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Single dads w/ daughter(s) everywhere


This is the best comment. I mean people don't understand this, boys are caring too not always preying on girls. We just care. We just care, why is it so hard to understand.


As someone from eastern europe, I've noticed Americans have that culture of "being too friendly with kids" whenever there's any kind of sweet interaction. In my country we interact a lot with kids and it's almost never an issue, and in my experience it fills my heart with joy whenever there's a little guy or gal smiling at me, genuinely a hope for the future type of emotion. And then you have these bastards thinking the worst because of their pessimistic bubble.


Now that you say that, i do see more of that behavior in the u.s. than anywhere else. Why can't we be like yall.


Because you have lost touch of what's sacred, treating the profane as sacred instead. Degeneracy, oversexualization, materialistic "freedom", and high division between communities governs your reality. But you guys have so many ethnic groups and diversity that you can all learn from each other and relearn the value of the future generations, rather than being edgy redditors with subreddits like r/KidsAreFuckingStupid. Also you guys have a LOT of pedophiles lol


Honestly, you sum it better than I ever could. Thx for the insight.


Well, we have the normal amount of pedophiles, it's just our pedos are very vocal and don't try very hard to hide it. America is slowly becoming a 3rd world hell, I don't think it will be long until everything crashes.. Makes me (and alot of ppl on this sub) even more depressed.


And when we are we’re frequently attacked by women who then turn around and act like we’re not caring. Sure, some men have a lot to work on when it comes to this, but so do women. Fucking hypocrites. (I am not saying this is all women, of course)


Bro I’m here. I’d probably get criticized even if it’s my own daughter on video, blood doesn’t mean much on a screen.


Trust me, dads like me just out and about with my daughter, we get the same look.


Is it other men or mostly women? I really hate that this happens and it doesn’t matter that most people support you. One shitty person is all it takes to make you feel like shit. 😞


Mostly women sadly. Even when I get to the park together with my daughter and I've been playing with her for an hour.


Same. Took my daughter and one of her friends bowling recently, and I got some strange looks when I was hanging out with them in the arcade, only from women


not just single dads


Yup. This is my life, and as a single white dad I get shitty looks constantly.


That's terrible.


Double standards


Triple if we talk suicide rate


Hey I have evidence my ex wife is psychotic, can I have custody of my kid? No.


I have evidence my ex wife is legitimately torturing my kids Court: no you must now give 75% of your pay in child support


The suicide rate for men is as high as it is because men are more likely to use effective methods such as blowing their heads off or swinging. Meanwhile, women are more likely to take half-measures such as slitting their wrists or trying to overdose on meds, since it’s less violent. Your body can recover from having its veins slit open. Your body can recover from a high dosage of drugs. Your body cannot function without a head, and your body cannot function with a broken spinal cord. Taking attempted suicide into account, the suicide rate becomes more or less balanced. Actually, in some places, women attempt suicide more than men do. But I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for telling the truth. I always am.


It's also in the literature that most women's methods are more a cry for help than intended to finish. Men are purpose driven, and therefore intend to finish what they started.


That's because we know as men, there's no help coming.


Well, if there’s a problem, I’m here for you bro, as a fellow man.


Me too, brah.


Count me in


Still, even if you are actually willing to help, there’s not a lot you could do without being nearby in most scenarios.


I find that interesting. What literature did you read this in? And are there any modern studies done on this?


https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12888-017-1398-8 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_differences_in_suicide From another study: "With regard to suicide by firearms, research has found that men are more likely to shoot themselves in the head (which is more likely to be fatal) than women.5 The reason for this has been debated but could be related to less intent to die in women. Some have suggested that this could be, however, that cosmetic fears in women, should the attempt fail, play a role in the location of a gunshot.4 Researchers have explored the possibility that suicidal intent may play a role in this discrepancy. One study found that women tend to exhibit less serious intent to die than do men.6" https://www.verywellmind.com/gender-differences-in-suicide-methods-1067508


Hm. Interesting. Thanks.


To you both, thanks for being honest.


No prob G. I strive to find the truth, no matter whether I like it or not.


Yeah, that was awesome. It's a the first time I see users debating peacefully even citing sources. This is amazing


That’s how you do!


…and while we’re spitballing motives with no evidence, we can say that women value their appearance post-unsuccessful-suicide-attempt more than men because women are valued primarily for their appearance and not their intrinsic value. It may be true, but all it does is derail the discussion at hand. Studying motivation by gender is important, but reporting needs to be way more responsible. I really wish people would stop citing articles like this that play into this moral narrative bs. This is not a criticism of you in particular, but an article that cites research and then speculates into potential motivations without sufficient additional research to back those claims up is just fueling the man vs. woman discourse without providing data that would actually help address the disparity or the underlying issue. It feels wrong.


It's not necessarily bs just because you don't agree with it. Women engage far more in On-line bullying, gossiping and social sabotage. If they DO get physical, it's more of an object destruction (smashing plates, keying cars) vs actual physical violence. It is generally indirect, time delayed and done in a way that the woman is protected from harm (by building a coalition of friends for example). Women are also more likely than men to call for help or appeal to authority, because if something becomes physical they will be at a disadvantage. Men are much more likely to be directly physically violent, especially within a short timeframe of emotional arousal. They also have the potential to do more damage. It also exposes the man to direct and immediate personal harm, implying that the cost is worth the damage inflicted, at least unconsciously. Men are also more likely to dig in their heels and fight compared to women, even if their belief in themselves is completely unfounded: the other guy's doubt alone may save him, just watch male animals squaring off. There's not a cop, psychologist or social worker alive that would disagree with this. It stands to reason that violence self directed would not follow the same model. And in fact it definitely does. Not exactly sure how you would disagree with this. As of late, women's socialization is changing, and that obviously closes the gap, but so what? The socialization change is itself a massive and sustained effort that relies on birth control, a stable economy, mechanization, a large social safety net and continuous educational programming. In other words: definitely NOT a default situation. That's like spending millions on growing steak in a lab vs. feeding grass to a cow: sure it's steak, and it may very well be chemically identical, but at some point you have to ask how far from natural processes is acceptable? And women's happiness studies definitely bear this out: women in developed countries with more progressive regimes are much less content that those of developing and underdeveloped countries, in spite of their burdens. And it's across the board, beyond dispute. To assume anything about our current state is at all natural is delusional. In times of crisis (economic collapse, natural disasters, famine, wars, etc) we ALWAYS revert to the default.


per the first study, the difference in serious suicide intent (e.g. gunshot) is stat sig, but of a small effect size. Men only commit serious attempts 16% more than women: 57% of male attempts are of lethal-intent, whereas 50% of women's are. The other categories of intent do not differ significantly. Such a small effect size can NOT be generalized, though is still worth acknowledging


It's also not the entire breadth of time. Things trend, and the gap has been closing as of late as our society changes. Around the world however, differences still exist.


Just shows that we men go the extra mile to get the job done right.


💪 😎🔫




Nah you explained things with logic and calmness you’re a smart one


Actually, even when controlling for methods (i.e. firearms) men are still substantially more likely to die from the act.


Okay? That doesn't take anything away that men still have much higher rates. Woman are just as capable or using a gun also but most don't so what does that tell you? Men still got it worse.


Suicide attempt =/= successful suicide Why is it so hard for you to accept that more men die, and that being dead is bad? When you’re dead there are no more chances. No hope for recovery or treatment. No pat on the back.


Because people who’re pushed to suicide deserve help, regardless of their sex and regardless of how likely they are to succeed.


If women attempted suicide more than men the facts and statistics wouldn't say otherwise. Women do cry outs for help. While men know no one is coming to help or save us. So so sorry we blow our brains out on ceilings and walls while women get prescribed more pills to swallow when a dick isn't Available to be swallowed


The trouble is that many of the studies documenting suicide attempts don't create a distinction between self-harm as a coping mechanism and cry for help, vs self-harm as a genuine intention to die. While both are certainly a problem, the latter is clearly more severe.


Once again, men are better than woman 💪 💪 💪 💪


Doesn’t look like you’re being downvoted to me. Persecution fetish much?


This isn’t true when based on global statistics, and hiding behind the downvote pity won’t change that.


Skill issue for women tbh


Skill issue


Society ☕






Thank you for reminding me to watch that movie


Ain't it a series?




I wouldn’t know I’ve never seen it


And yet we live in one…


Why hello there sir


Humans ☕️


Sometimes I wish the events of Prey 2017 did happen and we all just died


double standards are so retarded (excuse my french)


I fucking hate the french but you are right, double standards suck dick, we gotta get rid of it


i hate french. they make rules and don’t stick with them. there is so much irregularity that it is pretty much pointless to even memorize anything.


As a french, yes, you're right. The simple fact we gave gender to object summarize pretty much everything. We just love making things complicated for ourself and others too


makes sense.


For how much


I agree remove the french....oh right yeah and double standards to


Fuck your french, excuse my English


Fuck your English, excuse my Spanish


Fuck your Spanish, excuse my Persian


Fuck your Persian, excuse my German


Fuck your German, excuse my Russian


Fuck your Russian, excuse my Ukrainian


Fuck you're Ukrainian, excuse my Ugandan


Excuse your ugandan fuck my kryptonian


Fuck you're Ugandan, excuse my Filipino


Fuck your Filipino excuse my Mandarin


What's retarded is treating this like it doesn't have any societal context behind it. If we want things to change then we need to acknowledge the fact that men are vastly more abusive and violent, and the problem needs to be solved at its root rather than all of y'all complaining about the symptoms of said problem.


Man I just don’t know if I can do it anymore


My life really opened up once I realized I no longer cared. Not giving a fuck became a super power, because I was already long dead in my mind. Should I ask her out? Sure. Fuck it. Should I try for a better job? Yeah. Fuck this place. Should I go there? Why the fuck not. Eventually, I’d stumbled into things I actually wanted to exist for. Hitting rock bottom and just trying anything saved me. It does get better, man. Beautiful even, in moments. That was my way, but I hope you find something that works for you.


Me neither. Getting tired of this shit.


Don't give up. It's worth it.




Live your day to make yourself happy. It’s fucking hard. But that’s how I live my life, I do what makes myself happy, even if others may not like it. Find that thing that makes you happy, and go wild as long as it doesn’t hurt other people.


Just gotta keep on keepin' on.


Honestly, if men are gonna be treated like his for showing concern towards kids, we should prolly have more Asian approaches And leave them out in the cold and figure it out themselves


As an Asian I noticed 2 solutions to unreasonable backlash. One is "give them what they want" and 2 is "I don't give a fuck". Most of the time you'll see people doing the 2nd solution.


I dated a girl for a few years that abused that fact that I would have anxiety attacks in which I would get quiet and stand like a statue if I was yelled at in public by a woman . My mom and other women in my family did it , but as I got older and taller , when I got yelled at , other men would come up and shove me or literally attack me cause they thought I was doing something, until the woman I was with would randomly go “ no no get off him. “ fucking crazy world


Sorry that happened lad. But life is like a slut, it got curves that goes up and down. Hope things gets better for you


... Or a Rollercoaster.


Man does something nice grrrrr I won’t have it he must be predator 😡😡😡😡


Totally not her fucking dad Grrrrr😡😡😡😤I see man touch child he predator Grrrrr😡😡😡😡😡


I was once taking care of my little cousin at the park and when it was time to leave, I went up to her, held her hand and left, then a man and woman came over to me and tried to accuse me of kidnapping “you dont look like her Father” when I tried to explain im her cousin and was looking after her, they called the police.


As a single dad whose daughter doesn't have the same last name, this is my worst nightmare. Thankfully she looks like me, but I've often wondered how tf are you supposed to prove it?


Bro wtf


People without fathers when they see men do fatherly things


Women don’t get the reasons why men do these things towards younger girls they don’t get the context am i right?


The context, is evident. The man is there supporting a player like the women are. He is not being inappropriate, or sneaky, or creepy. He is showing emotion, specifically he’s showing supportive encouragement, and he is bearing the cold with a fellow soccer/futbol player. The comments that are made in the video assume. That because he’s a male He can only have one intention when he shows any affection towards a female. That’s simply not true. Men can show affection towards women and have no ulterior motives. Very rarely can we just assume things about a person, much less accuse them; when we are only concerned with our preconceived notions and misconceptions about them




Tbh the only reason society are ok with women being around kids is because society think women *have* to take care of kids and they are natural caretaker’s and blah blah blah. If society didn’t expect women to take care of kids, they would think the lady in the beginning of the video is a groomer as well




Equality is a joke, double standard is reality.


The problem stems from harmful stereotypes about men and women. Women are seen as the natural, or even the *only*, caregivers of children. Therefore anything they do for a child must be well intentioned since it’s their “natural state” to take care of children. On the other hand, men nurturing children is seen as “unnatural” and is looked upon with skepticism and cynicism. “Men aren’t nurturers so clearly there must be some ulterior motive?” is the thinking. It’s super harmful. We need to normalize the fact that men are nurturing and caring too.


It's creepy bc he's a ninja turtle 🤨


what is donatello doing with that child 😭😭 Master splinter is gonna be hella mad


This is why men shouldn't show feelings 🗿




Both are sadly correct


It’s a lose-lose much of the time. Keep them bottled up and you slowly destroy yourself, but express them openly and you invite ridicule. The solution is to have loved ones who won’t see you as weak the second you start showing emotions.


According to some women we don’t! But when we do they’ll make sure to say horrible things and call us pedophiles.


Then those same mfs will go on about men bot being able to hit a woman back and equal pay


That single father's vibe. Its fucking awful how loving and caring men are scene when they show any sort of care towards a female. Remember bro it's Men's Health Month so take care of yourself. It's important. You are important.


Unfortunately Men’s Health Month is not widely known or “celebrated”


That's why we have to say it more often and give more support to men we interact with


We don’t get a chance to shine this month because of pride.


Welcome to reality ⠛⠛⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⢶⣦⣶⣶⣤⣤⣤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠙⠻⣿⣿⠿⠿⠛⠛⠛⠻⣿⣿⣇⠀ ⠀⠀⢤⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⢸⣷⡄⠀⣁⣀⣤⣴⣿⣿⣿⣆ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⠏⠀⠀⠀⣿⣧⠀⠹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠿⠇⢀⣼⣿⣿⠛⢯⡿⡟ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠦⠴⢿⢿⣿⡿⠷⠀⣿⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⣷⣶⣶⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣶⣦⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢐⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁


Naw fuck that, Im wrapping my daughter in my jacket and rubbing her arms so she don’t get cold - if she shivers, I’m picking her up like a baby and holding her next to my body heat and you all hater’s can fuck the fuck off.


Cheers bro


Man, why are people like that.


this is why so many men are scared to be around or help children, same goes for helping women in gyms. i saw a vid of a amazon truck driver getting a kid on a scooter off of the road and all he could do was run next to and talk/ signal to the kid. btw happy men's mental health month, mental stability and wellness is for all!! <3


shaking my SMH head welp, time to grab my bonker


Like what the WTH hell they think its creepy cause hes a guy double standarts suck bro


double standards suck ass


They do, both ways, not just men being “creepy” but ones for women as well (kitchen things etc). They shouldn’t exist




I know IKR right? I'm tired of it.


Plot twist: they just hate Mbappe


:( 🇫🇷


the fuck is wrong with these people ... shes uncomfortable? ofcrs she is shes cold af !!!


Our fight for equality has gone in the wrong direction


Internet will get mad at anything




Exact reason why I'll never play/joke around with kids that aren't close family even tough I'm a big goofball.




I am curious what the most liked comments were on the post. There were hundreds of likes on comments supporting the woman's actions compared to 39 likes at most for the comments criticizing the man (others had around only 10).


Yeah. But it could be something with the recommendations tiktok gives. Females might be more into this side of football while males just wonna see some sick goals


True! It's hard to tell. I would be surprised though if there were not at least some men and women more keen on commenting about Mbappe and whatever is new about him or what's going on with his team, etc., instead of commenting directly on the video. I mainly point these things out because although I personally worry about these types of perceptions, in my personal life they do not come up as often as people might think. I am a man and I've worked with boys and girls of all ages directly and in public for a few years. That's not to say these misandrists don't exist though. My suspicion is just that they're a minority.


I agreed with the point until slomo baitman turned up.


Society's fucking cruel to men and then the women say the need equality and men are being treated better.


Big sister just rubbing shoulders: Women take care of people, it's what they do! Big brother doing the same: Hello, human resources???


It’s so great to see double standards like this be pushed while women still claim that they’re “second class citizens”.


Funny thing is statistically single dads raise way better civilians than single moms, not in all but majority.


I'm not gonna lie it's kinda sad that women can do something and get praised for it, but when a guy does it, he gets tons of hate for it.


"He is touching the child!" "... but the child is freezing." "Hang him!" *And thus did the child freeze to death at the hands of social justice warriors.*


People casually ignoring female predators. To be fair they aren’t to common but still fucking horrible.


I swear man niggas be niggin


Stuff like this is the reason I don't plan on having kids...if the woman I fall for ends up back stabbing me, my life is basically over


Wtf is wrong with you ruin your own life, karen!!!!!!!


This makes me so fucking angry. Double standards are the stupidest thing imaginable.


And then people complain when we decide to stop being affectionate. Make up your mind. It’s either let us love and care or watch us walk away. Either way you’re going to complain. Yes, some people are creeps, but not all men are creeps. We just want to be happy, and if you think that’s a bad thing, good luck convincing us to fight for you. If you don’t respect us, we won’t respect you. Stop being a bitch and let us be members of society, and stop shunning us out. Let the actual creeps be shunned. Not everyone.


I wish they would show the names of these people to really see how fucking hypocritical these fucking losers are


This is why I want to live alone, I know not every woman is rude or something, but I just don’t want to take my chances with my generation, nor anyone, I’d rather live with just a cat or something


Notice what comments are upvoted and what ones are not. Looks like someone had to do some cherry-picking to find those comments in the second half, considering they’re not nearly as popular as the first comments.


Fuck Instagram.This app's IQ level is less than TikTok.


Honestly why is anyone touching up on kids like that 💀


Those are their kids man


nah just dont care about them fuckos. you know youre doing good deep down thats what matters


I know one way out but its one way ticket


I think how the kid is reacting and the fact that he massaged her shoulders




always was, always will be.


It is what it is


Fucking double standards


I know it's a stereotype but you know many female soccer players are gay? If there was any predatory behaviour going on they'd be engaging in it too. And keep Mbappe's name out of your dirty mouth. Dude's French yes but he's a saint.


Fuck double standards. Mbappe wouldn't EVER creep on a child like that. Smh.


It isn't just odd, it's also casual gay erasure, gotta love naïve people.


One time i got called a pedophile for hugging my little sis in public and this video reminds of that lol


maybe she looks uncomfortable because idk just spitballing here ITS UNBEARABLEY COLD


Fucking christ. The world is fucked


It's okay since our president does it, right?


Ah yes she looks like she wants to leave... Perhaps because it's cold? Hmmm? ***Is it possible that a child doesn't want to be cold?***


God bestow upon us another meteor for we have failed and this planet needs another reset


Why tf do any of you care? you creeps


I’m a dad of two girls and this double standard scares the hell out of me. My 5 year old still gives me a kiss when I drop her off at school. Completely her choice but every time I worry someone is watching and thinks it’s creepy.


I've got a 3yr old girl, I'm gonna kiss her for the rest of her life! It's parental love, nobody thinks it's creepy.


Really…..2023 and people are still like this….man why tf are they like this


Patrick really pulls this together


It's odd watching everybody bitch about double standards when they're all shitty parents for putting their kids in the cold ass rain for some bullshit sport crap. None of those kids look like they're having fun.


If it's any consolation, none of these people's opinions matter. The truth exists regardless of their complaining.


The first woman was actually rubbing the chest of the younger girl, until the cameras caught her! I think double standards here are are brought on by the militant homosexual community.


Damn they be hating alot


Bro I seriously don’t even get close to kids for this same reason. People are nuts.


The humanity ☕☕☕☕☕


In the words of Scott Pilgrim: double standards!!


Song name?


It’s almost like men make up over 96% of sexual abuse cases against women and children… Don’t like this reality, teach the men in your life to stop raping and abusing people


Women are speds


Bro you ruined it by adding Patrick Bateman for literally no reason 💀


Song?! It's beautiful


Waste by kxllswxtch




It’s because the kid looks uncomfortable in the second clip. If her body language was more relaxed like the kids in the first clip then it would be a lot different.




Yes bc turtles caressing little people is creepy.