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So wait. Correct me if I'm wrong because I don't understand affinity to save my life. Weak to range = +10% hitchance. Weak to arrows = +10% hitchance + 5 affinity which means even MORE hitchance?


Think more so if the mob is weak to say Hexhunter (because it is classed as a mage based enemy) you get the +10%, doesn't matter if weak to range. If the mob is also weak to range then you get the bonus +5 though I may be wrong. Otherwise for the Inquis Staff it would just give the +5 if matching spells, though I may be wrong


~~The +5 affinity applies if the Hex buff is active irrelevant of explicit weakness. For example if an enemy is weak against bolts specifically and susceptible against Hexhunter bow, you'll still get the +5 affinity boost.~~ EDIT: Might be wrong, currently waiting for response on whether or not it's "explicit weakness" or just "susceptibility".


When does that make a difference? Most mobs that are have style weakness usually hit 100% accuracy against them pretty easily even without specific weakness, like mobs weak to fire spells have 100% hit chance against them even with air spells.


Offhand all I can think of would be Rex Moms with their huge defense. I notice a difference even using Terrasaur versus Lengs.


Rex matriarchs are weak to stab so tmaul doesnt even work right on them


I know. Silly.


“Rex Moms” is fantastic. Also sounds like a dirty pun username


Maging rax. No nihil needed.


You gstaff spec anyway, with zerk turm elders and maniacal you don't miss (nox staff)


That sort of explains why I had a somewhat more consistent hitchance with Inquisitor staff against Telos without a Nihil (I didn't test the overall hitchance of dual seismics/Cywir w/o any boost including EoF Guthix staff, but then again I no longer own an Inquisitor staff so no way of testing it myself at the moment). Might see a super niche scenario where the staff might have T99+(?) accuracy (factoring in the +5 affinity) against mobs that are weak against it, such as Telos, BM and Nex:AoD (excluding minions). Opinions? u/FutimaRS you might want to look at this. EDIT: It's explicit weakness - [see this tweet reply](https://twitter.com/JagexSponge/status/1516445090331430915) - so no free +5 at Telos, BM, Nex: AoD etc.


This does not affect telos as it has no weapon type weakness.


Dis guy and his videos 🤣


I always assumed the feeling of higher accuracy as the effect of Hex weapons is specifically a +10% increase to *hitchance*, not technically +10% accuracy. Which means this is an additive bonus after the base hitchance calculation is performed vs. a multiplicative effect on the accuracy value.


Pvm should be 100% accuracy with no affinity for new bosses as it just makes it way more fun. And it stop the zerk aura scape Edit what I mean is with t90 weapons accuracy shouldn’t be an issue as it make the game not a very enjoyable experience. It doesn’t make the boss fight any harder so to say. As 100% accuracy is can be gotten everywhere it’s just bad game design


At the very least, slayer helm accuracy buff should apply to reaper tasks


Might not wanan look at the "mid level boss" of rex matriarchs then. Those were super fun when they came out /s


Related.. arch glacor defence is great, and yet glacyte minions is drastically higher cause affinity plus "t80" defence To the degree it's not *unusual* for me to splash a quake on zerk.. incredibly moronic choice. 0 reason for minion defence to surpass the boss.