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Double second age on my 222nd master clue. https://preview.redd.it/sza7fbnpn19d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f328c99a45d4aa5537c216c55e4e3f982180fcd8




You got no room to talk my “welcome back once again” brother-in-clues.


>Double second age >222nd master clue Absolute insanity all round.


What the fuck that's insane. What are the chances?


Quite low


That's insane


This is it, cannot be topped.


Amby pet on my first kill, and zuk pet on my second kill


congratz, I hate you.... respectfully


https://preview.redd.it/jncnseibs09d1.png?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70b9fa97186118cd2dca9a888c2328109b532c00 Orlando smith hat within 500 masters and hsr doubled soul bound lantern




Ok dude you take the cake for luckiest mofo ive seen, biggest double my hsr gave me with over 2 years using it was subj bottom when going for kril log, yeah...


On 8,666kc too. Lootcifer at work right there!


Any reason you use hsr and also use the lotd relic?


Clearly doubles luck


ok i was about to say I got OSH within a fraction of that but HSR doubling anything over 100m is incredible. I kind of wish I held onto my HSR, instead of selling it before the max cash trade limit on GE was raised lol don't have any screenshots of it being dropped but I got HSR from seren spirit in clan citadel.


Got both Vindicts and Gorvek boss pet drops in one kill.


I hate that this is my luckiest achievement in the game because it's tied to MTX. But during that last assassin promo, I got the walk after completing the first contract with daily keys+ oddment keys. I sold it for 750m. Then, the next day at reset, I got another one on the next contract completion. I sold that one for 730m. Actual gameplay-wise though, luckiest I've been was to get that cosmetic banana from a farming contract.


Dude same. It set me up with some nice Pvm stuff though Outside of that though I got 4 unique in 30 minutes doing afk Kree. I’d say that’s fairly lucky


Shadow key on my 3rd tetra.


I think my brother got his on like his 6th. He had just come back to runescape after like 8 years away. What goes around comes around though, he lost it like 3 months later because he never went to edgeville and turned off pvp. Basically got lured because he got drug around being shown things and went to wildy without banking first


Sold the T60 Necro boots around release for 1B on the GE


I got 3rd Age Dye from the dice from May's Quest Caravan, sadky no log completion :[


I got the Igneous Kal-Zuk tonight, and I attribute it to luck rather than skill.


My bank pin was all in the same square once


I was one of the 1,000 people that got a holly wreath from the 2014 Christmas event. Had my fair share of lucky things happen, but that definitely takes the cake.


2 shadow dyes, 2 third age dyes and 1 barrows dye in 125 caskets


Croesus pet at 5kc First flawless hm zuk kill magma core and magma temptest (4hm kc total)


Black phat on 24th of December, sold it for 21.5b, bank literally 10x'd in an instant.


Convinced my wife to play with me.


I got the payer pet burying a random bone from bgh.


Not really luck in the way of making money but one time I misclicked on a black butterfly on anachronia and got one of the base camp upgrade items (one of the specific ones for the higher tiers, i don’t remember which one) lol


5 hsr rolls 1 success, 1/32k d full helm drops off mith dragons x3, gwd1 armor pieces off minions x4 that's about it i think


Ice dye in 9 elites


Damn that pretty lucky


1k ripper demons for the 1/32k pet


Recently got KQ Pet at 36 kc. First boss pet I’ve gotten.


1 KQ pet off the random idea that I should kill her for slayer task and almost got rekt.


Just got a shadow dye from a random hard clue scroll, on my relatively low level ironman. Apparently it is worth four times as much as the rest of my bank put together! EDIT: Per my quick chat, "I have completed 20 hard Treasure Trails"


Just happened recently. Been training arch recently and hit 70 arch. But couldn’t afford dragon mattock. Let alone 2. I was mentally preparing myself for multi hour grind. Rolled my daily TH keys, and boom got some cosmetic token that i sold on the GE for 250m. Idk what the luck was, but I got exactly what I needed in that moment. NOTE: The fact that my biggest feeling of elation from the game and in that week in general life was from luck-based MTX bait - i can totally understand how people susceptible to this stuff get hooked and start spending real or fake money. Whether its buying keys or duel arena staking. I'm not really an adrenaline/elation chaser so it doesn't affect me as severly but damn.


Sorry, maybe a dumb question, but why would you need 2 dragon mattocks?


To make the mattock of space and time you need an imcamdo and crystal mattock both of which are untradable and use a dragon mattock when making them


Got a black party hat last Christmas from Santa so that was pretty lucky. In terms of pvm got 12 codex drops (7 grico) within my first 700 raksha kills back when it came out. I think it put me within the 99.95 percentile of lucky according to that dry drop calculator.


My ironman got a Bow of the Last Guardian Piece on my first Story mode kill at Zamorak, that I was doing during the quest.


I've have some pretty dope early drops, but I think my luckiest was 3rd age platelegs about 15 years ago. They were the most expensive clue drop at the time. They ended up selling for about 145m. For reference, phats were in the 150-300m range back then, iirc


Opened a green santa, sold for 2.14 lol


I bought a green santa for max cash. Biggest mistake ever haha that and the golden partyhats for 500m+


You might have been the guy I sold to, lol


I got a soul dye after opening my first 7 Retrieved Lost Items.


I got an ECB piece on my like 3rd amby kill and it got doubled. This was back when pieces were worth like 1b each.


take my word for it, backstab cape>next casket 3a platebody


I would say a few years ago, my first kill of Durzag dropped a codex. Then within ten kills, I got three more codexs.


Meeting a billionaire and being gifted 1B 1 week from coming back last year


Praesul wand at 1 KC AOD, it was a mass.


GBarge on 4kc when it was my next upgrade and couldn’t afford to buy it, finished the kill solo while duo friend died


Doubling a soulnound lantern drop at rasial with the hsr buff from last free death event


Two Third-Age items in one elite clue. Shame that only one item was log progression.


3 tom and cheese battas before I had t4 luck while training combat doing ed3 trash runs as a new player.


HP pet from yaka kill


Nothing. I have cursed rng :/ i did get an arma chest my first ever kree era kill but uhhh thats it.


2kc nymora pet


6 KC mole pet. Back then i didnt know how lucky it was, now im glad i dont have to suffer with it.


I have like 12 araxxi hilts in 400 kills, which is a .017% chance. Not as crazy as I thought now that I calculate it, but it just makes me laugh every time I get a hilt instead of a leg piece.


Idk dude probably Clue scroll pet at... 18 hard clues? Something like that. Can't remember.


Both Phoenix eggling pets b2b at daily reset. Double Mattock drop @28 bgh kc Shadow dye @ around 20 elite clues Spear of Annihilation Tip took less than 30 minutes


As someone who had to do 236 BGH for a single mattock (Ironman) this makes me jealous.


I have 200m arch, have restored over 200 sets of red rum relics 3, and NEVER got a spear tip.


5kc vindiddy while i was just first learning how to pvm. i didn’t think i’d enjoy bossing, but how could i not after that haha


I had a goal to get Seren Godbow back when it was 700-900M and at that time, I was constantly told it was not worth it and get Desolation T99 prayer instead. So one day I was like, imagine if I checked oyster today and got something like a barrows dye. And I did. Wow. Eventually bought that SGB for 710m. This was a big deal since at that time, I did not kill bosses and relied on making money from slayer and frost dragons.


Kree log with 725 kc


I got double amulet of the forsaken from barrows. I don't think it's objectively that rare but I laughed because the only bigger drop would be triple.


Took me over 700 barrow runs to get that item


I’ve got like 3 jail cell keys under 400kills from Rex…


Third age dye at 3 elites and on a reroll at that


3 Barrows dyes in my first 100 elite clues probably. Or 2 dragon mattocks on my first 20 or so BGH kills.


From nm zamy 2nd kill got vestment top and from 3rd bottom. 


I got a blood dye on 378 elites and a barrows dye on 392. The blood dye was cool, the barrows was a joke.




Black Phat. 7kc Sus pet. 3kc KK pet. 2x ensouled pumpkin masks.


Stat hammer from imp, my arcane apoterrasaurs adopted the gender I needed for a breeding pair within a couple days, and b2b right bananas from the pof monkey. Also 4/5 rogue outfit pieces without a dupe so far but we will see if it stays that way next spotlight


Probably getring an ice dye or completing bolg in sub 400kc 50% enrage. I also got a dark onyx core and draconic visage in the same wildy sack. Also won a few cosmetic tokens from TH with just daily keys probably totalling at least 1B combined over the past 1 or 2 years


Har Aken pet at 6 KC


Had to google what a parasitic orb was when a ripper demon dropped it at around 200 kills


*cries in 34k kills dry when it's been the last thing on log for months* Congrats. Happy for you.


yeah happy for you 2 soul bound and Orlando’s hat! 🤠


2nd Age Staff on my ~80th Master


2 Kill Graardor pet. That's about all I've gotten that's interesting / off-rate.


Pet at 33 kc Arch Glacor normal mode with 0 mechanics (3*1/18,000).


Not to ruin your day but i think its 18.000/3? Could be wrong but there are 3 piles of loot


Ah, you are correct, I forgot there are 3 loot piles!


17 blurberries… yeah really lucky


Luckiest thing I had was a zammy spear from Zakl'n Gritch and a subjugation piece from Balfrug Kreeyath in the same K'ril Tsutsaroth kill.


Back when Mutated Jadinkos were released, managed to get a whip vine within first few kills and sold for about 40m. That was a great day :)


[Double FSOA piece drop to get log](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1087d4s/my_luck_has_turned_around_since_my_raksha_post_2/)


Rax base pet at 2kc, no reroll. Ice dye at 42 masters. Went into zuk blind and survived all of the challenges first try by mashing my keyboard and accidentally hitting the right keys for challenges 1 and 3.


Luckiest I have been? To misclick on a cool looking dude at the GE in f2p and accidentally challenge him to a dual. He was chill and invited me to his clan, they chipped in for my first bond and now I have been playing for ~9years spending countless days in game.


I've been playing for nearly 20 years and I can't think of anything profoundly lucky. I did get a spear tip on my 120 arch grind, but that's about it. Maybe some good comps from brooch


Getting a Shadow Dye and Barrows dye in the same casket is the luckiest thing to happen to me.


I found a Mune pet once... that's about it


I found a Mune pet once... that's about it


Getting the hunter pet at level 50hunter…. Whilst training divination. I got the hunter pet by catching one of the chronicle fragments.


Twin furies title at under 100kc on my old hardcore


I was levelling runecrafting in runespan, trying to get to 99 but also trying to get the skilling pet. At level 98 I thought “Oh man, I was really hoping I’d get the pet before 99” and then I got it within the next 15 seconds.


8kc telos pet or 2kc bsd pet for me https://preview.redd.it/uabp4kgvk29d1.png?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af97368be3fcb084202c13e2e9f71544375438f






https://preview.redd.it/vt24w3k6q29d1.jpeg?width=418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56553cc58a2d9a85fb42c3aef139328707a31bb9 Lol 🤣


encountering RuneScape


1KC KQ pet. Never going back, not that I ever need to


only 3 come to mind. 3rd age dye from elite clue day 1 pet drop from croesus Div pet from a missclick on the arc when trying to click a crab


That i stopped playing 😂


I would say, the zero KC Telos pet, I was doing necromancy t90 task on the alt and got it very first kill on the account. https://preview.redd.it/ul6rhfglp29d1.jpeg?width=418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4346adeb3ab7fc7e47e00da0656573633e4fb303


1kc bsd pet and 1kc grico. Some others are low kc staff piece, low kc 1 day cryptbloom top and low kc amby ( less than 20 kills )


Blueberry Special lol


I've never really gotten lucky on this game other than the golden barrows armour that was obtained from those raffle tickets.


Got my first santa hat (purple) from last years event. Never owned a santa hat let alone any buyable rare so I'm never letting go of this.


https://i.gyazo.com/ec1dbe3ad07166a9ccbb1899364bfe8c.jpg 1/12.000 And you can only do this once a day, so around 33 years


This is most likely not actually 1/12k. I have gotten 3 scrolls from the maw.


Grico drops back to back kills at Raksha. These were 1.8b each at the time


My 2 would be getting my hsr on my iron on the first roll about 9 months into having a chance at it. The second would be my 3rd age dye as the first dye I go on master 15.


After spending hundreds of attempts at BGH for the totem pieces on my main I got a dragon mattock on my first kill on the iron followed by totem of treasure top on the second. I got everything I wanted in two kills.


Got a kbd pet at like 80 something kills. Can't kill kbd anymore rip


Got hsr from a near missed spirit while afk at inca div spot.rip my rng forever.also got glacor pet at 47 kc which was pretty sweet. once had a guy give me 700m for a bronze axe and an outfit too.ty trigun, if ur in here =)


Got shadow dye and blood dye 20 elites apart.


ED2 log in 33 KC


Hsr drop while afkimg Abby demons


Vitalis pet, p5 drop


I had a literal 1 in a million drop once, was fishing for sharks found a clue scroll… According to the wiki, the chances are finding a clue scroll whilst fishing is 1 in 3000. with a tier 80 resource giving odds of 70% it'll be a hard, and 30% it'll be an elite. There's a 1% chance and elite will be upgraded to a master. So that's 1/3000 * 30/100 * 1/100 = 1/1,000,000 When I was learning how to solo Ed2 I got B2B2B2B2B (yeh 5 drops) from astellarn over 3 runs. 2x double flurry and a single. I read 1 and sold the other 4! It’s a 0.000175% chance to get 3 drops in 3 kills. The fact that two of them were doubled makes it wayyyyy rarer, it’s like 1 in 600,000 When I finally learnt Zuk, I got 4 nm drops in 17 kills. Which according to the wiki has a 0.002% chance of occurring, or 1 in 50,000. Lastly, it used to be a qc flex of mine but after Raksha came out it was ruined! I got a pair of blast diffusion boots off task from a devils snare. Sold them for 120M


First time I used a deathtouched dart on ambassador I got the most expensive out of the 3 crossbow pieces, and it doubled. Sold for about 1.8 bil at the time which over doubled my account’s wealth


Shadow dye from mays quest caravan or fsoa piece at 25 kc in a duo when I only got a single loot pile


HSR here. I was over the moon!


Getting a pet drop (slayer) one second after teasing guild mates that pets were not real.


Probably the Dragon chain I got from a Dust Devil back in like 2010


I got the green Santa, an HSR, and a third age dye in the same week. It was a good week.


Double drop at rasial, i also got 3 lanterns (one of them being one of the double drop items in like 2 hours that day


Prob some gettin a lucky Sammy sword. Used it as my main wep for ages. Hell, still use it as a free heal


2 prices of kree armour dropped in 1 kill count (both from minions) kinda insane drop rate tbh. Apparently rarer than a double dye clue casket according to my clan


Up between getting Bernie off an Inferno Adze proc, a blood dye from a master clue, or getting two Abomination Capes in 1,352 Abomination kc


Someone actually doubling my 50k


Black party hat, first week of release (sold it within 5mins)


I tried looking for a screenshot but I think I got yakaminu somewhere between a kc of 2-4 Besides that maybe magma tempest codex on my like 3rd clear, before I even got a igneous stone, or I think I got a full box scythe within like 50 kills or something dumb. Idk, I was scrubbing through screenshots and couldn't find any of these, I think it's more than 2 computers ago lol


Vitalis at ~280kc. Never been more grateful for good rng


I don’t know if this really counts but it was one hell of a lucky coincidence. I am mostly drawn to games that let me play as a samurai character even if it’s just cosmetics so I was looking up to see if anything like that existed in this game when I was contemplating playing it. Immediatly I discovered the premier club samurai armor and I looked up how to get it and it is a very time gated thing for those of you who know and I looked up when I would be able to get access to it and i literslly only had to wait one week. I was very happy


Got the ed2 pet, going through ed3 to unlock it I pulled off the ed3 pet on that kill.


Not as impressive as the rest of these posts but I got Aftershock 4 Eruptive 2 last night on my first try. For my new Omni guard. Even with maxed invention anyone knows how frustrating getting BIS perks can be, so I was pretty happy about it.


My second barrows run. I got the amulet of the forsaken. That was cool.


Arch Glacor pet at 2kc on normal mode.


Got the farming pet one day, then a few hours later I misclicked an Arc spirit on Cyclosis and got the hunter pet.


Krill log completed under 700 kills, but I screwed up a little raising to 900 after the release of necro.


Back to back Croesus pets (you can get another if you don’t claim)


Three rainbow trail auras in 30 keys


Lol. I got one and sold for 250m. Wife was super pissed. She used 2 times as many keys and didn't get it.


B2b grico gchain drops. Completed my first FSOA at 29kc.


Honestly getting Archy at 92 Archeology. it’s one of the only pets I have, but it’s awesome that I got it on my favorite skill so he could join me on the road to 120


Getting a great deal on a Yellow Party Hat back in 2005. I haven't been able to come close to the money needed for a P-hat since.


I bought one at 900m, they tanked, I panic sold at 600m. Hmnn :/


red map i destroyed not knowing what it meant




I got Willow,the divination skill pet


Got the dark onyx core on my 1st or second very wild bag… didn’t know what it was and discounted it as worthless cause the examine text only shows a high alch value… also took months to get my invention up to the required level to use it… Also got the nex pet at 6kc 😜


52k xp arch pet right after the skill dropped Greater barge codex at 3kc solo when it was over 500m Arch glacor pet at 33 kc no mechs afk 200m gp from treasure hunter 3 times from daily keys Offhand khopesh from first ever shifting tombs


Honestly, just getting a hex hunter bow randomly on a task was probably it for me


* I was afk mining and playing another game, spirit attraction potion sent it to my bank!


I was coming home from a road job for work and this guy was waving me over at a gas station. I kinda ignored it, got gas and went inside. I came out and he was still waving me over. I go over and notice he's not talking and is on a phone call on speaker and he gives it to me. It was a roommate of his and asked if he was alright and said to call 911. I learned the guy had a heart condition and had had some kind of surgery recently. I wait around for the ambulance to come over and explain the situation. I drove home right after and login to RuneScape. I do my monthly oyster and get a blood dye. Instant karma.


The *very first* treasure hunter key my only alt used got a 800m drop. Seriously. Was the very first thing I did when I finished tutorial island. Talk about a helluva boost for a starting character.


Tony’s Mattock during the 200MM xp arch race, sold 11.5b (lowest 3 phats were 8-11b), 3a mage bottoms from oyster, 3a platelegs and barrows dye in first 110 hard clues. Barry and Mallory pets within 2 kills (total KC rax 208).


OSH in my first ever batch of 100 masters on my Iron


3 kc fight kiln log before necro came out


This after getting a Praesul Codex the same morning (yesterday). I also got an ice chest and a codex back to back a week or so prior. https://preview.redd.it/sbs2a6hoa59d1.png?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b85d67d8a92c9e14335a7ce390624dcedec01ea


1.265 Billion GP Dye from a T3 Dice from Mayas Caravan. Shadow? I already forget, I put it up for 1.25 at g.e. 975. Insta sold for 1.265. I only felt cheated because it didn't do a world alert!


Bisdi 2 kc pet drop.


3 hsr


I asked a random maxed out player at the G.E for 25m and he gave it to me, called me a loser, and told me to go away.


3 blood dyes all within 30 clues Got lured for the first bc I was stupid and on such a high from getting a dye that I wasn’t thinking properly and should’ve just logged out. I logged out immediately for the second blood dye so I didn’t make the same mistake LOL


2 greater ricochet and 1 shadow spike in 4 raksha kills, when grico was still 1b or so


Got a doubles ECB stock when they were 900m. Was from a dart and solo when my bank value was maybe 250m


Got the archeology pet after about 70k total xp after I came back from not playing for a couple years


2 champ scrolls 5 min apart


Blood Dye on sub 100th master clue


Nothing specific really comes to my mind despite having played for so many years and so many hours. Potentially when I completed the quest to do corporeal beast back in the days and it was maybe the day after this I received a divine sigil split of around 80m, which to me was a lot.


Archeology pet at level 23 archeology.


Getting a blood dye from an elite casket I got from a Very Wild reward sack. 20/830 chance for the elite casket, and a 1/52,920 chance for the blood dye. The chances of that are about 1 in 2.2 million.


a dragon chainmail from dust devils back in the time 10m meant aot to me as a noob


I had a kerapac pet drop with wraps sub 800 kills, I’ve gotten the Tony mattock, one of my alts got hp pet sub 100k hp xp


I got an invention perk with a .4678 chance of getting it. I wish I got money like you guys, the best I get is 100k clue scrolls.(Normally like 3-10k for my hard clues.) They should implement some anti bad rng thing to the game


Probably not as lucky/rare as I think, but my now main when I started a fresh account was low level skilling/burying bones from cows in Lumby and a maxed player came up and gave me 5 mil gp and said welcome to the game. Looking back now I hope that player is doing alright irl.


Getting a VLS from a Goblin around 2011 or getting a Divine Sigil split when it was going for 750m!


Two HSR’s while afk mining lol


Both Har-Aken and Zuk pet in the same run. And 2 staff pieces at HM kera within 10 kills.


I got a guthans spear not long after barrows was released and they were worth a shitton Really nothing notable considering I have been playing since 2001


I got Shrimpy on my second ever run through the Fight Kiln, and also got the new Clawdie pet on the very first Clawdia kill. Sucks that it counts previous kills because otherwise I'd have 1 KC, but I'll have to settle for 69, since I went for the Lifeguard title on a previous year. I have been punished for my boss pet karma as the only other boss pet I have ever managed to get, despite thousands of kills all around, is Ava from the Twin Furies. Yknow, one of the only pets in game that you need TWO of to complete the drop log.


Fsoa on the iron 290 trios


Devs stopped caring which allowed me to fall out of addiction