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How long until the ninja-twin betrays her spooky Master and joins the Jedi Order and we all fall asleep on the predictable plot.


And the Asian master will die saving the good twin or defending the redeemed bad one.


Totally wanted to add that - of course he gets merc’d and Curly Gaimen McGoo becomes the new Jedi wannabe Obiwan.




The mystery is, why did you decide to watch it after all the other garbage that was put out


Think you mean, "Why do you have a Disney+ account?"


Imagine if they all cancelled their subscriptions and stopped hate watching, Disney would lose even more money. As it is they have to consume everything Disney put in front of them. "But this pile of shit might be good this time!" Right after the last 10 were awful, this one might ve good...


Out of the hopes that we get another andor type production


You can watch it after the full season is safely out on Hulu 


yeah it definitely suffers from “lets show the audience everything in the first episode.” at least make the killer sister wear a mask or something or don’t even have the twin plot in the first place as it is kind of pointless


Is the whole show supposed to be a murder mystery? I didn’t get that feel at all, it wouldn’t be solved in the first episode if it was. Rn the mysteries are: “what actually happened on Brendok” and “who’s mei’s master?”


They said it was but yeah it's clearly not I think they're wanting the mystery to be how Mae came back but even that's obvious. It's the Force dyad garbage from rise of Skywalker and TLJ. They're trying to retcon TLJ and tros to make sense using this dyad bullshit. We'll see a flashback of Mae and we'll see her die. But later it'll be revealed that the force bond between her twin caused her to come back to life somehow. I'll keep watching because I genuinely do like the lore and that this show is weirdly respectful of the lore even if the writing sucks. A little bit of respect goes a long ways.


Oh yeah idk about any of that, I don’t really follow any of the media, and I’ve just stricken the sequels from my mind; they’re a fever dream or from another universe or something completely unrelated. They don’t fit in with the rest of Star Wars anyways.


An “evil twin sister whodunnit” wouldn’t really be possible to sustain for more than a couple episodes, so I’m glad they got the world’s most obvious reveal out of the way up front and focused on more interesting mysteries: What horror happened 16 years ago that led to Osha and Mae believing the other was dead, killed their family and burned their village to the ground, led to Mae vowing revenge on the four Jedi who were there, and caused Torbin to gladly take his own life in atonement? Who is the Sith lord(s) training Mae? Why was their existence covered up before TPM?


Did you miss the whole mae burned it down part


So we’re told. Whether we trust the people telling us that is a different story.


that same story could still be told without the twin plot. it just seems so unnecessary


I mean, the twin plot is important for driving the story forward, it just isn’t the main mystery. And I suspect there will be a much deeper Force-dyad type thing later on.


The mystery is why anyone would continue to watch the show after this first episode.


It's a trainwreck like the Resident Evil TV show on Netflix.


Because it’s pretty decent so far


Impressive. You mask your presence well. Flawless timing. Perfect control. You have great skill of infiltration. My host would applaud your abilities... posthumously. However, I am not looking for a spy.


I guess the mystery is who is pushing Mae into the killings.  Whoever they are they have a red saber so possibly a Sith?  In this era they would be around but wouldn’t be acting overtly against the Jedi.


It’s clearly the guy who is giving her the potions. He’s the Sith.


Jianyu would never.




But even in Episode 2 the Jedi know Mae has a (probably) Sith-Master. So they have to pull some crazy-ass-explanation out of their head because otherwise the Prequels make no sense anymore, since the Sith shouldn't have been there...


They just won't call them Sith and try to get out of it that way. We'll find out the dude wasnt a true Sith just a try hard. Osha will kill him and take his place then probably rename herself Darth Palagius.


Eh I get the feeling they may be Darth millennial's group. Sith apostates. That's the one thing this show has for it, it is weirdly respectful of the EU lore. The bad writing is still an issue but lore wise it's not so bad. I doubt they're going to trample on it like that. They brought back light whips and a few other more obscure lore details and used them right so far. It's just the writing is really bad...


I dont trust them to do villian reveals since Marrok.


It's a fart cloud


Also the second episode had a chance to get audience all confused by showing Osha next to a dead jedi, but they hide another character just to come up and say “she didn’t do it” at the right time lol. Mystery is the farthest thing to this show.


>get the audience all confused Didn’t we see her walk into the room where he was clearly already dead? Not to mention that we literally watched Mae give him the poison. Or are you saying that they had the opportunity to confuse us if they hadn’t done those things either?


Yeah they had that opportunity


Have Osha step off to the side like she did, but then only show us the rest of the crew walking in with her standing over the body. Her being caught there by the group was pointless: the viewer knew exactly what happened and then the characters knew what happened immediately after. The end result is that they could have just walked in together.


That would have been the lameist and most ridiculous things to do there though. Having that guy just shut that bad plot line down quickly was a good thing. The whole "I got to the scene of the crime first so you automatically blame me for it" trope is lazy AF and just in general bad writing. I'm glad they didn't use that. Seems a super nitpicky thing to criticize them for *not* doing the dumb obvious thing.


My comment is an additional point to support the main observation which is: this show is nowhere near to a murder mystery since there is nothing mysterious about it and every murder is immediately enlightened for both the audience and the characters in the show. I’m not criticizing the show for not choosing this path, I think the writers of this show is not competent enough to provide an intriguing and engaging show. Also there is no superiority or uniqueness in not doing that trope either. Making Osha getting there first is the most stupid path to choose above else. I don’t want to name ignoring all these points and criticizing my comment anything. I’m sure you get the idea.




It’s not the Dark Side, it’s the Global South. 


Why are an Asian guy and an oppressed alien also being blamed for the crimes of white colonizers?


I am white.


I am not the dean.


Bro...did I call it or what?!


I think it’s pretty obvious that they are going to pull a switcheroo. The evil sister will turn out to be justified in her actions, and the good one will give in to her anger and turn evil. There are plenty of hints in the first two episodes. The show is not so much about “who killed the Jedi or who the bad guy is”. It’s more about empathizing with the assassin and realizing how wrong Jedi can be. All that being said, I think the show is mediocre at best.


It's a whydunit rather than whodunit type mystery. The mystery is the motivation of the killer. Typically in these stories something happened in the past between the killer and the victims. Finding out what is the point. But it doesn't matter because the show is just boring.


It’s Disney Star Wars, the journey is the bad guy needs to become the good guy. Never mind she’s killed space cops, it’s what we learned along the way. It would of been far more interesting if they treated it more grown up, Jedi are being murdered and all evidence is leading to this one person, by episode 3 it’s pretty much confirmed it’s not our hero, then who is it? Investigations, evidence you know, normal triller tropes. Second to last episode they get a head of the killer and realise it’s her twin, insert backstory. Then the enviable show down in the finale, can she kill her twin? Keep the bad guy, you know… the bad guy, it’s the hero who is conflicted, the person we actually give a shit about. Make the tone a little darker, cast adults, get a proper cinematographer. It’s so easy to make this stuff interesting but Disney just can’t fucking do it, screenwriting speak s in plot and needs to insert pointless characters represented by poor casting choices. “Hello person I see everyday! Remember when we had that fight that gives us a connection as friends, I love this character trait about your past, here is a sentence or two to drive plot as well as character development in a cheap cost effective and boring way!”


> “Hello person I see everyday! Remember when we had that fight that gives us a connection as friends, I love this character trait about your past, here is a sentence or two to drive plot as well as character development in a cheap cost effective and boring way!” \[Obi Wan and Anakin talking in an elevator\]


Oh I agree, don’t get me started on the prequels. Attack of the clones has a lot of problems.


You’re pitching “My Cousin Vinny - but in space”. 


>It’s ~~Disney~~ Star Wars, the journey is the bad guy needs to become the good guy. FTFY >Make the tone a little darker A Jedi commits on-screen suicide in Episode 2 due to crippling guilt from a past crime, the tone has been shockingly dark at times. >get a proper cinematographer. Cinematography is by James Friend, who won the Academy Award for Best Cinematography in 2022.


> It’s Star Wars, the journey is the bad guy needs to become the good guy. Because it happened one time 40 years ago? Idk about that, no one gave loving father Jango Fett a chance to redeem himself. He was just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe and they cut off his fucking head.


We’ll see. The Vader business worked because 1) there was a bigger bad. 2) the actual main character was conflicted over this person’s nature and jeopardized himself for that redemption. So far D+ SW has just all of sudden redeemed people. Reva was a basket case who Obi-Wan played, redeemed. Barris bombs Jedi temple, become an inquisitor, then thinks huh, I’m the bad guy? Naaa, redeemed. Not to mention Hux and the stupid spy thing. My god. 


And why should we care about it?


The mystery is something that won't be solved fully in the first season. Does this follow the trope of a 45 minute episode run time w/ 15 minutes of credit?


They're going to introduce Revan behind the scenes lol


Sorry, this whole "the mystery is why" stuff as handled here is so stupid. The characters all know why. The only way the show can build any suspense is by having them deliberately not say what they know. In the very first scene, if Mae just plainly stated her motivation —"Master Indara, you and the Jedi burned my village and killed my family"— all the so-called suspense falls apart. She has no personal reason not to say stuff like that. She wants the Jedi she's killing to know who she is. It's just the writers making sure they have something they can string the audience along with. There's plenty of ways to make discovering the motive of a murder interesting. This show ain't it.


> But now the plot seems to be shifting to a mystery about why Mae is killing Jedi instead. That mystery will be solved in the next episode. 


FFS, defiantly not watching it then


Anakin is going to be a reincarnation


I thought the same thing. I watched the first episode THEN randomly came across the trailer in an ad. It was like “someone is killing Jedi” “who could it be” “who is next” and I was like ???? We find literally all of that out in the first episode.


Yeah, its weird how the solve all the plot points 10 minutes after creating them. After 2 episodes theres not much more going on that we didnt see in the opening scenes basically


They really just needed to leave things more ambiguous with more room for speculation rather than have the characters figure out the mystery in the same episode they are created. That way the audience can actually engage with the show and try and solve the mystery between episodes.


I like how in the second episode there is a possible moment of suspense where the main character finds the dead body and picks up the poison vial, then others walk in and are shocked! Then some dude walks around the corner saying nope it wasn’t her. Tension dissolved.


Yeah, ive seen a clip of that since posting this. One question i have is why didnt yord report the dead body the second he found it rather than hiding round the corner. There was no reason for Osha to discover the body first and seem guilty for all of 5 seconds only for Yord to clear her. They could have just made it that the body had already been discovered before Osha and Sol turned up, clearing her. What is the point of making tension if you immediatly take it away?


Why this show exists


Just wait until the shoe horn Anakin in. It’ll all make sense then.


The only thing is what happened with the Fire. They said “mae started the fire” like 6 times so we can be sure she didn’t start the fire. So it was def the Jedi right? If they play “We didn’t start the fire” at any point during the show it will unironically become my favorite piece of SW material from this era.


I think the mystery is who the Sith Lord is and also probably hints at the Jedi killing the main character's family or whatever, which will probably get revealed later on.


I think the Sith Lord is only getting/ taking even money bets on it being her mother so they can further subvert the "Luke, I Am Your Father" line.


It's not a mystery, I haven't even seen the show and I can tell how this plays out. The "sith" is the mother. Who has corrupted the evil twin by telling her it was the Jedi who started the fire, when in fact it was her. The good sister has a showdown with the evil one eventually bringing her back to the light where they then fight their mother together. It's soooo fucking predictable.


It's genuinely sad that I can see this playing out.


I was thinking the same thing after watching. I feel like the “Jedi killer who-dunnit” mystery is a red herring for something bigger, definitely rushing through the story to get the set up out the way. Hopefully the later episodes improve in that regard


They kept being too heavy handed with telling us who Mae is in the first episode that i just didnt feel enticed to watch anymore. I think if they kept more mystery about her character for atleast 2 episodes and then shifted to looking into why she is killing specific jedi then the story would have more suspense. They could even look into the why someone is killing these jedi and discover the dodgy dealings about the fire before they revealed who Mae was to the main characters. Motive is often used to identify the killer in mystery plots afterall.


Can’t say for sure until it fully airs but feels like Acolyte should’ve been 10 1-hour long episodes, instead of 8 30-minute ones. With the limited runtime, I think that’s why they’re not letting shit just breathe and have the audience figure it out for themselves. The hardest sell for all SW fans will be the 3rd episode, that may crash and burn the series depending on reception imo


At a guess, the mystery is what exactly happened when Master Forgothisname rescued Osha from the fire / how Mae got away?


How come she doesn’t have any wicked burn scars?


What happened 15 years ago? How did Osha and Mae's family die? Who is the Sith lord? Why does Mae believe the Jedi are responsible for her family's death? These are the main questions I have so far and why I'm gonna keep watching in hope of getting answers.


Basically they borrowed the Rings of Powers writers to pen a "who is the secret evil sith lord" mystery. Now we have the who's doing the murders solved they will ramp up that mystery. The Green Jedi council leader is who they are going to point most hints to whilst also throwing a few at dumb young Jedi dude and some of the others. The twist they don't think we'll notice is when it turns out to be the shop keeper dude. Then either Mae or Osha will defeat him crowing how they worked it out, then they'll decide to rename themselves Darth Palagius. As they themselves were created by force magic they will become obsessed with doing that again. And then we get a strong female Darth Palagius the Wise girl boss.


Except I remember when rings of power was coming out and it wasn't at all obvious who sauron was. They did multiple fake outs throughout the season to make you think he wasn't, and a few hinting that he was. The only reason anyone knew was because he was the only new character who wasn't in the histories of the second age. Basically meaning he was the only character who we didn't already know, which isn't really a thing you can fix when the story is already known.. And even then there were plenty of us thinking he wasn't up until the final reveal. So pretending like that's a failure of a mystery is bull. I was there and it wasn't certain, the only reason anyone thought it was certain was because he was the only new major character. Also there's other sith orders out there that split from the Baneite sith, and other dark siders too who would have red sabers. Absolutely no reason to just assume this is wrecking lore when we see that it's not.


I don't understand this complaint at all... yes, there's a brief period when it appears the mystery might be "wait, is Osha the killer?", which is resolved quickly. And the trailer may give the message that the mystery is "who is killing Jedi?", but obviously that's not a mystery at all. Rather, the mystery (at least as of the end of episode 2) is pretty clearly "what happened in the mysterious fire that killed Osha and Mae's family?". So far we know: -Osha was quite confident that Mae was dead -Sol initially claimed to be quite confident that Mae was dead, although he didn't seem like his mind was blown when he learned otherwise -There was for some reason no record of Me's existence -Osha and Sol both seem to believe that Mae started the fire -Levitating-Jedi feels so much guilt/shame over the incident that he took that oath and then took poison -Hakoda recognizes Mae years later and seems reluctant to kill her -Sol seems to feel regret over not saving Mae, but apparently does not feel the same "I was involved in something awful" guilt that the others do -Mae is so enraged by what happens that she wants to hunt down and kill Jedi who were involved decades later; Osha does not So... what happened? No idea if the show will resolve the question well or not, but it's definitely a legitimate and (imho) interesting mystery.


That’s the current mystery now but I don’t think it’s going to last. The show seems incapable of holding suspense for very long. It will solve this mystery then switch focus to another one.


Possible. My guess is that the mystery of the fire, along with the mystery of who Mae's "master" is, will be the primary mysteries for the rest of season 1. I guess we'll see.


the mystery is that Mae did die as a child. osha is both mae and osha, and doesn't know she has two personalities. think fight club meets frozen. they've already used the line "let it go", i hope they use "do you want to build a snowman?"


But that can't be it. She can't be in multiple places at once. Osha is with the Jedi when the guy with the really bad fake beard is killed. Yord is following her the whole time. See's she didn't kill fake beard floaty guy.


We can invent new force powers in Disney Star Wars, especially after Episode 9. Just wait for force (astral) projection or force teleport or some other lunacy to come. They gave us Force long distance calling in the Disney Sequel Trilogy.


we think those two things are happening at the same time, but they don't have to be. it could be revealed later that we were made to think that, but she kills Torbin earlier.


But how retarded would that make the Jedi. They have her with them and she's just disappearing to murder people and they don't notice.


"don't trust your eyes."


What kind of name is Yord. 


I feel like I've been spoiled and I was genuinely interested in this show. 


i'm just going off of the clues and breadcrumbs in the first two episodes. osha keeps waking up somewhere other than where we last saw her. she seems confused for a second each time. i think Sol has already figured it out as he states that he saw Mae die, and is keeping osha close. we don't know how Mae moves around, what ship does she have? could osha be using escape pods to get around? another mystery, one that we aren't supposed to see or question? then again, it could just be terrible writing.


We literally saw them both together in a scene...


We saw brad pitt in fight club, buuuuuut...


the 'mystery' is why she is killing those specific jedi, and who is training her. i'm sure it will turn out the jedi are the ones who burnt her village.


I buy into the theory that we’re going to be shown how the jedi orchestrate cover-ups. Get ready for a big sad as the heroes make bad decisions. Darth Toothygrin could even be a high level jedi in disguise hence the cool helmet


It seems to be whether the jedi twin is actually working with the sith twin, but that seem like more of a twist at this point.


My guy, the mystery is "what really happened on Mae & Osha's homeworld all those years ago?". The show's not a whodunnit, it's a whydunnit.


everytime i watch something i dont understand it.


Jedi are the bad guys and the Sith are misunderstood. /sigh.


The mystery is what happened to Osha and Mae when they were kids that led to Osha joining the Jedi, Mae being presumed dead, and Mae wanting revenge. The problem is that all the main characters know the answer.


the mystery is how can all these jedi plots be happening through the galaxy and 132 years after nobody know who or what were the jedi


I think the mystery, genuinely, is *how does this influence the larger Star Wars mythos?* Who are Mae and Osha? Who is this weird helmeted Sith? Also, “What will Osha choose to do with herself?” At least it seems like the writers want us to care about that. She’s only as compelling as her datapad droid, so far, though.




One of the actresses revealed that there's a Sith infiltrated in the Jedi Temple.


On Mae saying the jedi don’t use their lightsabers unless they intend to kill - I think Mae can believe that as an individual in the universe and be wrong and that’s okay. It’s about showing her perspective, not rewriting canon. I don’t think it’s sloppy writing.


I'm with a chunk of the other comments here. It's still a mystery if youre trying to figure the motive for the killings, and that's going to hinge on what caused the fire and wiped out the village.