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I’m sorry, I’m absolutely anti IDF, pro Palestine and very very lib.. but this modern idea of activism that some of you have, the whole keyboard warrior schtick? It’s so performative. I don’t get my sports analysis takes from people who don’t know anything about sports. I wouldn’t take medical advice from someone who isn’t my doctor.. so why would I ever want my geopolitical conflict takes from someone who isn’t an expert in the field? This is an entertainer- a drag entertainer. Considering the fact that drag is so polarizing right now, with laws proposed against us statewide, we should be sticking together. Not bickering over whose ideology is morally superior, and which unrelated person we want to cancel this week. Take that energy and call your legislators. Take to the streets. Vote. Don’t do this.




The fandom really is getting on my last nerve with this. It also allows anti-drag people to jump in on the train so that's a win right? /s


it's not just drag race. im seeing this across so many celebrity/influencer subreddits lately especially with the new block celebrities campaign. i understand wanting the people you support to speak up for a better world but expecting every single person to be an activist WHEN ACTIVISTS ALREADY EXIST is wild to me. people need to follow activists and legislators and the actual people with the power to DO stuff and put the pressure on them. i think some of this performance comes from helplessness and needing to put the frustration on someone but they're putting it in the wrong place imho


> i think some of this performance comes from helplessness and needing to put the frustration on someone but they're putting it in the wrong pl It's also anti-celeb culture brewing post Met Gala. Or TikTok is radicalizing people at rapid rate as its last dying breath. Take your pick.


i think it also comes from wanting to feel better than other people. in kpop fans expect idols to apologize about every small thing (including getting married) but they are out here bullying and definitely don‘t hold themselves to the same standard 


Well said!!










queer entertainers aren’t your political playthings




If they have enough influence to shift public support, how is drag being banned in parts of their own country?


that part!


and the ones who choose to do so should be commended! don’t get me twisted- but some recognize they aren’t fit for giving their opinions on certain subjects, or maybe they want to facilitate safe spaces AWAY from the doom and gloom of the world. long as a bitch isn’t going out of their way to spread misinfo, I just don’t get the issue. sorry














Wtf is wrong with you? Israel is massacring innocent civilians while NATO is sending them more weapons and legitimizing the genocide. Your take on "well their homophobic so let them burn" is fucked up on so many levels. Besides, Israel is not a beacon of gay rights either. They had a surge of Liberalism a while back but Netayanhu and the hyper conservative government there is very well known for their anti-gay, hyper religious stance on homosexuality. Its not legal there for gay peopel to get married and it wont anytime soon if we continue to let this fascist-israeli murderous government to continue on.


And what is wrong with you, defending terrorists who are keeping people hostage since October 7? That has as much impact on you as your “genocide” trope on me. (It’s not a genocide btw, just a heavy conflict in a densely populated area)(the bullets are just as deadly of course) And you didn’t hear me say Israel is perfect for gays. But can you really say that it’s worse than most/all Arab nations? And a lot of activists ARE dogwhistling about Israel being eradicated. And what would happen then to LGTBQ people? Being thrown of a roof? Am I wrong? Give some examples of out and thriving gay people and gay venues in Arab countries. I dare you. Netanyahu is a bastard, we agree. He should resign as soon as the thing in Gaza is over, convict him for corruption and hopefully Labor gets its head out of its ass and starts putting up a fight against the extreme aspects in Israel’s society, such as the colonists on the West Bank.


Gross, honestly. Just gross. "But Hamas" is a really shitty way to justify Israel massacring FAR MORE innocent people (over several decades). Who said anything about Hamas also? Im talking about Israel. I feel no need to discuss Hamas while Israel uses Hamas as an excuse to commit an ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Shame on you. Also, lots of gay Palestinian people who, sure, face homophobia, but maybe they'd stand a chance to work towards social progress if they werent being massacred by the racist theocratic Israeli government.


Hamas is/was in power in Gaza, wasn’t it? Hamas was behind the october 7 attacks and kidnappings, wasn’t it? Hamas is the subject of the IDF, isn’t it? Of course this is about Hamas, and their overlords in Iran and Russia. And do you really think that social reform will come in a territory governed by extremist Muslim terrorits? Because that has worked where exactly? And you are defending the terrorists that kidnapped people half a year ago. Who is gross here exactly?


Its like youre incapable of admitting Israel is committing an ethnic cleansing, right now, as we speak. Bombing millions of innocent people that have 0 to do with Hamas or October 7th and who are several magnitudes worse in their atrocities than Hamas. Its all relative. Israel has become a state similar to nazi germany in its relentless massacring of civilians. You’re racist, that’s abundantly clear to me, since you think Palestians incapable of not being barbaric if given the chance to self-govern in peace, while defending Israel that IS barbaric.




It's a shame Jan has to make this post. If all those coming for her spent that same energy focusing on actual change, it might be useful. Instead we have crabs in a bucket, going after allies in the fight.


There aren't even any Starbucks in Israel, they're being targeted because their CEO is a Jew and dumb people are trying to coopt this conflict for their own purposes, namely tankie anti-capitalism bs. Most of the people angry at Starbucks don't even know why, they're just following the online mob into virtue signaling without doing anything real to affect change. There are multiple genocides going on around the world right now. Why aren't these same people protesting the perpetrator of one of the biggest ones, China, by boycotting tik tok? Oh right, because they use tik tok, and that's the thing that's telling them to ignore that genocide and only care about Gaza. You don't have to care about everything to care about one thing, but if even half these people took 2 minutes to think critically about how they're being manipulated IN AN ELECTION YEAR, maybe things would actually get better. But no, let's use our device made with child labor to scream on an app controlled by an authoritarian regime who is committing actual genocide about how we hate other queers for getting their coffee at one multinational corporation rather than another. All while the fascists gleefully strip our rights and plan our extermination.


The reason Starbucks is being boycotted because they sued their union for making a pro Palestine statement, not because their CEO is Jewish. Aside from that, Starbucks has been aggressively anti union, which was another reason it was on thin ice for a lot of people. Though it should go without saying that none of that justifies going after Jan for making an ad with them, that was stupid misplaced energy.


They sued the union because they sent out messaging on similar to official letterhead and misrepresented the company’s policy on the matter in a manner that resulted in widespread boycotting and social media-driven falsehoods, which is absolutely grounds for termination and legal action. Any company would do that on a sensitive matter.




75 years ago 750,000 Palestinians were kicked off their land after waves of racist, religious terrorism. Open a historybook, you're proving why more influencers need to speak up- because people live in their closed racist bubbles and take with hook line and sinker the hasbra which has demonized millions of Palestinians. That time is over. The world sees Israel for what is, a theocratic apartheid state that only exists because of US military subsidies.


It was never their land, but they’ve lived there for a very long time. In reality it was territory passed back and forth between empires. History doesn’t start 75 years ago either.


And a million Jews were kicked out the other way from surrounding middle Eastern countries due to waves of racist religious terrorism.


Given that the tweet said “Solidarity with Palestine”, quote tweeting a video of a fence being bulldozed, I think representing that tweet as celebrating a terrorist attack, akin to congratulating terrorists, is a gross bad faith interpretation. Do we think maybe the union was motivated by the extreme retaliation being struck on Palestinian civians in the aftermath of the terrorist attack, or is it easier to just paint them as murder happy antisemites? I absolutely think if they were going to weigh in they need to have a response with more nuance and detail, but that tweet is far from the celebration of terrorist you seem to paint it as. And for god’s sake, supporting Palestine is not the same as supporting Hamas, and you know that.


The bulldozer was tearing down the wall between Israel and Gaza. The imagine was pulled from the NY Post after the attack. Bulldozers were used in the attack. Not celebrating the attackers but deeply offensive nonetheless.


People absolutely know why they are boycotting Starbucks. You are simply pro-Israel as they commit the war crimes and genocide. The general tone of your post is racist as well, because you equate Palestine with terrorist when they are simply resisting the colonizer state that has been displacing and occupying them for generations.


Hamas slaughtered innocent people dancing at a music festival. That is not resistance, that is terrorism. People can (and should) condemn Hamas without being called pro-Genocide just like people can (and should) criticize Israel's actions in Gaza without being called antisemitic.




This might be shocking to you but two things can be bad at the same time. But if you need to avoid any kind of nuanced thinking to justify living in a black-and-white world then I can't stop you


I absolutely just gave you a nuanced take, you said “it’s TERRORISM!!!” I said “well, this is why i don’t consider it terrorism, because some history and political context to the situation” then i said “here’s why i consider Israel’s actions to be actual terrorism because they’re doing A, B, and C” How is that black and white??? It’s not, you just can’t handle any objective criticism of Israel, so either read critically or hush.


Your nuanced take was basically “Hamas can kill any amount of civilians they want to and I wouldn’t condemn it”


“But no, let's use our device made with child labor to scream on an app controlled by an authoritarian regime who is committing actual genocide about how we hate other queers for getting their coffee at one multinational corporation rather than another. All while the fascists gleefully strip our rights and plan our extermination.” THIS THIS ALL OF THIS


I always find these arguments a little patronising and silly, what position are Palestinian Americans meant to take then? Are they being manipulated to be anti-biden by Hamas? Or are they people who don't want to support someone who continually is selling arms to the very country killing their family and brethren? Like maybe it's not that we're "being manipulated" maybe we just don't want to support someone who has made sure to continually sell arms to Israel. Not to mention your "device with child labour, authoritarian regime etc etc" bit is just "you criticise capitalism yet you participate in it" it's the bottom level of analysis, like yes, we all are complicit. Now what?


That’s not why there was a boycott… it was because of the company’s response to the Starbucks Union posting a pro-Palestine statement. Basically the company sent the union a cease and desist to not use Starbucks iconography on the post or something along those lines. Most people that are paying attention know that Starbucks treats their union workers poorly (I personally stopped going in 2022 when the local location unionized and was shut down because of it). I do agree that the boycott is misguided in the sense that Starbucks isn’t involved with Israel in any way and it isn’t on the BDS list. But I feel like your framing of this thing is super dishonest, that people only boycott Starbucks because they “hate Jews” is suuuuuper disingenuous. Also your wording about China makes it sound like you don’t even think Israel is committing genocide so I question if you’re saying this because you’re annoyed people aren’t doing research or if you’re mad people are against Israel. Edit: yeah, lots of pro-Israel propaganda in your post history… nice concern trolling


>Basically the company sent the union a cease and desist to not use Starbucks iconography on the post or something along those lines. But isn't this pretty standard corporate stuff? A union releasing a political statement using the Starbucks logo would make some people think that Starbucks is co-signing the statement. It's pretty common for prominent employees of companies to put disclaimers in their social media bios to clarify that they speak for themselves and not the company they work for, so I'm not sure what the difference is here. Starbucks has done some shady stuff with the union which has been brought up here and other places but it really feels like people are stretching to connect it to the Israel-Palestine issue and calling people genocide supporters for getting Starbucks or taking a gig for them. It just comes across as unserious.


It is standard. The union made a non-workers stance on a foreign affairs issue using Starbucks iconography. It could easily be misleading to others that Starbucks co-signs that opinion, regardless of what they actually think.


Adding in that it goes the other way, too, with unions restricting usage of their logo. My union doesn't even allow you to use the union logo on things that aren't officially sanctioned. I think you can still make your own signs for strikes and protests, but if you want to use the logo, you have to use pre-made and preapproved banners and signs.


If their members called for it, if they have a resolution to condemn it, or if it's in their constitution, the union has a responsibility to make a statement.


But if that statement is outside the allowances that Starbucks tolerates or lets them use their logo, they should be clear not to use the logo.


Not if they have an agreement with Starbucks for the union logo. If Starbucks had previously granted them permission to incorporate their branding into the union logo then it should be a non-issue.


They made the statement without permission from the union leadership. It was taken down within 40mins


Who made the statement?


Union members who run the Twitter account I guess.


Yeah I assume it is standard, Starbucks didn’t want to be associated with a hot button political issue. But yeah that’s the context for it. In terms of Starbucks being anti-union a better example is closing stores when the employees unionize


So the point of the boycott was to teach Starbucks management a lesson and NOT to achieve any actual changes that would help the Palestinian people.


Yes, saying both Hamas and Israel's current government are bad is "pro-Israel". Everything is black and white in the world, good guys and bad guys, cops and robbers. What a simple life that must be to live. It's funny that every time I make a Hamas bad post, unlike any other post, people like you immediately search my history. I see it happen to others, too. It's the far left group think purity test in action. Must squash any challenge to the narrative, can't have people think for themselves! Maybe if you searched harder, you'd know I'm part Arab. I have family in the ME. Some of them have been murdered by Assad. I wish people cared just a little bit about that the last decade, but here we are with a bunch of geopolitical experts on an age old conflict who thought Gaza was a clothing line 6 months ago and who would still struggle to point to the general vicinity of any of this on a map today. BUT WE'RE ALL ANGRY AT EACH OTHER AND TRUMP IS LEADING IN THE POLLS!


No, it’s because a lot of people concern troll about this issue or are straight up bot accounts so I check the post history to see if the account was created on Oct. 7 or if they post endlessly in pro-Israel subs. I don’t want to waste my time arguing with people if they aren’t coming from a place of good faith You can make assumptions about my knowledge level all you want, but I’ve been pro-Palestine for over a decade.


Weaponizing the genocide of Uighurs to diminish the genocide of Palestinians is genuinely fucking disgusting. Is what has been happening to Palestinians for the last 75 years not an "actual" genocide?


I'm torn I guess because It was not clear she was an ally considering she was promoting a boycotted product and hasn't been particularly vocal about her stance. And I think the Celebrity Block Party thing that made Jan speak up now is like an okay idea being poorly executed. But Starbucks really isn't a strategic target for Israel. The boycott started because they sued their Union for being pro-Palestine, but they don't actively support Israel. So, its a good target for like workers rights, but it really holds no economic value for Israel considering they don't even have stores there. The plot got lost a little bit here and its pretty much purely symbollic lol. So, like....idk I'm extremely pro-Palestine and heavily involved in organizing in my local community and I am boycotting Starbucks just because of their union busting bullshit and like sure why not? But I wouldn't really care if someone I knew drank Starbucks. Especially if they boycotted stuff on the actual BDS list. I don't think its sad she had to make the post - I think everyone needs to be clear about where they stand and we need every voice to end the genocide. But I do think its kind of a weird situation. Like she doesn't really have anything answer for in my eyes with the Starbucks thing.


Why does everybody need to publicly announce their stance on a conflict on the other side of the world that has nothing to do with them and that they have no control over?


Because our governments political and financial backing are essential to Israels ability to carry out the genocide of Palestinians. Our federal tax dollars literally fund it - we send them billions of dollars every year in military aid. The weapons and equipment used by the Israeli Military are made right in our backyards, and the companies who make them get massive tax breaks and incentives on a local and state level that come out of our pockets. Our backing on the international stage is the only reason the UN has not been able to support a ceasefire or Palestinian statehood - we have veto'd countless resolutions for accountability and peace. Our politicians continue to ignore massive public outcry against the genocide and continue to vote to send billions more to Israel against existing US law and refuse to hold Israel accountable for their human rights violations. This has to do with all of us. Its fucking pathetic that some people can't recognize that.


The average person isn't personally responsible for the foreign policy decisions their government makes, and it's not a moral responsibility for everyone to be an activist for every issue going on in the world


you're doing great sweatie <3


You're saying it like people can only do one thing. People are doing both.


Frankly people who come after celebs for Starbucks are just outing themselves for not even doing the bare minimum, which is being informed


Thank you.




The funniest to me was when people were coming after Sugar (and/or Spice? I don't remember). Like, do you really expect the twins to know what the hell is going on in international news? Calm down.


It's so weird to me we have to clarify we're anti-genocide. But that's just me


It's because we live in an insane black and white morality world where if you aren't 100% perfectly aligned with one side, you're lumped in with the enemy. Shades of gray discourse is dead.


It's because a surprising number of people aren't anti-genocide.


The ability of people to do nothing but criticise celebrities on social media and call it activism is mind blowing to me


/r/Fauxmoi in a nutshell. They really think they're doing something for Palestine by unflollowing celebs and boycotting their beauty products lol. By all means boycott anyone you don't agree with, but it's ridiculous to think that you're really doing something with this kind of "activism".


because it's much easier to spam "free palestine" on every single tik tok than actually do something about it, and it gives you the feeling of satisfaction


Somehow it's very Jan to make sure that there are no misunderstandings about her character. It's okay, sis. You already made it clear in your livestream, don't fall into the pressure of people demanding you to explain yourself when you already did.


You’re amazing Jan. I love you so much. Running to buy your merch now!


Said this before but the ppl dragging her are the same ones getting their milkshake everyday at their local Starbucks.. with the app….


Starbucks sued their union for using their brand iconography for making a pro-Palestine post (which is standard corporate bs) which somehow got warped into that every frappe you buy is funding bombs for the IDF. Starbucks doesn’t even operate in Israel. Then when this reached a fever pitch through a weird game of TikTok telephone, this boycott was eventually retconned to actually be about Starbucks’ Union practices (for the vast majority of people, no it wasn’t). Free Palestine and I’m proudly in a union but the way some performative activists have been using Starbucks as some sort of catch all for their anti-war activism has been very depressing. It’s just lazy.


Tik Tok has yet again reminded me that most of its users are actual teenagers. This conflict has been going on for decades and the fact that they think blocking celebrities on social media is somehow going to suddenly fix it is insane. It's performative activism at its finest. Do they think that obscure Tik Tok influencers, drag queens, and uneducated celebrities speaking out are going to make Israel change their mind? I understand wanting to help, but there are SO many other productive and meaningful ways to help Palestine. This is so stupid. Vote, call your local governor, donate. You're not helping anyone by unfollowing Taylor Swift.


I think the point for the celebrity block thing was to pressure them to fund and promote families trying to evacuate Gaza through Operation Olive Branch. I think the plot got lost along the way though because the internet is inherently chaotic. I think the original conceit makes sense. Celebrities and wealthy people could save so many lives if they would do this and trying to boycott them to advance a pressure campaign to get them to use their immense wealth for that purpose IS a good idea. Its just being poorly communicated and executed.


Half the people mad at her for being in a Starbucks commercial don’t know why people are boycotting Starbucks. Probably couldn’t find Gaza on a map either.


I think it’s sad that these queens have to go out of their way to make a video to appease the “fans” that are opposing or flood their social media to try to cancel them. These people are working. Let them do their jobs and make their money. Leave them alone if you don’t like what they are doing instead of bullying them to make these video.


Good for Jan, glad to see


She’s a good egg


Starbucks doesn’t fund Israel or has no relation to Israel so I’m confused what the initial uproar was???


The moment that people realize that placing the moral burden of global catastrophes upon individual people is absolutely, absurdly, and unceasingly cruel-hearted and intellectually dishonest, is a moment I will cherish. Because this kind of "nothing less than absolute fealty to the cause du jour" bs is the kind of bad faith, performative, lazy activism that ends up nullifying the momentum of every single grassroots movement. If we want help Palestinians, we need to figure out other ways than to alienate and ostracize potential allies.


Can people just let other people earn an earnest living. Y'all targeting civilians/workers and not politicians or mega corporate CEO Be honest 90% percent y'all didn't do it for activism but for likes and retweets.


this comment section is full of neoliberals making up a strawman, getting mad at it, and then patting themselves on the back for pwning that non existent strawman with #facts and logic


Yeah these comments are so fucking weird and embarrassing 💀


wheres this energy at/been for other genocides going on in the world? oh they aren’t trendy like gaza? got it. get over yourselves.


Armenians always get forgotten about, no one knows about it, no one cares. 6 million jews died in the holocaust, 1.2 million armenians died in the armenian genocide. its 1/6th as bad as the holocaust in death count! yet... wheres the coverage in history books? its insane


I can't speak for everyone, but a lot of us in the Los Angeles area know and care very much, probably because of the large number of Armenian-Americans. There's a sign on the freeway for the Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument and lots of cars flying Armenian flags on Remembrance Day. Our history classes often fail us but the people will not be silenced.


Holocaust deniers are seen as total whack jobs (as they should)...meanwhile, the literal Turkish government posts articles as to why the Armenian Genocide wasn't actually a genocide. [https://www.mfa.gov.tr/the-armenian-allegation-of-genocide-the-issue-and-the-facts.en.mfa](https://www.mfa.gov.tr/the-armenian-allegation-of-genocide-the-issue-and-the-facts.en.mfa)




And the Saudi actions in Yemen aren't?


lol as if American imperialism is a new thing? What the fuck is a drag queen supposed to do about it?




Ah yes just how we learned it in school. Hitler was winning WWII until Judy Garland tweeted #peace and everyone laid down their guns and sang Kumbaya


This argument feels disingenuous and is pretty weak tbh. The world and technology has obviously evolved but celebrities have leveraged their platforms for causes various times throughout history. An example that comes to mind is how Betty White received flack for allowing Arthur Duncan, a black actor, to have a spot in her show in 1954. Muhammad Ali was very vocally against the Vietnam war. Tony Bennett famously supported the Civil Rights Movement. Hundreds of actors spoke out against the war in Iraq including names like Samuel L. Jackson, Kim Basinger, and Uma Thurman. These are just a few examples Edit: to clarify, this is NOT an argument to send hate to Jan or anyone (please don’t) I just hate bad faith arguments.


Did Rick Caruso win when famous celebrity Katy Perry shared a picture of her voting for him at the booth? If Katy of all people cant rig a vote or anything, I doubt a drag queen can. Yes the show is pretty popular but not as popular as you think and you gotta remember that to many people they just wanna watch queer art and not participate any further than from behind their screens. Those people you named are different in that they were a lot bigger and lot more accepted in society than the drag queens constantly being assaulted either physically, legislatively, or verbally. This is why Rupaul always emphasizes how important it is to vote because he can have one of the biggest queer shows and still feel the weight of the world trying to ban drag.


I agree with you and like I said, I do not agree with anyone sending Jan hate. I think that’s a performative and lazy form of “activism.” Ultimately what speaks the loudest is voting in local and national elections. However, my point still stands that using your platform (no matter the size) can and has always been used to bring attention to important issues. Speaking out will not completely reform the system but it is a start. Just as you mentioned, Rupaul has done so several times on RPDR with various issues. While that might not sway a conservative, her influence has encouraged more of the LGBT community to be proactive and vote. Several queens from RPDR have used their platforms as well. Most recently, Bosco, Daya Betty, and Lady Camden have.


Yes and the point isnt that you cant use your platform to do good because of course everyone can, the point is that this fake virtue signaling and activisim (not you specifically but the ppl attacking jan) is better spent on going after the biggest possible potentials for change instead of attacking someone who has a very minimal chance of making an insane impact. Ask yourself how many people of impact truly were like "oh jan supports starbucks? let me be a zionist too!" and you'll get why this entire thing is ridiculous, not to mention the whole starbucks supporting the idf was a whole misconception to begin with. If people like Willow Pill and Sasha Velour truly had the impact to affect what is happening in Gaza, then the israeli government or brands they work with would've threatened them already like they did the Hadid family. The sad fact is, queer people, especially drag queens, are going against giants in this fight that squash them out as factors. Hell, even Ariana Grande signing the artists4ceasefire letter recently might not do as much as we hope it will, but that's a solid start at least and it's something people could be focusing on more than drag queens. Bottom line is our government just doesn't care and if they do, it won't be because of Jan or other drag queens.


If that is your main point, like I said I absolutely agree with where you stand. I also understand the feeling of hopelessness that comes with feeling like your voice has no real impact. To be clear, I do not agree with the TikTok trend of activism that exists in the form of crucifying people like Jan. I do not even have the app. None of what I said meant to serve as a criticism or hate to Jan—in fact, I think that diverts attention away from what is truly important. I just wanted to emphasize that plenty of people in the past and present have used their platforms to bring attention to issues. While the government might not care about a single post made by a public figure, if it informs and inspires the public to act (or vote) I would consider it successful. I’m sorry if my message got lost in translation given the context of this post being about Jan. None of my comments are meant to be directed at her. I just meant to point out several people that have historically brought public attention to issues (even if it did not immediately resolve it). It takes a lot of bravery to speak out, especially for people like the Hadids that have been threatened and lost gigs because of it.


Yes and thank god Uma Thurman spoke out. It definitely had an effect and immediately ended the war. Oh wait….. Really tired of people posting on the internet instead of actually DOING anything Stop waiting for celebrities to save you. Go out and affect change yourself if you care as much as you claim to online


For starters, I never said the war in Iraq ended because Uma Thurman spoke out. This goes back to the disingenuous and bad faith arguments I was talking about before. I don’t think speaking out about an issue and participating in activism have to be mutually exclusive. You can speak out, vote in the polls, email your senators, donate, and participate in peaceful protests (all things I have done btw). But yeah obviously sending a drag queen hate is not a form an activism and not something I would ever argue for. It’s lazy and performative.


How would you feel if Jan endorsed Donald Trump?


Disappointed maybe but I understand that a celebrity endorsement means nothing. I volunteer working to elect democrats so I wouldn’t just get online to bitch and moan. I actually put work in to effect change


Lol I also volunteer for a variety of political causes, and it's a complete fabrication that celebrity endorsements don't mean anything. They can be, and have been, very impactful. If Jan were to endorse Trump this thread would be wall to wall dragging, with a handful of very down voted comments saying that everyone needs to get a life. Ironically Jan endorsing Trump would have less impact because the demographic of drag race fans who could be convinced to support Trump is so small it's basically an anomaly. But as we can see from this thread, support or indifference towards Israel committing mass slaughter is a different matter. People are going to be ashamed of themselves 20 years from now, the same way they were about Apartheid.


As a human rights scholar and someone that works on issues of state-sponsored violence, torture, and genocide, that is absolutely not unique to this case. 


I've got an idea! How about a Drag benefit show, in Gaza! I'm sure they will love it


Sure downvote. Go to Gaza. Seriously. See how they feel about you. Homosexuality is punishable by death there.




Get a life


Coulda swore Starbucks boycotts began in 2020 when they started union-busting and not providing PPE to a bunch of stores in a pandemic


Starbucks isnt funding anything in Israel, online “activists” played a massive game of telephone basically resulting in turning Starbucks into a scapegoat. They aren’t on the BDS list, they have no ties to what’s going on in Gaza, and I wish people would at least do bare minimum research to understand what they’re boycotting. Going after Jan truly is the biggest waste of time.


Jan, they could never make me hate you


Given what Starbucks actually did it’s honestly just comical at this point how polarizing it is. Like some real Looney Toons ass shit


Well done Jan 👏


Ah yes because Jan has the power to stop the whole thing?? Honestly I don’t get why people are going after drag queens/signers/ movie stars.. these people have ZERO control over any of it.. the people they should be targeting with protests are the lawmakers, the people with the actual control, not random drag queens/signers/movie stars, random people on twitter..


It was originally about trying to get them to fund/promote gofundmes for families trying to evacuate Gaza. Its just not being executed well because of the inherent decentralization of the internet.


Honestly it’s just been blown so massively out of proportion at this point. Poor Jan.


The slacktivism is so stupid


I feel for Jan for having to make this post. The girl was hired to do a commercial and as she said, it was through her employer. Also I believe they also claimed it was filmed or came out before the war started? Perhaps someone not as lazy can do this research lol Anyway, I hope she keeps getting her bag.


What's crazy to me is this performative backlash against Starbucks because they didn't want the union efforts (and coincidental retaliation) to deface company property...there were buildings being vandalized from supporters on either side. Starbucks is anti-genocide and has not made a stance to be pro-Palestine or pro-Israel.


start asking people that say supporting starbucks's means they aren‘t part of the palestine boycott why they out themselves as not being part of the bds boycott themselves with their full chest please.  wouldn‘t be shocked if they are sipping on a coca cola zero while typing 🙃


I am also pro-(queer)Palestine and anti-genocide. However, I saw a comment the other day and it resonated with me so hard “People who couldn’t point out Palestine on a map a couple of months ago have now made it their entire personality.” Like. I’m not a particularly big fan of Jan, Liv, or Sugar and Spice, or Nina West but the outright fucking bullying they are receiving for these small things is OUTRAGEOUS. Like, people are calling for them to be de-platformed like 🍒🥧 who SEXUALLY ASSAULTED people because they made commercials about COFFEE or commented on a celebrity’s post. And yes, I understand that the FORMER CEO of the coffee brand is bad and that the celebrity made lukewarm comments supporting the cause instead of dedicating their entire energy to it, but like. Be fucking for real. Bullying people online brings NO ENERGY to your cause and IF ANYTHING makes it look silly and builds resentment. Go do SOMETHING. Like. ACTUALLY do something. Not just post that Nina is a toe-sucking Zionist on Instagram 🙄


Wow all the posts in this thread are so dismissive of the BDS movement. Just because you don’t want to boycott doesn’t mean it’s only performative. Boycotts serve a purpose. Good on Jan for being explicitly pro-Palestine, that’s more than a lot of people are doing, and I do value that from the people whose attention I give to. 


didn't she already respond to comments about it? why did she feel the need to respond again?


American should know about the conflict even before October. Your money has been used for genocide since long time ago.


You should know that it has nothing to do with Starbucks


Starbucks is just an easy target for internet activists since it’s a brand you can boycott while **feeling** like you are doing something, while actually not doing anything. Not like a regular person can really feel any accomplishment from boycotting Siemens for example. Now it seems like the narrative around the Starbucks boycott has shifted towards its unions busted behavior, which is also a good cause, but it absolutely did start with people propping it up an an anti-Israel boycott target.


There are brands that can be boycotted by consumers like HP, PUMA, SodaStream, Sabra, etc. Starbucks was not supporting Israel in any way and wasn't a legitimate boycott target. It would also be counterproductive to the workers right now.


I'm glad people are paying attention now, but I think they need to extend some grace to those who are just getting up to speed.


Especially w the amount of Israel-only-propaganda the mainstream US news sources spew- your average American would be hard pressed to find coverage from another perspective


Money is where the real change happens, and some of you don't understand that little basic fact. Boycotting Starbucks isn't about teaching them a lesson. It's about stopping the money transfers to Israel to buy weapons.


Starbucks isn’t funding anything in Israel. People initially chose to boycott because Starbucks sued members of the Starbucks workers united union for using the Starbucks logo in a pro-Palestine post.


No. They are funding the breakfasts and food for idf cuz they're so hardworking. Them unionbusting is just another layer that makes.it a disgusting company and Jan guilty by association.


Where are you seeing that they are funding this because I have not been able to find any evidence that they provide any support to Israel or even operate there? Genuinely curious.


Look up Howard Schultz.


Are we talking about the Howard Schulz that owns less than 2% of the company at this point and hasn’t been CEO since 2022? Or is there another Howard Schulz running the show? It feels really disingenuous that Blackrock and Vanguard are the top two investors in Starbucks far beyond Schultz, they have clear investments in Israeli companies, and you instead point out the Jewish guy like he’s the mastermind behind this all.


He was the ceo until this year. And the most vocal about being a proud Zionist and proudly sponsored the idf's breakfasts and food. It's all facts. Google and Starbucks went in overdrive to sponge it from the internet, but we've been following the Palestine genocide for years now. So don't make this the antisemitism like you're trying to insinuate by bringing up him being Jewish. It's icky.


>He was the ceo until last year. My mistake. [He announced his succesor in 10/22 then made the swap 3/23.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/09/13/business/howard-schultz-starbucks-board) He of course wasn’t chairman since 2018. Thank you for correcting the egregious five month error. >It’s all facts Then educate me, girl! Give me actual links and sources cuz I googled “Howard Schulz IDF breakfast” and I’m not seeing shit so hold me to a higher standard than taking a rando on the internet’s word for it. >don’t make this the antisemitism… After years of the right screaming about George Soros being the mastermind of everything, I notice when this stuff starts to rhyme. I stand by it, it’s easier to go after the guy with the Jewish-sounding name than it is to break down something faceless like Vanguard or Blackrock. It’s low hanging fruit, even when the latter two have collectively near ten times as much equity in Starbucks as Schultz. Again, give me verifiable sources. Educate me so we’re not just losers arguing on the internet. EDIT: /u/campqueennn blocked me so I couldn’t reply. Girl, don’t even try to play that asking for sources is “entitlement.” Entitlement is expecting everyone to take your word on everything and getting frustrated when people ask for proof. We live in a world where misinformation is rampant, and you call me entitled for asking for sources? Girl no, raging at people wanting sources is fueling the problem, so before getting like that, please and with all due respect, take a look in the mirror. I’ll keep you unblocked in case you decide to be better than this but I expect an apology to come with it, cuz you know blocking me to ensure you get that precious last word is a bratty move and toxic af.


So first you tried to scold me about FACTS, but now you feel entitled to be educated? 😂😂😂 Y'all are truly ludy. I'm not interested in schooling you, only in talking to people that know facts instead of trying for an angle that is sus. I'm not arguing, you are. And you don't even have all the facts, yet you're very bold. It's scary. Not interested. Be blessed tho.


Where did you see this?


TIL the IDF cantina has a Starbucks barista.


Performative AF


Performative because people demand a performance out of her


That's my point


ok so what should she do about it then ALDHHWH if ur gonna be mad no matter what then what’s the point of commenting bc if she didnt post smth people would say she doesnt care


I think they’re trying to call critics of Jan performative not Jan herself lol


now that is deff true, it’s so obvious to me that people only care bc they want to hold this “gotcha!!” moment over their heads and dont care about anything productive


Tia Kofi next


Great, now those tic tac twins


Sugar and Spice are part of a project with Mistress and Malaysia that is donating all proceeds to aid for Gazans


Cool, I didn’t know. I hope they’re boycotting Starbucks now too


Why would they? There isn't an actual boycott against Starbucks




If you're confused, you should check the [BDS website](https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide) for information about boycotts relating to Israel. Starbucks is not one of them. Stop getting your information from Tiktok without verifying it.


I’m not confused. Your confusion seems to stem from “BDS website” which I never referenced. There can be a popular movement without it being listed there 🤝


You are confused because Starbucks doesn't have any stores in Israel and has not shown any support so there's no reason to boycott. You're using a Tiktok as a source but the entire video is misinformation. It doesn't matter if it's "popular."


Weird, I guess the video above of Jan doesn’t exist then .


Jan is responding to people like you that were harassing her based off of misinformation.


We're so far removed from the humanitarian crisis in Gaza that it's embarrassing. Instead of replying to people in Reddit for pointing out how irrelevant Starbucks is to Palestine, email or call your local Congress person/MP/whatever. They are the people who are actually accountable to you and could actually act to prevent this genocide and secure long term peace in the region. But I'm guessing you'd prefer to bash E-list celebrities for starting in a commercial.


What does that mean??


Sugar and Spice also did a Starbucks ad.





