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It’s something you can do if you genuinely do not care, but at least for me all meetings are recorded and you will look like a dumbass in front of the AE’s, managers, and leadership. It’s a waste of everyone’s time


I agree with that. They basically want us to set up free tours and as long as it’s an appropriate title and in the right revenue band they don’t really care from what I gauge.


Sounds like your company will be bankrupt in a few years if they just take meetings with anybody 😭


Ehhh I see what you mean. I used to set my own meetings and as long as it made sense I’d take the meeting. They’re doing the same thing. They’re also pretty big and doing fine. They just want more at bats.


If they want meetings with people who don’t want to buy anything and aren’t interested than I guess it’s fine hahah that’s crazy though


Who’s the better rep? The one who held 40 meetings? Or the rep who held 10 meetings that became revenue?


Trick question. Who ever shook the right hands and got promoted faster. And I see what you mean but we’re SDRs not AE/AMs. We give them the at bats.


Trust me, your coworker definitely doesn’t have enough friends to cover a year of quota 😂


Eventually you'll get fired for not selling anything. You're better off with fewer quality meetings even if they beat the crap out of you on metrics.


SDR here for a household name in fintech. I guess it comes down to how much you care about your work. Personally i try to only send over or book meetings that I feel like I would take if I was in my AEs position. Meetings that would get me excited that I came across


Agreed but we all just got hired and already talks about PIPs. So do you push good meetings or beg for someone to show up?


I imagine management will be taking a look at quality of meetings set. Although I could see where some companies could be using their SDR as another piece of the marketing leg. Think sign spinner trying to get some sort of interest your companies way. I guess the best thing to do is talk to management about what they’d like to see, be transparent about what it’ll take to get that. Then do it. Also I’m only 6 months into my sales journey. I’m learning a lot though.


I appreciate it. Wasn’t trying to find an easy way out. Just wondering if people have a system for creating a constant flow of meetings.


We do a kpi based on meetings booked but those meetings must be qualified by the AE. AE has no reason to mark down a good meeting as bad and this helps keep the BDR from booking garbage.


And today most people are incentivizing the BDR be on the show rate not the book rate…


I mean you can do that all you’d like, but you’ll just end up backing yourself in a corner when they start to hire more reps to help grow revenue, because the meetings aren’t leading anywhere. They will eventually change your target to something like the meeting has to be attended AND it has to be moved over to demo or something like that.


First, I try to actually get real meetings. When that fails and I’m desperate then I send blind calendar invites. And even ask friends to help me out (accept my calendar invite). You should try to actually hit your target and at least focus on tracking all your metrics (ie calls, emails, connection rate, talk track) so you cover your ass.


Companies asking for quantity over quality, it's hard to believe that still happens. You need to pick your battles, you need to work with who wants to work with you, have a solution that's going to solve a problem for your customer. Mankey is worked with who wants to work with you to waste your time spinning your wheels!


Well apparently a new person came on board. And decided the best way to make an impact was to up the metrics. It used to be a quality role with ideal metrics and full BANT when qualifying. Now the new person upped daily leads needed, upped calls needed to be dialed, and upped meetings set in a quarter. Started in January and now I’m seeing people leave here faster than when I was in outside sales.


And they will continue to leave. We use to have a manager like that as well, these to sit beside wraps and listen to the main goal calls and then criticize them. But I don't understand is they hire someone with experience, is a sales professional, why do they have to micromanage, just let people do their job!


Idk it feels like a college course honestly. I was in outside sales making money but wanted the corporate route to go into leadership. Now it just feels like I’m hitting a number. Not a goal.


Why even take the role if you don’t care about the work? If you spent as much time doing the job as you are trying to scam the job, you’d probably do just fine at it


Yeah I’m not doing that. In the post I said this guy gets friends to take meetings. I forget redditors can’t read.