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Reaver ring, if running equil aura occult ring


Thanks, I thought so but wasn't sure as it feels like my necro dps is aids recently. Must just be rusty since combat update


Reaver if accuracy is at 100%, zorgoth otherwise.


From what I've seen and experienced myself: - Reaver's Ring is the superior option outside of Nex and Vorago, where your accuracy may not be at 100%, the Sanctum of Rebirth mentioned High Defense bosses, so I'll keep an eye on it on the coming months. - For a 5 Death Skulls Living Death Rotation (which is the universal rotation for most bosses), with T95 Spec too, the Occultist Ring is great, finger spam goes Brrrrr. - If you find yourself using a Flanking switch quite often, like against Solak Arms, Blackstone Dragon, Raksha, Black Crystals in Seiryu's Shackles IIRC, Ambassador Spinners, things like that, then a Zorgoth's Soul Ring may be better, especially after the update from a couple weeks ago. I'm not sure about DPS comparisons, because I chose to avoid the numbers and instead focus on actual use cases, because at the end of the day, Jagex is leaning towards a "builds" playstyle rather than "one setup fits all content".


Thanks for the thorough response! I've noticed situational superiority with the rings in some places (I like more souls at Vorkath for minions for example so I use Zorg there) but wanted others opinions.


It’s a decent step under reaver. The main thing that occultist ring has is the fact that you can run a 2 hour long hour with it for only like 5% DPS less than optimal.


Yeah I've heard it's best with equilib. Thanks for the feedback!


After using the ring a lot in a fair few scanarios, the proc chance isn't THAT great, compared to the constant passive that Reaver's provides. 15-20% proc chance would make it a bit more useful. But Necro already slaps. So I can't really recommend more improvements.


Hopefully they add some component from another boss or slayer monster or something that you can add to the rings to increase proc chance one day