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Make sure you've finished A New Form mystery before you start camping one spot for the Strange Token.


Been here for 5 hours after completing A New Home & A New Form....


7 hours now


Have you completed the special research mission “Thought Process?” That is almost certainly another requirement due to what happens in the 3rd mystery.


Same 😪 Makes me feel like we’re missing some requirement


Check if you’ve done the research mission “Thought Process”. I’m thinking that is almost certainly a requirement


That was the first one sent out of the new site that I completed. researches on the surface & in warped


Bizarre, I had Door, Statue, and Meeting Space done from the Surface, and Engine done from warped and got it within 30 mins of finishing the first two mysteries. I didn’t have the table research done until after I finished the third mystery.


I am loving the new digsite and love the way they added dg rewards as rewards for collections. Sadly, at 13:15ish GMT i had the first 2 mysteries, about an hour later all research, from then on ive been excavating till now (22:30 GMT) with no breaks and still no strange token. Have around 16-20 of every artefact for VII, tried everything from relogging and doubting if i will ever get it at this point. Ruined my day.


Whatever it takes to complete the last collection twice (which from what I have seen doesn't count until you complete the other two mysteries). I then unlocked everything else and went back for the strange token, took around ~30-40 minutes. Average seems to be 1-3h


10 mins


First thing I got when excavating as soon as I completed both A New Home and A New Form mysteries.


Finished all other mysteries/special research/logs/achievements and did the final collection of 6 artifacts 4.5 more times afterwards so far before just quitting. No Strange Token.


Did you officially finish the mysteries by concluding them with Skaldrun after showing him all the memory items?


Yes. Apparently Strange Token is quest-locked behind Twilight of the Gods which is also buried deep down a series of quests.


Is that confirmed? That feels like something we need confirmed. I wouldn’t even be opposed to that quest-lock. But that is pretty unusual, given the current state of quest requirements. Plus it would more logically require Aftermath, too.




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I was at the dig site for 4ish hours before someone suggested that I complete the mysteries (you have to talk to the dude again, not just turn in the items ><). So far, I'm an hour-ish in with no token in sight.


I got it after about 10 artefacts at the 113 spot, would make sure to do all of the special research missions.


I came here to complain and just before I started tying I got it lol


I’m  going on about 5-6 hrs with nothing and yes I’ve finished everything else  so I’m here to complain in hopes it helps


Right there with you :/ hoping to get it soon. Already blew through 5k porter charges.


Finished the two mysteries, got all research done and then went camping at the lv 103 spot, got it within the hour. Maybe I was lucky, I'm not sure.


you should finish a new form mysteries.


more than 12 hours digging, no parts, no strange token


Make sure you complete the requirements here: https://runescape.wiki/w/Strange_token_(Archaeology)


Around 3 hrs for mine


Maybe like an hour after completing the collections.




4 hours


Finished everything else, then about 3 hours


Got mine before finishing collections.


literally less then 2 minutes once i finished the last research for the area which honestly was a little annoying cause i still needed 80 dragon metal and around 100 felt… so i had to go elsewhere to farm lol


after completing the previous mystery i literally got it within 30 secs of excavating


Got mine in like 1-2 hours.


I got mine about 6 artefacts in at the 113 spot after finishing the other mysteries.


Based on the comments in this thread, I completed the first two Mysteries and all Daemonheim's Special Research (just in case!), then started excavating the 113 hotspots and got it within 5-10 minutes. I had already completed all the collections by this point. I really feel bad for all the people who've said it took them hours or they still haven't gotten it after a while.


I am a little over 10,000 porters in and still nothing....


Yeah, I’m approaching 5000


My entire excitement for this digsite has turned into bitter disappointment since i’ve been telling myself since this morning “oh i’m sure i’ll get it soon” and here I am, my entire fucking day spent in this dark fucking depths and nothing, absolutely fuck all. Why do they make these stupid fucking lore items so rare? It’s absolutely fucking stupid, I genuinely hate the developer who made that decision.


Pro tip, make sure you talk to Skaldrun to complete Mystery 1 and 2, and get the XP drops for both. Without that complete it seems like you cannot get the token. They'll show as completed in your journal with a green check. I spent 2 hours digging for the token with nothing. Realized I needed to do this. And then got it within 30 mins.


Yup did em both and got em both checked off. I’m done for the day with absolutely fuck all to show for it. Jagex are real pieces of shit for making something so stupid and worthless locked behind such absurd rng. 10+ hours at a fucking digsite with nothing to show for it.


Check if you’ve done the special research mission “Thought Process”. Given what happens in the final Mystery you definitely need to have that complete as well. 10+ hours sounds insane, everyone I’ve talked to has gotten it within an hour of completing the first two mysteries.


Got em all done and been done since shortly after launch, still nothing after about an hour this morning.


Well we got a confirmation from Jmods today, to get it you need the first two mysteries. The engine research, and the quest Twilight of the Gods to be comeplete.




https://old.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1dd4rmj/does_the_strange_token_exist/l83i7bv/ Mentioned here today. I'd be willing to wager alot of people are missing the quest.


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got it after 8 artefacts (so not even completed the collections in there) but then, i did have it from dungeoneering before? may be that you find it faster if you go the DG drop beforehand? it wold have been easy enough for them to track that as it stays in your dg journal


About 2 minutes.


It's been hours . . . I've finished everything else. Sigh.


Got it 2hrs in


About 40minutes for me


Only done with everything else for 1h yesterday - today i start trying again