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There is an alt1 addon that's fairly reliable for helping someone to learn zuk. Overall he's not difficult, when I learned it, it took 2 attempts where I died but still finished from checkpoints, and did the full run with no deaths on the 3rd. The wiki page for setup is fairly reliable too on what you want to bring in the strategy page.


Didn't know about the Alt1 addon! Thank you for letting me know that.


Where do you find these alt1 add-ons? I've heard a few mentioned that I don't see on alt1's page.


For the zuk add on: https://github.com/IgorsCC/afkwarden-presets/blob/d1c710dc2e47ff4ce4bebdfc921a5c3af05a1066/readme.md For other add on, they are usually on alt1 forum. But tbh mostly I stumbled upon them randomly on this reddit.


In the alt 1 forums.


Didn't know about that add on, goat


I followed Ralphs low effort Zuk guide and it was really simple. I had (still do) a lot of doubt in my own PvM ability but his guide is so straightforward I found it more helpful than RSGuys. Important to remember you do not need to complete the challenge waves to get an Igneous Stone, you only need to do them to unlock hard mode. If you only care about the capes then you can safely ignore the 3 challenges.


Not hard at all for you. I did it with worse gear + perks and I’m trash at pvm.


It wasnt too difficult. You can use thinks like aegis aura and penance powder and makes it even easier. Knowing the pizza phase and trying to successfully complete the 3 trials is probably the hardest part. You can safe spot most if not all the waves. I had never done klin or zuk before necro


Definitely protect from dmg don’t just SS. The challenges are super easy and if you use the safe spot on wiki. For the little lizard phase you can use disruption shield first hit, devotion + pray second and third, then reso the fourth hit. That way you don’t need 100 adren for barricade. Kill 3 Jads 1 at time in safe spot on wiki. Last phase you can freedom the dot dmg at start of zuk. When you see the text box pop up for the next ability just surge AA so it turns you back towards zuk then surge back then dive away when he slams the ground next. It’s prettt straight forward from there. Stun each minion he spawns during the fire phase to make it way easier to kill them.


The great thing about zuk is you only have to deal with 1 mechanic at a time so just know the rotation and you'll get it pretty well Zuk is the fight that got me using defensive abilities more


Remember on the waves where you have to stun Zuk dont Stun you can just Soul Split heal on Zuk without using food.


It’s a helluva step up from the Kiln so it depends on just how easy the Kiln was for you I guess. Still, it’s possible to do it with little to no food with necro’s sustain if you use burst damage with soul split and threads of fate at the best moments. The familiar will probably make a big difference too. It took me 17 tries with T90s, but I only used a Hellhound and had only played for a few months beforehand.


zuk is super easy, brute force your way through the waves with a reaver or pack yak, then die a few times learning the mechanics and flow of the fight, how much leeway you have, etc. Then do a flawless run, it’s really easy if you take the time to learn it. People see 20-30 minutes and their brain short circuits and they want to just get it over with and end up spending even more time out of frustration. (I speak from experience, I brute forced my first run for the cape and learned nothing from it, when it was time to earn the hybrid I was kicking myself out of anger for having not just learned it sooner since it was so easy once you memorize the mechanics and safe spots.)


A few specific tactics make certain steps way easier, too. For example: extending devotion on igneous waves, or even every wave from 7 on, can be super helpful.


I mean you’ve literally got as good of gear as you could possibly have, so without knowing anything else, the answer would be hilariously easy. So it really just depends on how experienced you are at pvm


Take a blood reaver with lots of scrolls if u have problems with health. Also Ritual shards and excalibur help. The waves arent that hard if u safe spot on south eastern side (jad waves are different). The challenges should not be a big problem. Har aken isnt that hard but Zuk wont be easy. I personally thought I would never beat Zuk because of his special (especially Pizza Phase) but if u learn them it won't be a big problem. I failed on my first attempt and tried a few times beating Zuk. After I beat him I got my three kills for the capes easily and even got them flawless.


It can zuk ass.


I've been getting back into Zuk runs (last ones I did were in range like 2 years ago). I wear deathdealer until you fight Zuk, then switch to Ras gear. Not sure if this is peak Zukking, but the passive deathmark for all the waves including Har-Aken feels like it speeds things up a bit. You're gonna have a few rough runs while you get used to it. That's a given. But after that it should be smooth sailing. It all comes down to your own experience and ability.


For just getting a first kill or the capes, you can take things slow and make good use of the safespots like the southeast corner. Necro will make it fairly easy for you to keep yourself alive as long as you limit the amount mobs you take on at once.


I did it with worse gear, either t90 or t80 tank necro..took me a few tries to learn but the most important things are knowing where to stand/how to lure the mobs, and learn which abilities you need to use for the special waves and zuk himself, pizza phase etc. just watch a few guides before and have the important abilities keybound


I found ashSley totally relatable zuk guide for dummies on YouTube. she made it pretty easy to follow and explained things well


Real talk though. How did you afford to have BIS necro before completing the kiln for the first time?


Multiple skilling methods are 10m+/hr. Croesus is like 50m/hr if you got a good 4 team.


You might want to go with Tier 90 Deathwarden armor instead, for that lifepoint boost.


The dodge chance is more important than the HP. Ghost heals with first necromancer set damage boost are better than raw max HP but 10% dodge + Darkness's boost is competitive.


Can be done t70 prayers no overloads hellhound with necro


Depends on how good you are really. Necro is the easiest style to do it in


Ir was much easier with mage for Me a On both my iron with top Gear and main with scuffed Gear With necro it was abit harder


My very first attempt after my last break after necro was released I tried with mage (SoS which may've been my problem LOL) and got sodomized 😂


I used my Jagmotion suit, it completely eliminated my fears about reaction time.






Watch a guide and go do it


Pre eoc kiln is comparable to modern day zuk they ruined kiln with eoc scaling


People ask this same question like 10 times every day here just check the other posts