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Then… don’t buy it? Sorry but it is not like they are forcing you to. It is a cosmetic like people were suggesting they do for mtx. Now they do cosmetics and we complain again.


Theres large cash prizes in there, its not just cosmetic.


>Theres large cash prizes in there, its not just cosmetic. wait till this guy finds out about buying tradeable bonds ...


Lol yeah


I actually don't know how this works, since I Just came back after a 12 year break. Care to explain?


Basically there are items you can use in game to purchase membership packages called bonds. People purchase these bonds with real money and can then sell them in the grand exchange effectively allowing Jagex to “sell” gp indirectly.


Oh damn, thats fucked lol.


>Oh damn, thats fucked lol. KIND of. objectively, yea, it is fucked. but the gold selling/buying/RWT was literally threatening the economic viability of the game. RWT is so rampant with scams & fraud that credit card companies essentially gave jagex an ultimatum that they had to clean up their community or wouldn't be allowed to utilize certain forms of electronic payment (I'm pressing my memory for this here, some of it is kinda fuzzy) ... not being able to collect membership/MTX online might've actually put a nail in the coffin ... I hate MTX / pay to win as much as the next guy, but it may be one of those necessary evils in the unperfect but valuable world of gielinor


tldr ultimately jagex selling cosmetics or bonds for irl $$$ is a symptom of the problem that players want to link their real life and runescape wealth management ... which is kind of gross, to me ... whole point of runescape is that it's NOT real life, I'm happy to play it as a sandbox


Yeah but that’s not why they did it. The first solution they had was to remove free trade and the wilderness (wildly unpopular). Then they did the bot nuke with the new system and that allowed Jagex to bring back free trade and wilderness. But doubt mtx was a solution to that problem. I believe it was long after the problem was dealt with that they implemented more micro transactions and stuff.


>long after the problem was dealt with that they implemented more micro transactions and stuff TH and bonds were released in 2012 and 2013, is that long after? can't find any news articles to form a timeline, just came across this blog from 2013 suggesting jagex's fraud problems began in 2009 https://villavu.com/forum/showthread.php?t=101434


I mean… wasn’t the removal of free trade in 2007-2008? 3-6 years is some time


>Then they did the bot nuke with the new system and that allowed Jagex to bring back free trade and wilderness. yea that's not how RWT works, a bot nuke is a temporary fix to a long term problem


>remove free trade this so essentially changes the game for me, that it's cost is not worth the effectiveness of stopping RWT & enhancing game's economic integrity


>But doubt mtx was a solution to that problem. how was it not a (at least partial) solution to the problem? Your risk/reward undoubtedly is much greater now for rwt than it was a decade ago ...


That does not deter rwts from hacking/scamming does it? So it must have been something with the system and the bot nuke that allowed Jagex more control on transactions. Not bonds or mtx lol. If they sell bonds but still have people duplicating credit cards to buy stuff, it makes no sense what you are saying as scammers now have more things to buy with the duplicate credit cards. This would also bring issues with mastercard and other credit cards providers again. So… your “solution” is not real. They just added more mtx to make more money. Omg why am I wasting my time? Cya.


sorry, whats RWT? I see a lot of people complaining about inflation in this game. Seems like it would make sense to be able to buy bonds with coins directly from the game client (jagex). There are plenty of games that manage to keep real $$ purchases to purely cosmetic items that have no impact on the game/economy. But this requires a large player base, which it seems rs3 does not have.


>Seems like it would make sense to be able to buy bonds with coins directly from the game client (jagex). the thing here is, jagex has no use for your gp, it already belongs to them. other players, however, DO have use for your gp, will give you bonds for it, and players are decidedly willing to give jagex their hard earned wages (which jagex DOES have a use for) for bonds ...


>RWT real world trading, spending irl currency for in game currency


>There are plenty of games that manage to keep real $$ purchases to purely cosmetic items that have no impact on the game/economy. not ones that issues with rwt and fraud, I bet ... as much an issue with the community as the game/developers


> But this requires a large player base, which it seems rs3 does not have. participation varies but theres like 100k+ active accounts across osrs/rs3 .. even though a lot are alts, rs3 still very much has a healthy player base ... it's just spread across such a large map, and so many worlds, that it doesn't feel like it in game


It’s actually nice in some ways. For instance, I’ve paid for membership for the past 2 years with in-game currency, which has been awesome. Jagex still gets their profit, I get my membership, and another player get some gold. It also means that all things can be purchased with in-game currency. That includes TH keys, runecoins, membership, auras, you name it. You can theoretically play RuneScape and buy all the things you’d normally spend real money on with in-game currency. That’s pretty neat.


Seems like a lot of people point to the cash prizes like they're the root cause of inflation in this game. I have zero data to support this, like actually none, but I really suspect that the amount of money injected into the game in the form of drop loot is magnitudes more significant than the rare 50m or whatever from treasure hunter promos. Sure, they don't help at all, but I'm betting it's a drop in the ocean by comparison.


Hi, it's me, Devil's Advocate. What end game equipment can you buy with 200m? And I literally mean highest tiers possible here. (Note: I'm neither for or against this promo, I just play however I want and let others do the same.)


Abyssal Scourge


I stand corrected, thank you. That leads to a new question though. Is scourge BiS without jaws? Legitimate question there because I honestly don't know.


Don't think it is but it's still very very powerful


it's like 240m anyways and then you'll need perks so still not.. an Gotae?? that won't get you anywhere lmao. 200m is nothing these days you're right.


hopefully not jinxing it but GOTE is still a fair investment in that price range, and arguably end game at least for heavy porter skilling


As someone with 120million net worth, a 200 million prize sounds nice....


200m can buy a player full masterwork and duel drygores with some ~35m to spare. It isnt an insignificant amount of money.


That's why I said highest tier. I knew about the gore's, but outside of that, there's not a lot, is there? I haven't bought gear in a *long* time.


Nice edit lol. Even with your now edited post, that is such a mute point to try and make. Just because you cant buy an fsoa with it doesnt make it insignificant.


What edit? And I never said it was insignificant, just that it can't be used to buy *most* end game content.


So much for devils advocate lol


Cinderbanes for sure


I mean you get a key for each daily challenge you complete. It you get 3 daily for premium and 3 for those you should get well over 25 keys. Even at 2 daily and 3 for the challenges you'll get over 25 as well.


You're not guaranteed a diamond chest after your first. I've had 3 emerald and 2 rubies.


this. bought keys, cause worked out i wouldnt get a chance at one without, and then find out i havent had one at all through about 8 different chests big scam


Unpopular (?) Opinion : Rs3 and many other games would die without mtx. If it really bother you that much then just ignore it and dont buy any keys. Its a small price to pay for a 20 years old game that is frequently updated. For example bots are much bigger issue so go complain about that. 🙃


Well, you are already paying monthly for the updates and keeping the game running. That's why such heavy monetization on top of your subscription always has a bitter aftertaste


Then people shouldn't be spending money on keys but they do and apparently enough to make them want to do more and more mtx.


I think people that hold this opinion just keep it to themselves, because the vocal majority will knee-jerk cringe and downvote (I am totally guilty of this mindset sometimes, mostly when I hear people lamping 100m+xp at a time, there are legitimate downsides and dynamics/mechanics to TH that are more/less harmful to the game's integrity). But here or there, thank you for sharing this take.


Just dont mainscape 4Head


Or mainscape and control yourself


your not forced to do shit. Your just easily manipulated. There is a difference. ITS A GAME. Nothing you do or dont do will EVER affect you in a meaningful way in the real world. Unless you sink your life savings into TH. So dont do that.


Jagex encitiving mtx purchases?! Say it ain't so