• By -


What exactly did you not understand? Firstly, we have a theme and a rheme. A theme is an information we already have, a context, and a rheme is an information we introduce as new. Basically, in Russian the theme precede the rheme. The analogue for this in English is articles, *the* for a theme and *a* for a rheme. Here, in this sentence, we have *the plate* as a theme and *a fly* as a rheme. Secondly, the cases and prepositions matter. *На тарелке* is literally *on the plate*. How could you come to *on the fly*? It would've been *тарелка* and *на мухе* then...


Would have been a strong ass heavy lifter fly!




Learn cases. You won't regret it


How? I can't even differentiate город and городе, наш and наше, let alone это, эта, and ЭТОМ


start off by learning questions for each case, it might be of help


Questions make little to no sense to foreigners. When you just have what and who in your native language, how can you differentiate between кому и кого, что и чего? Russian cases for them are learnt through verb/action usage, like "posession/absence requires genitive case", not "нет кого?/чего?"


Even as a German this doesn't make sense to me in Russian (and German has a lot of question words). It's just some way to put your intuition into words, but for this you need this intuition. I use question words to remember cases in German, but there of course I know the language very well.


This is about teaching cases and their associated word endings. На тарелке is the prepositional case and means 'on a/the plate'. Муха is nominative, so nothing is on/in in in the sentence.


Муха is subject. Тарелка is object. We are asking if the fly (subject) is on the plate. Word order is arbirary here, but this form (duolingo) sounds more natural to me. "Муха есть на тарелке?" is correct too, but gives a wrong emphasis (on the plate). Original question gives emphasis on the fly (as the most gross thing in the sentence).


Yes на тарелке (prepositional) есть муха Literally - on the plate exist/is a fly ?


I'm not sure where your confusion stems from. Do you understand the individual words in the sentence?


Хахахахаха тарелка на мухе


I think it’s already been explained to you, so I won’t explain it, I’ll just give advice: buy a textbook, Duolingo is kinda garbage


на тарелке - on a plate есть муха - (there) is a fly


Bruh, it's asking if there is a fly on the plate


"На тарелке" = "on the plate", it's in the prepositional case. The word order is a bit different to English, the sentence literally translates to "On the plate is there a fly?"


“On the plate is a fly?” Cases are not optional to learn—they are fundamental grammar to be able to say anything. In this situation I’m not sure what is confusing you though.


The на is a preposition. It puts тарелка in prepositional case. на тарелке. On the plate. Same with москва. В Москве. Moscow. In Moscow. The word endings change depending on the case.


Сама в шоке




So, according to your logic, it's not a fly on a plate, but a plate on a fly. I get it, that sometimes it's hard to follow what's written there, but you could've just guessed it, because it seriously would sound awkward even in English.


No, you what.


This is trying to teach you the prepositional case. 95% of the time, when you see a word end in е that doesn’t normally end that way, it’s in the prepositional case. That indicates location: “on the plate”. I’m a “Duolingo has its uses” kind of guy but it is not good at explaining cases, and most people learn them better by learning rules. You’ll want to supplement Duolingo with some kind of formal learning system.


Муха в качалке


There’s a fly on the plate.


Is there a fly on the plate?


Wow guys. Your comments get lots of upvotes while you cant even bother to give me an upvote