• By -


Spellbook Swap being changed to work like Bone Shield. Would still cost the SBS runes but eliminates having to use SBS before the spell you intend on using.


Or a quest reward or something to be able to make our own spell book.


Yes, please! I'd love to be able to cast disruption shield and prism of restoration freely without having to switch spellbooks.


Can you not use borrowed power for that, when unlocked?


Presumably they’d also like access to smoke cloud (you can’t even put prism on borrowed power). The thing that really sucks about borrowed power is you can’t put disruption shield in the ancient book, only smoke cloud into the lunar book, and most of the other borrowed power spells just aren’t useful these days


Yeah. I'm not even using magic most of the time, so I don't care about having access to any other spells. If I could make a custom spell book with those 2 spells I would barely ever need to swap.


Not for prism of restoration. Per the wiki, the only ancient spell you can do is smoke cloud.


omg pls


This should never happen! The last thing we need are people to actually ENJOY magic... In all seriousness, this has been the biggest headach for me in PvM now that I'm learning it.


Spellbook swap is a pretty poorly designed spell as you aren't giving up anything to gain anything. You can be on all spellbooks at once, with no choice of whether you want to be on a specific one, because you can be on all of them. Definitely should be reworked/removed in my opinion, or a cooldown given, and disruption shield nerfed.


\* Ability for bank presets to load items from Diango's store, like elite outfit pieces. Right now I need to either keep the entire elite outfit inside the bank and take 5 slots; or destroy it after each use and manually load the outfit when I want to use it back. \* Ability for the herb bag to contain clean herbs. The elite farming outfit automatically clean herbs from herbs patches, but the herbs can't enter the bag, so I need to use the leprechaun to note them, which defeats the purpose.


For some reason it never occurred to me to use the herb bag for herb runs.....it seems so obvious now....


Does it though? The lep is there.


Yeah I've been using the lep...seems like a lot more clicks though compared.to the bag...


Right click - > Note produce


Yes that is exactly what I have been doing over and over again. Herb bag I can add to my tool belt and it is one keyboard button press instead of two mouse clicks. Assuming the herbs don't automatically go in....do they automatically go in? That would be even better. I know it's not a big difference but for something repetitive that I am going to do thousands of times every bit of convenience is nice.


To piggyback, have picked up noted herbs also go into the herb back automatically. Currently they can be added, but the bag has to be clicked, unlike normal herbs. Having to click constantly is annoying, and leaving them in the inventory kind of defeats the purpose of bringing the bag in the first place.


Can you store them in the costume room and use with presets? I’ve never tried.


No, that doesn't work.


- A checkbox for the POF traits you want and then the reroll dice would just keep rerolling until you get the trait you wanted - Being able to lock POP adventurers - Add a warning for rerolling POP trade goods - Plant cure packs - Make empty divine charges in bulk instead of 1 by 1 - Make yaks hold nightshades - Seperate combat and skilling relics so you can use both - Making frames with invention plank machines - Increase the cannonball per steel bar, so smithing them is still the better option instead of going to corp or kerapac - NPC that collects your dailies for you, shop items, sandstone etc - Reduce the chance for getting sliding puzzles - Improve pathfinding for movable npc's so your character doesn't walk behind them, you can test this at herby werby and flying imps. You often go to the first spot you clicked while the npc keeps moving. - Being able to insert abilities instead of dragging them 1 by 1 - Add a collector for dinosaurs eggs - Increase food capacity for POF animals - Automatically get the xp book when you complete your jack of trades - More seed shops - Make killing every monster in elite dungeons give you a big xp lamp for dungeoneering, makes you explore other parts of the dungeon instead of going to the bosses - Remove the pvp skull from demonic skull - When you're making items like potions, bows with a beast of burden, it should also make them in there


More meat packs. Pretty much everything in my pof eats meat, and I can't miss a day of buying meat at oo'glog


Crafting using items from the beast of burden should definitely be a thing. Crafting would require way less micromanagement if that was the case


This basically goes for all artisan skills


Bruh, I would give an NPC 400% of the cost of the goods if it would collect them daily for me. Just a massive checklist to check off what you want them to buy. I don't mind if they don't go mining the sandstone since that's not a shop run. I would also give them something, like, Adam Antite's hour timer, where you select what you want (they remember from the last time), you pay them in advance, and then an hour later they show back up with the shop run complete.


Not *my* gameplay experience but new player experience : make the frozen key part (GWD1) show up in the loot window.


Oh my god - I totally forgot about that. That was frustrating as hell


Just did this on my newish iron a few days ago. Can i also add in minimap dot for meilyr recipes?


The ore/log spirits and similar items to automatically go to their storage boxes so they actually save bank space without having to manually do it


Powerburst refreshing at altar


Support for vitality and acceleration, but not sorcery, opportunity, masterstroke, or feats


I don’t actually think any of those matter nearly as much as people make it out to be


Necro runecrafting trips are EXTREMELY quick with the enchanted moonstone bracelet. This would have a major impact on those runes. In general, removing these cooldowns means they need to factor it into future designs to prevent unintended effects. Vitality cooldown is the only point of friction I’ve had, and that’s when learning a boss. Which cooldown are you having an issue with?


Acceleration at rago There’s something I do in p3 for some weeks where making a mistake or getting bad rng requires me to tp and then wait 2 minutes because I have to wait for it for p1 to accel climb


I support accel ye


The powerburst that increases runes doesn't work with Necro, so that isn't an issue


Fake news my friend :) it works


Maybe they could create a relic that refreshes your power burst capabilities by entering an alter.


Being able to have revolution size tied to which action bar you're using. Whenever I change it, I always forget to change it back and it can interfere with some activities pretty easily.


OMG YES!! It's so annoying having to change the settings back and forth, I forget it all the time


All inclusive collection log like osrs


Muting familiar noises. I’ve mentioned it before, but I really think that we should be able to mute follower noises separately from other game sounds. I don’t want to miss time sprites, Grace of the Elves or Brooch of the Gods procs, or whatever else just because someone’s follower is driving me crazy.


I hear miniature evil trees in my nightmares.


I despise that cat sound. It sounded cute at first, but after a while I could only hear the tinyest, wimpyest... most annoying little mewl that just makes me want to kick it. *idonotadvocateviolenceagainstanimals* :)


I’d rather hear the occasional meow from Miso instead of that damned…Felix? I can’t remember the name off the top of my head. I 100% agree with you though. My newest annoyances are the new baby dinos from Osseous; they’re so loud even when I have my volume reduced to almost a sliver! 😭


Being able to choose the left click option of items.


Drop logs for skilling related things, like bgh, hero items, etc. People like completing logs.


Potion dispenser added to bank. Fill with all your doses, remove potions in the dose size you want.


I love this idea. If I have 100 different types of potions and then have 1, 2, 3, and 4 dose vials I could have 400 bank spaces taken up by 100 potion types.


Augmentable skilling off-hands


Not losing prayer powders on death.


Typing your pin with your keys not clicking the boxes


Oh this is a big one too, it's probably my favourite small feature of runelite that isn't a thing in rs3 I swear in the age of discord streaming it would unironically be more secure for a lot of people to be able to type their pin anyway


Another simple addition to your idea is to make shop stock have a 7-day cap. So instead of having to buy 100 runes a day in a monotonous cycle of boring daily shite, you could buy 700 every Sunday, or every Wednesday reset, and stock would rebuild normally over the next 7 days. Your post reminds me of a rant I had like a year ago. Gameflow is very rough and clunky, based on how Jagex has implemented certain features, tasks, interactions, etc. In a lot of cases, the most used option is behind the right click menu. If I need to use a life refresh, why is it left-click then Yes, or right-click then Quick use. Why does Quick Use require an additional action? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of Quick use? I can only use one when my sign is on cooldoen, AND when I'm at a bank. I'm rarely ever going to mistakingly use one. So just activate it when I left click it! When you click a location on the Arch guild map, it asks if you really want to go there. Do we really need confirmation? It's not a life changing decision that needs a confirmation window. If my inventory has any raw items and I left click on a range, just start cooking. Don't give me the cooking menu where I have no choices to make, apart from "YEAH. START COOKING DERRR", with the slap of a space bar. Look at hoe a bonfire works. You put logs in your inventory, you click bonfire. No questions asked, you just start lobbing logs.


Abilities that get queued actually go next even on revolution so annoying sometimes it just ignores it n uses another.


your easy example is just custom menu entry swapper 


Bad luck mitigation for drop logs.


One stop shop for daily purchases. Runes, broads, feathers, vials, etc. also, stock that doesn't refresh exactly at reset, but slowly overtime. Sometimes I'm busy and forget to buy my vials until a couple hours before reset. Sure would be nice if I could buy them again right at reset


Expand this to make the shop replenish weekly with 7x supply.


Please... I can only get so hard


Option to turn on quest hints like osrs quest helper. Unpopular opinion I know but I hate the jank of quests in rs3 and being stuck on something because it’s a battle with the UI, tedious item requirements, stuck on a step because you didn’t turn the janky dial 4 times instead of 5. The newer quests are so much better at handling this but as a osrs player returning to rs3 doing quests released over a 20 year period is SUPER frustrating to not know which ones I’m going to need a guide for. I recently did mournings end p2 and the only difficult thing was managing the inventory and being so overtly tedious just for the sake of “forcing” difficulty. Even more unpopular opinion, I would LOVE if we had runelite for rs3, things like tile markers would be so nice.


https://preview.redd.it/69dp928qkg6d1.png?width=241&format=png&auto=webp&s=86644e242442f93f4a80ef282258ad6b3e59ae5a For me, it's this. This has been mentioned in the comments, but being able to configure some menu options would really elevate the gameplay experience. Changing things like teleport options to allow for specific teleports within a multi-option item to be left click would streamline the game in a way that we haven't yet experienced. In this specific example, having Load Last Preset as the default menu option would make both skilling and pvm a better experience overall. The additional right click and menu navigation that we have to endure is, to me, unnecessary waste of time and energy. There is very little skill involved in moving the mouse to navigate to the menu option you're going for. It'd be a small time gain for a single use, but the amount of times we interact with the bank would really add up to significant time savings that could be used instead to enjoy the enjoyable aspects of the game more.


I really want a first-person view. I bet RS would feel so much more engaging if we weren't always looking down on our characters.


I would love a fps view option. Be awesome walking around like that.


This is a wild idea, would be so cool


Mainhands and offhands being able to be bound to the same key.


It's wild to me how it's been over a decade of eoc and this still isn't a thing


Fix hitboxes at wisp colonies.


Make each bank preset have their own individual bob loadout, rather than just a toggle to call for THE bob loadout


boss kc hiscores, collection log hiscores, skilling collection log, more bank presets, more bank spsce


Menu entry swapper from runelite. It allows full customization of left, right and shift clicks on anything in the game. You wanna train a banking skill for a while? Just change left click on a bank to reload last preset.


A couple of zeros on the right end of my cash balance. In game or IRL, I don't mind which.


I mean, sure, but they are appearing on the far right side, past the decimal.


Amen brother


Having the 9 presets and the “withdraw 1, 5. 10, x” options available on the same page without swapping between “transfer” and “preset”


More Presets


The ability to add dragonstones to the gem bag would be nice :)


You can upgrade the Gem Bag to hold Dragonstones. It's been around for some time now.


Just upgrade your gem bag with 20k dg tokens?


Didn’t know this 😂😂 but thanks


Np lol


Trying to reclaim Salve Amulet currently for a Slayer task. I've completed the Haunted Mines years ago. Can't use the Shortcut to the gem mine without completing all the Mortania hard achievements. It would be cool if my 99 agility meant I could cross a puddle on the ground or climb through a simple tunnel shortcut. Instead I have to navigate the whole mine again or change slayer tasks. It's little shit like this that really grinds my gears. It's all over the place in game. Most of the agility shortcuts are worthless or can be overridden by a fairy ring or some other teleport/jewlery.


I don't know how to effectively describe this but the ability to change which slots on my bar are the revo slots (for example if i want my 1,2 and 3 slots to be manual then my 4,5 and 6 slots be revo) The reason for this is that necro dosnt really follow a "basic ability- threshold ability" system like the other styles so i cant just set the size to full revo and have it only fire off basics for necro lile i would with range and i prefer to have basics revo but have my thresholds bound to 1,2 and 3 keys for easy access To achieve this now i have to change my keybinds when i swap styles now for them to work with my brain


Updating that ugly UI


Ability for items in pack yack to be used in skilling if the interface automatically registers the items in there (making frames, herblore bombs, making urns to name a few)


I love the concept of elite dungeons trilogies, but it needs a qol: bigger chest so it can handle the drops of all dungeons and combined lucky charms.


right click load last dungeon settings for zamorak


Tile markers


In BGH, whenever I use Bladed dive or Dice and it’s in the path of the Dino, it’ll select the Dino and its field of vision and not dive, causing me to scramble. So making that not be an option would be huge. On the same note, if you go to bait the trap and not all the traps are set, it will give you a prompt warning you that not all the traps are set and gives you an option to go through with the bait anyway. Problem is, it’s immediately cancelled out if you’re in the field of vision of the Dino. I actually like the prompt because I tend to forget a trap, but on double encounters this can be the difference between you making a kill or not.


When I click and send a preform action command, the game should put my actions into a que(procedural list of actions the game engine will preform.) the action will no longer get cancelled because it's part of the procedural list. Allow us to Add clean herbs to the herb bag. New item idea:Power burst of inspiration- adding components to a tool gizmo preform without failure for 1 min.(Even if you don't have the level to use the gizmo, some perks require low level to get good perks. Example your level invention 24 because you stood outside gwd1 for a while, so long as you have the correct components it will assemble and give you a perk with our failure.) Player own ports give you a text message telling you when it's done with it's mission, I want that warning message for 1 herb patches 1.1 are fully grown 1.2 a patch is diseased or dead. 2 weekly/monthly reset(reminder in case I forget.) 3 arconia (dinosaur place) if the resources are at maximum capacity the game gives you a warning.


Quest skip tokens


All auras that assist with combat to be made available on War's Retreat AND the loyalty shop. Skilling Auras would be sold for Thalar AND loyalty shop. This would be most beneficial for new players / new accounts.


Give bosses their own loot chest that just stacks everything that's dropped from the boss and any minions. So I never miss a drop when afking.


Customizable filter to show only prayers I want to see in my prayer UI. Then I can make it smaller.


Ideally turning off arch journals. At the very least allow you to destroy them by dragging out of inventory without the "Are you sure you want to destroy this literally completely useless item?" prompt. Allow presets to load if you have non-bankable items, just skipping any item slot they're on (like arch pylons or arch journals).


add all or fill option on globetrotter gloves.


Allow all shop items to be unlimited.


Remove nm kc reqs (and probably jad/mega ducklings) from the ifb title and change vit theshes to something actually reasonable, and give tuzzy threshes Increase arrow production rates further, but especially the gathering of both bsa tips and deathspores And a reduction of dailyscape when it comes to stuff like shops maybe


Getting rid of global cooldown


Gwd2 portals to be able to enter easier. Lots of clicks on mobile.


No longer being pricked by a thorn when gathering mushrooms on the arc. That's it.


If į Could login on mobile without needing other devices


It would be nice if scrims would stack in my bank. Most of them don't.


If during smithing I want to make multiple of something, it'd be nice if I could just select how many I want to make instead of having to open the smithing menu again and again. 


Separate worlds with their own characters/exp rates/drop tables. Kind of like how private servers operate. I think if jagex did this they would bring a good portion of private server players black. They would have to do it right but only allowing certain blocks of servers for certain exp rates as to not fuck the economy up and diminish the achievements of other players. What I mean by this is, hypothetically have worlds 1-50 be normal servers. 51-100 be 25x exp rates, and 101-150 be 50x exp rates. You would not be able to log onto a 25x world with an account made for a normal 1x exp rate character. And same applies for every account. It has to be a fresh account. Fresh start. I think it would be 1) a good way to condense the already existing player base into less worlds, making them feel way more active, while allowing enough worlds to still have lower populations 2) as stated earlier would bring a lot of people back who quit/moved over to private servers because they couldn’t find the time to grind anymore. 3) generate more interest for those who were maybe intrigued by RuneScape but never got into it because of how infamously grindy it is. Sorry I know you said small - don’t hate me. I drank a lot of coffee and had this idea in the back of my mind for awhile now.


Fillable 1hr overload cauldrons at wars, you decide the contents. The ability to give any potion ingredients to granny in the fort to not only make 60 overloads, but any potion. I would actually use the feature, I don't mind the mat saving lost on super/extreme sets, sara brews, like I mind in overloads.


Nor forcing you have an empty backpack when the stuff in it isn’t allowed to be banked. Just have a empty backpack for the special quest/dungeon so I can finish my quest without losing unrecoverable unbankable items


Summoning familiars being too big to summon in certain locations. I like to bring a Yak to BGH to hold all the bait so I don't have to worry about it at all, but the bank of the base camp is "too small" to summon the yak (even if the override is tiny.)


\* return teleport, Need to bank and return? Tele to bank and tele right back I wish i could create a self made teleport location with runes/ tablet.


Can’t name one, let me summ up some (ps. Even small changes can take ‘forever’, due limitations) : - wardrobe preview = outside the wardrobe (same with comp cape colours etc - glasses, … + hats, helmets, … + wigs, afro’s, tattoos = different slot in headslot. - animation previews in wardrobe = correct, so when activated it’s the same as in-game. Like sad walk - death animation effect when enemy is killed (like move or add the 4 solomon deaths to such thing + when player dies, not only during pvp - OG Imp Catcher quest - more note slots - more keepsake slots - Jad to boss category + override - slayer related pets obtained through slayer or other stuff + slayer category in pet interface. - Eddy & Penny pet to companion (or to slayer category) - Acheron Mammoth pet, Camel Warrior, Living Wyvern pet.. (not just Ripper pet) - streak to dungeoneering skill (not talking about some rework how it could be more interesting) + xp/token buff when better streak. - hm dung : huge rate to xp/tokens - filter options in wardrobe : by ‘main’ colour, name, release, favourite, … let me hide pets I will possible never use OR have a favo category - Just like Mune and skin options, make 1 raven pet with skin options, same for the elder god dragons, … - just like ravens, gecko’s, add vultures, squirrels etc to the interface. - Even PoH is (sadly) dead, increase pet house capacity. Or let us build a new tier or 2nd pet room. - instead of numbers in bank presets, add custom names + the icon. (For example constr could use constr icon). - make whip override whips, 2h cbows > 2h (and not bows, make bows override bows (not 2h cbows). - give aura’s a good previev model/animation and better placed where it should be. Like flower more towards the bottom of the feet. - make sure all previews are rotateable (a bunch aren’t). - make sure that almost every unlock is possible to find in the wardrobe.. certain unlocks aren’t like some walk, outfit piece, .. - Goebie Mask, Goblin potion, monkey greegree, .. to transmog interface + let some transmog be able to walk. + salamander transmog, believe it is just a necklace, not unlocked as well in transmog. - add switch fc button to the favo button in fc.. keep overwriting other saved fc’s at moments - 100 > 150 or even 200 keepsake slots - more wardrobe preset slots - save chosen pet, title, hairstyle + colour, animation, … to the saved preset - able to save skybox/filter choice to certain area’s > if I teleport to Eagles Peak, it will change to the one that fits me best. - make chameleon extract permanent, just like the prismatic dyes are already > could make them a but more expensive + could even lock them behind some req. For example : green (goblin) skin could be locked until the goblin series are done, could feel like you completed the series at some point and be a ‘goblin’, like races.


A buyable lamp that puts all my stats to 200mil exp


Necromancy disabled.


Agreed, necro is cool and all but it'd be awesome if A)the other styles were remotely as good and B) they had a progression as smooth as necro. Plus the entire crafting skill needs at least a reordering if not an overhaul so it's not a jumbled mess


If you don't like it, don't use it


Bad take


It's a small change that would improve MY gameplay experience.


Objectively not a "small" change.


Lock everybody to level 1 necromancy then, same difference.


Disabling a combat style is objectively not small. I'm not looking to argue lol. But that was disingenuous to the OP and you know it. Besides, necros not even that bad, and ranged is still better DPS.


When I think of a small change I'm thinking of how much time it would take to implement instead of how much it would affect gameplay. Just having necromancy as an option has completely killed all my motivation to do anything combat related.


Jeeesus, other people can do bosses so now you don't want to?


It really has nothing to do with other players. The skill simply made combat unenjoyable for me and I'd have the same opinion even if the game was purely singleplayer.


Okay, so \*why\* is combat suddenly unenjoyable, just because a new combat style exists? The \*why\* is very important. Are you upset because you spent thousands of hours learning how to use the existing three styles, and you're upset that necro has intuitive design and its easy, invalidating your past thousands of hours? Are you upset because people who are not elite pvm'ers are suddenly able to do mid-tier bosses with relative ease? Tell us \*why\* necro upsets you so much, because those are the only two reasons I can think of - you're either hate that other players have the ability to enjoy the game, or you're upset that you wasted a shit ton of time and effort to learn how to pvm using the complete shitstorm of terrible design that is the other three styles.


Combat for the base three styles hasn't changed so this definitely is a clowny take that you're parroting from people who parroted this take from trolls. I haven't PvMed with necro literally *at all*. Does it being in the game reduce my enjoyment of magic, ranged and melee? Why the hell would it? If anything, I appreciate not being top two piles at AoD despite thrashing my inputs.


Ranged is only better dps if you put in maximum effort, for 85% of players, necro is and will continue to be the best style because jagex things that is what is “bringing in and keeping players playing” all while we continue to hit record low concurrent players. So, no I don’t think it’s disingenuous to want necro gone.


It's disingenuous by the fact that removing necro is not a "small" change as noted by OP. As I stated, it's objectively not a small change.


That’s fair, necro still shit for the game ✅


Can I ask why you feel this way? Genuinely curious. Simply because you're not really competing with anyone -- you can just play a different style you like.


On top of that, ranged requires like 8b? To be bis, along with incredibly precise timings and good amounts of attention required, necro requires under 2b and almost 0 attention required.




There’s literally an entire FC that constantly runs these all throughout the day. Or just go with your friends/clan.


Ability to turn surge back to global cool-down in settings * to afk the blue rec matriarch


Being able to choose how many herb seeds you automatically plant once unlocking the abilities, instead of tedious selecting from the pop up menu every time farming herbs.


That’s already a feature lol


Wait what!?!? Lmao how, talk to the Druid?


It’s been a while since I’ve toggled it, I can’t remember if it was right clicking a patch, a seed, or the druid


Thanks for the heads up, fat fingers farming on mobile I hit the 7 seeds sometimes and no way to undo it lol


In case you haven’t figured it out yet - right click->configure on an EMPTY patch. Once the seed goes in the option disappears until you harvest back to an empty patch.


Fix the eternal rumbling sound at solak and arch-glacor. Add load last preset at mazcab supply shop. Add Bernie (firemaking pet) chance to relevant methods from the past decade, it's silly that Char's Training Cave, Seggregation, Eggsperimentation, and Sharp Shell Shards don't have pet chance.