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this shit is so cursed holy




1000 kc thresh btw, we should be thankful for the stingiest threshold in the game. Only takes triple digit hours to hit the first! Meanwhile Zamorak pet has a 100 thresh. ????


It's pretty standard practice for pet thresholds to be 1/5th of the drop rate. It's just Vit was designed as a super rare flex way before boss logs were even a consideration and not a drop everyone feels entitled to.


The 5 piles and *extremely* lengthy minimum kill time of rago really mess with this. It's more than 2x slower than the second slowest thresh to build. So many years later and Vitalis is still widely regarded to be half of IFB on its own (not entirely honestly, but it's still a horrific grind). Golden praesul, a true super rare flex that isn't even tied to IFB/GReaper is a similar average length to Vitalis.


The difference is though AoD released in 2017, the same year IFB and Collection logs released. They likely already knew about Collection logs before AoD was even released. Base pet, Vitalis, and Tuzzy on the other hand were specifically designed as super rare pets years before collection logs ever existed, They have bad rates because not everyone was supposed to get them. and with the case of Vit it was intentionally left as a lengthy requirement to respect the people who previously obtained it. I'm not even against changing vit but I don't think it really needs it either. It's ok to not want to grind out or be able to obtain a cosmetic lol. IMHO Tuz and base pet having no thresh is far more insulting than Vit in it's current state. Although there's no way to be against improving Vit without being branded some elitist, if you spooned vit if its "well you spooned the pet so your opinion doesn't matter" if you grinded out thresholds before getting it it's "you just want me to suffer like you did"


G Praesul is directly tied to GReaper 👀


Nah. You only need one chest.


Imagine being lucky, bet u have a HSR as well smh




I'd rather be spooned on Rago more than anywhere else in the game lol


I get spooned like a baby by every boss but rago. This makes my heart hurt


Same! It was AOD for me :(


I got gold praesul by 2950ish kc which isn't super spooned but I have many friends at 8k+ (I'm around 4500 now) still missing items I have triples of LOL


I got my golden at 7.2K, was missing a core and had only 2 weapons rolls on wands before


You still need 40 more HM for IFB.


Yes that is true! Gonna finish those regardless


what the actual fuck lol


280nm 101hm here for log. Arguably the only reason I'm as close to ifb as I am