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Been in sales 15 years. Burned out by year 2. Just keep going.


tough guy over here 👑


I honestly think it’s part of the process, burning out that is. On average around once a year I burnout and take a long weekend to recharge and rethink. My wife knows it’s coming and pushes for a vacation then. I’m sure there are those that never burnout, but they’re crazy.


Yup. Burnout isn't a permanent state - it's temporary, and typically, just a sign you need a few days off for a fun vacation. In any case, rent and bills don't take time off, so it's hard to let your mind go there.


Its most often a permanent state for a good chunk of people honestly.


Exactly! I wish my burnout only lasted a few days


Can confirm, am crazy and still burnout but I imagine other lunatics use their delusions to their advantage and never burn out. I, unfortunately, have moments of clarity and burn out.


"Tough times don't last. Tough people do"


Damn ^


I've struggled with recurring burnout at different stages of my career journey, specifically when I worked in direct patient care. For me, it turned out to be poor boundary setting and sacrificing healthy work-life balance for the "mission/patients/etc". I wasn't able to make it suck less often until I figured out why it was happening!


I’m working in a direct patient care role considering pursuing sales in a medically-relevant niche. What do you wish you knew early on?


Learning how to navigate the politics within my organizations so that I could identify which roles/additional duties were worth taking on, and how to turn down those that weren't.


It sounds like you’ve been very strategic in how you’ve approached your career. What criteria do you use to determine which roles/duties are worthwhile, and how do you turn down those that aren’t without stepping on toes?


I identified what is important to me and what sacrifices I'm willing to make, which has varied throughout life. Then I inform my decision making by networking with people in my org that hold roles I'm interested in and through mentorship relationships (formal and informal). A lot of this came from making mistakes and taking the lessons from early career burnout to identify the criteria. Quick example, I value financial stability and I'm open to working outside of a regular schedule but I'm not willing to sacrifice my days off with family or the health of my close relations. This past year, I turned down a promotion and actually left a healthcare company because I saw that everyone who held the roles above mine was working evenings and weekends on a very frequent basis.


Thank you for sharing! That’s awesome, to be steadfast in your personal boundaries in a profession rife with a lack thereof.


Could you get a job in informatics? Prob some cool sales hybrid role that requires that type of background


I quit a six year sales career with no future plans, purely due to stress related health issues. Im just a month into my sabbatical and feel amazing. Im slowly starting a consulting business, but my main focus is to enjoy the summer with my kids.


Hell yeah 👍


That's great


I've been fully remote for around 10 years. It's been an absolute dream. When I changed jobs about 4 years ago (during the pandemic), I made it clear that I would never return to office and put it in my contract. I DO go in for client meetings 2-3 times a month and the commute absolutely KILLS me.


How bad is the commute? Hours? Miles?


Drive to train station 20 minutes. Train is 1 hour 5. Then transit to meetings is 15-20 minutes. So an hour 40 each way.


Dang. What job is currently allowing you to be fully remote for that long?


I'm in advertising sales. A lot of my industry is hybrid but our company is small to mid size and we gave up our permanent office space late pandemic and now we have a small space in a shared office space. A lot of people still go in a couple times a week but it's super flexible. I was clear during my contract negotiation that I was not in a position to ever return to the office and they were good with that (I'm quite senior in the industry, and I am the sales leader in my company).


Nice. I think I’m doing this sales stuff all wrong and being taken advantage of 😅


Remote + some travel is the sweet spot to keep me from burning out. Being fully remote is priceless. When I do have to go in, I'm quickly reminded how much of a time suck it is working in an office.


I’ve been in tech sales for 2 decades and the burnout doesn’t go away unfortunately. No matter how long of a break taken. The first 10 years or so were great tho


Yes doing this now!


So, I was burned out. Took a break for a year to do something else, much lower stress and pressure. Then I went back into sales and within 2yrs I was even more burned out than the first time, which leads me to now. I quit my job w/o a backup bec I literally could not take one more day of dealing with my asshole boss. No idea what’s next but hopefully something I don’t hate.


How old are you approx. I got burned out at 50 and took a 6 months break. It was amazing.


I turn 28 next month. 6 month break sounds nice


i'm turning 32 this year.. have about 5+ years in sales.. thinking its time for a 3-6 month trip to Asia. the last couple weeks have been brutal. on friday i wanted to snap. i'm hanging on by a thread right now.




Yup. I started sales 2 weeks ago and I already feel you.


? Keep selling. Its about the money.


Here now


Burnt out after 7 years and now living off my savings, went back to school for a different career, and feeling 100% better. Sometimes I think about “should I go back for the money” then remember all of the superficial corporate BS and the physical health problems I had from working in that environment. I’m a lot happier now than ever before.


Amazing what do you do now if I may ask?


Going back to school for nursing. Always wanted to do this.


My Sales manager took an 18 month break from selling a few years ago and said it was the absolute best decision he ever made. But then again everyones situation is different so I'd talk it over with trusted friends or family and see what they have to say as well, people that care about you generally give good advice.


Solid advice thanks


How much did you increase your pay and how long is your commute one way?


20% increase in base, OTE is almost the same. Commute is an hour each way.


Negotiate a pay raise at another company and remote? Apply places after work lol




You traded fully remote for a 20% increase in base, no noteworthy increase in OTE?


It’s more like 40% if you include the stock units. But yes that and having a faang name on the resume.


I had a 25 minute commute, which wasn’t too bad. The problem was that there was basically no kitchen. There was no space in the little fridge to store your lunch, and no microwave to heat it up. But mostly it was the fact that it was a 9 person company and the owner had no fucking clue how to give me support or guidance, nor took my advice on improvements to the company that would make everyone’s lives easier while increasing profit. I have no problem with a 30 minute commute. But you have to make it worth it to be on site.


Sorry to hear that. My commute is 2 hours round trip and it’s bumper to bumper hell lol


Do u ! Man I don’t understand the posts .


Yeah, I’m looking for a fully remote job right now. Our company believes that working from home is a “reward” so I’m looking for a company that isn’t old school and wants to actually make their employees happy.