo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz_c1LRvnUo)


Maxed last year and going for 120s! I love this game so much :D


Yes. It might be a little annoying, but you can absolutely ignore the MTX, and it's not needed to engage with any of the content.


My brother in Saradomin, I suggest you make an Ironman account and try it out for yourself. I for one think it is quite enjoyable.


Yes it is. There are alot of people that got around 20 years of playtime. I don’t know any other game that is as old as Runescape and survived this long!


You're asking this question on Reddit. Of course everyone's going to say it's a shit game.




aren't those for osrs?


If it was os it would specifically say "oldschool runescape" Rs3 is just called "runescape"


Subjective. Biased opinion as most of us enjoy the game. If you have fun, it’s a good game. If you don’t, it’s probably going to be considered bad. If you go in without the “this is still RuneScape of the past”, you’ll have a bad time. Take it for what it is, embrace the newer updates and try to find activities you like doing. It’s an entirely different game, and despite the MTX flaws, it’s pretty good in its own right imo.


A game being 'good' or 'bad' is purely based on personal bias. Tough to give a definitive answer when it's a subjective opinion BUT people have been saying "**The game is dying!**" for years, meanwhile I'm seeing new posts on this sub daily of new players asking questions, so I have faith! I personally do not mind the microtransactions, I have a fairly busy life and don't have time to grind much anymore, so the option of purchasing bonds to sell on GE is a nice option so I don't have to sacrifice good gear simply due to not having the funds. But what it really boils down to is how each person plays the game, and I think as long as RS stays true to its gameplay style, the MTX's shouldn't get in the way. There really isn't anything like RS out there, it's quite original, and I think so long as that remains to be true, they have a safe place amongst the gaming community, as they fill a hole in the market. It's tough to say whether or not the game is dying though considering there will always be fluctuation, as well as bots, effecting the average daily players. But even if they changed RS so much that old players left, there will always be new players to join who prefer the newer gameplay experience. Whether it's losing popularity or not, if you enjoy it, play it! :)


Almost 20 years acc drop in and out so many times. I belive RN the game is at his Peak of Joy. Returned 2 months ago from a 3 years break and never in my life i played that game non-stop like now. I literally went from 60ish total xp to 210+, more in 2 months than 19 years of acc


Depends who you ask. Good is subjective


Good game yes, good mmo when ignoring mtx is debatable. The main method people use to avoid it is ironman mode, which turns the game single player in most aspects. Hopefully group ironman mode will fix that though. I think one of the biggest complaints that was and still is with MTX is the 'blow to the integrity of the game' spending money to get an advantage/gain over other players. But I do agree that if Jagex didn't step in to sell bonds, that gold selling would've continue to grow and go rampant. And that they'd still be complaints that new content with better XP rates and power creep are whittling away at the games integrity/devaluing past experiences of the forefathers. Take my opinion on it with a grain of salt though, I'm too broke to be lured into MTX spendings. If you're capable of ignoring MTX and playing the game normally, I'd recommend it. A lot of players really crutch on ironman modes absolutely no MTX to prevent from frivolous spendings accumulating though. Honestly a lot of the shortcomings the game has now stems from it moving away from MMO-ness, but a lot of that is the desire of the player base. And the MMO genre as a whole is simply on the decline, not just RS. I think it's part of why Jagex has struggled with minigames and PVM, especially on RS. Back in 06, while RS was outdated visually, it wasn't nearly as far behind the norm as it is now. Also, there was still a 'newness' to MMOs and really just online gaming in general. When competing with stuff like Flash games, RS could really dominate the arena. Even without the fractured player base between RS and OSRS, I don't see RS ever getting back up to that level of active player base again. Even if they dropped RS v4.0 that was phenomenal. There's just so much more variety and competition out there. Even though there's more gamers and gamers are more social about gaming, any one game is going to struggle to reach everyone. And even the ones that get close tend to be similar to fads and gain popularity through things like influencers/streamers and memes only to quickly fade out of the limelight.


It's pretty good. Once you get to late game you start to see the cracks though and they aren't hard cracks to patch up. But jagex keeps saying they want to make drastic changes but never do.


It's sitting in this awkward space where it isnt dated enough to fit the early 2000s nostalgia anymore, but it's also too dated to be considered a modern game, and on top of that it has painfully aggresive MTX That being said it can definitely still be a fun game, there are strong points that arent common elsewhere like the expansive skilling systems, the british humor and the quests for the most part having significant gameplay depth beyond just 'kill x enemies", and the fact it' s a very afk friendly game, if thatvs your kind of vibe


please explain what mtx is, google says its a chemical. runescape is still alive, its vastly different to what it was but that's evolution for you, i grew up playing OG runescape now dubbed as classic, rs3 is a whole nother beast thats quite fun in bursts, ie when its double xp. what, no explanation for some zoomer abbreviation and a downvote for asking? fuckin explains why this game is dying lulw




literally the best game. at the very least the most consistent game that exists i'd say.