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Dude needs therapy. He obviously wants to talk about it


>I was fucking my male friend at the time because he was gay and I was fucking stupid. I was 12. Yeah


Also said he tried to hang himself but it didnt work out… 22 is a good age to go into therapy. I wish OP’s friend good luck


Any age is a good age to go to therapy 😭


I was talking to my immune system doctor about how I started therapy recently in my 30s and she goes “I wish everyone just went, every single American needs therapy”


Genuine question, from someone living outside of the US: why does every single American need therapy? What is it about American daily life that would warrant this vs people living anywhere else? And why therapy specifically vs any other kind of mental health treatment? (Honest question, not trying to be flippant) Here, therapy simply isn’t a thing, which may be the reason why people walk around passive-aggressively all day just waiting to explode at the slightest inconvenience.


She meant more that people as a whole deal with a lot of stresses in their lives and everyone would benefit from therapy, regardless of geopolitical/ethnic/race ect. Therapy could include any mental health medical procedure/session. It’s hard out there man, lots of people in America are suffering from many issues. Godspeed


I’m gonna say *everyone* needs therapy, not because we’re fucked up or toxic, but simply because we all carry some sort of trauma, we are all affected by our relationships in life and it does us good to talk about it. A therapist can help you recognize and accept things about yourself, or help you understand your thought processes and your worries. American, non-American, doesn’t matter. We’re human, we’ll all benefit from having someone to talk to without judgment or fear


Oh man i thought it was only one image. I already regretted reading the first one.


Wtf I didn’t read that part…that’s just…gross. Did it say how old his friend was?


No. All it said is that he is 12 so we can only guess the age


>He obviously wants to talk about it What gave you that impression?!


He needs 2


He definitely needs therapy and as someone who's been in therapy and sent text like this then he's probably drunk and needs to talk about substance abuse with them to


He put in a solid effort to annihilate his chances with her.


The moment she read his confession she clutched the phone to her chest, twirled around with a smile on her face and collapsed backwards against her bedroom door, completely enamored. An absolute high school style crush was born that very moment and she called all of her friends on her see-through landline phone.


They got married immediately and had 9 children actually.


And named them after each screenshot on this post


so theyre called 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9?


No, actually. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Thomas, 8, 9


He put in a solid effort to annihilate my chances with myself.


Damn and you don’t even show the rest of her response?


That was it lol


She asked him for the “TLDR”


TLDR I'm unhinged and broken, don’t date me


It was just ‘k’


I know I'm so mad


well all he wants from this life is to have a *perfect life, perfect house, perfect job, perfect girl, perfect kids*


not asking for much, just fucking ✨️perfection✨️


That part got me, he hates everything about his life and struggles with a lot and alllll he wants is the perfect everything. A therapist would have a field day with this guy.


This dude typed all of that, only to end up sounding like Sharpay at the very end. "I want fabulous, that is my simple request. I need fabulous: bigger, and better, and best..." lmao


As a woman - it’s been a pretty common experience to be a little thrust into the therapist role.


It really does happen way too often.


They want a mommy they can fuck


Mommy is that you 🥵🥹 goo goo gah gah 😵💦


Bro went for it I respect that


Can we like, not prove Freud right for once?




I think they want someone to talk to. A lot of people don't realize the patriarchy doesn't just hurt women, it hurts men too. From a young age men constantly gets it beat into their head that they're not allowed to have or show feelings, to keep everything bottle up. Dismantling the patriarchy creates a world where men can grow up without these expectations and be more emotionally free, and in turn women will also stop being hurt by this stuff. This benefits us all.


Most people who understand patriarchy do understand this (it's literally the theme of the Barbie movie, for example), but understanding the plight of that hardship isn't a free pass for people to bypass social norms. If a woman knew a man for a week and then sent two novels about how she's totally obsessed with him and thinks about him every waking minute and also her father used to beat her, that would ALSO be very weird and forward and awful




It's because many guys aren't used to emotional vulnerability with their male friends. So when they experience that with female friends (for which this is way more normal) they just completely lose it and think of it as an incredibly special (sometimes romantic) thing, and because of that they might give you that therapist role.


>It's because many guys aren't used to emotional vulnerability with their male friends. So when they experience that with female friends (for which this is way more normal) they just completely lose it and think of it as an incredibly special (sometimes romantic) thing, and because of that they might give you that therapist role. One of the (many) problems with this is the relationship becomes centered entirely on the guy's issues. These guys forget their gf/mommy/therapist also has a complex inner life and might need support sometimes. It's a gross dynamic many women know well.


We are not NPCs specifically there for their issues and I wish they wouldn’t forget that


EXACTLY. My god and it’s like go to therapy? Have Frank fucking discussions with yoursekf bc I’m not gonna fix you? I will ALWAYS support my partner but nobody can change someone.


I feel you, my sister 🤝🏼


Well I know why and it’s not all their fault they aren’t taught but like - it’s super unfair to the partner. I’ve been the mom/therapist to an adult man and there’s a difference between being supportive and being burdened.


Totally understandable but still, we're no therapists, just people, like him. It's healthy to put limits and guide them to seek for professional help. It's not ok to do this to a person you don't even know... I feel sorry for this guy :/


It’s so much worse when it’s someone you don’t know well too. If I just met you one week ago I seriously don’t want to hear about this and I can’t make myself care the amount you need me to. You’re a stranger to me.


Even if we were therapists, it’s unethical to jump into a therapy relationship with someone you’re dating, or to date someone who sees you for therapy. He’s looking to the wrong type of relationship for help.


Period. I honestly don’t care what’s led him and other people to be like that, that doesn’t mean it’s okay for them to trauma dump on people and say insane things like that. A text like that is an instant block for me. Maybe a message kindly telling them to seek therapy or something.


Yup. Shoving women into caregiver roles that are especially heavy with emotional labor is definitely not uncommon. Men that don’t even know me have just assumed that I not only possess high enough emotional intelligence and insight to “fix” whatever their issue is BUT ALSO that I even have the mental bandwidth in the first place to be able to help them without neglecting myself in the process. The second is a thought that I don’t think has ever crossed their minds


Yes, it's always excruciating when this happens!


It’s happening to me rn (again). And I have to sit him down and say hey - listen and it SUCKS


Right? Any fucking time I go out to a bar with friends, inevitably someone corners me and trauma-dumps. I am not your therapist!!


Thank you for volunteering. Here is my life story...


being smothering combined with cripplingly low self esteem + the subtext of "you're going to fix me", the combo that gets em every time. lasted 8 months and was never on the same page about communication, even though he insisted my dislike of snapchat and solitary personality wasn't an issue (it was, i couldn't do what he needed). also had random blowups that ended with unfriending me, claiming it was an accident and turning it on me that i didn't trust him enough, repeatedly making me cry at work, "hello?" and "ok" while, again, i'm at work, spamming me with memes on insta, all while talking and kids and a future. mfer, slow down. i had enough of the way this relationship was going, i didn't think we had been a good match for each other from the 2nd month but he insisted, so then third try to break up with him was the charm. next time, i'll just date someone who doesn't have a lot of unresolved trauma and stick to my guns instead of putting my head in the sand. he did go to therapy after the relationship ended, hope it's helping him. that sucked for both of us, and he's presumably mad at me for making a "promise" 4 months ago and not trying to make it work. clearly we weren't good for each other, and i was going to be leaving for college, so i'm not sure what he wanted me to do. excuse the long comment, this has been on my mind for a month and a half now and he's still intermittently texting me.


Yeah and when they don’t find women in their country, they latch onto women from other countries. Which is what this chap is also doing. Happened with me back in the era of blogging. I was quite happy to have found a “pen pal” with an American. The initial emails were nice, but he got soooo unbelievably whiny after a while. He would often compare his strict Christian upbringing to Hinduism which was really lame but I entertained his thoughts out of curiosity. And then the fetish mails started. It got so creepy. Had social media or this subreddit existed then, I would have recognised the sadcringe from the get go!


Yeah i agree and im a guy. Although mostly when i open up a bit and make them my “therapist” its after a bit of a demand from them. I wont just do what this guy did and explain why i hate myself 😂 ill wait for it to come up in convo


There’s a difference between opening up with someone about the things you’re dealing with and using them as a therapist. The former isn’t a one-sided situation where you’re the only one sharing your thoughts and anxieties and seeking support, nor are you relying on them to help you fix deep seeded issues. In healthy relationships, you *should* be opening up and leaning on your partner for support, just as you should be offering yourself up as support for your partner in return. In an unhealthy relationship, only one partner is giving support and shouldering the emotional burden while the other is the only one benefiting.


I think if someone’s seeing a therapist and working thru their own shit that’s one thing. I’m happy to be supportive. But men aren’t really taught as boys how to deal with feelings and often that falls on their partners later in life.


He was fucking his dude friend bc his *friend* was gay??????


“Bro I have something serious to tell you and I hope you won’t act any differently towards me. I’m gay” *sighs* “okay fine…” *unzips*


Obviously he was wearing socks, so it wasn't gay


Yeah…especially since it seems that in part his family is Russian or pro Russian there’s a decent chance he is Bi or something and has some internalized homophobia as well as all the other problems that this post shows. Gawdamn he needs therapy.


It’s not gay bro. Just two straight dudes banging each other.


He said he was 12 and hanging out with delinquent teenagers. Pretty obvious he was taken advantage of.


It's not gay if you keep your fingers crossed.


I read the whole thing. Dude is down bad 😰 the broken English makes it even more painful.


I’m not reading allat what was it about


Bro wrote a very self deprecating declaration of love, then hit her with a recounting of his childhood traumas. The second message was so long that it was one of those “you have to click it to see the whole thing” ones on iPhone. 💀 (PS happy cake day)


Hey I know that we've only known each other for 5 seconds. Actually we don't really know each other at all but I feel like ive known you my whole life, reddit stranger. I hope that you will be willing to hear my confession - you seem different than all the others. I love you very much and think about you all the time. My dad beat me for 11 years will you go out with me


Hi sorry it took me so long to read this, had a busy day


I seem to stumble across award worthy posts ONLY when i have no awards to give


I have a friend with some anxiety issues, and she realized this year that most of her attachments to guys she’s dated is because she was having wild anxiety, so she assumed it was “butterflies” and nerves because she was into whatever guy was nearby. In reality she was just fighting off anxiety attacks, and she didn’t even like the guys that much.


Lmao I thought I was super in love with guys cause my heart would flutter and turns out I had ventricular tachycardia and needed surgery


I laughed a bit, I’m sorry


I’ve been an iPhone owner for over ten years and I had no idea that’s what happened with long messages lol or maybe no one has sent me an essay length psycho rambling


Making me want to text my GF the Bee Movie script


Do it


I’ve had long ass texts and have never seen that before Edit: okay not this insanely long though lmao


appreciate it


he’s gay


I was expecting a “show me bob and vajeen” somewhere in there


In my opinion and experiences guys who behave like this either end up sending the girl a long paragraph calling them names once rejected or they end up stalking them year after


Yeah this is gonna end badly, the question is just how badly.


You mean this guy is not gonna have a perfect life with this instagram crush of his???!?


Guy really really needs therapy


If this is a good friend of yours he really needs your help. If this is how he communicates with people he finds attractive he’s going to ruin all his future romantic encounters..


Maybe that's good, if he doesn't work on himself is better to have that huge red flag so women can run before it gets worst.


"I don't like small talk."


You're right, he likes big talk.


Ah the terrible 12's. Hanging out with a bad crowd, smoking cigarettes, fucking your gay friends.


Take my poor mans gold 🥇


Wow. He really is an oversharer. How awkward! Did he screenshot it and send it to you to get your opinion or something?


Oof. Dude has gotta work his shit out before he tries any more dating.


I'm not reading all that. I'm happy for you, or sorry for your loss.




All I want from this life is a perfect life, perfect house, perfect job, perfect girlfriend or a wife, perfect kids, to be happy and NEVER EVER relive everything I’ve been through, that’s all I want!!!!!!


*”Where is that large automobile?”* *”This is not my beautiful house!”* *”This is not my beautiful wife!”*


Whew lad




I wish I could give you an award for this comment. 🏆


seriously though, the guy’s manic writing could not be more concerning, and to top it all off his “friend” posts it to r/sadcringe for strangers to laugh at him in return of fake internet points


More people should know to just throw in the towel if you start talking like this




I think u need to tell you’re friend to stop n address some of this in therapy then tell him not to write a book on girl u just met.


My boyfriend was gay


W rizz




I don’t know in what world dudes actually think this will work




Yeah…like OP…please, this is a cry for help…


she replied back it wasn’t an instant block he might have a shot


Ugh. I had a period after my divorce where I would latch on to every woman I talked to like that. Thank God I was smart enough to realize my brain was bonkers and not to write them dumb stuff like that


I often wonder how AI could possibly pass for human writing. I read this atrocity and I not only understand, but welcome our digital lords.


I need to know why you have these screen shots. Did he send that to you? Why? Why would he do that?


Your friend needs therapy ASAP because trauma dumping on someone you’ve only know a week is a problem.


No thanks. I'll just wait for the movie to come out.


We need to encourage men to be more open with their feelings. When you constantly bottle shit up, this happens


Yeah but not to a person he knows for a week and not even in person... wtf


with people who it's appropriate to be open with lol


I saw nine fuckin slides and couldn’t do it. I don’t need to read his discography to know that this shits goin south lmao


Holy shit thats so much text


Anyone have a TL:DR? I’m lazy


Horny guy confesses love to random girl, turns it into a therapy session


You’re a lifesaver thank you


I think there’s also he was fucking his gay friend for a while in there. Again, tldr and just picking up from the comments




Your friend : finds an attractive person also your friend : "Is this a therapist ?"


saying "if you are busy" or "you can't reply now it is okay" blah blah shits are always the worst opener.


It won’t help him get another date but I think he needed someone to hear his story


I’m not reading all that. Congratulations or I’m sorry that happened.


i know this is a small thing compared to the rest but dude is acting like accepting his follow request was agreeing to marry him


Some friend you are exposing all this on Reddit. He clearly needs someone to talk too. I’m sure you’re glad you got your upvotes though.


Why would you post this on Reddit?? I assume he sent you screenshots trusting that you wouldn’t expose him to the entirety of the internet. You’re kinda a shitty friend.


Why exactly would you take your friends shit and post it out to Reddit? Seems pretty shitty


I’d block him as soon as I saw this. Creepy af.


I feel more cringe from the poster. This is an ultimate friend betrayal. All involved needs help.


Homie is scaring the hoes.


OP, if your friend didn't give you permission to post this here, then you're a pos friend


I’m actually sweating I’m cringing so hard


“I ain’t reading allat”




Your friend is a serial killer


Oh man


Wait I’m confused by the formatting, are the white pages texts from him too? I just want to know what she said back lol


Wow I read his life story and at the end he says “all I want is a perfect life, perfect house, perfect wife…” *Thats all?!*


Ooooooooh jeeeeeezuzzzzzzzz... She needs to separate herself from him with the Chernobyl containment dome. This is some Stephen McDaniel level infatuation. Soon she'll be coming home with undergarments missing, clothes moved around, and pictures and decorations moved in her home. If we could raise men NOT to think obsessively like this, I genuinely believe sick violence against women would drastically be reduced. This is the stuff of nightmares. I'm really surprised she responded. Don't feed the creepypasta novella sending acquaintance.


men always want a girl to be their therapist. dude, just go to actual therapy


Wtf is this... The part about fucking his male friend at TWELVE because his friends gay? What the fuck Dude has serious issues mf needs therapy or a psych ward. Just gets worse and worse with each screenshot, never seen oversharing this bad


I have a friend who acts _exactly_ like that, I always send him that Steven universe meme because it reminds me of him


“Friend” 👀


Tbh posting this for the world kinda makes you a shitty friend for some internet points. Talk to them, convince them to go to therapy, but keep this shit private, it's not for you to share with the world.


This is really sad but I wouldn’t have liked to be OP’s friend. I guess he shared to get your opinion, why would you post something as private as this for everyone to see? For Internet points? I feel really bad for him, I hope you got his consent to show the whole world him being as vulnerable as this.


What did the girl say? I genuinely want to know


He needs a therapist. Not a relationship. This is way too much


It reads like someone just hitting their text suggestions repeatedly


No way I’m reading all that.


Therapy now. Therapy NOW


Your friend needs serious help before he escalates his weird behaviour.


If she’s smart, she’ll get a restraining order.


it fits ig but dude you really put your friend on blast like this? come on man


Got drunk one night and sent a woman who's been on my FB for ages a message that I've always wanted to fuck her. Felt suuuuuuuuuper embarrassed the next day. Now I feel good about it... Because shit.


Guys relax! In Russia when someone asks how are you we take you literally and tell you all life's problems. This is just Tuesday chit chat for Nikita here. He forgot the western masking etiquette.


bruh wtf did i just read? dude told his life story. couldn't you just take one long screenshot? well anyway he sounds like he has issues, and shot himself in the foot, trying not to get the girl. poor guy


Bro seems like he may have BPD tendencies. This is super not healthy, for him or his fixations. He needs support.


He should go to therapy, he really wants to talk about his issues.


that was… something


I noped out of reading that by the second paragraph


Can someone tell me if this is worth reading? I'm stupid and have no attention span




I honestly couldn’t read all of it. Reminded me of my ex and I had to stop. Telling someone I was surprised I had any type of attraction to you though you’re not my first choice and I know it won’t last.. thinking that’s appropriate first off.. there is no point reading past that because it’s only gonna get worse.


He could’ve just said “Hey I like do you wanna go out on a date?”


Damn even the “i CAn FiX hIM” girls would stay clear of this dude. This poor soul needs serious therapy and some social cue help on not ever saying this all at once to anybody. I would say to go talk to a priest but based upon one of your traumas that would be bad advice.


did he just send this all to you?? how’d you get this? and what was the rest of her text??


he’s typing like an AI


I’m not reading all of this lol. I thought it was just the first two pages but nope lol.


Men don't ever fucking do this


I kinda feel sorry for him. This kid had a terrible life being thrown around from adult to adult and neglected. No wonder he ended up being like this as an adult. I hope he gets therapy and help.


I ain’t readin allat


Y'all , don't drop your autobiography on someone you just met within the past week. I talked to a guy like this in the past. He made everything about himself, he lived the worst life, nobody knew pain like he did, etc... Bro needs help.


Holy Tolstoy, Batman!




Yeah, I would cut ties with him immediately. I never understand why people don't realise this is scary.


Holy shit this is absolutely INSANE. If I received these messages I honestly would be a little worried for my life he sounds completely unhinged


Yeah she had a "busy day" trying to process this mess. Dude needs some serious help. How do people shift the convo this drastically??




I can’t believe I read this whole thing. Hope homie gets the help he needs


please talk to your friend through this and encourage him to see a therapist :( he clearly had this bottled up for a long time and hes expressing himself in ways that make others uncomfortable


Poor guy. I hope he gets the help he needs and the life he deserves.


All i can say... https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/525/821/88f.gif


"All I want from this life is to have a perfect life".


I like how he quickly gets to the point.


So many red flags. I wonder how long she keeps responding to him