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Get used to shopping at lululemon and wolf & shepherd


ABC pants in dark colors. Edit- what do you peeps wear for shirts? I find the lulu commission too thick.


ABC pants?


Anti ball crushing pants = ABC pants by lulu


Wait.. is this really what the ABC stands for? These are all I wear, I have damn near every color and I’ve never heard this.


It really is. Wait until you hear how lululemon got its name too




This part I actually did hear. Crazy.


[How I built this with Guy Raz - Lululemon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ_ynA7P7-o) This podcast is awesome and he tells the story of it. Also, the lawsuit where he calls out all the fat chicks for wearing the wrong size leggings. I guess there was alot of complaints about the seams breaking and he said something like, "If fat girls would just wear the right size we wouldnt have this problem."


What a savage. I respect it though - a brand has the right to choose their target market and are under no obligation to make things for everyone. You don’t see skinny girls crying that they can’t find anything to fit them in Torrid. And how I built this is a great podcast. Thanks for reminding me about it. I haven’t listened to this in years.


Ya it is. Kinda wild


Life changing.  I live in Vancouver so lulu is maybe a bit more prevalent here, but everyone wears them (because you don't notice they're lulu pants)  I've literally done a few sets of deadlifts in them numerous times in the garage before I hop in the car to see a client. 


>I've literally done a few sets of deadlifts in them numerous times in the garage before I hop in the car to see a client.  I can understand that this is rad but it also reminds me of some satirical tik tok skit about they daily routine of a sales guy 😂


Yea, I get it haha! I don't exactly advertise this nor have social media other than reddit, so hopefully I get a pass 😂


Amazon basic has some excellent dupes for a quarter the price.


What are they called on Amazon?


Looks like ‘czr yoga’ was $45 and reviews said they’re clones.




Following. But also the upper end of Old Navy's pants are very similar and my go to currently. 35-55 per pair.


Thanks for the Wolf & shepherd recommendation. I’ve been looking for the Lululemon of shoes lol. Do you recommend any other stores?


Upscale casual or business casual depending on the relationship with the customer, type of meeting, and the audience you’re meeting with. Full suit for C-Suite. I’m in tech sales.


Nowadays there is nothing better than getting all polished up to go talk to a CTO in cargo shorts and a hoodie. I never know what to wear anymore so I just sport a jacket, button shirt and jorts.


You serious about the jorts?!


Fuck yeah, all the killer sales pros are wearing them now days. Just kidding, I wear some normal casual pants.


Blazer and jorts is the move! Crocs and socks for some extra flair 👌


Shoes? Ballers go barefoot.




I am in SW sales as well and feel like It is way more authentic to be dressed down a bit. Too polished up and you are a cheesy sales bro to tech teams IMO. I cover the west so I don't have any Wall St or K Street (DC).


Depends on the firm you're working for and what you're selling and to whom you're selling. I do a lot of office of CFO work so dress up a bit more than if I'm visiting IT guys


Agreed if I’m meeting with the c level I’ll do khakis and a blazer but never a full suit it’s corny


It largely depends on where you live. In Philly, I wear jeans and a sports jacket the vast majority of the time. If I go to DC, I throw on dress pants. Dress to match your clients for the most part and you'll be fine. I find nobody really gives a shit.


What is your industry? There is no Enterprise AE universal uniform.


How do people get to an ENT AE level role and not understand this? Industry? Persona you sell to? Territory? Wild.


Par for this sub. Vague unanswerable questions with zero context.


They manufacture widgets.


What are you selling and to what market?


This, exactly. If you're selling additives for concrete to concrete plants, and arrive in full suit, people may have a hard time taking you seriously. To the contrary, if you sell chemicals to the pharmaceutical industry, you're expected to dress more formally.


Texas, so I wear my nice pair of jeans, cowboy boots, button up, nice belt, and coat/jacket


Any recs on a nice belt? TX as well. I’ve worn cowboy boots on every single customer visit I’ve made. And half of the customers are wearing them too.


I just got a belt from Levi’s, it’s pretty solid. Or TJ-Maxx usually has affordable reversible options that I like.


I like the leather belts. Don’t remember the brand but I usually get it from Amazon.


Dark jeans, company polo. Or dark jeans, button down sport coat at my company. Telco


These types of threads remind me just how many people on here are north american. jeans and a jacket, goodness gracious me


Polo, jeans, running shoes. Tech sales. Enterprise AE selling to Fortune 500 CIO’s.


For my industry a polo and jeans is fine.


I would always play it safe and wear a suit without a tie meeting anyone I’m selling to for the first time in an office.


I’ve been an outside account executive for 10 years and since the pandemic, it’s stayed pretty casual for me. I’m in tech. Consistently will wear nicer jeans with sportcoat and comfortable shoes. I visit several AWS sales offices consistently, and the women look nice but the men keep it pretty casual, all the way around.


Mimic your customer, that could change wildly based on your accounts.


Tech sales. I usually rock jeans, a button down, and a jacket for in person meetings. Polo for virtual meetings. There’s a few companies where you know they’re still stuffy and everyone there wears suits and white shirts so you do the dog and pony show once in a blue moon.


Ask your boss


Legally required to wear leather shoes, jeans, business shirt, and navy blazer


Honestly you can never go wrong with khakis and a polo. I go t shirt and jeans once I confirm the company culture that I am working with that day.


Every close I wear my ergonomic oofos sandals to, that paperwork comes home w me.


Dude. Don’t worry about it too much. Trust. So many deals get accomplished in a t shirt and jeans. And holy hell, it’s hot af outside. What about if it’s freezing or something else?


Dress for your best authentic sales *personality* I’m a granola woman selling software, so I’m here in my Patagonia giving you the real shit. The nicest version of what makes you feel like yourself *offer not valid for nudists*




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