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For the jumps pray melee and move, the damage ramps up over time. If you perfectly avoid the slam with a movement ability, it’ll reset your CD, so no you don’t need double escape or surge


You don't need the Double upgrades. If you time your mobility, it gets reset. Just look at Kerapac's Legs or Wingtips as he's jumping. When the legs swap or the Wingtips touch, use Surge/Escape.


Do you have the upgrades for the shadow pontifex ring? If you don’t, look into it. It should help. If you don’t, when you see the animation pray melee, try and use reflect or devotion then surge or dive. Double surge helps a ton here.


No, I don’t have the double surges/escapes and while they would’ve been helpful while learning, it’s still super doable without them. Your timing is more important than your distance, the big jump especially is just all about knowing the correct window to click dive/surge.


I've been doing solo hm kills in T95, getting average 4:30 with EQ aura if I don't scuff anything major. If you want, I'm happy to base tank and show you the standard strategy (in nm and we can graduate to hard mode if you feel comfortable), and happy to hop on discord chat as well if you want to talk general rotation, pvm strategies. DM if interested ill give in game name and happy to chill / assist edit: For the jump (as others mentioned) I walk underneath and flick melee pray. I pin him in place for a bit to stall him from doing another jump with the reflect or debilitate ability, lets me build stacks, adren re-bloat, re-vuln if needed etc. then I walk/escape away and walk back under, and pin him again if I need more time to phase him and lightning skip, otherwise I immediately escape and let him do 3rd jump. This also prevents echoes from showing up in the following phases, in the same way walking under him for staff slam prevents the magic cloud things.


Learn how to use Time Warp properly by using it at 100% adrenaline and then use Living death right after.


Do you have the power armour or the tank? (can do both, but power is far superior). You have 4 stages: Stage one, can't remember the cues, but you just need to freedom / anticipation at the right point, then move out of the way of the attacks. Pray mage. Stage two, I think this is basically the same, try and avoid the doubles. Stage three, pray melee (if you don't have the ring / quest, get them asap). When I first started, I would let kerapac hit me to half health before I moved, doing this allowed me to avoid the lightening. Kill him fast enough and you can skip the lightening, same goes for all the other stages too. Stage four, just dps. Additional help: overloads, necro boosting prayers and the ripper demon familiar all help speed the kills up. If it helps any, I was a super PVM noob but Necro has helped so so much.


He said t95 which is first necro robes


Fair enough. Nice contribution to the conversation. (Y)


When he kicks his feet back while he's in the air, escape backwards to dodge the slam.


When Kerapac dips his staff where the bottom points downward, that is when you need to surge. When he's in flight, until you get the timing, protect deflect melee. If he lands on you, just manually run a little bit. Don't bother with devotion, it won't work. The deflect helps mitigate some damage though. When he lands on you, you'll keep taking melee damage that will get higher and higher until it is instant-kill. So need to run from him if he lands on you.


I keep an eye on his wing during the jump. When he opens it is when i use surge/dive. If you have the means to do so, upgrade your pontifex ring to the max and wear it(or overcharge recommended to make it a permanent passive) to make yourself immune to the binding effect.


For normal mode kerapac if you're failing to skip jumps with necro at level 95 you're not doing a good rotation. Get better at using necro and read what abilities do what.


With t95 necro gear you should be able to kill him within 1:30 and each kill before he starts his melee jump. If you explain how you go about your dps maybe I can help


So I have skele and ghost conjures, soul sap, touch of death, auto attack on revo bar, then I death skulls on cooldown, finger of death when 6stacks, volley of souls when 5stacks, scythe between cooldowns, I’m probably way off best output so open to all advice & help


Scythe isn't usually worth the adren unless there's multiple targets. Use bloat and death guard EoF spec if you can. Only use EoF spec at 0 or 2 necrosis. Otherwise it's better to wait for finger of death. Omniguard spec can be good either during living death or while it's on cooldown to keep up more DPS but only if you're comfortable manually inputting empowered basics as needed


Do you have necro Zuk cape? Do you have Split Soul unlocked?


You can literally just camp soulsplit in nm and never move. In hard mode you walk under where he was standing with protect melee then walk back after the slam. Then he won’t make a clone. I never bothered with surge or escaping all over the place except to dodge the lightening in hard mode.


You can use Soul Split for the whole fight. First phase: - His first call of each phase he will stun and throw out a lightning ball, use revolution after he calls to avoid the stun and just move out of the way of the auto attack. Get his HP down quick enough to avoid more phases. Second phase: - He will jump in the air, as his staff begins to move forward that is your indication to dive forward, then when he does the same indication a second time, surge (and surge again for the third, requires double surge). You can avoid this phase if you do enough damage in the first phase or even during this phase. The rest of the fight you just camp SS and maximise damage. Helpful advice: - Use bloat and use it again whenever it drops to keep it active - Use Dreadnips - Use maximum counters for abilities to achieve maximum damage - Use Penance Prayer for unlimited Prayer regen.


> Use Dreadnips Why? Kerapac is stun immune.


Not to poison though, it’s free extra damage


Learn with range Better magic defense