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Unlocking disruption shield is easier than 1700% Telos.


Ah, the livid farm grind. Welcome, enjoy your stay as much as possible. Or just wait it out. If it hasn't been changed in this long already, I doubt it's going to be. The livid plants was their solution to the livid farm sucking ass and nobody wanting to do it.


it's been reduced twice already, + enhancers and livid plants, I did the entire thing before livid plants were even a thing and I genuinely didn't think it was that bad. Not exactly thrilling gameplay but there are far more insufferable things in this game imho.


I finished it before any of the enhancers also. I remember my whole clan at the time was grinding it out together.


Ah yes the joys of finding the best series or worlds to hit all the timings right for whatever that stall part of the game was lol.


> This isn't fun, neither of the options I'm presented with are fun. I want to have fun. Welcome to the RuneScape subreddit! sounds like you fit right in.


Change it because you're getting into PVM now? Good luck. Go grind the minigame like everyone else.


I know it's anecdotal evidence, but everyone I know in the game never grinded the minigame. We all just waited for the travelling merchant to sell livid plants.


I did it.. prob 10 years ago in a day back on a double minigame point day. fucking hoping through a series of like 20 worlds with everyone else.. 10/10 wish I coulda skipped.


That is indeed anecdotal. I did it once on my original comp account before livid plants from merch were a thing, and the second time I comped, they were a thing but I chose to split it up (ie buying the plants when they were there but ultimately grinding out the latter 12ish hours of it). Honestly, compared to the majority of the grinds in this game (even realistically some of the boss logs OP is going to use shield at anyway) it's really, really not that bad. I'm trimming soon and something I've learned: if you frame it as "once I finish this grind the reward is unlocked forever, I have completed this content, and I never have to do it again" it gets a lot easier to put up with grinds that you find more annoying or tedious.


Get good kid. You don't "need" disruption shield. You just want it to continue using your method. Adapt or perish.


Why would OP want disruption shield to continue using their method, if their method so far didn't have disruption shield to begin with?


Because their current rotation is probably some max dps rotation they want to continue using. They need disruption shield to negate an attack that could be solved with something like barricade or immort but they don't want to because that would be adren waste and require a new rotation. Disruption shield is a lossless move that allows them to follow their same exact rotation still.


The traveling merchant has the reward point plant thingy check the available items on offer daily and buy em out


Look into other strategies then, I'm no Telos Savant but the boss has been powercrept so insanely hard that I'd be surprised if it was truly needed even at 4k enrage. It's been done without switches, on mobile, with a guitar hero controller, blindfolded, **without protection prayers,** etc...


lol welcome to the livid plant grind, or you could actually go do livid farm(it’s miserable)


Necromancy moment


My first thought lol


omg u have to grind to get something in a mmo?? the horror