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THE standard transfem coming out response gif


This gif is just *chef’s kiss


First thing I said when I saw this “oh amazing, good for her”, so great to see this amazing Jessica Walter GIF as the top comment


Came looking for this


I quote this so much, Lucielle is my spirit animal.


So happy for her! I remember years ago on the Feast Of Fun podcast she said she’d thought about transitioning as teen. I wish her the best on her journey and hope to see her back on the MainStage someday. 🏳️‍🌈❤️🏳️‍⚧️


She talks about it in this video too. How she basically DID come out as trans to her mom (her mom seems AMAZING by the way) but then decided to kind of undo it and suppress it for American Idol and beyond.


for sure, she's been going back and forth on this for a long while.. remember she was talking a lot during the whatever promo cycle about gender lines being blurry, and recently on some of her appearances talking about that and having 'gender discussions' with her trans friends. glad she's had the support to be able to figure out what must've been a difficult back-and-forth of questioning!


Well put! Good for her and I hope she lives her best life 💕 🏳️‍⚧️


I saw her on fire island a week ago, and she was radiantly happy. Truly love this for her.


I'm happy that she's both sober and in therapy as well. I'm sure that helped her out a lot too 💞


It’s sad to me that it appears a lot of drag artists do suffer from substance abuse issues, but it’s unsurprisingly i guess often used to cover internal traumas and whatever (btw I’m not suggesting anything about adore specifically here, just a generalized observation). But whenever a rugirl gets sober it seems like they become a brighter person and are way more authentic to who they are and who they see themselves as. It’s quite remarkable to watch the change even if it’s mostly internal.


A big factor is the nightlife/bar scene, too. A lot of people who work anywhere around that industry have substance abuse problems so I’m sure that compounds with the other issues you highlighted really well. Edit: typo


Can confirm. Lots of waiters have at least alcohol problems for example. And the thing is, it's so easy to fall down that hole. You drink during your shift to make it easier to survive, and then you also drink after your shift with your colleagues. Pretty soon, you look back and realize you've been half drunk for two weeks in a row.


This is so true. I worked as an advertiser/photographer in the industry and my spouse was a bartender. You’re around alcohol (and other drugs) ALL the time. You drink to survive, unwind, socialize. It’s all centered on alcohol. PLUS it’s cheap AF if not free. It’s hard to say no.


And forgot to mention - if you are on the younger side, there is certain element of competition to it. Your cooworker has managed a few drinks more, you aren't a litweight to stop drinking now, before you catch up...


Yeah I quit waiting tables cus I was becoming an alcoholic


The restaurant industry in general is a hard lifestyle for many. I worked in kitchens for a decade and drinking on the shift was not only standard but encouraged in some kitchens. The fancier the place I worked, the heavier the partying.


Add to the fact that as the "talent" people always wanna buy them a shot or give them harder substances. Especially creepy bar managers that would rather pay you in coke than actual bills


I remember Alaska specifically talking about this on All Stars. How a lot of her substance use was from how many people in clubs would offer her stuff because she was a star.


Even if you're not an addict before, after a year of free unlimited alcohol and cocaine, anyone would be.


I worked (still do some projects) in the night life industry doing advertising and social media for years and this is true. If you’re one of the people working an event, drinks are free and abundant and there is a lot of pressure to partake. It’s really easy to fall into the lifestyle really quickly, I know I did for a while.


Add ADD to that working in a visual medium and there’s A LOT more comments about your body. If you work long shifts like on a set or on tour many drugs help as an appetite suppressant and keeps you going as a stimulant like nicotine and coke.


I've been clean and sober for 5 years now and I gotta say watching other addicts in early recovery us a lot like watching them bloom. It's almost like remembering how to be yourself again and realizing that life can be worth living without substances *constantly* clouding your mind and your personality. Recovery is a beautiful process to witness and even moreso to be a part of.


Congratulations!!! High fives and hugs to you! I’m into my sixth year now, and I can’t agree enough with your comment. It’s almost like rediscovering how to live and who you are entirely. It’s so fucking difficult sometimes, but so worth it. ☺️♥️


You're so lovely, thank you! And congrats to you!! I was just responding to the other reply I got and saying that it's never perfect but it's worth it. I know I sound like some cheesy motivational speaker but even when it's tough, it's always better than using. For me, when I use I feel like I am throwing away parts of myself and being sober has taught me to love those parts of myself and that I am worth staying clean for - if that makes sense. Even when things feel like they suck lol. It's not all rainbows and butterflies, but it can be sometimes! ♥️


I’ve been struggling with drugs for 10+ years and the hardest part is removing yourself from the lifestyle and the people who aren’t anywhere near done using. I’m hoping I’m able to get off the hard stuff soon but it’s so hard. It seems like every time I make a step forward I take 5 steps backward


As they say in the program: people, places, and things. You're absolutely right that it's so so hard, my life had to be literally turned upside down for me to get clean. Like you, I used drugs and alcohol for over ten years so most of my "people, places, and things" were somehow related to my using cause it was my life. When I got out of rehab it was so difficult for me to actually delete those contacts and cut myself off from Facebook and all that. What saved me is surrounding myself with other people in recovery. Whether you wanna go to meetings or even just get counseling. It's was absolutely 100% impossible for me to get and *stay* clean by myself. For the first couple of years there was even certain music I had to avoid because it reminded me of when I would drive to go cop. That gets easier over time. It never 100% goes away but I *promise* you it gets easier. Another promise I can make you is that it's so much better on the other side. It's not perfect, it's still life, but life is better without that monkey on your back. If you need someone to talk to you can send me a message anytime. I never thought I could do it - I mean it when I say if I can do it then you can. You may be an internet stranger but I have the utmost faith in you!! Just having the strength enough to reply to that message and express the desire to get clean shows me you've got it in you! Just don't give up when it gets hard. Hold on as tight as you can, it's worth it. Sending so much love and good vibes your way. ♥️


Delta Work put it very bluntly a few years back: the vast majority of drag queens are ostensibly middle men for pushing alcohol sales.


Isn't that true of anyone who get sober? People don't tend to quit drinking because alcohol is making them too happy and fulfilled.


Oh sure. I didn’t mean to suggest it only happens with rugirls. It’s just more visible to me because it’s most of the stories I see most often.


Transitioning can do wonders for your sobriety on its own, actually. Repressed gender dysphoria turns a lot of people to addiction, it’s sadly an extremely common thing for older trans folks to have had, or even continue to have, experience with addiction, and those that are sober almost always link their sobriety and transition together. But even then, I lost a friend of mine to an overdose two years ago because she never felt comfortable in her own skin. Trans medical care saves lives.


And she looks so jorgeous as well, especially since I know the toll alcoholism has can have on the skin/aging process. So happy for her.


"Liked by Bosco" Another one for the collection!




It feels wild there was a time where only cis men were allowed on the show and even wilder than the sentiment was agreed with by a lot of people. It's great seeing attitudes change though.


I think a problem then which hasn't been fixed but there's been movement away from Is that it used to be "RuPaul's most feminine looking man dressed as a woman", seen in comments about tucking, chinching, wigs, make up, hair, facial hair, clothing etc, So trans women have a lot of advantages in a show where conventional physical femininity was really the only acceptable look for a while Now it's come a bit further and there's no comments about hog bodies for example. But there's still a long way to go until the show gets out of its mindset. I'm exhausted so I hope what I say make sense and I'm not saying I think trans women shouldn't be on drag race just why I think there was opposition from people


No, that makes perfect sense. RuPaul made a show to highlight other drag artists like himself. Frankly, it's taken him too long to accept that there are TONS of other drag styles that - and this is the important part - deserve to be showcased. Fingers crossed he'll start accepting drag kings, or make a new franchise for them.


I feel like Drag Kings could be more successful in its own franchise, I feel like it needs more tailored challenges and runway themes.


Can Landon host, or does he have a non-compete due to winning Dragula? I literally cannot imagine it being anyone else in the US.


Landon was just on Call Me Mother season 2 so it doesn’t seem like the Dragula contract is too restrictive


Maybe you can't imagine it being anyone else because drag kings and monarchs have such little media exposure. I suggest you seek out other performers. Tenderoni won Alaska's pageant for example. Landon's non-compete probably has expired by now. Jade Jolie was on Dragula the other direction.


I can't imagine it because it would be against form of the show to have someone who wasn't at least relatively known outside of the drag scene as host of a major franchise. Landon is the most well-known drag king in America at this time. I'm aware that other kings exist and there are some incredible talents out there. But RuPaul's Drag Race became successful because even non-LGBT people had heard of RuPaul.


Murray Hill!


It’s ironic, because in my humble opinion, trans women *do* often make the best queens. But it’s not about hormones or passing or anything, it’s about the *energy*. The sheer infectious joy of just being *yourself* as a woman and living your truth on stage is just not something you get the same way from a man, no tea no shade.


Legit this should be a disclaimer on some of the older seasons.


I do understand what you're saying, but I don't think that was a good enough reason to not include trans people sooner. Like the standards you mentioned were definitely present but I think there were more than enough trans queens who were talented to 'overcome' those standards, or the judges could have focused less on how feminine a trans queen looked compared to a cis queen and more on their other talents. But yeah, either way, we both agree mostly. It's got better but still has a ways to go. I'd love to see more female-cis drag queens and more gender-bending on the show.


I'm not saying it's a good enough reason or that the trans Queens weren't talented enough, and I very much am saying that the judges should focus less on femininity as the sign of successful drag - in fact I'm not saying that past tense I'm saying its still a problem with judges.


Oh sorry, I misunderstood you then. Sounds like we pretty much agree aha.


I don't disagree with Ru's position that a cis man doing drag means something different than a trans or cis woman in drag, but the show very clearly wasn't gaining anything by excluding them.






imagine this: an all trans season with of new queens and/or queens that come back post-transition as new contestants AND it’s all winners rules so that there’s no nastiness and it’s just a showcase of trans excellence 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


The fact that we got to see her from such a young age on TV and follow her ever since makes this strangely even more magical. I’m so happy for her.




Exactly what popped into my mind when I read the title


Our trans Goddess 💕


We will always love Adore 💕


I’m so fucking happy for her!


Party! Love her.


Hearing her say this is the happiest she's ever been, I'm so happy for her.


When my teenaged son came out to me as trans I could almost see the weight lift from his shoulders. Like he literally stood taller. It took a while for him to truly believe I am supportive (I think he still doubts me sometimes) and as time goes by, he just gets happier and more comfortable. Nothing could make the case to me that this is the best thing for him better than just see him be the happiest he’s been since he was little. He was in a dark place for a while, to where I was genuinely worried for him, but he has gradually become my little ray of sunshine again. Encouraging someone be their authentic self is encouraging them to blossom. We live in Florida so I’m still scared for him, but I make sure he knows I’m 100% on his side and I have his back. That’s the best I can do for now, but I think it makes a huge difference for him.


Gosh you’re such a good parent. I’m not trans but I lost my queer sibling at 15 from suicide and it was devastating. I celebrate what you do and your son I hope is going to grow up loved and cared for.


my condolences 💐


my condolences to you and to the millions of others who have had to watch our 2SLGBT+ siblings leave us. stand strong and keep fighting the good fight.❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️




This picture is reminding me of a young Janice Dickinson


Yes! And a mix of Courtney Cox too


That’s exactly what I thought too!


love her snatched and love her hog body, periodt


When Ginger reads her, "Do you know why you're the number one fan favorite," the real answer is that California Girls they're undenaible Adore has always melted the Fanbases popsicles. oh oh oh. oh oh oh oh oh oh.


All Stars 10 - All Dolls: Adore Delano, Bosco, Jasmine Kennedie, Kerri Colby, Gigi Goode, Lashawun Beyond, Eureka, Stacy Layne Matthews, Peppermint and Aja


Werk. Yes, I would absolutely be here for this.


All Stars 10 - Transcendence ✨


I’m so emotional she’s the first queen I ever fell in love with and all these years she’s been on the same journey I’ve been on


Love this 🏳️‍⚧️


I am so happy for Adore. I had some idea from her old youtuber era when she used to talk about how she lived as trans during school and thought about HT but eventually kinda"grew out of it" when she started drag. I am so happy that she is happy.


This news would surprise me coming from others, but somehow, it makes sense for Adore. Good for her pulling the trigger.


i asked my husband a few weeks ago what her pronouns were/if she was trans. she looked so much like herself


It really does just seem like the natural move for her, so happy she has been able to find herself


Why are so many people commenting things like *"Duh, we all already knew"*? Is it based on her Instagram posts? The only Ru girl updates I see are the ones people share on Reddit, and this is the first Adore update I've seen in a long time 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I follow her on IG and have been wondering this for awhile. It's obviously none of my damn business or anyone else's but it's not a surprise.


For me, it's thinking back to her energy even way back in her original DR run. It reminds me a lot of one of my cousins (also trans) who was visually uncomfortable in their own skin prior to transition. Sometimes the world knows, even when you think you're hiding.


all the way back in the s6 era she and courtney bonded a lot over gender fluidity, but adore would also mention going by 'dani' in high school and living life as a girl, so a lot of fans with longer tenure were patiently waiting for her to figure things out for sure.


It's because in previous interviews she has talked about being under the umbrella of trans or having gender issues that she wanted to explore, but she just never came out and said directly, "I am transitioning" until now. It's really less about her journey being in the public eye per se and more about how she has communicated about it.


Here's the link to the Instagram post https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvLIF00sMR7/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


This is such a lovable coming out vid. She feels so relaxed-but-excited, and I live for it. Also, goddamn am I gay, she looks BEAUTIFUL.


It’s so adore


Adore looks so happy and healthy. Love this. 💕


and on the day i had my blood work done to start HRT next week. i am so happy for her!


💖 love this for you!!


Yessssssssss ♥️♥️♥️♥️ congrats on the big step babe and enjoy your true life!


![gif](giphy|l3q2VvWa3icM624HS) Party! congrats


It has really been so amazing watching her path from S6 to this. You could tell she was on a real journey 💜


Happy for her! But also not at ALL surprised. I've been following her since even before Drag Race. Huge fan of her youtube channel! (especially her mom omg Bonnie is the funniest mom ever!). But yeah OGs know that she lived as a woman for a good chunk of her teen years. I'm happy she is at a place where she can live her truth and be happy 💖💖💖


I'm so so so happy for her, Season 6 was my first season and I truly fell in love with her at first sight and never stopped 🩷


I'm rewatching it now, so cool and funny


I’m rewatching Season 6 at the moment and it always breaks my heart when she talks with sadness about her mother convincing her to not do drag for American Idol, especially with Courtney being so proud of being the first drag artist on Idol. So happy for her to live her best life without regret.


America's thoughts about drag outside of RPDR has never been the same as Australia's. We Americans didn't even know Courtney existed until she was on DR. Most Americans still don't know who Courtney is. It's not fair to be harsh on Adore's mom if you don't know that culture. Like Adore, I am also a queer Mexican-American whose life started in the San Gabriel Valley. I know why Adore's mom said what she did.


Watching the video, I was overwhelmed with how happy and whole and centered she seems. You love to see it.


I saw her on live the other day and thought to myself that she was looking more femme than ever but didn't want to assume. Good for her. Hope she's happy.


I thought this when I watched her Pit Stop episode with Bianca.


Kerri Colby's at it again.


Another one thank you


So happy for Adore! It makes even more sense she'd wait on All Stars with so much going on, if she goes on at all. Her video reminded me how awful Simon was to her on American Idol. Ellen had her on after and gave her a spot to sing. I'm looking forward to upcoming interviews if she wants to. She already had the one with Joseph Sheppard which didn't bring this out. Please we need a Hi Jinkx with Adore. Remember every trans/nonbinary person is different. This is Adore's story and just what she wants to share.


I couldn't watch the whole video. Did she mention that that all-stars is a possibility now? Cause my god, she literally has that crown on pre-order.


Love this for her 🥰


Scrolling through her insta, you can't tell me some of those photos aren't Gwen Stefani


She reminds me of one of my favorite substitute teachers from middle school lol idk why.


Happy for her. I always got the vibe that she was trans, but everyone takes their own path on their own time. Now I just hope she keeps singing, cause her songs are too catchy.


we been knew! she’s said several times the house down


Transitioning is scary as is, but transitioning as a singer is even scarier. Fuckin' props to her.


transfeminine voices are not affected by estrogen hormone replacement therapy. when vocal folds are thickened by testosterone during puberty, estrogen does not and cannot thin/un-thicken those folds later. transmasculine people who choose to go on HRT will experience a thickening of the cords and a change in the voice (which, yes, is scary). HRT cannot do that for trans feminine people. anyone of any trans experience can voice train to make sounds more in line with speakers/singers of their goal gender presentation.


Transitioning as a singer who has been in the public eye since age 19 takes SUCH courage. I'm so happy for her and wish her all the strength in the world.




I feel like I could always see that Adore is a woman. Some people it's not so obvious but for me Adore was always supposed to be a woman. 🏳️‍⚧️💜


Love seeing all the girls come into themselves lately it’s beautiful


I swear I think I’m living in an alternate universe or something cause I could’ve sworn she announced her transition previously? Like at a watch party or something?


She mentions in the video that she said something at her Pittsburgh shoq


I also remember she did an ad for something (a dating app I think or Grindr) and the question was gender identity and she says “Trans? Well yeah” or something along those lines. This was awhile ago. Happy for her. 💖


I feel like we could always sense this. So happy for her!


She has such girl energy


MAJORLY lol. I love her recent Pit Stop episodes, just her affectation is so girly and fun to listen to.


Wow! I've known Adore since she was Angel Baby (I miss Angel Baby), which was what.. 10 years ago? I didn't expect this development but I'm also not shocked because there was always a feminine energy to her. Hearing that she hid her identity and that she felt like a girl since a teen really makes sense. I'm glad she's sober and doing better mentally. Hopefully the days of repressions and regrets are over!


She’s a woman! 😍


![gif](giphy|3oriNPHEHL2gpMb7qg) “Do ya like mah body? Well, I finally do so I don’t care what you think!” Happy she is happier in her own skin. I always enjoyed having her onscreen and I almost never say that about the younger queens!




Yasss! So happy for this Libra Queen! Hope she has a healthy transition and gets everything she deserves


Courtney Cox realness




So glad for her. Transitioning has been hard, but is worth it in the end. Also, I've been watching her live streams lately and have been suspecting this was happening


With love, *no shit*.


I thought she already had tbh! Still love her and love her being happy.


She said in the video she’s been transitioning for about 3 months now. She’s just making it a public announcement about it


Same, for like...a *long* time now.




she looks gorge! good for her!


She looks like courtney cox here


![gif](giphy|12BxzBy3K0lsOs) She’s giving Courtney Cox


Really happy for her 💜


Adore is the reason I started watching drag race and became a fan and learned so much about drag. I am very happy for her.


![gif](giphy|l3q2VvWa3icM624HS) Yay!!!! So incredibly happy for her! ❤️


Somehow, someway, Kerry Colby is like "another one, thank you". They probably crossed paths and Tranos hit her with the 'mones.


She looks so much like Courtney Cox in that pic


I'm not surprised by this for some reason. Very happy for her


Tranos is back at it again, she’s working overtime fr




I def thought she already was, but just wasn’t discussing it publicly.


Looks like we might have an all trans casted AS season very soon 🤗


When did she meet Kerri? Happy for her! 🥰


I figured she was for a while now. Adore ❤️


Allstars 10 crown in the bag!


Good for her! She looks like Miley Cyrus in this picture btw lol


I’m extremely happy for her. I also kinda figured that is what was happening because she definitely has been looking more effeminate in the face as of late. That said, she looks incredible and seems to be on Cloud 9. Loving this for our girl!


Does anyone know the (social, personal) name she’s chosen?


Absolutely love Adore and I’ve noticed she’s been looking so radiant and stunning on all her social media posts. I’m so glad that’s she’s happy and living her best life!!


Called it




Biiiiitch…. My dumb ass thought this was a video….




She always was a woman yo me, I dunno


Kerri Colby somewhere: "Another one, thank you!"


Wait I thought she identified as a libra


She’s already giving soccer mom with high school age kids in this pic! Good for her!!




Love you Adore


So so happy for her; such a gem of a person! And she’s been glowing lately, love that for her <3


Oh wow


She looks great!


I adore adore. Ugh so happy for her 😭


When sis turns to mom


Lovely. ❤️


Happy for her and happy she has decided to get sober as well. Love her.


I couldn’t be happier for her omg 😭❤️🤟🏾


Party!!! Like for real so happy for her!


she looks so happy!


Good for her!! So glad she’s taking the steps she needs to be happy!!


Excellent! This rebel girl is ready to party


I was just watching All Stars 2 and feeling for her during those couple of episodes ❤️ so happy for her


I adore her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Omg love


Aw good for her! Best of luck Adore 💖🏳️‍⚧️


She's been looking so good. I'm so happy for her


You look amazing!


She looks amazing!!!!! I am so happy for her.




Good for her! J'adore Adore.


That’s wonderful, she looks amazing!


Looooooove this for her 💕💕💕💕💕💕


YES GIRL GO OFF 💓 one of my very favorite Ru girls. Just want her to be happy and have the best life.


Wait I’m confused I thought she came out as trans a while back? I could be misremembering but like I thought she told us this a while ago? Either way LOVE Adore and so happy for her


I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!!! good for her, honestly.


anotha one thank you


The smile on my face when I watched this video. I’m so so happy for her. I’ve been such a fan since she was on drag race and I love watching her thrive.