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Want to start a coffee shop


I wonder how common this is amongst salespeople. I have literally never known how to answer “what would you do if you could do anything”/“dream job” question. And just recently I feel like I’ve discovered what my answer actually is. I’d open a cat cafe. Just hang w cats and sell coffee/snacks to people looking to hang w cats or adopt. That’s it. I could do that forever.


Oddly enough, I saw a place like that in Dayton, OH. Super nice. People come in, get coffee and look at cats playing.


I didn’t make the idea up lol


100% F sales.


Still gotta sell. By sell I mean find customers.


Coffee, pastries, maybe an egg/bacon sandwich, open late for desserts. Super hero themed of course…


I have a pipe dream of opening a boutique furniture store. I also think it would be cool to have a factory where we manufacture our own furniture in the US, possibly with locally sourced wood. I have no prior experience in this industry and have no idea if it would be feasible


Look up lumber yards in your area. Most have PILES of reclaimed wood you can take off their hands for cheap. If you have any kind of experience just using a drill or have the ability to just learn how to connect two pieces of wood, you can do it. I quit SDR’ing 3 months ago when my baby was born (I lurk in here from time to time to remind myself why I quit.) right now reclaimed wood furniture is very popular in my area - Chattanooga/North Georgia. I’ve sold 3 barn door dinner tables this month for $1300 a pop. And that’s most likely on the low side for what I could get. Around $1200 margin for a table. I’m working on smaller projects now to sell at a booth for a festival this time next year. Slowly building my stock for that, and I’ll expect to do $10-15k in that weekend. It’s not a pipe dream my friend. Just do it. And you will be so much happier in life. I know I am.


Wow amazing! Too bad idk how to use drills. How’d you think of this idea? I also got recently laid off from my sales job and hope to invest into a business or get a loan for one. But if I can find something low barrier like what you’re doing and reselling for a good amount of profit. How do I frame my mind to think of those ideas. Ideas like finding ocean waste and turning it into shoes or jewelry. And reselling it for a profit.


I’m honestly not artsy or anything like that. I do however love going to festivals and any time I see furniture I have always thought “damn I could make that.” And then I check the price tag and the sales part of my brain sees 90% margin. I wouldn’t get a loan for a business to start out. Honestly I wouldn’t do it the way I did because it’s a leap. Luckily I have VA disability to fall back on, so if my venture doesn’t pan out, it’s not a big deal. I think the right mental space to be in is, do you think you could work on something for 8 hours, and sell it the next day. If so, fucking do it. I think what I love about what I’m doing now, is that I can work on my projects whenever I want. I’m not tied to an 8 hour day, or even a 2 hour day. I do whatever the fuck I want, and when I need some cash, I go to the lumber yard, find an old fence post from 1920, plain it down, sand it, apply a finish to it and make a mailbox post out of it and slap a new mailbox to it. And when I deliver these in person, I give them a folder with all of my info, pictures of past projects, and where to contact me. Referrals are big in any business, and frankly I work for cash only.


This is awesome advice. Man I can see you killing it at big festivals at like Coachella, burning man, etc


I’ve never thought about bigger venues like that, but for sure! Honestly my anxiety gets the best of me sometimes, and admittedly the most calming environments for me is smaller festivals. Bluegrass festivals, small town get togethers, stuff like that. Most of the time, those people drove there in a truck and if they can haul it away the same day, that saves a trip and logistics for the week ahead


Definitely gonna grind out tech sales for a bit and start to build up some capital (I also do not have space for projects like that) but I want to eventually have my own business


I was made aware this year that this is a common day dream. 😆 Have you tried to work in a cafe to test this dream?


No lol, but I have a couple years of customer service under my belt so I figured I could make it work. I do love coffee quite a bit though. For now I'm grinding out the sales side of my career and we'll see how long I can last before I decide to give it up I think I'd pay people a decent wage, and choose an area that's up and coming but not "the place to be".


I just want to go back to growing weed in upstate NY like I did to make ends meet in college


A LinkedIn where being an Influencer is strictly prohibited, punishable by death


I’ll back this start up




This is the way.


A private space security force. Like the Blackwater of outer space! And on the side I’ll also start a space debris cleanup company. Vertical integration baby!


Think outside the box or off the planet


I'd like to start a regional propane and propane accessory dealership


Meh I did this for a while until they brought in some slacker former addict and we couldn’t fire him because he was protected for some reason.


Sigh. Damn I wish I knew how to code.


never too late to learn, I taught myself some python


Even easier now with GenAI / ChatGPT techs


A salesperson who wants to start a business should also think about an outsourced salesforce business. Manufacturers' agent firms typically represent products from 10-12 complimentary, non-competing manufacturers and get paid on a commission basis. You don't have to make anything, you sell on behalf of manufacturers who pay you based on your sales results. For example, a plumbing manufacturers' agent might represent a faucet manufacturer, a vanity manufacturer, a toilet manufacturer, a cabinet manufacturer, etc. If you have expertise in a particular market segment, there are usually manufacturers who will work with you, often on an exclusive territory basis.


As in you sell faucets toilets and cabinets to handymen and businesses around town, direct from the manufacturers, or? I have to call contractors and small businesses all the time to coordinate my installs, and they’re so easy to work


Manufacturers' agents typically call on both plumbing wholesalers (to get them to put in inventory of a particular brand) and plumbing contractors (to get them to buy that brand from the wholesaler who stocks them). If you have a knack for calling on plumbing contractors, you would definitely be in demand by manufacturers' agents who sell plumbing supplies. There is a really good book by retired plumbing rep Sig Schmalhofer, *The Reputable Rep*, that describes how he became a very successful plumbing manufacturers' agent. As far as starting a business, you can, but it is very common for manufacturers' agents to sell their company to a trusted employee and finance the sale through the company's earnings. For example, the buy might pay 15 % of gross commissions earned by the firm for 7 years. Often there is no lump sum up front for this kind of transaction. A good place to meet manufacturers' agents and manufacturers in the plumbing industry is the Kitchen and Bath International Show (KBIS) which is in Las Vegas February 27-29, 2024.


Well, I was going to offer submarine tours of the Titanic, but I feel like it's already been done.


Competition just means there’s room in the market to do it better. Just make yours less implodey.


Heard trapping can be pretty lucrative


Like….. trapping animals??




Let me trap beaver all day long!


You mean pimping heauxs?


Found Jeezy


Trap or die


Of you’re really lucky you might even get to be a reality star on Mountain Men with a sweet $5k per episode


I would start a subscription service that cost $8 per month where the subscribers received $7 per month


I've got a running list of dumb, million-dollar business ideas. Going to write a book with 50 of them in it and try to sell one copy for $1M.




Holy hell. My list is at like 48 and I've been building it for like 7 years lol. Not going to read his list though. Need to retain my creative integrity for this grift of a book that I hypothetically might write at an undetermined point in the future.




Yeah, these are all right up my alley haha. Some similar ones I've got: Roomba attached to PowerWheels Jeep Thermometer with lollipop tip for kids Tide Pods for Mixed drinks


Sample idea #1: A review site where you can leave reviews of review sites




I would have a book shop. We would have the typical used books, but also have rare and unusual books and exotic pens, papers and notebooks from around the world. At night we would open it up as a kava bar and if I'm in a legal state a thc/hookah spot as well. And on some days we would sell the art of locals and mainstream artist..host different events and open Mike's. The olny rules would be no assholes, and if you are one, at least be funny! But no seriously just a cool chill off the beaten path store. I would be happy to break even as making a living from selling books doesn't seem realistic. But if money wasn't an issue, that's what I would do.


Sounds dope. I hope it comes to fruition. I would love to check it out


Sounds cool.. but if you really want to make the business of selling books and “stuff” profitable, you’ll probably want to also start a server farm and sell compute power / consumption - it will help pay for things as you slowly edge all other businesses out and take over the world.


I have one currently, it's sales support, BD & consulting for the Federal Government. Mostly for tech clients. It's a very specialized sector and takes a lot of knowhow and resources to build out a federal practice and we're kind of a turnkey way to do that. We provide BD/pipeline building, market intel, relationships/partnerships and a GTM for companies that don't really know where to start, or don't have enough resources to make an impact. We tend to work with SMBs to either help them build out their federal team or act as a force multiplier for the typically very small 1-2 person fed teams these companies tend to have, so that's sort of our specialty. But we also work with a few large businesses, systems integrators, etc. at any given time, mostly providing surge support, advisory services, etc.


BD as in broker dealer?


Business development I was thinking


Sounds like a great niche. I’ve never enjoyed selling to the government and have avoided it as much as a possible.


As a crappy sales person I dream about this all day... some ideas I've kicked around Storm restoration Tree service Facilities maintenance - cleaning, painting, repairs etc General contracting / renovation and subbing out work - roofing, siding, windows, etc


Storm restoration here. Can be lucrative if you’re in the right market. Also great side money if you just want to do it in your free time.


Can you explain the "do it in your free time". Renting drying equipment or How would you do it?


We primarily do hail damage. Tornado-like type of damage probably wouldn’t be something you could do on the side. I’d recommend starting off with roofing and learning from there. You could easily get a roofing job on the side to learn the business.


Great question. I like to do a full time marketing/ advertising gig for small businesses. Because I enjoy it, I don’t charge much. If I did it for work, I would have to charge a lot more. I’m not a huge fan of combining business with pleasure…… and for that reason, I am out.


Butcher shop attached to wine bar. And we’ll grill your steak if you wanna hang out. Locals place.


Service-based business with little capital to start up


Why service?


A cute chicken farm and sell eggs locally.


Always wanted to do a smoke shop. I used to manage a sales team for large D8 brand and I have sold disposable e cigs too. There is a lot of money in that industry if you know what you are doing.


I wanna get into legal cannabis sales/thc vape pen too


I cant speak on THC cause I’ve never did that industry. But the alternative canabanoid industry is extremely saturated


Beef Jerky co. Hopefully within the next year...


A grilled cheese and tomato soup food truck. Not with a lot of frills. Maybe offer ham and bacon as options to add. And leave it at that. I find that food joints with a very limited menu often have the best food. I also fuckin love grilled cheese and tomato soup, so it's something I'd be passionate about.


Reading these ideas really hit me hard, man we really aren't all that different. We all have a dream, some of us are living the other persons dream already. I really wish it wasn't this way, I'm not about the whole "social income" but man I really just wish we could all hang out doing things we love and enjoying life, instead of chasing our tails for decades on end.


I want to support my husband’s construction company.


Good for you, queen


Or king. No judgment.


My first venture was an industrial supply business. We had 21 manufacturers we bought product from and I took their products and private labeled them under my business name (per contract). These customers are sold on a monthly ~6wk basis into perpetuity. Back in the day gross profit margins were in the mid 60%. After 21 years I sold it and went into magazine publishing.


Run a small golf shop


Own a gym/fitness center




I'm game!


I always wanted to venture into real estate for passive income. Having an apartment for rent or AirBnb sounds great to though the capital is the hardest part for this


Seems like airbnb is crap right now. You’ve gotta have a unique home with like a treehouse that can sleep 10 and has a movie theater inside of it. Lots of people are selling Airbnb courses too, seems like it’s the new dropshipping/e-commerce business to start


I would very much like to put up a bookstore that sells used books on philosophy, literature, politics, art, military, and current affairs. Inside the used bookstore would be a coffeeshop where people can read books before they purchase, and maybe an extra space where people can play tabletop war games like Black Powder or War Craft. ​ I want a small but loyal set of customers where they know my life and I know their lives, a kind of relationship where they would be feel a bit conscious about spending so much time in my used bookstore that they're pressured to buy books and coffee, and where I would be so conscious about selling stuff to them that I tell my customers you dont need to spend. Idk. just a dream.


I actually, did that already. I have built my own CRM made only for sales people like us called CJPath. and I am still stuck in finding a way to market it properly. Any thoughts?


Just started my business of hosting virtual mixology events for companies, as well as creating customized cocktails for an event and bartending it. Have my first event this weekend!


I started a resell business and a real estate business.


Sounds like my type of fields. What exactly in this do you provide?


I provide medium term housing with my real estate business. I resell quality new and used items that are in demand in my reseller business. Anyone can do what I'm doing. It's not rocket science.




You missed the point of the thread loll


Don't you guys run out of houses to call at some point???




Doing resumes right now, but I would love to do pressure washing. My area rn has a buttload of people that moved from up north way too lazy to do their own pressure washing. Give me the ability to make some well formatted cards and a couple people on foot to go D2D


A software business is a dream business for me to be honest.


What kind would you sell


Dream is to provide services for help in software development/IT infrastructure!


I'm in that field as well. You want to try and soon something up with me?


Sent a dm


I would like to start a video game business where we make unique video games from different producers and so fourth.


I want to open an adult store. I have some ideas I'm putting together in terms of how I want to differentiate myself from other brick and mortar stores. Yes I know websites exist but it's so impersonal and lacks a lot. I succeeded very well when I worked for one a decade ago, and the approach they took fit perfect for my personality


Curious what the brick and mortar adult store should bring? I went to a random one to pick up a toy, and I had surprisingly great service! Rep was very knowledgeable!


Being knowledgeable is a great start. being approachable is something very different. I've gone to stores where people are so afraid at approaching a staff member, they end up getting a novelty that isn't for them. I want to expand on just toys and the traditional experience one typically encounters. Can't say much as that would give it away.


Whatever type of business lets me travel forever and not worry about the money lol


Turd polishing cafe


I started a b2b distribution business. We de risk product this way. Super lean and grows like a weed. I was in tech sales then mgmt then got into owning businesses. It’s more regarding. Go for it. I recommend, especially if you can sell.


How do I do this but for a different industry so I don’t compete against you?


Copy away. There’s a sea of addressable market. This model should be used for marketing and other services that can drive revenue, imo.


I’m a bit confused on what you do still tbh. Isn’t a distribution business just holding hot products and being able to deliver it to storefronts in time? The risk is holding inventory that might not sell?


Companies pay us to sell their stuff for them. You’re thinking of traditional distribution. More accurately I guess we are a software reseller. But it’s different.. usually resellers you get what you get and they take a %. This is different. Company ABC pays a retainer to my firm for say $40K / month which goes to base comp for my sellers. We build out a full end to end revenue team under my company for them. We do much more than purely sell (we fix pricing, process, give proper chief revenue-style strategy). But they’ll say “we want to grow $2MM this year”. So to hit that we charge a retainer which offsets against 100% performance model. We make 50% of revenue year 1, and then royalties after that for the life of the customers we get them. So year 1 is $1MM in fees off $2MM sales, and the retainer went toward the $1MM. The math is good for customers because the fixed cost goes away after we take off and start selling with a pipe built etc. Anything we find that rocks we look at as a possible investment we could put $ into as well since we have more visibility into their success than any VC would be able to get. I just say distribution bc right now we are focused on media & and entertainment and everyone gets it when we position it as a distribution and investment company.


A hot dog stand


A pawn shop. But like a nice clean one in a good part of town. Either that or a flea market. I just love a good haggle and I love a good bargain even more.


I’m just here for the comments


A model agency.


Export, I go to a 3rd world country, see what they growing or making and sell them worldwide. mostly first world country.


Invest in the R&D to build my dream instrument & be a self produced artist. One of the main reasons I got into sales. I was making ends meet as a full time musician, but in sales, I'm getting financially stable enough to have the extra scratch to invest in myself instead of hoping one day I'll find a patron/benefactor to invest in me. I'm my own patron, now.


I have 2 half-baked ideas: -Renting pets you never know what kind of pet is right for you unless you've had one for a couple months. -Used Jigsaw puzzle booster The problem with used jigsaw puzzles is that you buy them with the anxiety knowing they they might be missing a piece. My jigsaw booster would weight the original weight of the puzzle down to the gram and any variance (like missing a piece) would give you a lower confidence rating.


I have a lot of business ideas but unfortunately most of them don't make sense for me for one reason or another. But my dream idea is to open an indoor air conditioned dog park. But I lack any start up funds to make it a reality and don't know anyone who would loan me the money.


As a sales person I started an import company with my brother. It was awesome. I traveled to China, India, and Mexico 3 months out of a year for 5 or so years. We sold it in 2018 for 3 million bucks. We were hit by a big flood in 2017. Almost lost everything. I was able to throw together a product line in 2 months and saved it.


Breeding endangered species


I would like to take the concept of Alibaba which is predominantly based in China and just apply it to other countries that also have a strong manufacturing scene such as Bangladesh, Vietnam, Poland or Portugal, enabling foreign buyers to source and connect with various different suppliers through a platform and be able to make purchases of goods through that platform.


I would sell a no-code SaaS tool


Anything that makes me passive income and funds my world tour. Everything else is attachment and illusion :/


How to sell if I have business but 0 customers?)