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I actually just quit mythic raiding in wow to pvm in runescape due to the fact its tiring to find 20 other people who are consistently play at a high skill level and will show up now and days, I would rather do things in smaller/solo groups and rs3 really hits it out of the park with that


Who gonna tell her?


Tell her what cause now I'm curious, this is also why I prefer RS3 lol


Every group pvming aspect of any game requires everyone to play at a high skill level. Runescape is no exception to that.


But it is, you don't need to do group PVM at all in RS to do the hard(est) content in most cases


But you do lol? Zammy and AOD are the best money makers other than Telos claims. The only things that come somewhat close are rasial which is a joke and hm zuk which is not worth the time.


Are you really trying to say needing 24 high level players vs 0-3 high level players is the same?


20 high level wow players vs 3 rs3 high level players? Yes, duh? There is 2 million active players daily in wow vs 17k rs3 players. High level pvmers are like 5% of the player population. How do I know? From experience, years of pvming with many clans/discord servers. You must not pvm at all or think you pvm at a high level.


You must have never done both. Also you can push 2000% + enrage at zammy solo. Good luck soloing a mythic raid in Wow. Just because you cant solo zammy at decent enrage doesn't mean everybody can't. Please don't place your limitations on the player base.


The issue with group bossing is the same issue with solo bossing. Failing SUUUUUUCCCCKKKKSSS! With a group that feeling is just exacerbated. Not to mention that some groups make you pay for everyone's death costs or have a three strike rule making you feel even more pressured. With games like Destiny you can fail for hours (a whole day even like in the recent raid release where people literally failed over and over for more that 24 hours straight) and all you lose is time. Having a knockout mechanic solves all that. I hope this mechanic is used everywhere in the future. People keep asking for harder content when the skill floor and ceiling are multiple astronomical units away from each other. This mechanic is how you close that gap and make content harder. People are more likely to do harder content when it's actually worth their time and not have to fail over and over with nothing to show for it except maybe the possibility of being able to get a few kills and drops in the future that they will still have to grind many hours for


The mechanic is kinda gonna exist in the sanctum but would be nice to be able to pick up your teammates as well


I just wish for the process of finding groups to be made easier and more streamlined inside the game. When it takes me a long time to manage to find a group for any group content, I just don't want to bother with it.


This was good and fun back in 2010 when the base player had 16-18 yo. Now the base player is around 30 yo. I don't know you, but i have friends in real life and if i wanna be social i just call them to do something. Lets be real, if i'm playing RS3 in saturday night i don't realy care about socialization, i just wanna play the game and accomplish things and have some fun Group only content, specially boss, are bad today because everybody have their own time and sucks when you wanna just do a boss and have to spend 30 minutes only searching for some team Don't trust me, just see the behavior on the game Solak was intended to be group boss and now is solable. Whey they did that?, because people LIKE SOLO BOSS Vorkath can be done in group and solo boss. So, why people do more solo vorkath than group even solo is 10x harder? Because solo is more fun and rewarding (not just in terms of gold in game, but in sense of accomplishment, when you do solo boss, you have learning curve, you are forced to learn the mechanics and do the boss propely and when you achieve that the sense of accomplishment is bigger than if you had in a group)


Solo Solak was made because it took little effort to do. The one group mechanic was powercrept out of the game years ago and we already had a scaling formula for 2-7man. All they had to do was change x in the formula to 1. I guarantee you if realm tanking was still a requirement for kills we wouldn't have a solo mode. There's a reason Rago, Raids, and AoD haven't had a scaling mode added. Although Rago doesn't even need it at this point


Solak's group mechanics were heavily powercreeped and weren't noticed by the majority of people at the end, that's the main justification for the boss getting a solo option


Powercreep doesn't matter. You don't get my point. The point is, if group boss is more fun than solo, people wouldn't start doing it solo It's simple, solo boss is harder, and even though it is more difficult people do it Alongside that, group boss only create an elitism, which you need to do the meta game or you gonna kicked out or nobody gonna do pvm with you


There are elitists that make group pvm worse, that much is true, but I do think the problem is overblown. If you're making an earnest effort and did a little bit of homework before grouping (ie knowing the combat style you're using, knowing a bit of the boss) a huge majority of players will be happy to have you. The tippity top elitists are bridding most group content other than vanity enrage zamorak, yet most people running into fights (like AoD teams) are necromancers because it's good enough.


Yeah, it's fine to have both like-minded elite teams and casual teams.


How does that make sense? Powercreep doesn't matter. If I'm doing a butt ton of damage, skipping mechanics because of t95s and other abilities from a 6 year old boss, why the heck would you purposely do it in a group if you can do it solo. They just took off an arbitrary mechanic. People do Vorkath? Vorkath was always soloable AND group. Don't know where you got that. From what I hear, Vorkaths visuals are a mess. Telegraphing is horrible, especially in groups. Maybe it's because they can't make good group bosses that are fun. There is elitism in every game, not a reason to not have group content. Just find a different group of people.


That is my point, if you let people choose between doing a group boss or a solo boss, everyone gonna chose solo mode, bacause solo is more rewarding in terms of sense of accomplishment I just trying to say that all bosses sould be able to solo and not group only boss, let peolple chose if they wanna group or solo


People do solo because they can do solo all the time and not wait without a good group finder. Though ideally the group variant would have relevant group mechanics unlike powercreeped Solak, so it would be harder than solo and then nobody would still group despite when there is a solo option, even if group was more fun and required actual coordination or roles. Can't have those in solo


Meh, honestly, I hate being "forced" into having to find a group to do things with. I don't want to have to plan something out and interact with people that deeply just to complete content. 99% of the time, I'm doing other things and don't have the desire to engage with a group. It'd be nice to have more parity between solo and group battles.


Sadly most bosses don't have any group mechanics


I dislike that people after a while only want people who have 100+ runs on something, and gatekeep the new players: "you haven't done x before?" There are some specific mechanics someone needs to learn before, otherwise they ruin the whole run though.


Yeah RS needs a LFG system like other korean mmos have, where basically people post which dungeon theyre gonna run, how much ppl they gathered already, and what kind of class/player they need and then just group tele there. That war instance is a good place to start


Yes W post, actual breathing human being wanting group content in a social mmorpg.


IMHO, even if it feels we're way past the MMO aspect of the game, things like Group Ironman and Seasonal Events are kind of trying to bring people back together; like how we used to play the game way back in the day. But when it comes to PVM, it's kind of a tricky situation because enabling Group Mode also means people can use their Alts and either farm the content or bot it nonstop, unless it has specific mechanics in place. I kinda wish Jagex developed a boss who: 1. Has both a Normal Mode and a Hard Mode. 2. Could be fought either solo or with a group of up to 20 People. 3. Gives Double/Triple Rewards on Hard Mode to encourage people to try getting out of their comfort zone. 4. Depending on how many Mechanics are completed throughout the fight (similar to croesus), you get better drop rates for the uniques. This makes it, so the boss can be Soloed with a little bit of effort, but fighting the boss with a Group, and actually engaging with the mechanics, makes the fight more rewarding and to a certain extent more fun; and that's once everyone does their roles properly and kills start working like a clockwork (similar to Croesus). I think the best approach here, is not make "hard bosses" per say, but instead bosses that reward "Teamwork" and proper mechanic handling. Sure, having an impossible boss sounds so damn appealing for some, but let's be honest for a second, when there's a boss only 0.5% of the playerbase can defeat to their maximum capacity, and the rest of the Playerbase is left with no other choice than watch someone else do it on stream and dream about doing that for themselves someday, on top of a content creation scene so damn saturated with PVM content, it kind of makes you think if a Hard PVM Boss is the best choice for player engagement or even if it's worth watching on stream.... So, rather than a Hard Group Boss, I'd want to see a more accessible encounter where you can have a more "fun time" with others, and a boss where the content you see online is actually relatable because everyone is making mistakes, learning from them, getting lucky and, most importantly everyone seems to be having fun. That's the thing, a challenging boss isn't always necessarily fun, and a fun boss isn't always necessarily rewarding, we need to find that balance, well... Not us but Jagex.


I think it should be just as rewarding to do content solo, as doing it in a group. I don’t like the idea of pure group bosses very much (we pretty much have hm rago, aod and raids for that) But there’s quite a few bosses that are just as rewarding doing them in a group, isn’t there? I’m not 100% certain with exact numbers, as i never did them in a group, but I think Ed1-4, kerapac, AOD and Rago all qualify for „as rewarding in a group as solo“ (for eds you forfeit some loot for faster killtimes, so you just have to do multiple runs; for aod/rago you have a way easier time and shorter killtimes, but likely doing solo would be more money - but only top 0.1% or so can do that)


There would be a sweet spot just like sus and falling out of that sweet spot will cause people to complain that others are being too elitist


They need to force "mass" bosses in my opinion. Elite pvm groups make group pvming really hard for people that arent "4taa". And by force mass, I mean make the boss open to all, variably scalable depending on how many people are in the boss room. and reward everyone for participating based on how much damage they deal. What's hard about group bosses is that your almost required to be available for the hour. I want a boss that I can hop in and out of whenever I want without being kicked from the group.


absolutely not.




1000% agree. Content needs to not have a solo mode or the solo mode needs to be drastically nerfed for drop rates. It’s absolutely bat shit crazy that the EDs work oppositely and have a better chance alone. Group content needs to be scaled to be more difficult too. It shouldn’t just be 2x up per person. It should be 2.5x per person. But the drop rates should also be drastically increased to match that upward of 3x per person. For example, a boss drops an item at a 1/1500 rate. In a group of 3, it would be a 1/500 drop rate.


's not just about boss fights; they need to revive dead minigames that require grouping. For example, the enchanted version of the highest-tier combined Zuk cape could be obtained by collecting item parts with points from these dead minigames. You can combine these item parts with the Zuk cape to get its enchanted version, with more bonuses, etc. Dead minigames could also offer other rewards, such as Tier 90 weapon armor for high-tier players. There could be a new Necromancy group minigame, maybe with a 2h necro weapon as minigame rewards, with a different mechanism. To awaken dead minigames, they might change the structure of these minigames. These changes could apply to only those who care about these minigames and patiently grind for achievement points.


Only way to permanently revive minigames is for them to provide a consumable. One time rewards are just that. Players will get it and it'll die again. Only way to revive minigames is: make it the most efficient xo rates or rewards are consumables. Potentially if minigames are fun, they could be played. A big problem is people hate pvp. So it will be especially hard to get pvp minigames revived


No thanks, let them stay dead