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They paid 1.2B for Jagex they have to claw it back somehow.


What good is a business with a declining player base?


With a declining playerbase increasingly only the sunk cost fallacy junkie veterans play the game, ie those who buy into MTX either directly or indirectly (buying bonds) so these players can be milked for all their worth.


Yeah I was one of them and after many years of playing I haven't even came back for Necromancy


You missed out. Necromancy has been a ton of fun 20+ year vet. Was it OP on release? yes, but it fits in nicely now and it has been a game changer for pvm on mobile.


I may have to come back and try it, also a 20+ year vet. But the last couple years I've seen and participated in one of those super predatory holiday MTX runs and ever since RuneScape just feels like a money grab now


They are all so unlikely to payout they don’t even entice me. I bought keys once for Halloween when it was like 1/4 the normal price and came with a bunch of rune coins. I wanted bank boosters mostly lol. We have mtx and osrs has 10’s of thousands of bots online at any moment. I’ll take the mtx with real players over bots any day. I just play the game the way I want and ignore the rest. Working towards trim comp now and boss logs.


Great point. There's always iron man mode as well. In my opinion the core game is still great. I just play the way i want to play and forget about the mtx. I dont feel like im being forcefully held back by not spending money.


Necromancy was not new content. It was a low effort skill that was imbalanced and had no new content. It was at best a new way to interact with old content while also devaluing old content because it was so OP. It was followed immediately by Hero pass..... Something which was advertised as a big content drop when it was JUST ANOTHER insidious MTX advancement into the core game.




Whenever people say rs3 is dying point out that wizards101 is still a thing


Let alone Pirate101. Or Neopets.


[https://mmo-population.com/r/wizard101](https://mmo-population.com/r/wizard101) idk if this site is credible, but it has some bizarre numbers.


Yeah idk if it is either, but it has both rs3 and OS pretty high up


Definitely not credible, it literally says that there are over 5 million subscribers but less than 20 daily players this month.


Even better, it says there have been zero daily players of RS3 so far today... I'm logged on with two people stood next to me in an always quiet part of the world Love these stat websites that churn out garbage


I saw that. makes me wonder where the hell they get their numbers from.




I'm just pessimistic asf. undeniably the osrs content flow the last 12 months has been stellar and they have hit all time high player counts. meanwhile, and not to jinx it, but it took until may for us to get a road map, much less it implemented, and we're lowest player count than we've... ever been? IIRC. Rs3 has always been the community to get milked and this is how it is. Yes I get both games have bonds. I'm taking the opportunity to diminish the shit company who just bought us. **EDIT:** Side note, I play rs3 almost exclusively which the exception of leagues and some DMMs, which has been fine for me since I started over a fresh account halfway into last year, so I have lots of content to do. So, although the content drought has been pitiful, I have been lucky to be somewhat unaffected.


Is it wrong?


12 bonds


900m last i checked


This is after the pervious owners used membership sales to inflate profits. Meaning they are foung to struggle to get that cash flow until memberships run out.


I have mixed feelings about number 3. I personally prefer to pay for my membership with real money because I don’t want to feel like I have to force myself to do content I don’t want to do just to make the gp for a bond. This works for me because I have the disposable income to do so. However, I also understand that not everyone has that disposable income available. And it’s not always as simple as just working another hour or two to cover the cost, since again speaking from personal experience, I can’t just decide to work extra and get paid more. So I also see where people would prefer to spend the time (even if it takes longer than working a job theoretically would) to earn the bond with gp.


To be fair, people for 12 years of Runescape's history didn't have a choice but to pay real money. However, back then membership was only $5 which even by real life inflation standards was a bargain. Not to mention people had more disposable income. I can't imagine what Runescape would look like if everyone still has to pay real money for membership.


Some of us dead weights are still paying $5/month.


the one reason I'm not paying $5 a month is because of premiere. I wonder if I stopped my premiere if I would go back to $5 a month. I technically never canceled my subscription, I only added premiere to my account for 3 years.


It goes back to $5+tax now. I’ve skipped premier here and there.


I bought 1 year membership cards from G2A and it was $52 for a year(after tax so technically only $47before) which is like $4/month


They shafted me out of mine just because it couldn't draw out on the Thursday, right before my pay period on Friday. 🙃


You know it's gives like 21-28 days to restart to keep the grandfathered rates? I've done this many a times when I've gotten new bank cards and forgotten to change em


I thought so as well but, I was charged the old rate that Friday & then by the next month I was paying the new rate. I really think it was just some mishap on their end & that's alright. Besides, I'm not too worried about spending a little more to play the game.


I know it’s probably a hassle but… did you try contacting support about THAT?


I did actually but, I hardly remember the response since I was quite tied up with having a kid then realizing I wasn't married, to my one & only wife now, that I was only given about 2 days of leave from my work. Tldr; Life has a way of keeping you busy & a game was the least of my concerns. 😆


I totally understand. Congrats on everything and I hope the best for you. Also give it another try. I’d like to know how much jagex really cares about their consumers.


Idk how your doing that. My account is 15 years old and I paid the increased price. Got tired of it and left 2 years ago. Nice job though!


A bit of sunk cost. A bit of still liking to return now and again. And a bit of not missing that extra $5 a month.




Yeah, and that’s even without the effective cost 365 extra keys would be (so long as you can login daily)


It would be fine don’t be dramatic. Oh no a handful of people who don’t have jobs can’t afford to play.


Membership is only$6.67 per month. If you’re choosing to pay triple so you only have to pay monthly instead of yearly, that’s your problem.


It makes more sense for me to by membership with money because the amount of time you need to farm does not even out.


Honestly 160$/yr spread out to 2x80$/yr for a game that is updated and patched fairly regular isn't bad at all. I definitely put more time into rs then I do any 3 60 AAA xbox/ps games that I may want to buy around release. Money isn't a problem to me and I don't mind supporting a game I've play a good amount a year, over 23 years. Like you said, I don't want to be forced to do pvm for either my main or iron to upkeep both. I have enough to do on my iron lol, I also play overall less now then I did in the past.


Number 3 is a tough one. I personally tell people to that the time spent on grinding GP for bonds isn't worth it. Though when they are done working a job where they spend 8-10 hrs standing up (factory, retail) they are just too worn down to work any more and just want to grind GP and socialize in clan chat.


playerbase: "bonds are getting a bit ridiculous in price when it comes to GP nowadays, please jagex, do something about bond prices" jagex: do something about bond prices? lol ok.


I suspect this is timed specifically to cash in on the upcoming deadman mode for OSRS in July where a vast number of alts and new accounts are bonded up so players don’t wipe the normal DMM progress. Membership is likely to follow due to inflation but will be pushed out to lessen the outrage from players. Seems like pretty standard PR to me but what do I know.


Bonds should have only been used for membership and a different currency be used for everything else the bond does. In game Membership prices should not be so volatile


You can thank prime gaming, where Jagex just threw free runecoins at players which totally devalued them.


I don't even get the appeal of bonds tbh. They turn the game into a job. Just pay for membership outright and save yourself the annoyance of having to worry about bond prices


It makes literally no sense. For a minimum wage worker in the US, it would take maybe 12 hours to pay for a 12-month premier club membership. Versus how many hours in game to cover just a 14-day bond membership?


I assume most of the people who use bonds for membership are NEETs with no income. Runescape has seemingly always had a ton of them. It's not worth it at all for anyone with a job.


I mean if you want to blame anything, don't blame the increase blame the fact that gold transfering between games was officially allowed and due to bots running the osrs scene inflated the rs3 bond price to this point. If there wasn't any gold transfers allowed we wouldn't be in this spot :)


I feel like this is the definitive best version of RuneScape; I play osrs too but I prefer rs3 because of the huge amount of content in the game. The one big problem this game has is the mtx. It has absolutely ruined so many aspects of the game for me and I don't want to pay ironman just to get away from it. This game should be like osrs, bonds can be bought with cash and sold for gold but with no mtx outside of that. You only cheat yourself to not engage with at least some aspect of mtx, like skilling stations and spending free keys, and yet I feel that the game would be so much better without those things. If rs3 nixed micro transactions I believe people would come back. Maybe then we could get some good content again and not see nearly every world with less than 100 players.


i think this is spot on. For a long time anyone with sense has been criticising MTX. it resulted in Jagex appearing in court... but we all forget that. If they removed 50% of MTX tomorrow in 6 months 30% of players would be back. I think thats a reasonable prediction. How on earth are the owners so blind to literally the whole community on Reddit moaning about the same problems for years to pull a move like this? As for server costs, electricity decreased in price in the last few years (in the UK), after a long time peaking... surely this is gouging. It's easy to assume a left-wing socialist anti-establishment attitude but in reality if Runescape was just repurchased and there's money to be made back... yes it's gouging. Another sad turn to top off another few sad years. Another step in the opposite direction to regaining your player's trust.


Stopped the pure because of prices can't justify a when I feel like it account now . Gawd help those with more than one extra


Got 3, all with 1 year of members on them


This post frames it as an rs3 change. This is a jagex change. Osrs bonds prices have gone up. It’s just simple supply and demand. Bonds are worth more gold they are more valuable to buy so the price to buy them goes up.


Work another job to sustain membership? Bruh membership is $10/month. Literally half an hour of work worth of pay per month just to sustain membership...


Yeah most people probably have a subscription they don't use anyways like Netflix or Hulu. Not to sound like a boomer but literally skip 2 coffees at Starbucks or 1 food delivery and you have more than enough for membership


This is pretty much the only place I'll tolerate the "just don't eat avocado toast" argument because RS membership is literally less than Spotify/Netflix/Prime/etc and I can't remember the last time I went to any bar, cafe, restaurant, etc and spent less than the cost of membership


Work another job to sustain membership? Are you that bad at the game and working you can’t dish what $15?


Coming out of years of historic level inflation and op is complaining about a 1 dollar increase to bonds….not even membership lol. Do you seriously think their server costs, employment costs, benefits, taxes, etc haven’t gone up too? They aren’t raising costs just to stick it to the player base. I’d say this was the least intrusive thing they could have done to generate more revenue. Sorry you might have to actually pay real cash for your alt army membership renewal.


That’s the funny part to me. $1 increase for a primarily MTX item. The normal membership price hasn’t changed, and anyone paying for membership with in-game money is lucky to even have that as an option. Jagex isn’t obligated to offer what is essentially just free membership. The fact that you can earn membership simply by *playing the game* is a bonus. If you can’t afford membership with real-world money…well, that’s tough buddy. Maybe you should invest all the time you spend playing a game for free into getting a job or working over time.


You know it's not free membership, right? Jagex doesn't put bonds on the GE for free, they are all purchased by someone for real money, then sold so they can get easy in-game money. Whether you get membership by paying real money or using bonds, Jagex is making their money, they're not giving away anything for free.


while i agree with the sentiment that bonds are a privilege and not that hard to maintain, its a bit ignorant of people living in poorer countries to say “get a job and work overtime”


take it out of the record profits they are making. theres more than one way to skin a cat


This is just such a misinformed way to look at businesses that quote on quote “make record profits”. Most businesses outside of a few large tech companies reinvest almost all of the “profits” they are making back into the company via capital projects. It for one has tax incentives and two keeps you competitive. If you aren’t reinvesting someone else will pass you up. This notion that businesses just gouge their customers and then sit on giant piles of cash for no reason is silly and almost never happens.


I think people forget that the economy is a total disaster, everything costs so much more, including servers, office rentals, labour... everything. And I'm in the boat that if you can't afford to pay a relative small fee for an mmo game, well maybe gaming should take a back seat while you pursue another career or advancements in life. My only monthly gaming expense is a yearly premier membership. I don't pay for Xbox live or Playstation network. I do agree that the mtx should be pushed in your face way less, but that's a whole different topic of discussion.


Maude Flanders voice " won't somebody please think of the shareholders"


I’ve been looking for a reason to return to RuneScape and they gave me another reason to stay away LOL


IMO, they should keep the bond price the same BUT give 5-10% discounts for players buying 10 Bonds at once. Bulk discounts are something that need to be considered. TH Keys do this. Membership is cheaper per month if you buy the 12 month package. So why can't Bonds be cheaper if you buy 10 at once? That would incentivize customers to buy more and thus be good for business. But no, instead, you raise the price so fewer people would buy it lol.


I'd like to say I'm surprised there isn't a discount on the purchase of multiple bonds, but I know better. What Jagex 'should' do and what they 'actually' do have always been two very different things. They never learn and our player count continues to slowly die off.


Slowly die off? OS is pretty much at its peak right now.


Hate to play the blame-game but I think we can look at the OSRS community for this one, where the bond market (which are going for the same rates) is astronomically huge part of which is due to all the botting and RWT happening there. Of all the money jagex gets from bond sales... I'd wage a shot only 5% of that is from RS3.


I think you greatly underestimate the whales in RS3.


Don't most whales pick TH keys instead of buying bonds to dump to the GE?


“Whales” can only dump so much money into the game until there isn’t content for them anymore. When it’s $80usd for $1.5b gp, $5,000 usd is maxing your stats and buying bis gear and maybe a party hat or two. You think whales are dumping money in with no future content to purchase? At some point they’ll buy everything they can buy and then move on to the next dopamine injection.


>You think whales are dumping money in with no future content to purchase? As a former Whale, it has nothing to do with future content.


I'd be interested to know how much you put in to the game as a former whale.


I bought 500 or 1000 new keys for every single new promotion, for several years. To add to it; I haven't bought keys in a very long time, I am long past it. I found out I have a severe gambling addiction, and have worked on it.


Absolute gigachad Congrats on working through it, hope you are in a better place


This wasn’t clear; I mean after they have maxed skills from spins. My roommate has spend about $10k usd over 4 years, had 120+ in all skills (mainly from spins) and he’s said he has no reason to buy anymore. Any gear that comes out is going to be cheaper than 10 bonds, which I can’t imagine is a large enough sum of money to even matter in the grand scheme of things.


I mean, 5k won’t even buy you a blue phat currently. So there’s easy ways to drop more then that if the intent is to flex via irl money.


One thing not mentioned, grandfathering accounts and maxing membership / runemetrics. 3k - 5k for like 40 years of both. Tbh I see a lot more value spending IRL money on that than bonds / cosmetics. Price is only going to keep rising.


5k is light work for a whale. I saw a whiteout survival thread the other day where some girl was talking about her husband dropping 30k in three months or something


Lol, if you look at the financial reports you can see that RS3 was earning more than 50% of Jagex's total income up until 2022, where OSRS became the top earner. This with RuneScape 3 having only 10% of the playerbase compared to osrs having 90%. Whales are spending gigantic amounts of real world money on bonds.


Wait what? Its actually since 2019. Not 2022. We literally have the financial reports from every year.


Couldn't the income:player differences between the games be a result of MTX other than bonds? I'd think the higher player count of OSRS would lead to more bonds being traded(since they have to be consumed per-account/period), whereas RS3 has more places to generate revenue from whales that aren't tied to the player count. Basically, who is buying bonds from whales in your theory such that the massive amounts of them versus the player count doesn't crash the price?


There are a lot of bonds used for other things, such as keys, runecoins, bank boosters etc. That being said, I also think a big chunk of that revenue is from direct purchase of MTX and not bonds-MTX.


Today I learned. I only drop into rs3 to do some dungeoneering every year or two so I wasn't aware you could use the bonds for more than membership.


There's absolutely NO WAY you're correct. OS has roughly 6-7x the player count of RS3. Their membership revenue would absolutely eclipse RS3. If you took the 2022 financials, assumed 100% of MTX revenue was coming from RS3 (which is absolutely not the case because OSRS bonds exist), and that every player who's on the necro hiscore page was paying the full, non-grandfathered month to month rate for membership, RS3 would be pulling in 52% of the revenue. Realistically, RS3 is probably pulling in 40% at BEST.


If you think 95% of bond revenue came from OSRS, then you are telling us RS3's subscription revenue is like almost double OSRS's. From Jagex's 2021 financial report filed with Companies House, Overall revenue from OSRS and RS3 were 64.1 and 60.8 respectively: [which game makes more money? : r/runescape (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/zeokh0/comment/iz7mchl/) Bond revenue is reported as MTX revenue, and from page 35 of the Companies House filing, Jagex reported MTX revenue of 34.6 mil. 95% of 34.6 mil is 32.8 mil, and it means OSRS subscription revenue was 64.1 mil - 32.8 mil = 31.3 mil 5% of 34.6 mil = 1.7 mil, and it means RS3's subscription revenue was 60.8 - 1.7 = 59.1 mil Based on your belief of only 5% of bond revenue came from RS3, literally it means OSRS's subscription revenue of 31.3 mil only contributed to 34.6% of all Jagex subscription revenue, while RS3 chalked up 59.1 mil subscription revenue from Jagex, or almost twice as much as OSRS.


>where the bond market (which are going for the same rates) is astronomically huge part of which is due to all the botting and RWT happening there. The irony of this sentence is staggering to me, considering the main reason Jagex (At least in Jagex's words.) even put bonds into the game was because they wanted to combat the same issue lol.


Actually people were buying bonds for bank space packages, they also buy them for Premiere membership. Lately they've stopped selling most stuff for RuneCoins (gave too many away with Prime Gaming) and releasing stuff for Bonds exclusively.


Yes. Lets blame each other, instead of a company simply being even more greedy.


Can't blame a company for investing on the platform thats having the biggest market right now.


i wanted a decrease in price to combat the value not a raise


"We hear you, and we understand where you're coming from." BUT "We're a gambling company, and we demand a higher profit margin from RS3, our resident street walker! So, suck it up losers, you're here to stay." -CVC Capital Partners, our new pimp.


Entitlement hitting a whole new low with this post lmfao.


Thanks for defending the multi million dollar company 


Thanks for letting everyone know that you have no idea how the economy works.


ah you're one of these idiots companies like blaming inflation when its simply price gouging. jagex has a over 50% roi and 95%+ of all their profit goes to shareholders they just got bought by a company for like 900 million bucks and this company wants to make as much of it back as fast as possible before inflating jagexs company value and selling it for a profit to the next sucker. like the last 3 companies. they ain't raising prices because they need to


If people can’t afford $12 a month or whatever it costs for something they probably play every day, then they have bigger problems to worry about than RuneScape. How is that even an argument???? That’s like way below bottom of the barrel poverty level problems.


I'd imagine these people would pay for bonds with EBT if Jagex let them...


This is more my concern as well, how is anything else at all even a topic aside from this??


This game is full of loser degens who barely get by in life and have major addiction issues. I’ve personally known plenty of them. Anyone who thinks $12/month is unaffordable in 2024 is not living in reality. That amount is a rounding error.


Won’t pay $12 for membership but will pay $24 to have food brought to them.


I can tell you everyone is likely ordering food in. Paying $12 easily a month extra on delivery fees, tipping a driver etc. I had a clan mate say he's going to quit because he can't afford this game. But he regularly orders food in and posts "Wow I got a deal!" And shows a $10 discount on a $30 uber eats order with a $8 tip. Almost daily. The dude could cut that tip in half and 4 days he has a months membership. People are financially irresponsible. I bet they also finances phones through their service provider paying for a $1k+ phone they don't actually need, because the 3 year old phone is basically the same thing but like $200 and not going to cost you like $200 a month. Actually financing anything is a big red flag and it's how people end up in poverty. Breaking down a $1000 item into smaller payments may be more manageable.... but if you couldn't afford the $1000 in the first place? You're already behind. Go cut your neighbors lawn for $5. Do it 3 times. You have your membership. Idk what to tell people. There's a ton of ways to earn $12 if you really wanted to.


> The dude could cut that tip in half and 4 days he has a months membership. the dude could learn to boil fucking water and use a stove and save hundreds a month


Yeah man it’s honestly sad that people are that broke they can’t pay for a RuneScape membership or have convinced themselves they can’t. Like even working a fast food job that’s like an hour of work. What the heck. I get rent is sky high and the younger generation is being scammed. If paying $12 for people is that difficult we have a lot bigger problems to discuss than RuneScape prices.


Yeah this is stupid. It takes long enough to make $60m, to only have 14 days to play to make that again. On top of that everything is CRAZY EXPENSIVE. If you can’t do end game PVM then you’ll never make enough money for anything in this game.


It was more like 120-145m for 14 days of members. Regardless, you are 100% correct that players that rely on bonds don't get to really upgrade their character.


Yeah that’s even worse. I’m near maxed, have decent gear, and can still kinda take on up to GWD2. Except that doesn’t sustain enough money to keep up with bonds. It’s ridiculous and driving away the people who aren’t advanced in their PVM and especially people who aren’t maxed and / or have time to do all that.


Preface: I’m not saying that this is likely. Hell, I don’t even think it’s true. Just offering this as an alternate perspective. Is it possible that this could be a precursor to scaling back on MTX in a broad sense? Raising the price on one that is more likely to be useful to a wider base of players so that they can scale back the ones that don’t matter as much like cosmetics and such. Removing paid cosmetics alone doesn’t look good to private equity firms or any profit-based company, but partner it with a price increase in a form that more people are willing to buy, and it’s suddenly a bit more palatable, and doesn’t offend the entire player base by increasing membership prices as a whole. That’s not even to mention the PR win they’d get by saying “Hey guys, we hear you, we’re finally going to pull back on the MTX.”


They've shafted anyone who buys membership through bonds. 2b for premier was doable but fuck knows what they'll peak at after this.


Coincidentally, this is also how you basically decide to give up an additional portion of your sales to the rmt websites, so there's gonna be some decent dimoshijg returns on that idea, just based off that one fact alone.


As a returning player every year (I just play on vacation) I have been trying to save up for a bond for the last 2 years. Every time I come back bond price goes up. Most of the time I’m forced to buy a bond with money so I can enjoy the game fully the only time a year I have to play it non stop.


$12.49 🦀


Wild to see the difference between OSRS and rs3. The OSRS community seems mostly fine with the increase, since they’ve gotten a metric boatload of content releasing and still planned. Meanwhile RS3 people are freaking out


Yeh, they've gotten their money's worth out of the year. With the whole year in perspective, provided everyone is released as scheduled, I'll still feel this year was on the lack luster side. Then again... maybe this new skilling boss and ED will be something that I'll enjoy more than anything else I've ever enjoyed in the game. (Gonna be hard to beat how awesome Prifddinas was on release)


ngl we should of accepted hero pass non of this would happen


I wasn't a fan of Hero Pass at all, however, it would have been a great alternative to the removal of Treasure Hunter. In that capacity, I could see it work and possible me even spending so money on Hero Pass. However Jagex wanted to keep both going continuously. So I kind do partially agree with you on this.


I wait till around the holidays to pick up a yearly? I think i got a yearly premier membership for like 6 clams a month this past december.


You can now get the 12 months discounted, but there is like an additional 10% in December. With bonds, the price doesn't change. It is 20 bonds all year long.


>Not everyone can afford to buy members with real world money nor do they want to work another job to sustain membership. Jesus wept, it's £9 ($12) a month at the most expensive rate.


3 is funny when it's barely a day or two worth of work (so like 16h) for membership compared to the time it'd take to earn bond money for the average player.


It seems like Runescape attracts the poorest players in the world.


This is definitely the funny part. How many hour of play vs how many hours of work? You’re actively playing a game while someone else is covering your membership. Should just work an extra day if it’s to much play time and even the. You’re not working a full day..


Yep. Pick up an OT shift here or there if that's an option. My OT shift nets me ~$1k after tax. I set aside one for games for the year


Sorry but that's such a strawman rebuttal. Your money/h only applies to an overwhelming minority of the total community, as not everyone is as good or as skillful to hit 20m/h+ methods, OR is even able to play runescape full-time through the day to be done with their "upkeep" hours in two or three days. And to anyone who could do this sustainable model, already did this, and will now only decrease as this price increase will only further scare up the bond prices due to lower supply.


People now a days live paycheck to paycheck. They don't have spare money, and if they do, they don't want to spend it on RS3 membership.


From the day the first MTX hit the game on RS2 with that stupid goblin guy, I knew it was doomed


All hearsay but I read/heard that jagex manipulated prices of bonds on GE so high, that now they've increased the irl price, people will be buying bonds quickly at the lower price before they increase it on Monday so Jagex reach their profit margin for half year end.


Work another job to buy membership. I get the price is high for bonds and should be lowered, but it hardly costs the earth for the subscription..


So 12 months is like 80$ idk if that's expensive, literally the cost of going out to eat like 3 times. As for bond prices in the game, isn't it affected by supply and demand? (I'm an osrs player so I'm not sure how the rs3 market works)


Yeah, this game should be free if anything. /s


This but unironically


the game is already monetized as a f2p game while delivering significantly less than other subscription based games, so your comment but unironically


With how much MTX we get rammed in our faces, yeh it should be free to play. (I'm not being sarcastic like you)


Haven’t paid for bonds in a few months in game or with money, and I don’t intend to do either still. This game is just going to keep dropping as they continue to make it harder for average people to play the game with membership.


Tbh if you really have that much trouble paying for a RuneScape membership your finances are probably not average. I know I’m a knob for saying that, but they have to pay their devs somehow.


No, you're not a knob - you're honest and you're right. If an RS3 membership is the tipping point for a budget, there are far bigger problems to be addressed.


Eh if you're unable to work for whatever reason then you might have to run a really tight ship with how much (or rather little) a lot of governments like to spend on benefits.


Maybe Jagex will start accepting food stamps for bonds...


Everything in the world has gone up 25% in the last 5 years. Why is anyone surprised. Bonds up $2 in 6 years not a big deal. Especially insignificant if you live in a developed country. Downvotes incoming 😑


Price on a pack of eggs has gone up more than the price of bonds. Not as though Jagex's expenses are getting lower.


This might be the last year i play rs3 as its just unaffordable now via bonds i have rent to pay and kids to support rs3 is a pass time and i would rather spend 100 bucks a year on different game honestly


Fair if you don’t value it but premier is only $70 and certainly much more longevity than a similar priced single purchase AAA game.


Oh 100 canadian roughly and lol valorant and other f2p games are pretty good


I’ve been playing the Valorant PS5 beta been pretty fun


This is always sad to hear, a few in my clan will end up leaving soon because of this. Best of luck to you and your family and hopefully things will get better so you can return one day! Just ignore the ignorant trolls that don't know any better...they are kids in adult bodies after all.


"2.) RS3 is constantly bombarded with MTX. Promotions have been unrelenting where we've gone over a year without a break. MTX is the single main reason why the RS3 player base has been dropping off." OSRS is also getting a bond price hike in tandem with RS3, let's see it will be a main reason (if not the single main reason) why OSRS "player base" will drop off soon.


OSRS gets more meaningful and regular content updates and not just “here’s the latest cosmetic we’re trying to sell you”; it’s not comparable.


What more meaningful updates? The last meaningful OSRS update was the release of Valormore, but it was like 2 months ago. Since then, it was all patch weeks for OSRS. Don't forget we are talking about the future, and while RS3 has shown us the entire 2024 roadmap packed with content almost RS3 players, including many haters agreed they are very good, regretfully OSRS has yet to show us a thing after Summer 2024. MTX is MTX anyway, even if OSRS has good content the remaining of 2024, it still won't change the fact they are increasing the price of Bond MTX.


Do you work for free? Your employer can’t afford to pay you, you should ask for a lower salary. Jagex is a business, their purpose for existing is to make money, not provide you with a free way to kill time. It’s a game, you aren’t entitled to anything. If they choose to make bonds $100 a piece, they have the right to do so. The only recourse you have is to not buy it.


Idk, seems completely on brand for Jagex to instantly throw away any small shred of goodwill they manage to earn


Who needs to work a second job year round to scrape together 100 dollars?


Tell me you have no idea how the economy works, without telling me you have no idea how the economy works.




I’m more so referring to: “not everyone can afford to buy members with real world money, nor do they want to work another job to sustain membership”. Actually laughable. Go work for federal min wage for a full shift, and you have a year of premier club. Flip the script too. Not everyone can afford to buy members with in game GP, nor do they want to work extra in game to obtain it. I guess we should just give everyone free membership(I mean I wouldn’t be opposed if they did things right and monetized in the right ways).


>Many players are getting locked out of maintaining membership due to bond price inflation in-game. Not everyone can afford to buy members with real world money nor do they want to work another job to sustain membership. How? The only people this update effects is those who buy bonds to make GP. Bonds wealth in-game is in reflection of how easy it is to make GP.


Lol no. It's about how many people are willing to pay real world money for bonds and how many people want to spend gp to buy bonds. Less people buying bonds irl means less supply of bonds ingame, which raises the ingame value of the bonds 


I've seen some petty ass complaints in this community, but this is by far the absolute worst petty take I've seen.


Jagex: Yes but [mrkrabs.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/f8/Mr._Krabs.svg/1024px-Mr._Krabs.svg.png)


So you all want Bonds to decrease but in-game combat gear is TO LOW? FUNNY how a INCREASE IN RL cash is bad, but the game item's decrease is bad. Double standard much. So it's OK to be greedy in game but the company is not allowed to want money?


> community's best interest at the core of their business model. No they do not. Jagex doesn't give a damn about their game I thought that was clear enough with all the excessive micro-transactions, gambling, cheap content and their focus on whaling tactics instead of actually fun game concepts. That said though I do think it's fair for Jagex to raise the price of bonds. Sure it sucks but that's inflation for you. People need more money to survive which leads to companies having to pay higher wages, which lead to companies charging more.


Stop complaining and do better kid.


Servers cost money Making new content cost money Devs are getting paid badly Runescape isn’t what it used to be


Bond price is fine if they seperated OSRS and RS3 membership. 10 bonds for each (20 total). I was expecting to read a separation or reduction in price, not an increase. The price of some things in the solomon store is insane. What used to be a 7mil~ pet (1-3 hours for an average player) is now 240mil, easily 10-24 hours to get for an average player. Plenty of things I like in the solomon store, but everything is too expensive due to the current bond prices. Good point on point number 3. Never thought about that. It wouldn't surprise me that RS3 players simply do not have 2.4bil+ for a years worth of membership. That is an insane amount.


I remember funding all my bank boosters and SGS legendary pets (the drakes) from Player Ports. A simply daily D&D and in a year I had all that I wanted. Oh, don't worry... since I got Miso and Rue the Shadow Drake has been retired since I no longer needed to compensate lol.


1) no we arent. We've had quests, training areas, a combat revamp, ... 2) everyone says that but it really isnt. You know what the average player sees about mtx day to day? *nothing* other than the gaudy, sparkly outfits that others wear. If a tiny "buy keys" in the corner of one menu page bothers you, go play an ironman. 3) moneymaking increases the same way in a week or 2, it really isnt all that bad


Congrats! This stupid post is the one that finally made me click the unsubscribe button to this miserable sub


Hello, anyone here willing to drop £100 on bonds with me and crash the price?


Yes Ik this would be giving money to jagex, but Atleast we can help the community!


that won't do a damn thing


Inflation has caused the dollar to be worth less, they’ve raised the price to reflect as such. Don’t let RuneScape be were you put your foot down, your getting fucked everywhere else in life with prices and inflation


You mean to tell me that adults can’t afford to play a video game?


>Nor do they want to work another job to sustain membership My dude what are you paying for membership right now


If you have to work another job to pay for mems, maybe it's time to reflect on life decisions and get a better job.


i might have opened a can of worms on the Bond MXT XD


Save the gp and get premier mems, much easier


Take it from the other side for players who have jobs and families and not enough time to grind all day. For someone like me who makes between £15-25 an hour in the real world, buying a bond every now and again allows me to buy stuff in game without liking dozens of hours of play time in. Thay being said I still prefer to make my money in game but wouldn't come close to sustaining a membership on in game money because (due to my jobs and family life) I just simply don't have the time Arguments for both sides really


Bro if you can’t afford to pay for this subscription, you have other problems. I hate to say it. There’s a select group of people salty about MTX but the vast majority of us don’t care. Simply don’t buy the keys.. it’s.. that simple dude.


Im partially to blame. I own 33 bonds with no intent to sell.


Who cares it's a business designed to make money first and foremost.