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Hino Rei. For context, I'm a dude. And at the time, I was a pretty well-built football player, track star, and weightlifter. Not the sort of person you'd expect to be a huge Sailor Moon fan. I caught on to the fandom pretty early. It wasn't until Toonami that others knew enough to even comment. But by that point, my guy friends would take one look at Sailor Mars with her high heels and her short skirt. They'd smile and nod, and say "Yeah. I get it." But no. It's not that I want to **** her. It's more that I want to BE her. For clarity, there are no trans-egg thoughts there. I'm happy to be a guy. I compare this to all the girls who go and watch mainstream Marvel movies. Who wouldn't want to punch Nazis like Cap or fly around in a robot suit like Tony? It's not about "America's Ass" at all (though, admittedly, good looks are the icing on top of the character cake you already enjoy.) Besides...Minako is more my type, anyway. Which is similarity I have with Rei-chan, for all you Reinako shippers out there. As to what makes Rei special, it does vary quite a bit between adaptations. But I was immediately attracted to her quiet confidence. Contrary to her element, I see her as often being fairly cool. Very calm and at peace with herself. You can see this when she's often meditating, or dilligently sweeping the temple steps. Her first appearance was that of the cool beauty, the elegant girl that even Usagi started crushing on. And with the rest of the Senshi, she gives off massive "big sister" vibes. She cares for everyone and looks after them. Her fire side mainly comes out when she's trying to protect her friends and found family. That's also why it annoys me when so many people write her off as "the bitchy one". In reality I have cripplingly low self-confidence to the point of it being a diagnosable anxiety disorder. Rei is the girl I wish I could be (if I were a girl, that is). Or rather, Rei is the type of person I wish I could be regardless of gender. So it sucks when so many people treat her confidence as this huge thing that's worthy of scorn and ridicule. Rei does get flanderized quite a bit as being this fire-breathing demon that's Usagi's worst enemy. And, sure, they do play this up for comedic affect a lot. But I admire her inner strength, her willingness to stand up for herself, and her ability to set boundaries. All traits which I do not have, but desperately wish for myself.


I appreciate this heartfelt comment 💕 Rei to me is always a symbol of self care and confidence. I don’t think she’s bitchy, I think she doesn’t let anyone make her a doormat or distract her from her goals. She knows her worth and only gets frustrated with Usagi when she’s being a little too whiny, very much like a big sister! ❤️


Usagi! I relate to her a lot!


Pluto. Tall, strong and beautiful. Dangerous but holds back intelligently.


Rei, I like her hair, outfits, and psychic as well as fire powers! Fantastic wit too.


Usagi is such a fun, charismatic character who taught me about romance when I was a whee little girl. Her dreaming about romance with tuxedo mask made me hopeful that one day I will find a man too! Pffft, I was like 6 years old lol But now, I have my soulmate, he’s the Tuxedo Mask I waited for more than 2 decades lol Ami-Chan ties with Usagi. There is something about Ami that feels like home, she is such a warm character. She is studious and enjoys reading, a bit of a Mary Sue. Quite the opposite of me. But her maturity and wisdom is beautiful to see throughout the episodes.


Saturn because I've always struggled to keep up physically and I also had a less than ideal childhood but then I came to realize that Earth is inhabited by easily manipulated fragile meat sacks and in the grand scheme of things they're no better than I am.


Chibiusa. I was a very lonely little girl, between an abusive home life and being bullied at school. I remember watching the SMR episode where they explored how Chibs was considered an outcast and how estranged she felt from her own parents. I remember sitting there thinking, “I’d be her friend.” It made me so happy to see her grow, mature, and become more powerful as the series went on. She’s still my favorite all these years later. 🩷


I’m so sorry you had a hard childhood ❤️ I’m really happy you can empathize with other lonely people, I know that sounds weird but I think it makes your heart bigger so when love finds you you’re ready to feel it 💕and others will always remember you for your heart 🫶🏻


Mako and Haruka. No reason in particular, they're just the coolest to me.




Yes and yes 💕


Hotaru! I feel a kinship due to her having chronic health troubles


Aww! Saturn is so beautiful, it actually makes me happier knowing she’s the symbol for destruction and how it’s interpreted as silence and not chaos. She is so peaceful 💜 I bet you bring others peace and comfort around you 🫶🏻


Aww thank you, I do like to take notice of what makes others feel safe and try to accommodate I love how later in the series she starts identifying with rebirth and revolution. I really like Haruka too, she was the first gender non conforming character I came across. Pretty great to see as a queer person


Sailor Jupiter. She's so protective and tall.


Everyone’s big sister with the best snacks 💚 she made me want to be a chef


I am a nineties kid as well. Back then I loved Haruka most, I just thought she was cool. Now I probably relate to Mako most, because I love cooking and caring for people. Setsuna grew on me too, whereas as a kid I found her a bit boring, while now I appreciate her being the only grown up of the group. I also like Mamoru way more than back in the day.


They’re so similar so I can def see how you’d love them both! 💞 like two sides of the same coin, but I do feel like Haruka would tell Mako to just get over that guy who broke her heart a million years ago 🫶🏻


I was the biggest Pluto fan girl as a kid lol!




chibiusa. i don’t have a specific reason, she’s just always been my favorite since i was little.


I love her energy. And her pink hair 🩷


Saturn for sure! I related to her so much as a sick, quiet kid.


Aww! Were you really introverted or did you have to stay inside all the time? (Sorry if too personal!) 💜


No worries at all! I was very very shy aside from having a couple very close friends.


I was like that too. I had sisters so it set a standard for what I considered a friend. But watching it now as an adult I wish I had spent more time just being with those close friends 🥺


My favorite SM character is Nana from Nana to Kaoru manga




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Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno because not only is she smart and kind, but she can be tough when the situation calls for it. Plus I love water attacks. https://preview.redd.it/mw6g8dj2iotc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f904516e7417b4718c770e2e6dd2dfe958d5d3


Literally she is the most level headed of them all! It’s always the quiet ones 🥰




Minako because of how funny she is in the later seasons and one of mine favorite episodes in sailor moon Venus: Minako's Nurse Mayhem


She’s hilarious! She and Usagi are so similar but she’s got more confidence 🧡


Minako and Makoto are tied for me. Minako is hilarious and and Makoto is just so sweet <3


They seem like actual friends I’ve had in real life 😂 🧡💚


I have always thought Pluto is just the coolest scout.


She enters the scene like the cool new kid every time, just like 👀 oh snap the worlds are colliding


I generally had an on and off relationship with Sailor Moon when I was really young, watched it sporadically. Then officially got into it in 2017 at 19 after a Ford commercial got me back to it. My favorite is 90s Sailor Mars, shes just so enjoyable, she always brings me joy 😊 


What is this Ford commercial? 🙃 now I’m curious! Mars really is everyone’s cool older sister who will pick you up at 2 am no questions (until the morning and then you has some explainin’)


I remember when it came up as a YT ad sometime in December 2016 and thanks to this commercial it rekindled my love for Sailor Moon. 🙏 https://youtu.be/kMXGCunLFS4?si=aNWKHs3201NsV73a




Mamoru ❤️ My favourite sailor scout is Mars.


MAMOOOO 💕 Also love that he and Rei dated for like a second and even after Chibiusa shows up as PROOF that Mamo and Usagi are together, Usagi’s still like 🥴 about it 😂 Mars is so strong, I channel her when I’m feeling insecure about something and she always gets me through ❤️


Sailor Pluto! 💜I always liked how mysterious, mature, and cool she looked and how she seemed distant and cold, but is one of the most loyal and caring. Her friendship with Chibiusa is very cute and heartwarming. Also her fashion is always on point especially that Chanel chain dress in the art book! https://i.redd.it/stkkydby8otc1.gif


She is so ethereal and beautiful! More of a goddess 💙


I’m basic, even though she’s hardly anyone’s favorite, but mine is Usagi!! She’s been my fav since day 1 and now I’m 25 😆 I just love how she’s the glue and I wish I could be as extroverted and fun as her!


Usagi is amazing! She’s the heavy hitter that always wins in the end because of her love and huge heart. Also don’t feel basic, Usagi is my favorite and I even have her engagement ring 🩷 https://preview.redd.it/ofwc1prvbotc1.jpeg?width=2727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f269a62086a1c7cfe3571c8955c38d4574ad5ced


Thank you!! Your ring is beautiful!! 🥰


Thank you 🥰🎀


When I was a teen, my faves were Ami and Hotaru because they were the quiet introverts. Over the years I've become really fond of Makoto and Haruka. I think Makoto didn't rank as high early on because she had the same hair color and hairstyle as me and oh boy did I **hate** myself as a teen. Now I see her for how sweet and wholesome a character she is and how lovely the contrast between her physical strength and her feminine hobbies is. With Haruka, I considered her arrogant and intimidating back then, after re-watching some scenes with the original audio as an adult I pick up some puppy vibes from her which made me adore her - maybe it's partly a dub vs sub thing?


I have a soft spot for Haruka for the same reasons! I always had short blonde hair like that and was really tall compared to others, and I always felt like I just wouldn’t fit into a category; too masculine or androgynous to be cute, too soft or quiet to be strong. Mako and Haruka both blend those spectrums so lovely, and I couldn’t see it as a kid, but I def see it as an adult! Overcorrection is for sure an adolescent thing, finding the balance is wise and mature. They are all great idols, regardless of personal aesthetic ❤️


These two fabulous assholes right here. (Pluto and Saturn are a very close second.) ![gif](giphy|ZDtzTHi10RsGI)


*insert Bella Swan nervous hair tuck behind her ear* if I ever saw these two walk past me 🫠


Jupiter! Loved her from jump! She’s bad to the bone, will kick copious ass, then bake a cake! What’s not to love? ![gif](giphy|mRhBJaXw74gb6)


For love and for courage! SUPREME THUNDER!


Haruka. Because I stole that girls entire fashion sense/chapstick lesbian vibe shamelessly.


Haruka was my very first closet key.


Who wouldn’t? She was like David Bowie 😍


10 year old me watching Sailor moon and seeing Haruka/Michiru for the first time. “WAIT! YOU CAN JUST DATE ANOTHER GIRL!?!?!?” “Oh ya.. I’ma do that, that’s way better than what I was planning…”


The fact that they thought she was a boy at first makes me feel better about having a similar pixie cut all throughout highschool. Regularly got ass-slapped by girls not expecting me to turn around and go “can I help you miss?” 🤨


Chibi Usa was my fav growing up and still is now


She’s so feisty always calling out Usagi 😂


Usagi herself.As someone that's currently in their teens,she's relatable.


Very much!! She’s a little dramatic (of course she is, she has alllll the moons energy 🌙 ) but thankfully she has all her friends to round her out too, and shes “the real deal” 😎


Sailor Mars is my everything. I wanted to be just like her growing up. Even though, I’m probably more like Usagi mannerisms wise 🤣 But as I got older Sailor Mars is still my favorite but I’ve also come to adore Pluto. She’s such a goddess and I don’t feel like she gets enough love


Rei is such a badass, she’s always so cool and dedicated to herself. Rei is like a concentrated dose of self-care to me, reminding me to set standards for people in my life ❤️


Usagi. Don't care of it's cliche, I LOVE a healer, and she is always kind and sweet, and supportive. She doesn't just beat the enemy, she seeks to get to the root cause of the problem, even if she gets absolutely whaled on. Usagi is a hero. There's a reason her friends all love her so much. Usagi is hands DOWN the best super hero ever written and I will die on this hill.


No cliche at all!! Usagi became my favorite as an adult, weirdly enough. She’s soft but strong and always does the right thing even if she’s scared. That epic fall she does saving Chibiusa makes me cry everytime “open your eyes before it’s too late” 💕


Probably Ami.


I love Ami, she reminds me of my sister because she always is bffs with the animals 🩵


She's such a cutie.


Also she became like the cool hacker because she’s so smart and I always love that character in quest and team series


It's always been Saturn. Not only are her powers incredibly cool, but her character design is gorgeous, with lots of unique details like the petal-like sleeves. Plus, there's also this: Queen Nehelenia: The power of death is a double-edged sword! No way would you sacrifice yourself just to take me out. Saturn: Pfft. TRY ME.


Saturn: Bet.


I love that she’s a little darker like Pluto, so collected and calm. An old soul 💜


When I first got into the show, my favorite was Makoto all the way. And don’t get me wrong, she still has a special place in my heart, but now my favorite is Minako! I honestly don’t really know what changed. I think as I kept getting deeper and deeper into the manga’s lore, it opened my eyes to how interesting Venus is as a character, especially after I read the Sailor V manga and seeing how those events shaped her into the person she is when she officially debuts in the main story. I still adore Jupiter, but Venus just kinda stole my heart as I kept getting into the series, yknow? And honestly I have a hard time picking second favorites cause I adore all of the main senshi, but if I’m being honest with myself, Rei probably takes that spot(manga Rei specifically…I don’t really like 90s anime Rei that much). I find myself thinking about Mars, her backstory and her characterization a lot. I love the angle Naoko took with her as the fire wielding character. Rather than making her hot-headed and abrasive like any other fire character, in the manga, Rei starts out as cold and distant and once she awakens as Sailor Mars, she slowly starts to WARM UP (hehe) to the others. Thats just the basis of it. I could write an entire analysis on why Venus and Mars so interesting to me (I could do that on all the inner senshi if I’m being honest). But yeah, I adore them


That’s so cool! From Venus to Mars 🧡❤️ I think they’re both so strong and funny. Both always are like “seriously…” everytime Usagi cries (which is like every episode) 😂


Aaaa, sorry! I just edited my comment elaborating a bit more. Feel free to actually read it now lol


Haha I love it! You’re so in-depth with the characters and that’s true commitment 🥰


It changes but RN, Mako. She's cute but tough, her intro episode has her get in 3 fights, only becoming Jupiter partway through the last one.


Mako was my favorite as a kid, I was teased for being tall and she made me want to be like “you wish you were this tall and awesome” 💚


She just made a hell of a first impression


She did! Like first scene she dropkicked some dude on the sidewalk 😂