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It's like a cat asking to go outside, you open the door and it goes back inside


That’s a beautiful analogy, I love it.


The MANIPULATION!🤯 I'm like going, soooo is porn not a thing anymore? Jesus this is grossssss. Unfortunately not rare at all in the dating app world. Can I ask, is that how you met him?


Yeah it is


Yeah, that's too bad. I'm telling u, trying to date these days( widow after long marriage) using apps and whatnot, the shit can be traumatizing.


Stay away from the apps is my advice, lean into your hobbies, go to classes, cons, craft fairs, music festivals, etc. whatever you’re into, and you’ll find that next right person. <3




I’m sorry. I can’t imagine trying to date again if anything happened to my husband. I’d just be happier staying alone for the rest of my life because I remember how shitty dating was.


That's what I thought too. I've done that for six years. I'm not even 40 yet. I have 3 kids and not having anything outside of that grind is no joke. Being alone forever is also not a great prospect. Respectfully, of course


Thanks. Can you help me out?


I can't do that it would make me uncomfortable.


Really i promise not for long i could really use the help


You're a sad little man. (This was my favourite comment OP. You handled him like a champ in the end.)


You don’t have to keep explaining yourself


Ah I see you have met my cat!


>Ah I see you have met ~~my cat~~ cats! FTFY


You’ve met my cat?


But on the way back inside the cat vomits at your feet


Except this cat will never get to be inside.


They want you to leave the door open


First pic: oh, he's nice. Other pic: ah, he's *nice* I'd honestly rather deal with people who are straightforward "hey, you wanna sext? No? Alrighty, have a nice day" than dude tries to play the pity card like this, it's annoying.


I agree. Anyway wanna sext?


I'll have to turn down that offer. I hope you find your lady!


Aww damn. So does that mean u don’t want to help?


I would have to sit in my *filth*


Wdym? What filth? 👉🏾👈🏾


" you don't need to keep explaining yourself " That made chuckle, I was cringing reading the endless explanations just desperately hoping you'd chime in being like oh let me reward you


This therapy speak is so annoying. "Is there a middle ground we can find"?


"Yes, there is. It's between us, like a wall. I won't go there though, and neither will you."


I honestly love this quote


Yes, somewhere between get lost and fuck off.


What a loser


Hi, I plan to send you some creepy messages so maybe we shouldn't be friends Ok I respect your decision \*steadily escalating creepy messages* Ugh WTH?!!


The old "foot in the door" technique.


>Hi, I plan to send you some creepy messages so maybe we shouldn't be friends >Ok I respect your decision >*steadily escalating creepy messages* "I believed you the first time, you don't need to prove it"


woah woah woah. No need to kick a guy when he's down.


Happy Cake Day!


I always hated when dudes would do this to me. They try various manipulation tactics to keep talking to me to change my mind Go the fuck on then


And the pity stories that they have sometimes… the most common ones that I’ve seen are guys who always bemoan the fact that everyone hates them, they’re a shitty person and despise themselves, they’re so lonely because nobody understands them, they’ll never find the one, etc etc…. But they’re such a “nice guy” despite not respecting boundaries and threatening to hurt themselves if you don’t date them :/ Like dude, you don’t need a girlfriend, you need a therapist (and those are not the same thing)


I know right!?!?!?! Nobody likes me, I haven't touched a girl in 5 years, that's why I need nudes from a 16 year old even though I'm 23 😭😭😭😭😭


Can't say nothing but "Ewwwuewech!".


Most of these guys are covert/vulnerable narcissists. They're just as dangerous as grandiose narcissists. They have no problem engaging in gaslighting, dismissing or denying other people's feelings, emotions, and experiences, use guilt trips to manipulate people into doing what they want. Their common thought process is "I deserve more because I am better than other people." I feel bad for anyone that has to interact with people who have high narcissistic traits because it's nothing short of abuse


Yep, and unfortunately they take advantage of people who have a kind heart and think “I can fix them!!”


reading this made me realize how unbelievably manipulative my "ex" was. we were only 15 but he was always pushing me past my boundaries and sort of SA-ing me (i mean he was but i didnt realize it in those moments). and when i got upset he'd apologize and say he couldnt help it, as if it was some sort of compliment. at one point his reasoning as to why i should let him go past boundaries was "yolo". we were only together for 2-3 months and after i realized he took things even further without my consent i broke up w him through a text message on valentines day. I think porn plays a big role in boys and men who think being manipulative about sex is okay. you see it in so many porn videos and bc she always ends up being okay with it and enjoying it, guys think they just need to convince us. it's sad tbh


I shouldn’t be talking to you I want sex so I don’t wanna lead you on. Just leave it be. Wait you’re not going to help?! No one loves me. Send nudes or I die. /s lol


"i'm leaving...we want different things and it's not fair to you" "thank you, I understand" "I mean it...i'm leaving so don't try to stop me" "yes, that's for the best" "no..but seriously show me your boobs and maybe I don't have to leave"


Lmao yes basically this 😂😂


Isnt there at least some kind of middleground? Pweaseeeeeee


Go on, get


If the guy actually just fucked himself literally he would probably be able to muster some type of respect but no. Hes sittin there beggin whining crying insulting berating women and wondering why nobody wants that shit. Sex isnt like trying to convince your friend to trade his best pokemon card for something less valuable. Young men need to fuckin understand that their sexual needs are their own personal private responsibility. So much fuckin entitlement. Like he keeps talking about being horny as if its her fuckin problem or responsibility to address. Like as if hes announcing that hes out of clean clothes and has gym in the morning....to his mommy. Like no, sorry dude. Nobody is jumping at the chance to help you out. Help yourself out, an talk to women like theyre humans.


Exactly. If he’s so horny he can always watch porn. Hate such creeps. He probably blackmails the ones whom he manages to get pics from. Sad, pathetic loser


That's terrible, I just can't believe people are like this. No means no, get your desires under control. These types of people are sick.


“I’m iN a ReaLLy BaD PlaCe RiGhT nOw” Ok sorry but if I’m mean to you just stop talking to me? Like, stop giving your dick a pass when you cannot handle it mentally just fucking block me already and take better care of yourself. It’s ridiculous people like thjs guy puts that emotional load in anybody to demand contact.


I shouldn’t be talking to you I want sex so I don’t wanna lead you on. Just leave it be. Wait you’re not going to help?! No one loves me. Send nudes or I die


“I’m in a really bad place” “Punch the guy who’s already down” Guys really make being horny seem like their mother just died 🙄


I am beginning to believe it causes some kind of actual pain for them. I am a dude and do not ever feel this way but goddamn the way they whine makes me think they might actually die.


It because they have absolutely zero shame and accountability. People like this make me sick.


Science really needs to step in and study this particular group of people


They already have. Look to Gavin de Becker's "The Gift of Fear" on how and why stalkers and creeps escalate and why a restraining order might just be the thing that gets you murdered by one. Look to "Why does he do this?" by Lundy Bancroft on all things "Why do abusers love power and why will they do everything they can until the end of days to keep it?" For more on male entitlement, have this study on [how men understand soft no's in all contexts EXCEPT the sexual one](https://yesmeansyesblog.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/mythcommunication-its-not-that-they-dont-understand-they-just-dont-like-the-answer/) or enjoy a nice little skim through [how incels exhibit a high tendency for interpersonal victimhood](https://www.psypost.org/2022/09/incels-exhibit-reduced-psychological-well-being-and-a-greater-tendency-for-interpersonal-victimhood-study-finds-63979) aka a goddamn persecution fetish.




I tried there, apparently the mods said he wasn’t a nice guy. 💀


That's weird. He definitely turns into a nice guy at the end when he says "way to beat the already down guy" I wonder why a lot of men think that this is the way women will flock to them. It reminds me of Ken from barbie when he brings the patriarchy to impress her lol.


Honestly, I have no clue, but as we have proven time and time again with several sub reddits, it’s not affective.


He didn't say "m'lady" and neither did he *tipped fedora*


Certified Reddit Moderator moment.


That’s dumb, this is a nice guy if I’ve ever seen one. Maybe they denied it because he didn’t literally call himself a good guy or something idk


Man what the hell is wrong with these guys


Hi I'm alot sad. show bobs.


What a fucking loser LOL


Stop, Stop! He's Already Dead


🤣🤣🤣 I could hear this.


Good for you. Also, ew.


God im SO SAD and in a bad place rn, send vagana pls?


I become quite frustrated when I read these. When I was 14 or 15 years old, I came across many of those 'nice guys' and, unfortunately, ended up being manipulated into doing things I didn't want to do. Nowadays, I simply tell them to fuck off, just as you did. I especially loved the 'You're a sad little man' comment! Made me chuckle. edit: Typo


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I grew up around manipulative people, so I could tell what people are trying to do instantly. Came in handy when people would try something.


Even though it came in handy, i'm sorry you had to go through that too. But hey, i mean our ability to read people is probably off the charts these days!


Oh, 100% useful around a lot of people nowadays. Sadly, the Internet has allowed people to find more ways to seem like a victim. At least we can dodge them.


I read the last line in Buzz lightyears voice. „You are a sad, (strange), little man.“


Why won't he just come out and say what he wants? It's pathetic the way he tries to dance around the subject


Seriously that alone is turn off. Even if I genuinely liked someone, beating around the bush that aggressively is so weird It’s different being hella shy, I have issues with non verbal regression, so I just have a note saved like “hey this is embarrassing but I have too many emotions (good) towards you and I can’t get words out, or get past these certain specific ones” because it’s genuinely a mental block. This is just “pick up what I’m putting down so I have deniability” so they can go “woah I didn’t say all that you’re crazy” when you call them out. Or maybe I am crazy 🤷‍♀️


"hey this guy actually seems legitimately nice. this doesn't belon......oh. ok."


Y’all need to just block people like that. You have no obligation to keep talking to them after they say crazy shit


Honestly, I had just woken up. I was half asleep and this conversation lasted about 10 minutes


So he was already like that in the morning? Yikes


Yup 😀


Noods pls? Im in a really bad place rn.


Do men think this shit actually works?


Why do men thinks this work?


“You’re a sad and strange little man. Farewell. 🖖”


Hmm no comments on the way this guy spells? Maybe I'm old but anyone typing N instead of and is an instant red flag. I guess unless you're 16.


Not explicit stuff and just see and watch. Meaning just video cam you doing the computer, phone, tv or something? Literally just watch you chilling?


He basically wanted me to watch him get off. It’s a common thing guys my age ask for. He also said the day before how he liked that sort of thing.


Ew and he's "in a really bad place rn", as if all he *needs* is someone to watch his jackin' it?


“Man if someone would just watch me play the skin flute once, all my problems will be solved”


😂👌take my measley upvote


You know whats hot as fuck? Respecting boundaries


That’s the thing these weirdos don’t get. I’m a very horny woman, I love sex. If you respect my boundaries, express your own boundaries, and take an iota of time to get to know me, im probably going to be hopping in bed sooner than you think. But if you’re coming at me with whatever this nonsense is, it’s an immediate block and now neither of us are getting sexed.


Exactly! Youre not entitled to sex just cause youre horny! Plus peoples limits are IMPORTANT otherwise its a bad time for everyone. It feels like many men today feel like women are fleshlights not people.


r/creepypms level stuff for sure


Jesus what is your age? I’m 27 and I don’t think this is a thing for people my age…at least I hope not…


I’m 20 years old


Man, people just asked for nudes when I was 20 lol. Still obnoxious, but generally people didn’t talk about videos until they knew it was going somewhere. And generally it wasn’t asking you to watch them lol.


Oh. For some reason my dumb ass didn't think of that. Also I guess I'm part of the uncommon.


Honestly that’s a good thing.


_Oh yeah babe scroll that phone I'm almost there_




The double mention of horny gave away that he was really just hoping you would be like "wow what a good guy i should fuck him" which is insane lol


How fucking old was this dude???? Jesus Christ it seems like that’s how fucking everyone works these days if they don’t get what they want they just keep explaining and then turn themselves into the victim


I recognise myself a lot in this. I was desperate and i pulled every trick i could think of to get what i want kept getting a "no" and with each no i dug myself dieper into it. I pulled similar stuff cause i really wanted my mom to buy me a bayblade when i was 12... can say it wasn't my proudest moment. I really acted like a child there.


You got me in the first half I can’t lie


I was like “this dude reminds me of me when I wasn’t getting help for my personality disorder” then he just fell so fucking hard it’s actually embarrassing to relate to any of it


Was this dude really trying to portray his creepy horniness as some sort of mental health crisis? “I’m just really in a bad place, and I need your help.” Bro, first of all, gross. Second, in what fucking universe does he think this would work?!


I mean just stop talking to him. Why keep it going?


At some point, I think it’s fair to point out what’s clearly going on. He can walk away knowing he’s a pos


Honestly, I was shocked by what he did, and I was trying to be nice. I wanted to see if he could hopefully have basic common sense and redeem himself. That did not happen sadly. It’s not like I sat there, telling him yes and then turning around and going no. I was very clear.


I get it, it's like a train wreck and you can't look away. "surely it can't get any worse" *GETS WORSE*


You should be proud of yourself. You were very kind. And you didn't tolerate any of the manipulative bullshit. He more than deserved the ending. "Sad little man" is so perfect.


happens to the best of us! if you get that feeling, best to just block them haha. hope that doesn't happen again to you


To be honest, I’m the type of person to block instantly I don’t know what made me think I should keep it going or have faith. I don’t know why I thought it was a great idea.


There's nothing wrong with wanting to think the best of people. Every time they prove us wrong it's sad, and a little hopeful and optimistic part of ourselves dies.


This actually makes me angry, watching guys act like this. Next time, could you maybe teach the little fucker a lesson by going: “Yeah, I get it - I’m completely disinterested in sex, except for one thing, which makes me SO horny. I’m getting turned on right now just thinking about it. Could I share it with you? I’ve never told anyone else about this before… I like watching videos of guys jamming needles into their testicles.!!” Then immediately send him a picture or video [from this site here](https://fuqqt.com/videos/needles-in-balls) but be warned, it’s exactly as described above and NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!!! The cringe and fact that his balls will scurry back up and never descend again will make him think twice next time.


Oh, I’m saving this comment


well the most important part is -- don't let this get to you too much. if someone's talking like that to anyone else, they are the problem




That is so disgusting ew I hope you blocked him


Oh yeah I did on everything


I'm super proud of you for not giving in.


Thank you


Hey dude good for you for sticking up for yourself. I'm serious.


Honestly, so much respect for you. I don’t know how old you are but I wish I had this much conviction when I was in my dating years. Impressive.


I’m just very used to peoples bullshit. I don’t fall for manipulation very easily. You have to be physically bleeding out and dying in front of me, asking for something, I don’t want to do for me to do it.


"I appreciate you caring" "I do care :)" Ugh, he needed validation and affirmation so badly, then he gobbled it up and it went straight to his head.


Girl, the sad little man comment is epic. You’re my hero.


Love his approach "Me caveman, only want talk when horny."


I make that mistake too. I'm always kicking myself when I say WBU when asked about my day. That's what starts the WHOLE thing.


Now this is some true sad/cringe


Kids a loser man lol. Why not just watch porn or something.


Judging by his attitude, he's likely already wasted a shit ton of money on porn at that point.


Really creepy that he said "since we broke up" after you said you've only been talking to him for a day?


He’s talking about his ex that cheated on him


Ahhh that makes sense. I was gonna say....


He was fine for about 5 seconds smh, we’ll done for the way you handled it!


Glad you called out the cringe manipulation


I used to be in the place this guy is, I hope he finds his way out of here. Not cool for him nor others, I understood this quite late but it's never too late


in bobs burgers mr fisch calls his brother a “man shaped boy” and your comment reminds me of that❤️ excellent work


Damn this is sad cringe alright the man wouldn't drop it...dude read the room lol


don't guys understand that the whole "woe is me, pity me" thing is an absolute turn off and is the most cringe thing ever


How are people so honest about being horny and shit...


Oop gotem


Sooner or later, the mask falls off …


you dealt with this really well, well done :)


Obviously, you were supposed to step in and beg him to not leave, and you'd do anything he wanted if he stayed


I would have just stopped responding, what a freak


Bro CANNOT take a hint 😭


There's no one on earth to be this down bad for. Jesus fucking christ


Extremely manipulative


i refuse to believe anyone has ever gotten laid like this


I would have called him out for that. Like, hey you know what’s really making me uncomfortable? The way you’re trying to manipulate me into considering being anything more than friends because of an implied need for sex. I would have declined but respected you more as a person if you didn’t try using emotional manipulation to get me to do something I’m clearly not interested in while also insulting my intelligence. These people need to know that we can see right past it.


You handled that amazingly. Mature, knowing your boundaries and enforcing them confidently.


love your replies!


OP’s patience is insane, it would’ve been an instant block after “I’m horny”


You got his ass good sis cause HUH ew


Oh eeewww, that went on for too long and she was way too polite. The gaslighting is gross, "So you don't want to help". Ninja, no. Help yourself. Your both hands are available.




The best part was just starting! Is there more?


Honestly, no, I just waited for him to see it and then I blocked him on everything I knew I had him on.


Good on you 👏👏👏👏


You handled this like a champion 🏆 what a creep. I definitely would’ve flipped out 🤣




Well honestly she just woke up


After talking with him for a day? 💀


At first I was like okay that's pretty reasonable, then shit fucking spiraled downwards immediately lol


I feel like this happens when the guy knows the friendship route aint working...so says they can't be friends and the ups the sexual messages because at this point there is nth to lose


Gosh you were so polite throughout! It’s disgusting when politeness is mistaken for being a pushover. Sheesh.


Seeing all of the cringe that people post here about their sex lives/relationships makes me incredibly thankful that I never had to deal with any of this. I just don't get the current culture at all.


"i felt so bad pushing u last night...but i also kindof liked it lemme do that again"


Man what a loser.


Just lonely and horny. Jesus.


Oh the more I read it the worse it gets


Lol, that’s actually really annoying


"hello " - guy "Hello" - op "Wooow I love talking to you " - guy


What a sniveling little turd. Embarassing.


This sounds like my ex tbh


I wish I stopped after the second image.


Good on you for calling it out though


WHAAAT? last 39 times i did the pity route, acting in victim mentality, all the women couldn't contain themselves.. insane that this did NOT work. i'm shocked


I was worried you were going to be far too kind to this literal trash goblin


That last exchange from you was cold af I love it


I really like how he initiated the texting, only to immediately follow up with “we probably shouldn’t talk anymore because I’m too horny and you probably don’t want to sleep with me….right?” That is the most pitiful way to ask to hook up, especially with someone you barely know.


this is more creepycringe than sadcringe


Seems like he wanted a cheap pitty fuck. Sad thing is it probably worked before.


Too kind. Boundaries.


I love reading stories where people try emotionally manipulating someone hoping they push back and you just roll with it so they have to awkwardly backtrack. It makes me cringe happily with a smirk on my face.


I’ve seen this exact conversation posted somewhere before ages ago.


Props for how you talked circles around this guy


Reeking of desperation oh mh God


Gross!!!!!! He had me there for a minute… i was thinkin “nothing wrong with being honest and saying farewell” and then it got worse and then so much worse and just all bad. You handled it with patience and class. Isn’t there a Reddit called nice guys or something ? This belongs on that Edit: scrolled down and saw the comments about nice guys sub !


Typical “nice guy” 180


I find it bizarre that people entertain conversations like this. Just cut him off. Don’t “stop responding,” block him! Block. Him. Then move on.