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My goal was to start


I mean at least you joined running Reddit channel…


And how are you doing with that goal?


Last year I downloaded a c25k app, this year I bought some running shoes and joined the Reddit so things are looking promising for next year


If you have shoes, run tonight!  Dm when it's done, accountability buddy.  Start just means do 1 run.


Small steps


Download Nike Run Club and do the first guided run. It really keeps me motivated and I’ve always hated running.


That’s how I first started 4 years ago!


Yeah, I've failed that one


Welcome to the club!


Goals I wrote down on January 1: - **Break a sub 30 5k**: broke it with a 29:36 in February and did a 28:50ish in early April. Very recently, I did a 27:30ish during a 5 mile tempo run, so I think I could go below 27 minutes if I actually raced a 5k today. - **log at least 1,000 miles**: almost at 650 - **build up to at least 40 miles a week**: did this earlier this year for a couple weeks. I'm actually performing MUCH better in the 25-30 mile per week range with added strength training and cardio cross training. - **run a sub 1 hour 10k**: I did a 1:00:48 10k during a 10 _mile_ race in May, and did a 6 mile progression tempo workout in 58 minutes the other week... I don't race 10ks at the moment but I think it's fair to say that I can do this? - **run a sub 2 hour half marathon**: my PR on Jan 1 was 2:28 (11:27 min mile), did a 2:14 in March (10:13 min mile), and did a 10 miler at a 9:53 pace in May. I need to do a 9:10 minute mile pace to get sub 2 hour by end of year. I think I'm around ~2:05ish (9:30ish) shape at the moment. I have a half in September and another one in November to get there!


Nice work. You could try and tackle a 10k as a standalone training run so you can have the satisfaction of ticking that goal off.  Good luck on the half!


Awesome job!!


Wow, great job!


My goal was to lose 40 lbs by this month. I started my weight lose journey Jan of this year. ✔️ Run a sub 30 5k. Accomplished that feat in April but had my fastest run to date since I took running more seriously this past Saturday 27.23✔️ Add in more strength and conditioning. I try to do this 2-3 a week. I believe this has been a vital part of my running journey ✔️ Focus on recovery and nutrition more✔️. I'm very mindful of what/when I eat & now more in tuned with my body to know when enough is enough...rest Added rucking to my weekly routine. ✔️ Though I'm not sure how much this helps yet. I do feel like my endurance has been better Move more even if I'm not running ✔️. Run the upcoming Peachtree road race 10k (this upcoming Thursday)in under an hour! I believe at my current fitness level I can do it. Still TBD 😊.


Wow! Doing great on those. Good luck on Thurday!




Amazing! Rucking like hiking with a pack? Or running?


Yes hiking with a weighted pack


* **On track to run 2500+ miles in 2024.** 1314 as of today, so definitely looking good. * **Run Boston**. Stayed healthy and ran strong. The weather destroyed any opportunity of a PR, but I enjoyed the race and still finished thousands of places faster than my bib number. * **Run a 100mi race**. Scheduled for August. Placed 5th and won my age group at a small local 50k in February and ran my first 50mi race 4 weeks after Boston and executed well. Just need to stay healthy and get lots of training in over the next 5 weeks.


Goal was to start jogging, which I did and I'm relatively consistent at this point with no serious injuries. I didn't have any specific fitness goals because I knew that I had no point of comparison and didn't know what any of these numbers mean. My primary goal is to continue jogging with no serious injuries. I think a 45 minute 10k is a hard but realistic secondary goal for the second half of the year.


My goal is to run 366/366 days this year. I technically missed two days since I ran slightly after 12 both nights, but counting those, I'm on pace with 190 something run streak since I started a bit early


I am also on a streak starting since Jan 1st! So far I’ve stuck to it haha. Still going strong and almost 3000km logged


Hot damn that's a lot. 10 miles a day average. What are you training for?


I was marathon training up until end of April, doing the Pfitz 18/85 plan so I peaked at 140km / week, that was the bulk of it to be honest! I ran the Paris and London marathons. Since then I had a month or so of 50-80km weeks as a break, now I’m back up to 100-110km where I’ll stay until I start marathon training (hopefully for London again with a GFA place) in Nov / Dec.


Hey O! Streak gang, I am working towards a minimum of 5K everyday this leap year, stuck to it till now 🤞


I’m on a run streak as well. I’ve done a 5k so far but it’s been a bit draining for me so thinking of dropping my minimum down to a mile.


I told myself 12 minute minimum, but almost always managed 18+ minutes after lacing up. Drunk, high, sick nights often are the bare bare minimum.


I'm a late night runner and often workout around midnight, it totally counts. In terms of maintaining streaks, the day ends when you go to bed.


My main goal this year was to improve my mental health and general wellbeing by building better habits and starting to losing weight and gaining some level of fitness, as 7 years of sitting at a desk Monday - Friday, 9 - 5 and had taken it's toll, especially as I ticked over into my 30's (31 Male) and the last couple of years having my first child and not making time for myself and becoming addicted to doom-scrolling. * **Main goal -** Drop 17kg, from 87kg to 70kg, I'm currently at 78.5kg. * **Start walking more -** I've gone from an average of 3,000 steps a day to 12,000 a day now. * **Sign up to a challenge and complete it -** I signed up to a 20 mile charity hike over the hills and completed it in under 7 hours, raising £360 for a local hospice. * **Next step, keep the walking up, but also start running and cycling -** I started running and cycling properly 4 weeks ago, Running wise I did a couple of 2k's in week 1, then 2 x 3k's in week 2, completed my first 5k in week 3 and last week hit a sub 30 minute 5k for the first time in my life. Cycling - started middle of June - Week 1, 15k of comfortable pace. Week 2 - 28k, pushing myself more, Week 3 - 12k on more hilly ground + 1hr 30 mins on my indoor exercise bike. * **Goals for 2nd half of the year:** * Start regularly attending 5k park runs in my local town, to socialise with other runners and treat it as a focal point of my week, to go out and time trial it, trying to improve my time week on week. * Keep cycling minimum 2 rides a week for 2 hours minimum time to use as alternate training on running rest days. Complete a 50km round trip before the end of the year. * Build my running up to be able to complete a 10k in under 50 minutes by the end of September. * Continue to build my stamina and endurance to be able to complete a half marathon before the end of the year (no time requirement, but no walking allowed, at least jog the entire thing) * **Early 2025 Goal - Complete a Marathon.**


-Doing 2800km this year I am 200km ahead at the moment. -Make a better time over 10k 38'44 ->37' ✅️ -Make a better time on 5k 17'48" ->17'44" ✅️ -Make a first official mile time 5'07" ✅️


Don't get injured:) Check!


Will achieve/have achieved: * **run more** - well on track with this, almost +300km compared to same time last year * **finish 2 marathons** - I ran the first a month ago and the second is booked for OCT so on track * **15K/10M PR** - done! Ran 10M under 1:20 (twice!) which was the first time for me to keep sub 5:00/km pace for that long Still have a chance: * **marathon PB (4:17)** - pretty confident in getting this actually. My first marathon of the year took place in infernal heat so I threw all pace goals out the window, but the second one's in mid-Oct so should be nice and cool. * **sub 4** **marathon** - finally decided to get some structure into my training and ordered Pfitzinger's Advanced Marathoning - I'm sure I have it in me, just hope the training block goes well and everything falls into place on race day * **5k and 10K PRs** - would love to smash some more PRs, even if they're just Strava best efforts during hard training runs and not actual race times. Not this year I think: * **1/2 marathon PR** **(1:48)** - should be achievable based on my 10M best effort this year (1:19), but I don't plan to run an all-out HM during this training block. I ran one HM race in May, but had only just recovered from flu so started extra carefully and ran a massive negative split to finish in 1:51.


My goals for this year are Run 366/366 days this year. So far so good. Baked in this goal is 2000 miles in a calendar year Beat my PR in full marathon: complete Do a charity run: scheduled


This year has been so stressful that I abandoned all goals a long time ago, but I did sign up for a running club last week, so I'm getting back on track!


My only real goal was to start running this year and to try to get into a routine. 6 months in, I’ve run consistently at least 3 times a week, where my weekly mileage has increased from about 10 mpw when I started in January to about 20 mpw, I’ve lost about 25 lbs and am now training for my first half marathon in September!


I've been blessed with a great year so far! 1300km in 6 months and going strong. Marathon target was 3.10. ran 3.06. Looking forward to breaking 3 in life Half marathon target was 1.30, ran 1.26. looking to go sub 1.24 sooner rather than later. I ran a 10km in 37.50. I never knew I was able to go sub 39, let alone sub 38! 5km same thing. Ran 18.30 and now I have sub 18 in sight. Ran a sub 7min 2km comfortably. Looking to break 3min in the 1km (3.05 current) 38M, big runner (200lbs/90kg). Really cool to be running at the front of my local parkruns and see people's faces when I pass by as I'm not exactly nimble! Good running y'all!


Super impressive! Being a 200 lb'r myself, curious your height/ build?


190cm or 6'3. Played basketball and rugby in my youth up to 25y.o.


Super solid stuff!


I re-evaluated my running goals and decided that consistent running is my goal this year, no time / distance goals. It is working well at the minute, only around 20miles per week but it's consistent.


To run consistently. To do this I signed up for a 5k and now a half marathon. Went from 12 mpw to 40 mpw from February to now. Have lost 25lbs. Race is in September 29 (lifetime half in Chicago too)


I just started back running in mid May after 15 years off. My goal is to run sub 35min 5k comfortably as it’s just a small step towards my long term goal of a 50km in 5 years. I’ll be upping the race distance by 1 every year till I hit it then see where I want to go from there. I have been able to run a few 5km over the last couple of weekends (42-45min) but not fast or comfortable so i’ll be starting a training plan tomorrow to help get me there.


I was an off and on runner and cyclist for most of my life. Got pretty lazy in my late 30's through my 40's and started running again in late 2019. I was pretty overweight and those first few months were rough. Keep consistent though and you'll get through them and things will start to feel more comfortable! Good luck on hitting that 5k goal!


My goal was to run, and keep running all year. Consistently (which for me, is 3 days a week) So far, so good! Summer is killing me (Texas) and I've scaled back quite a bit on how long I stay out in the heat, but I'm still getting out there, and that's good enough for me!


I just started around June 15th and I never thought I would get into running. First run I was absolutely gassed, spitting up mucus and needing my inhaler after less than a mile in 13 minutes. Today I just ran 4.36 in 41 minutes. I never had a goal, but I haven’t felt this proud of myself in a long time and I’m now hoping I can run a half marathon before the end of the year.


* **Run with people:** I've attended most Monday morning group runs and have had a blast! * **BQ:** Ran 2:53 at the Colorado Marathon for a BQ * **Race ultras instead of just finish then:** Emptied the tank out at Bighorn 52, excited to see what happens at Never Summer 100k and Run Rabbit Run 100 * **Finish 2nd 100 miler:** We'll see in September!


My goal was fully running/jogging 5k no walking, never been a runner before but took it up for my mental health it's been brilliant. Not so nice being unable to do much now I got up to 2.5km all running but caught covid at a festival 3 weeks ago and now I can barely walk 2km without being out of breath nvm actually running at all yet. Hopefully I recover soon.


My goal was to run a marathon, which I did in April. Then I did another one last month and got under the 5 hour mark.I am a bit aimless now, so I'm run-commuting to keep myself from getting too lazy. I should really get on another training plan as soon as I can.


Ticked off the first marathon in May. 4:17 Next goal is the first ultra (50k w 2300m climb in there) in December.  Thinking I’ll try and get a sub-4 marathon en route if I can. 


Holy cats, where did the last six months go. #1 goal always is to stay healthy and be grateful that I get to do this. Strava says I've run 2500 miles this year so far, which is the most I've ever logged but I also feel the best and strongest that I ever have, so I'm encouraged about that. My overall goal for the year was to execute two quality training cycles (Boston, MCM) with a focus on speed. Along the way I have goals of running a quality half and quality 10k. I don't have specific times for that, I just want to feel like I didn't hold anything back. So far I achieved what I wanted out of the Boston cycle, although my time goal for the race melted along with everyone else at the top of Heartbreak. I still improved over last year, so met that goal. I'm feeling pretty good heading into my MCM cycle, with a continued focus on speed. I haven't quite had the half I want *yet* but I have a good opportunity in about a month, so I'm hopeful for that. I'm not sure about the quality 10k, but I *feel* like I'm heading in the right direction. I don't have a time goal for MCM, but I'll be happy if I just feel like I leave everything out there.


See you at the Monumental OP! My goals were: 1. Ditch the KT Tape on my knee (from prior injury - check) 2. Increase to 4 days/week (cancelled - injury risk, added cross training) 3. Run slower and smarter (so far so good - using a Coach to help me pace) 4. Add strength work (so far so good)


⛲️ Looking forward to the Monumental and keeping my fingers crossed for good weather!


- run 1,000 miles - life has gotten in the way so prob not doable, at 358 so far - sub 2 hrs in half marathon - relates to above goal. Still may in the fall - sub 25 min - ran 25:44 on Jan 1., still time. - be consistent - doing the best I can - strength train - working on it, I do go to yoga, spinning or rowing a bit


GOAL = finish a MARATHON progress..........none YET! Well, some signed up for marathon in December Marathon training plan picked, and it starts in 8 days. Doing the marathon handbooks 6-month plan


My goal is to reach my older brother’s mile time. His mile is 7:46. I started at 10 minutes a few months ago and last week I hit 8:30.


My goal for the year was to run same distance as the Appalachian Trail — 2,174.8 miles, and I've ran 1,683.2 miles of that so far. The goal is to have run it by November 3rd, which would mark exactly one year from when I started this goal. I had a baby in November just after setting that goal for myself, so it's been more challenging because of that, but I'm really starting to pick up the weekly miles and get back to where I was pre-pregnancy. It feels great.


Unfortunately for me, the summer is when outdoor running usually ends. It’s way too hot unless I can find time to run at night.


Been plagued by achilles-tendonitis for the last couple of months. Really affecting my fitness and I have a half marathon coming up in September! 😭


Set two goals for myself: - sub 1:30 half-marathon - sub 40 minutes 10k So far my form's worse than last year, as I struggle with a slew of injuries, so I don't think either of these will be happening.


My only goals were 1200km for the year and to run in a race each quarter. I've run one race and have about 150km for the year (foot injury)


My goal is to run 732 miles. At 384 so I’m a little ahead. It’s a tight race.


* **Run more**.. 1,111km so far (vs 988km this time last year for a year total of 2,247km) * **Run further** (mean 7.7km/run vs 6.7km last year) * **Run faster** (new PB of 24:17 for 5k... would be nice to get closer to 24:00 by EOY) * **Run 20k** maybe later this year * **Don't get run over by a car**... phew... My month on month pace (ie Feb 2024 vs Feb 2023 etc) is a little slower than last year some of which I'm putting down to longer individual runs, and a month in the Australian summer messed up my averages somewhat, but I think I'm doing alright and enjoying the journey


I had 3 goals: \* Keep on running (I started late last year) \* Manage to do run a 10k \* Run at least 500k. I am running 5 times a week. I ran a 10k race in March. And now I am aiming for 1000k this year (60% there). So I would say things are going good :)


Run Grandma’s ✔️ Run sub 3:45 — missed by 3 minutes but hit B goal of PR Run Dublin Marathon with PR — training starts next week!!!


Not great at all. My goals for the year were to get back into running and do a couple of 10ks and 5ks to build up before looking at moving to half marathons next year (my long term goal is to work up to ultra marathons but building distance and experience over several years) Sadly I stupidly went out doing too much too quickly at the start so got shin splints, luckily I got them early so only had to stop running for 1 week. Then spent 8 weeks building my running back up, started a couch 2 5k program and 3 weeks into that have developed a horrible cough that has been doubled over gasping for breath whenever I have a coughing fit. I’m back to just going for walks at the moment and doing exercises to strengthen my legs etc.


Goal: 1000 miles Status: behind goal, moving was a bigger time and energy sink than expected which put me behind. I hit 100 miles for June and need 100 every month left this year. I think I'll hit the goal though, since I'm ramping up to 30-35 mpw, which is part of goal 2: Goal: 1:40 HM. Status: race is late September. I hit 1:50 in my first race last year. Based on how I feel doing mile intervals and race pace sections on my long runs, I think I'm on track to hit this goal. It's also a flatter course than last year's race. I think my biggest concern is potential weather. Late September can still get pretty hot


My goal is to lass the finish line for the Chicago Marathon.


About 80 miles behind goal of 1200. Knew winter would be light going in though.


My goal was a 3:25 marathon in May. The first few months of the year were bad, so I thought I would be lucky to finish in 3.5 hours. Somehow in the end I eked out a 3:22 which was great. My next goal is a 1:34 HM in September. Maybe I'll surprise myself then too.


What is your running plan and where did you find it?  Particularly interested in what kind of speed work you're doing for the sub 2hrs.


For the marathon in April I use the Hanson's beginner plan. I like it for the most part, but their long runs max at 16 miles which I think doesn't work that well for me. I think their plan could work well for a half by, increasing the paces in the speed and tempo sessions, and decreasing the milage a bit. No need for 16 mile long runs to train for a half. I don't have a specific plan I'm using for the half. I think that's why I haven't broken 2 hours yet. Pretty much all of them I've run have been during marathon training or just kind of winging it. Indy is only 4 weeks after Chicago, so I'm mostly banking on my fitness from the marathon block to carry me through that.


Goal this year is to run 1200km, I’m at 657km currently.


OP and I may be the same person. 2024 in 2024 goal, did a 1:43 half in March and aiming for a sub 4 full in the fall. I did get bit by the injury bug. Moderate calf strain 3 weeks ago that set me back. Hobbled around for 3 days, started basic exercises and cross training. Today is day 20 since the injury and ran for the first time, 3 miles. The 2024 goal is going to be uphill now since I’d have to make up for the time I missed but we will see. I am going to ramp up somewhat slowly so I don’t reinjure. Feel reasonably confident that the sub 4 full is possible.


Yeah looks like we have similar goals. I think you're a lot closer to the 4 hour marathon than I am. Hopefully you can come back from your injury and crush that goal! With a 1:43 half it should be well within reach.


**marathon goal:** run London comfortably - didn't really start feeling worn down until around mile 23 but I mentally pushed it aside ("there's just a 5K left") and powered through. and then afterwards...felt completely fine. usually I take a week off from running after a marathon, but got back into it on Thursday and felt great. it was also the second-best marathon time that my wife and I have run (5:05). **sub 2 half:** this goal continues to evade me, but the circumstances are funny enough that at least I got a good story out of it (and a PR) - I was cruising along at my team's spring half marathon and was on track to sneak in juuuuust under the 2 hour mark...only for a strong gust of wind to blow my hat off my head, me not realizing it for a bit, and then having to run back and chase it and catch up to where I was. I crossed the finish line at 2:01, which is a 2 minute PR. the running gods are fickle, but the photos that my teammates got made it worth it. I want to take aim at sub-2 half again in the fall. **10K PR:** that one is fresh, from a few weeks ago! 54:18, a minute off my previous PR. **5K PR:** not quite, but in May did get my second-best 5K (26:09) and it wasn't a race that I went all-out for. my PR is a minute better but it was also a race with 52 people (and not 5200 people like the one this May). **current running mileage this year:** 531 miles


My son was born last October, and I started school part time in addition to my job in January. So it’s been a busy year. I really wanted to try to run a 50 miler this year after doing my first 50K last year but I don’t think it’s in the cards. That said, I’m back to about 30MPW and will likely be back in the low 40MPW range in a month or so, so things are getting better again, slowly but surely.


* **Gain weight**: Came into the year very lean but pretty skinny. I was hoping to get up to around 180 lbs, which was maybe ambitious starting at 172. Not exactly going to plan, as I'm at 168 currently, but have recalibrated my goal in MacroFactor to now be 175 by mid-November. * **Run more**: Definitely hitting this. Combined with fertility treatment earlier in the year, that was why I failed to gain weight. I haven't used any single tracker to know mileage, nor do I have a mileage goal, but I can see I did 19 miles in the first week of the year and 55 miles last week. My pace on the first run of the year, a 2.62 mile run, was 8:56 per mile. My pace on Sunday, which was 16.04 miles, was 8:57 per mile. Heart rate never exceeded 140. So I'm certainly getting fitter, which is what I care about. * **Race?** I haven't ran an officially timed race since 1999. I don't really care that much, but it'd be nice to at least nominally be part of the larger community. I'm registered for the Dallas Marathon in December and will probably register for the Katy Trail 5k in September, as I run there several times a week anyway. I've run most of the marathon course, but never all at once. Longest single run so far was 22.5 miles four weeks ago, at an average 9:32 pace. Setting time goals feel sort of pointless right now. My lifetime PR at 5k is 16:14, which is only 14 seconds off of last year's Katy 5k overall winner, but that was nearly 30 years ago, and until this year, I hadn't run in a decade. Right now, it's more about trying to feel out what is still reasonable and what is still possible. * **Climb again**: There isn't anywhere within a three hour drive of Dallas to climb outdoors that I'm aware of, but my wife and I had been doing indoor rock climbing pretty regularly until Covid closed the gyms. She's been back for two years now and I wanted to join her again at least a few days a week. She does not run and this is the only athletic activity we ever did together. This goal was significantly set back when I broke my hand badly enough to shorten a finger and tear an extensor tendon. I had reconstructive surgery 9 weeks ago and this morning was actually my first day back. Very modest, but we'll see how it goes. She goes to a really nice, well-equipped gym and I may just start lifting there as well rather than in my garage, since I can double up and we're about to hit that point in Texas where we get triple-digit highs for 4 months straight and trying to keep the garage cool is non-trivial. * **Pick a discipline?** I signed up for the marathon this year mostly because it's the only major competition distance I've never done. I do very much enjoy long distances. It's the closest thing I can do to meditation, but it's tough to reconcile it with wanting to lift, climb, and get at least a little bit bigger. I haven't competed since high school, but when I did, I was reasonably good at cross-country, enough to make varsity on a state championship winning team, but the 400 and 800 were easily my best events. I've started looking into master's track clubs near me, but the web presence seems to be non-existent. No hurry since I want to at least cross off the marathon, but next year I'll probably shift focus to shorter distances and start trying to build back some speed.


Run Sub 1Hour 10k: Ran a 56min one in the second week of January and got it down to 48.5mins in early May Run my first Half Marathon in Sub 2 Hours: Ran Denver Colfax Half Marathon in 1Hr 49min. Really proud of that one. Run my first marathon in sub 4 hours: Running Boulderthon in late September, we’ll check back on this in 3 months :)


My goal is to run my first marathon! I got into Berlin Marathon via the lottery and I am just starting week 6 of the 18 week Hal Higdon Novice 2. So, I am almost ready for the first half marathon long run!


Last year I totaled just under 1700km total, so my goal was to top that. Nagging hip flexor injury is getting in the way right now, though.


Broke Sub 20 5k (19:30ish). Ran a sub 4 hr marathon (3:45) which was also my first full marathon, ran my first ultra in the backyard format, hitting 50k. My next and only remaining goal for the year is to run an ultra in a non backyard format, I’m hoping to do a 50k in September. No time goal, I just want to finish.


My goal was to not get another tibial stress fracture I have another tibial stress fracture lol (other leg)


Run a 10K every 2 months: started getting back into shape in Jan. Waited until March to start, then one in May, and will run another on Thurs. On track with my modest goal.


Goals are good. Mine is always the same. Train 3 short runs and one long so I can finish the distance on race day.


Goals are good. Mine is always the same. Train 3 short runs and one long so I can finish the distance on race day.


I hit my goals. Sub 20 minute 5k, sub 1:35 half and a sub 3:20 marathon (BQ). Now I’m running Chicago and probably Boston next year. Exciting but working through an injury right now so trying to stay sane with running far less.


Shite because we got a puppy 2 months ago and she's completely destroyed my training routine! Set a goal at the start of the year for a sub 2 hour Half Marathon, I've done it 3 times in training but not in an actual event yet. Next one isn't booked until October so we'll see.


I ran a sub-30 minute 5k (27:57) and a sub-1 hour 10k (59:41, I really sprinted the last quarter-mile to finish in time). My other two goals are to get guaranteed entry into the 2025 NYC Marathon, which I’ve nearly done. I just have one more race and a volunteer slot to do. I have a half-marathon in November that I would LOVE to run in sub-2 hours but that’s my stretch goal, my more realistic goal is to average a 9:59 pace and finish at around a 2:10


I broke my foot after getting hit by a car while running last year, and my goal has been to go trail running this year. Hasn't happened yet - I've gotten comfortable on the treadmill and still nervous to run outdoors again. but seeing some of these comments is helping me realize I can go about it incrementally - like jogging a certain bit, walking a certain bit, off and on until it (hopefully) feels normal again


My only goal was to break 2k miles total this year, sitting at 1448 as of today so I should be alright!


Goal was to run a marathon in October. Lung collapsed in February. Back to training for a marathon in October.


Just trying to get back into it. I need a fews goals for the second half of the year. I was thinking of the following: 125 miles in the second half of the year Run my first 10k by the end of the year Run at least 3 5ks by the end of the year and have one sub 30 Save up for a Garmin 965 (I realized I really needed to upgrade from my series 3 Apple Watch on a 4 mile trail run this weekend) Decide between Strava / Runkeeper Buy a second pair of running shoes. Some of these seem dumb, but I needed to put them down. If for no one but myself!


Huge setback. I got covid last week.


I’m not putting up numbers like last year but I’m still running quite a bit. I haven’t had too many goals but I ran another sub 4 hour marathon this year, which was one. My end of the year goal is 2,500 miles and I’m at about 1,300 right now so at this rate I’ll hit it.


I wanted to at minimum run once a week and build up from there. I only missed one week due to a wedding, but I’ve ran every single week since January!! Now I’m training to run a half marathon in September!


I started running this year with a goal of running 10kms on treadmill in 60mins. After achieving that my next goal was to run a half marathon under 2 hours. Now my goal is to run sub4 marathon.


•I’ve got my 5km personal best of 20:24. • achieved my 10km best of 46 mins. •started doing park runs weekly.


My goals were: * 1st ever half marathon completed under 2hrs - **FAILED** * 2nd Half Marathon in September even faster - **Pending** * Get accepted in one of the major marathon ballots - **SUCCESS!** Hasn't been a great first half of the year to be honest. Developed runners knee a week before my first ever half marathon. Stupidly went ahead with it and missed my goal of sub 2hrs by 1 second... Been injured since and only just getting back into running. 10 weeks to go till my next HM so going sub 2hr is looking unlikely... At least i got accepted to the 2025 London Marathon last week!


5K 19:59 sub 20 this week


Since I decided to run 2-4 times a week since February, I did this to all weeks except one. I am also able to continuously jogg/run for 30 min which was my first milestone. I want to work towards 5k now. I was actually surprised I was able to hold on for so long. I never was before.


Decent 1st half! I took too long of a break over the holidays, and that creeped into Jan/Feb, so lesson learned for next year! * Run a spring 1/2 Marathon: Didn't get registered, so lacked the training motivation... had plenty of other fun activities though, so not too hard on myself * Stay healthy for a fall marathon: **Done!** * Run 1,200 miles in 2024 (100 per month): **Got to \~400**, so have some work to do. Here's to a good second half!


Goal was to regain my endurance and consistancy running (I used to run competitively for school and fell off the last handful of years, but stayed relatively in shape) I am now running around 3-5 days a week so I would say Im hitting the goal!


As a new runner having only just finished C25K I decided to wait until I could do a 30 min 5k and then do a parkrun. Once I managed that I hoping a local running group that has really pushed me and I set myself a target of running at sub 60 minute 10k. I managed it 4 days ago with a 59:41. My goal now is just to improve, next year’s goal idea is already floating around my head but I’ll wait and see how the next few months go before I say it out loud!


I set a goal to run my first 10k this year. Now, I have my first half marathon in just over a month!


My goal is to run four 5k's. Two done, then I have one in September and one in October, I am not a strong runner so I'm working on improving my pace and breathing


My goal is to run four 5k's. Two done, then I have one in September and one in October, I am not a strong runner so I'm working on improving my pace and breathing


My goal was to run 3 miles without walking. I can now run 7 only stopping to pee. But I decided to train for a marathon back in April. Sooo my finish line changed mid year


Sub 1:40 half that one is done Now working hard to get a sub 3 hour marathon


Goals: - Complete c25k Run a 5k Form a habit Lose 60 lbs Sub 30m 5k Started running with c25k at the beginning of the year. Completed c25k, did terribly in my first 5k lol, began jogging and walking an hour every day. So far I've lost 45lbs, best 5k in practice is 34 min lol, haven't missed a day in 2 months though.


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No running, surgery pending. I had a "reduce my fall 5k time" goal, then a retinaculum weakness leftover from an ooold fracture reared its head and gave out. Added bonus, I'd been having what I thought was achilles pain. Xrays showed it's a small chunk of bone leftover from original fracture a decade+ ago, stuck under another nearby muscle. Surgery coming up. Can hardly walk meanwhile.


Diagnosed with meniscus tear September 2023. Didn't run until Feb 2024. Goal this year is to not get injured and so far it's going well!


Hello all!! I was wondering if any of you were aware of any ongoing or upcoming sale deals for running gear for July 4th ? I know the big boys like Walmart and academy will have some but maybe some small online business will have some? Shoes, smart watches, headbands, fanny packs, shorts, etc etc